Zsa Zsa Gabor has been played on 6912 lists, including 880 lists in The 2012 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Big Game Powwow: A Means to an EndGhost of Stiffs Past850
2.An Atwater Entry That Has the Potential to WinGhost of Stiffs Past849
3.No Such Thing as a Sure ThingSilentcalvin844
4.Doc & DJ--2012 Prediction: Bucs Hire Greg SchianoDoc & DJ748
5.Daisy A Day DearDePressED746
6.Venus LovemotionDePressED744
7.There Is No LeadDePressED743
8.Etta. It Rhymes With Deada.Ghost of Stiffs Past740
11.Doc & DJ--...I Wish I Was Sipowicz.Doc & DJ645
12.Doc & DJ--John O'Conner Memorial ListDoc & DJ645
13.Doc & DJ--All Things Scottish...And PizzaDoc & DJ644
14.DGD - O Lord...Ooh, You are so big...DGD642
15.DGD - Hitchslapping JesusDGD642
16.Doc & DJ--Joe DiMaggio Memorial ListDoc & DJ642
17.Doc & DJ--Cunnilingus and Psychiatry Brought Us to ThisDoc & DJ641
18.Doc & DJ--Prop Joe's Cadaverous MotherfuckersDoc & DJ641
19.Danse MacabreMr. Redrum640
20.Death Soup: You Etta, No Betta, You Dead!MJ and Friends639
21.IAGO 3IAGO639
22.The Dirt NappersTaugh639
23.The Old C Againrojoepeters639
24.Insert Clever List Name HereGregDean638
25.The Cremation Gang 2012Fry's Crematorium637
26.IAGO 2IAGO636
27.They Should Have Known DeaderGregDean636
28.Newbie - On Government Assistancelucky punk635
29.finally doneBird633
30.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: BarqueroFTG633
31.My fingers are tired from typingBird633
32.Dearly Departed 2hop1962632
33.NVN: Someone shit in the ovenNo Viagra Needed632
34.Who Says Cancer Is A Bad Thing?DeathRace632
35.Asystole 6Ben Dover631
36.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Bring on the Dancing GirlsFTG626
37.Baxley - At Last, a Home Run!Baxley540
38.Doc & DJ--A Fuck and a Hot TubDoc & DJ540
39.Doc & DJ--Esophagus Is the New PancreasDoc & DJ540
40.Doc & DJ--You Win, Dick Clark...We Stopped Playing YouDoc & DJ540
41.Osama Ben Who?evilredhead540
42.yeah yeah buh byeyeah yeah buh bye538
43.What's your ETA, Etta?DGD537
44.Bag of BonesMr. Redrum536
45.Ethnic Cleansing 3hop1962536
46.Generalisimo Francisco Franco is Still DeadBo Knows Death536
47.Horizontally YoursBarker J. Wagtail536
48.Ten Past MidnightMr. Redrum536
49.-Dewey-alan smithee535
50.Baxley - Run, Run Away!!Baxley535
51.Charlie Don't Surf with Leena NguyenCharlie Dont Surf535
52.E-B: Two For The ShowE-Brake535
53.Martha PearlDiane535
54.Pookie's Stiffs #2Pookie's Stiffs535
55.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail535
56.yeah yeah buh bye 4yeah yeah buh bye535
57.-Huey-alan smithee534
59.It was the salmon mousse.DGD534
60.SirDrexl's StiffsSirDrexl534
61.yeah yeah buh bye 3yeah yeah buh bye534
62.Birdman 1Bird533
63.Cemetery Girls 1Cemetery Girls533
64.Cemetery Girls 4Cemetery Girls533
65.Chancy's Second Stiff List #1Chancedog533
66.Death WatcherCheetahisDead533
67.DJ Badger: My wife Lanna says DIE!DJ Badger533
68.JON 3Jon00060533
70.Somebody put Zsa Zsa out of her miseryDGD533
71..die bitchez!WJG v3.0532
72.1 2 3 zsa zsa zsa, die die die zsa zsa zsaBird532
73.Cash from Cancer: Phyllis Diller, land fillerCash From Cancer532
74.I'd Rather Go Blind Than Get a Zero For This ListRD02532
75.This is how rumors get started 2012 - 2USER02248532
76.Cognitive DissonanceDGD531
77.Dwyer's Death SquadJim531
78.Marked For TermiNeyTion 2012TermiNeyTor531
79.A Fate Worse Than DeathSanta Fe Syndicate530
80.Cupcakes and Champagnenlcfsemfc530
81.Death March1BCeltics530
82.DNR/DNI 1Nurseboy530
83.Give Me HeadstoneDashaAndBethers530
84.Johnny Dare Morning ShowBird530
85.RIPPED to ShredsNick ‘n Beth530
86.Boomshadow - I Also Post as Newbielucky punk529
87.Cash from Cancer: Etta James plays the harpCash From Cancer529
88.Cash from Cancer: Yitzhak Shamir, you still here?Cash From Cancer529
89.DNR/DNI 3Nurseboy529
90.yeah yeah buh bye 6yeah yeah buh bye529
92.Ig's Dead List IThe Ig528
93.Last LinkGizmo528
94.Last RitesDashaAndBethers528
95.No Viagra NeededNo Viagra Needed528
96.Satan's Waitin'Barker J. Wagtail528
97.Pick Off The Weak OnesNice Sicko527
98.And Then There Was Nonefireflyt526
99.bird livesPIANOGIRL526
100.Charlie Don't Surf with Sharon TayCharlie Dont Surf526
101.Ethnic Cleansinghop1962526
102.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Old IronpantsFTG526
104.Cadillac JCadillacJ524
107.DNR/DNI 2Nurseboy524
110.Tsuga - Dark Star CrashesTsuga523
111.Commie Pinkos vs. Facist Jebus LoversDGD434
112.E-B: One For The RoadE-Brake434
113.Recent LeftoversDGD434
114.So this baby seal walks into a club...DGD434
115.Tenth place - free list.DGD434
116.Team Formalin: Got ya on the Run, Run Run!anarchess433
117.The (No Longer) Walking DeadBasil433
118.Are we dead yet?Eat sh!t and die!432
119.Death Rattle: Pate', anyone?anarchess432
120.MJ Lives! IIIMJ Lives432
121.Sarah Karma's PicksSarah Karma432
122.Abdelbaset HoundGhost of Stiffs Past431
123.Bending time are we?Bird431
124.Birdman 6Bird431
125.Death Rattle & Roll....At last...Twilight is Near431
126.Death Soup: Turn Me On, Dead ManMJ and Friends431
127.die zsa zsa dieUSER02524431
128.Jimmy Darmody died because he f'ed his momRD02431
129.Stupid is as stupid does.DGD431
130.-Louie-alan smithee430
131.Asystole 4Ben Dover430
132.Birdman 2Bird430
133.Death Soup: The Usual SuspectsMJ and Friends430
134.Graham CrackaBird430
135.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost430
138.Radtex : I Hearse You Been CoffinRadtex430
139.The Old Crojoepeters430
140.Tumor Makes a Does-InTumor_Makes_A_Does_In430
141.yeah yeah buh bye 2yeah yeah buh bye430
142.2 for the showTheOriginalDub429
143.A Corpse, A Corpse, My Kingdom For A CorpseBLUISH TINGE429
144.Ariel SupplyBird429
146.birdman 447Bird429
147.Doin' it our wayBird429
148.Dr. Who - From Here to EternityDr. Who429
149.Egg SaladDr.Slime429
150.Feasting Maggots 1Feasting Maggots429
151.home to jesusbjaskols429
152.Hugo, man of 1000 facesBird429
153.IAGO 1IAGO429
154.In Honor of Mrs. C.Bo Knows Death429
155.MK - MBalmedMBalmed429
156.Petticoat JunctionBird429
158.Sir RichardBird429
159.Stone ColdDashaAndBethers429
160.The Daisy PushersFry's Crematorium429
161.Trapp shootBird429
162.Absolut PinheadsJim428
163.Bomerica Big BoardMrEdBowe428
164.Cash from Cancer: Carter the Unstoppable Glioblastoma machineCash From Cancer428
165.Cash from Cancer: Laverne, surely you can't live another yearCash From Cancer428
166.Cash from Cancer: The World's Foremost Authority on living too damn longCash From Cancer428
167.Death Always WinsDeath Always Wins428
168.fresh souls in the corn fieldTodd Blankenship428
169.JON 2Jon00060428
170.andrew knauf's listaknauf427
171.Asystole 8Ben Dover427
172.Chicago Jake: Coma ChameleonChicago Jake427
173.dingy momome first427
174.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Bye Bye BalloonFTG427
175.Plowing The Deep 3hop1962427
176.Cash from Cancer: Hugo to the Harp FarmCash From Cancer426
177.Guess Who Died? 2ZUSER01484426
178.Guess Who Died? 3ZUSER01484426
179.LA LISTE DE FRANK 2012Meo426
180.MK - MBalmed2MBalmed426
181.Nietzsche's PietzschesFredNietzsche426
182.Otis' Cirrhosis - Rafe Hollister's StillKudsKroakers426
183.pauly shore will outlive us allUSER02524426
184.Worm FoodDashaAndBethers426
186.youre outwsprotte426
187.6 feet underChelsea Dagger425
188.Abby's Pet CemeteryDave425
189.Death By Pinocle 2012 List 1oregontrail425
190.Guess Who Died? 1ZUSER01484425
192.Loki 1Loki425
193.McSwindlers List 2hop1962425
194.MJ Lives! IIMJ Lives425
195.Nipples 4 CripplesJim425
196.Whayne 2012 - WAH1USER02593425
198.@The Last Stopunit13424
199.CONCRETE SHOESConcrete Shoes424
200.Destroyers 6Destroyers424
201.Forrest Tucker's Ghost BustersFTG424
202.home to jesus3bjaskols424
203.Joe Paterno Knew.Bones McCoy424
204.Jose Greco de MuertaMaudieG424
205.Last Stop 2Last Stop424
206.Oprah's VaginaStink Finger for Christ424
207.Otis' Cirrhosis - Morrison Sisters' StillKudsKroakers424
208.Pining for the FjordsPining for the Fjords424
209.Plowing The Deep 2hop1962424
210.Trout's Dead Fish IITrout424
211.Tsuga - The Saddest SongTsuga424
212.vg - The Metamucil Christmas fruitcake was a big (s)hitvomit_god424
213.Zsa Zsa G'byeGhost of Stiffs Past424
214.A Fine List 2012jwin55423
215.Chicken at Tresky's #1Chicken at Tresky's423
216.Coal Stompersradrunninal423
217.Last Stop 3Last Stop423
218.No green bananasSwine423
220.RottenToast Wins At LastRottenToast423
221.Top Of The Mournin'DeathRace423
222.2011:The Year Golden Girls Death Streak StoppedRD02422
223.CHAD - Hey, Where Are My 2 Pistol Pete Specials?CHAD422
224.Come On I Wanna See Them In a Mausoleum 7EdRulz422
226.Ig's Dead List IIIThe Ig422
227.Justin Hale 06USER01531422
228.One of these days, it HAS to be Zsa ZsaLessThanThree422
229.Chicken at Tresky's #2Chicken at Tresky's421
230.Dearly Departed 3hop1962421
231.Future fossilsfossilhead421
232.Ignatius' Rubber GloveIgnatius' Rubber Glove421
233.nature's callingbuh-bye now421
234.This is how rumors get started 2012 - 1USER02248421
235.Baxley - Frucking Stats 1Baxley420
236.BURRY'N BILL 2012Burry'n Bill420
237.I See Dead People v2Barzini420
238.The person you've reached has been disconnectedBetter Off Dead420
239.2012 Best Guesses Listvalberts1963419
240.Destroyers 3Destroyers419
242.Siempre viva! Zsa Zsa lives forever!Pokey22419
243.Styrofoam Bologna 3Gina3030419
244.Chancy's Second List #3Chancedog418
245.Dead Bagsrojoepeters418
246.Death Becomes UsPeople Meat418
247.Yitzhak no moCosmo Underground418
248.Float like a butterfly, stink like a corpseNiche Myers417
249.Roll Them Bones 253cheeseburger417
250.do I have to kill them off myself?shootingstar416
251.Terry Pendleton was a Good Situational HitterLMac416
252.The Reaper's Dinner GuestsAmy Sue416
253.Ghoul Girl !IIGhoul Girl414
254.No Chance In Helltoomanycards414
256.Ten Toes UpKeath Graham411
257.Birdman 4Bird327
258.Cancer is the AnswerTumor_Makes_A_Does_In327
259.Ding Dong DeadCheck, Please!327
260.Jackalope Ghost - Paterno's Misremembered ListJackalope_Ghost327
261.Jobs woulda been better than health care.DGD327
262.Letter Opener of Death Reduxed head327
263.Mashiki Assassins1BCeltics327
264.McSwindlers List 3hop1962327
265.Sandbags n' CordwoodBlue Cock327
266.Unfor-TEN-ately, Your Number is UpTumor_Makes_A_Does_In327
267.You can't spell Eydie without DIEBird327
268.Break a Leg and the RestGregDean326
269.DGD - I Hate My Familylucky punk326
270.EMFC: Fuck the Mayans! We're Going EarlyEMFCoffin326
271.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow PencilJoanCrawfordsMakeupBag326
272.Radtex : AbracadaverRadtex326
273.Asystole 2Ben Dover325
274.Cash from Cancer: Billy Graham, you are damnedCash From Cancer325
275.Cash from Cancer: Kid Carter, dead martyrCash From Cancer325
276.Cryptly's Bereave It Or NotDeathRace325
277.Death-Smoke 'em if You've Got 'emJayRockers!325
278.deathbitch unbrideledPIANOGIRL325
279.Destroyers 4Destroyers325
280.EMFC: Now, the Bee Gees with "Two Out of Three Ain't Bad"EMFCoffin325
281.GravediggersThe Coroner325
282.MJ Lives!MJ Lives325
283.No one can hear your falsetto in HellSarky325
284.Pookie's Stiffs #3Pookie's Stiffs325
285.Stand and deliver 2012Sgrayva325
286.why am i still here?bjaskols325
287.Chicago Jake - Anarchy on Lake Shore Drivelucky punk324
288.Counting Bodies Like SheepDGambrinus324
289.Death-I'm Sexy & I Know ItJayRockers!324
290.DJ Badger says DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!DJ Badger324
291.Happy Apocalypse 2012!HauntedWebmaster324
292.made my move too soon 3USER00562324
293.Otis' Cirrhosis - Jubal Foster's StillKudsKroakers324
294.Plowing The Deephop1962324
295.ReaperMadness #1ReaperMadness324
296.A Jolly Dead FellowFluvenson323
297.ATL. FALCONS FANThe rebel.323
298.Blake's Bones IMr. Blake323
299.Cash from Cancer: Put a Penny in the BoxCash From Cancer323
300.Death Rattle and Roll get 'em in a six foot holeTwilight is Near323
301.Death Stars 2012PigPen323
302.Doctor of Death 1the doctor of death323
304.Nietzsche's Dead GodsFredNietzsche323
305.Poodle's Third Time CharmPoodle323
306.POTUS 13USER02464323
307.yeah yeah buh bye 5yeah yeah buh bye323
308.Ashes to AshesNelle322
309.Canaries in a Coalmine TooCanaries in a coalmine322
310.Cash from Cancer: Run Run, you are done!Cash From Cancer322
311.Come On I Wanna See Them In a Mausoleum 4EdRulz322
312.Come On I Wanna See Them In a Mausoleum 6EdRulz322
313.Death Soup: Death of a Disco DancerMJ and Friends322
314.EMFC: Schlemiel, Schlimazel, the End of an Embalming NozzleEMFCoffin322
315.Free and Worth Every Penny MarshallRhody Trash322
317.McSwindlers Listhop1962322
318.MsWhatsit's 2011 Survivors ListMsWhatsit322
319.Not Dead Yet IITimur322
320.Pokey's Picks 2012Pokey22322
321.Ride the Pale HorseyDashaAndBethers322
322.Stones Girl thanks Pistol PeteStones Girl322
323.2012 the endUSER00562321
324.Are We Dead Yet 001goodwin73321
325.CHAD - 10 Easy PiecesCHAD321
326.Corpse a DiemDave321
327.Death Be Not Proud IIITimur321
328.Death By Pinocle 2012 List 3oregontrail321
329.Death-We Are Who We AreJayRockers!321
330.Easy MoneyEasy Money321
331.Girls Kick Butt 1oregontrail321
332.Half Past DeadDashaAndBethers321
333.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part Ihurryupndiealready321
334.Lockwood Loonies - Pez's PicksPezintree321
335.Mary Worth Takes Over for KevorkianRhody Trash321
336.On Our Way Out SoonerMicky the Eyes321
337.Bring out Your Dead!Dead Fred320
338.Cartman- Occupy Forest LawnCARTMAN320
339.Cash from Cancer: Vo Giap gets some wings to flapCash From Cancer320
340.Come On I Wanna See Them In a MausoleumEdRulz320
341.Coroner's Trophy Casebrianp88320
342.Dancing With Mr. DBetter Off Dead320
343.Die Easyshroom320
344.Ghoul Girl IIGhoul Girl320
345.Gone Like Cianci's ToupeeRhody Trash320
346.It's not fair. All the p**** and half the money.DGD320
347.made my move too soon 1USER00562320
348.NVN: Fucking Mayans better be wrongNo Viagra Needed320
350.Shelved in '12, too late !!!Wormicelli320
351.Sick BayOldDocMcCoy320
352.The Game of LifeUSER02045320
353.TWGTDA - Part DeuxJMC10000320
354.vg - What did Preparations A through G do for hemmorhoids?vomit_god320
355.You Etta, You Etta, You Bet!Sarky320
356.Charlie Don't Surf with Lilly ThaiCharlie Dont Surf319
357.dieing to get on heredisplayname007319
358.Down and DirtyDRave13319
359.DUST or BUSTMcPutt319
360.Gather Ye RosebudsDiamondToothGertie319
361.Grim Assclowns 2USER01637319
362.Herbs Hellcatswsprotte319
363.JGL53 - I Am Not Bat Shit Crazylucky punk319
364.Justin Hale 07USER01531319
365.Justin Hale 11USER01531319
367.Petey's HotdogNancyD319
368.Poop SandwichUSER02535319
369.Trout's Dead FishTrout319
370.We got Bush! WE GOT BUSH!Pokey22319
371.CHAD - I Was NOT Born This WayCHAD318
372.Cindy's poolcmdale318
373.Destroyers 8Destroyers318
374.Die U SOBdie u sob318
375.JCudds 2JCudds318
376.My Ten Funerals 2012Jerrytopdown318
377.Nobody's Fool (Least of All Yours)RJD318
378.Prince Sirki's PicksPrince Sirki318
379.Put Out the FlameYule Log318
380.Stiffies He He Hedeathdealer318
381.Tomtsled-I've Shot People I Like For LessTomtsled318
382.'Til Death Do Us Part Allah Willing 3*Allah Willing317
383.Andy's 2012 list!!!Andrew Edling317
384.Are We Dead Yet 003goodwin73317
385.Chicago's Voter RegistrationBeer Ninja317
387.Demented and sad, but still socialMichenley317
388.Die Already will yacristalblu317
390.Fake ShempGhoulash317
391.Gizmo Says Bye BillyRottenToast317
392.go to the lightbuh-bye now317
393.Ham SandwichBigFishAZ317
394.I Done Them WrongDiamondToothGertie317
395.JCudds 1JCudds317
396.NoNames 2jim dibello317
397.On Our Way OutMicky the Eyes317
398.Post your dead bee gee joke herezombie lover317
399.Shelved in '12Wormicelli317
400.The door is openComeonallready317
401.The Second Mile Boys Choirzombie lover317
402.Tombstone TerritoryBetter Off Dead317
403.Two Zsas for the Price of OneScott in Philly317
404.We have a piper down 2dryden2911317
405.What the Hell? Just Die FidelEdRulz317
406.Act UnnaturallyRJD316
407.Bastu's Competitive CorpsesBastu666316
409.No Obits NeededYule Log316
410.ReaperMadness #3ReaperMadness316
411.Shelved in '12, too !Wormicelli316
413.Tell Your Boss I Ain't No Band LeaderFrankie Pentangeli316
414.Worm BuffetJerry's Kids316
416.Death in the AfternoonKiller315
417.El Fantasma de Forrest TuckerFTG315
418.If he dies, he diesTireBiter315
419.Ivy Cliff Memorial 2012 - Bhodag21378315
420.POTUS 15USER02464315
421.The stiff in phoenix sleeps with pussys 3USER02204315
422.There Can Be Only 1ThatDudeAR315
423.Tsuga - PhantasmagoriaTsuga315
424.Would of, Could of, Should of!Queenvingle315
425.3 to get readyTheOriginalDub314
426.A corpse is a corpse of course of coursedoorma314
427.Death Never Takes a Holiday INipper314
428.I'm still not back 2Digger O Dell 10314
430.Stacking the Deck ChairsHugh G. Wrekshun314
431.Styrofoam Bologna 2Gina3030314
432.The Maggot HotelNick ‘n Beth314
434.Greg's Listgsippel313
435.MK - Final CurtainMBalmed313
436.Offal TruthUSER01797313
437.POTUS 14USER02464313
438.Rat Bastards 2Rat Bastard313
439.Really Old Shitprguy72313
441.see the light, hurrydisplayname007313
442.STOP the Healing!Yule Log313
443.Who Dented My Bucket?jimdkc313
444.CyrusBurn'em All312
445.Death's Olympic PoolSandifur312
448.Lewis Elevenbrucelew312
449.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 2Joker312
450.The Lascaux Cave Paintings: Younger Than Run Run ShawDiamondToothGertie312
451.tic tag toeroderner312
452.27 Club: Run, Kirk, Run!1000_Ways311
453.Fill In My Toe TagDick Rotten311
454.Nah-nah-nah-nah GenariansBut Is It Art?311
455.Our Ten Funerals 2012Jerrytopdown311
456.Skunkhair 2012skunkhair311
457.Bunns LeftoversBunn's Bones To Be310
458.Dick Trickles_Johnny Pesky Bye Byedigginsjp310
459.Monkey Knife FightGaelFC39
460.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #3Shoeguy39
461.You're All Royally ScrewedDeckhawk39
463.Old PeopleAngel of Death Repellent38
464.Are We Dead Yet 002goodwin73219
465.Bad KarmaKgent219
466.Come On I Wanna See Them In a Mausoleum 2EdRulz219
467.Come On I Wanna See Them In a Mausoleum 5EdRulz219
468.Come On I Wanna See Them In a Mausoleum 8EdRulz219
469.Dearly Departedhop1962219
470.Destroyers 2Destroyers219
471.Destroyers 9Destroyers219
472.Ethnic Cleansing 2hop1962219
473.Everything's Deader in TexasBluelena219
474.Hungarian GhoulashLady Die219
475.Justin Hale 01USER01531219
476.Justin Hale 02USER01531219
477.Justin Hale 03USER01531219
478.Justin Hale 04USER01531219
479.Justin Hale 05USER01531219
480.Justin Hale 09USER01531219
481.Justin Hale 10USER01531219
482.Mourning GloryBLUISH TINGE219
483.My wife finds this offensiveknkaustin219
484.Pine OvercoatDashaAndBethers219
485.Say Hi to my Goldfish when you get there!doorma219
486.Sleeping With the FishiesDashaAndBethers219
487.The Dead Travel FastHasenji219
488.Two dead Jakes- LaMotta and RobertsTwilight is Near219
489.vg - Bernie Finedusky's basketball shower campvomit_god219
490.vg - Bukkake Karaokevomit_god219
491.vg - Fucko brushes his teeth with Vagisilvomit_god219
492.vg - Hoc initium funestivomit_god219
493.What is that smell?rchand219
494.Who Buried J.R.?Pokey22219
495.your next!me first219
496.All gomers die of somethinglindbergh218
497.Cancer Committe MemberTitanPilot583218
498.Deathpool Dave - Let Them Eat Cakelucky punk218
499.Don't Fear The Reaper 2012MOJO218
500.Gravediggers IIIThe Coroner218
501.Justin Hale 08USER01531218
502.Justin Hale 12USER01531218
504.Putting the Fun in FuneralHe's Dead Jim218
506.Sunshine Up My SkirtSunshine Up My Skirt218
509.Coffin Up BloodNick ‘n Beth217
510.Come On I Wanna See Them In a Mausoleum 3EdRulz217
511.Dancing on WOHLERTS graveonefunsob217
512.Dead...And Im loving itDonkey Sausage217
513.Death BenefitsBuck217
514.Death Never Takes a Holiday IINipper217
515.Departing From Gate 9gwally217
516.Destroyers 1Destroyers217
517.End of the Liners AgainTombstone Jen217
518.Extreme Deadpooling List #1SFisher217
521.Karaoke Jamsfray217
522.Last Stop 1Last Stop217
523.Potts, Kitchen, and BaconMarkMx217
524.The Big GoodbyeAUTOGRAPHHOUND1217
525.At LastMidaba2004216
526.Canaries in a CoalmineCanaries in a coalmine216
527.Dear Jesus, please kill all ten on our list. AmenDeathAlert216
529.Hoosier Daddy 2littlejohn1954216
530.Ivy Cliff Memorial 2012 - Ahodag21378216
531.La Muerte1LaMuerte216
532.Lifeguard at the Pool of the DeadBagger216
533.Mary's Mom knows her dead CelebsMaryjo80216
535.No Time Left To Lawn BowlRexhanover216
536.Shelved in '12, toodles !!Wormicelli216
537.Stone cold pack of weirdosPIxiaq216
538.Things to do in Denver when your DEAD.shorty7ft216
539.Too Stiff For 2012BigTimeKiller216
540.Will Chillequestzim7216
541.Aiming for Asystole 2012Aiming For Asystole215
542.Cartman- Year of the Toe Taggin DragonCARTMAN215
543.Chilly Dead 3chillybilly215
544.Die Verne Gagne DieTitanPilot583215
545.Doctor of Death 2the doctor of death215
546.Dr McCoy's Patientshemlock please215
547.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: BrimstoneFTG215
548.Girls Kick Butt 3oregontrail215
549.Golden's dead poolmikegldn215
550.Gravediggers IIThe Coroner215
551.GuessWhosComingForAnal 2: Anal BoogalooTheSpiglers215
552.Killer Advocatelaptoplg215
553.Lucky Punk - The Left is Always Rightlucky punk215
554.Not an Original List Name1carseycritter215
555.Rachel's Salem Haunting 1Rachel A215
556.Rachel's Salem Haunting 2Rachel A215
557.Range of RocksMarshrat215
558.ReaperMadness #2ReaperMadness215
559.The Jackal and the RavenThe Reaper215
560.The Mayans Say They're All Gonersbigmfnal31215
561.This will win by 2090 guaranteed!!DirtyDeeds215
562.Worm Buffet IIIJerry's Kids215
563.1 for the moneyTheOriginalDub214
564.2012 of the worldUSER00562214
565.And then there were NONEalohabeerguy214
566.As A DoornailCaveynCHI214
567.Chicken at Tresky's #3Chicken at Tresky's214
568.Deadly DebutantDeadly Debutante214
569.Dust to DollarsDRave13214
570.hope the free one killsshootingstar214
571.I am Sorry....There's Been No Phone Call From the Governor. Pull The Switch!!!Better Dead Than Red214
572.Kid GhoulashGhoulash214
573.Little Dix 2LittleDix214
574.NoNames 1jim dibello214
575.Old people who are going to die soon...Clever Team Name214
576.Paul's Pyre 2012USER02425214
577.Rastalls ReapersRastalls214
579.Tomtsled-Come Back Judy In NYTomtsled214
580.Turners-NappersJack turner214
581.We have just been informed that you are DEAD.Sarkon214
582.2012 TBDead Eye Jack213
583.Aiming for Asystole too 2012Aiming For Asystole213
584.Death Soup: Penny For Your Rots?MJ and Friends213
585.deathbitch rides againPIANOGIRL213
586.Die please, thank youBucket Kickers213
587.Die Sucka's Die!Nhirish Joe213
588.Living Past 90 Should Be Enough AlreadyHugh G. Wrekshun213
589.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost213
590.Mandatory Suicidedalkeith213
591.NoNames 3jim dibello213
592.Robin Gibb's probably dead.oihersons213
594.That WAS Entertainment 2012bFilmslave213
595.Wake Me for the RapturePozzo213
596.!!!!!!AAAAAABucket Kickers212
597.At Last!Bones McCoy212
598.Burton Mercer makes an arrest from heaven!dubwest212
599.Death SchmethDeath Schmeth212
601.Die please, thank you, tooBucket Kickers212
602.Life's a GambleBuck212
603.Lucky's Dead 10USER05897212
605.Now That's What I Call Musicfray212
606.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #4Shoeguy212
607.Trout's Dead Fish IIITrout212
608.Walking Through The ValleyNelle212
611.A Grateful Deadhead's 2012Judysomething211
612.Afraid of the dark? #1Minnesota Neil211
613.bird is deadPIANOGIRL211
614.cd5dh - death is the cure of all diseasescerista211
615.Celluloid HeroesRuns with Scissors211
616.Close; Very CloseGizmo211
617.dead dead deadthecastigador211
618.Death By Pinocle 2012 List 2oregontrail211
619.ExeuntOmnes12onthehouseExeunt Omnes211
620.Golden Ticketkeep_croakin211
621.hurry up and diebuh-bye now211
622.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part IIhurryupndiealready211
623.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part Vhurryupndiealready211
624.I Gotta Go Feed the WormsThe Reaper211
625.Kidz Bopfray211
626.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 3Joker211
628.Oxpeen 2012 Stiffy'sOxpeen211
629.PB: This is My Yearpbear211
630.RoadkillDr Drunk211
631.The DonDeathAlert211
632.The Worms Crawl InThe Gilberator211
633.We have a piper down 3dryden2911211
634.What's that smell???The Reaper211
635.Xena's 7 Feet Down Underxena211
636.Zsa Zsa will out live us allMaryjo80211
638.Chris Knauf Dead ListChris Knauf210
639.Death Be Proud for Once No Matter What Everyone Sayskierkegaard216210
640.Feral Fodder #1BMT330210
641.Good night Chuckles...kewlness210
642.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part IVhurryupndiealready210
643.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part VIhurryupndiealready210
644.merry christmas 2012Nitro210
645.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #5Shoeguy210
646.Pokey's Plinko PlayersPokey22210
648.Time for a dirt nap 3chick813210
649.We didn't have a cream for thatpeatey210
652.Bonnie and ClydsedaleDave29
653.C'mon People, Start Dying!Altois29
655.Elizabeth/Mom 1st Listkristi29
656.JSizzle's 2K12 Death ListJSizzle29
657.Minerva, Mayhem and MortalityBooBeau29
658.Northern......A list made by a drunknorthern reaper29
659.One Way Ticket HomeKeath Graham29
660.Rigor IIRigor29
661.Saw The Light #3SAW THE LIGHT29
663.The Deadest!Altois29
664.666 I am the beastDiablo28
665.Deliciously Safe CandyGaelFC28
666.Dick Trickles Bye Bye Hugh Downsdigginsjp28
669.111 ajlposhajlposh27
670.Deathwish 2012DeathWish27
671.RIP to all 10 of youCosmo Underground27
673.Swimmer in the Dead PoolBunzer27
674.Whayne 2012 - DVHUSER0259327
675.Worm Buffet 2Jerry's Kids27
676.Chicken BoneBigFishAZ26
677.Death Eater Set MenuOzCube26
678.Grim Assclowns 1USER0163726
680.Elizabeth/Mom list #3kristi25
681.Put the FUN back into FUNeral!noseinbook25
682.That's LifeSid Sims25
683.Zombie FlandersDr.Burryum25
685.2012 as they know itUSER00562110
686.Adler and the BoysDeathAlert110
687.Bon Voyage, Nice Knowing You...BonusPants110
688.BringOutYerDeadMr Happy110
689.Celebrity SniperTitanPilot583110
690.Dave's Deadpool ListUtica Dave110
691.daves stiffsgatekeeperofvalhalla110
692.Death to the Infidels!aliveandkicking110
693.Destroyers 7Destroyers110
694.Donne In!splittertogo110
695.fredo time to go fishingFredo let's go fishing110
696.I bid you adieuCosmo Underground110
697.I hope Johnny interviews these people!SuperQ110
698.If Tomorrow Never ComesSal & Barb110
699.Ig's dead List IIThe Ig110
700.It's About TimeZombie Dirt Rider110
702.Joined the Choir Invisiblesplittertogo110
703.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2012calvey110
704.Ladies OnlyRJD110
705.Mort, ftwMort110
706.Nurse! Help me! 2012Paul1681110
707.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #6Shoeguy110
709.Rachel's Salem Haunting 3Rachel A110
712.The Pine Box is CallingMore Beer110
713.The Scooter Inaugural Stiffie ListQueenvingle110
714.We have a piper down 1dryden2911110
715.Well nobody died did they? #2Archangel110
718.6.27 feet underChelsea Dagger19
719.AAAAAAAAAA - First in the alphabetic sort?But Is It Art?19
720.Babes of DeathReaperMadness19
721.BEHOLD! Dead people of the future!!genghis7119
722.Casket Christiebitsybug19
723.Dannykel's Deadpool Part Deuxdannykel19
726.Destroyers 5Destroyers19
727.Grave ConsiderationsBarrCreeWenn19
728.MrJeff's Crypt of Confusionmrjeff200019
729.Northern...See Ya' Later Ladies Pt. 1northern reaper19
730.Northern...See Ya' Later Ladies Pt. 3northern reaper19
731.Not Stiff in the PantsWanted Dead Not Alive19
732.Room temp here we comesureiscoldinhere19
733.Tomtsled-Gunslinger Come BackTomtsled19
734.TV's Forgotten HerosSwine19
736.Bugs and Bones Old GirlsBugs and Bones18
737.Death Never Takes a Holiday IIINipper18
738.Demisers-Show me the Dead MoneyDemise Moore18
739.Diggin' Deeper by the DozenClever Team Name18
740.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit 2 or Thank You For Your CooperationFrankJac18
741.Feed the worms, MOFO!GhettoZombie18
743.Gone, But Don't Know It YetGizmo18
744.Lots 'o old and sick bastards IVBJCx7818
745.Not an Original List Name3carseycritter18
746.Please Don't Eat the Daisies, Just Push Them UpRWorkman18
747.Sen 1Mr Sen18
748.They should have been dead alreadyElster00018
749.adeadguyOh you're dead now17
750.DXRob IIIDX Rob17
751.Flatliners 1The Shadow17
754.Greg's 2012 Dead Pool 1gfultz117
755.Lite My PyreDr. Doom17
757.MATTOID - How many times won't you die?The Mattoid17
758.Sen IIMr Sen17
759.Suck itBuffalo Bell Biv DeVoe17
760.BringOutYerDeadSomeMoreMr Happy16
761.hoosier daddylittlejohn195416
762.Joe Bacon's 2012 Dirt Nappers #1Chancellor D'Exchecker16
763.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #1Shoeguy16
765.Expiration Date: 12/31/11Pokey2215
766.my patience wears thinBairBones15
767.Reap Em & Weep #1USER0055715
768.RTATHREEHerm Boolie15
769.The Wizard of West LA 1FroggyB15
770.Wear White to a FuneralBeth996615
771.!!! ailingtitan36014
772.Buncha Dead Folks!RcktManIL14
773.CHAD - 6 Sides Is A HexagonCHAD14
776.Doc & DJ--Bob Hope All-Stars (Die Already!)Doc & DJ14
777.Last call for Death....captaindabby14
778.My Other Ten Funerals 2012Jerrytopdown14
779.Shangri-LaKeath Graham14
781.Bang SplatNeilix10113
782.Coffin CornerDRave1313
783.CricketsCosmo Underground13
784.Death by Chocolate Milkmommyster13
785.Doc & DJ--Numbers GameDoc & DJ13
786.Go into the Light 12NVRGVUP13
788.Ike's likestbone13
789.MATTOID - Come on, die already...The Mattoid13
791.MausoleakumUncle Stiffy13
792.Northern.. This one was free..northern reaper13
793.Sarah and Eric's DeathpoolEric_Sarah 201213
794.That's All Folks 22Digger O Dell 1013
795.The Ghost of Natalie WoodMaryjo8013
796.The stiff in phoenix sleeps with pussys 1USER0220413
797.Time for a dirt napchick81313
798.Time for your dirt napBig Guy13
799.Toxic AvengerGaelFC13
800.Vadnelly VoodoosVadnelly Voodoos13
801.I Won't be Back1Digger O Dell 1012
802.JCudds 3JCudds12
803.Kim's listKLF12
806.Northern...Another Mixed Listnorthern reaper12
807.Ready, Get Set...DIE!Altois12
809.Stones Girl 2012Stones Girl12
811.Team Worm Chowworm chow12
812.The Dead Spreadosmoses12
813.The Regulator ListWarren G12
814.The United States Supreme Corpsesaintbaloney12
815.YCB's Dead 10USER0589712
816.2012 Big Dirt SandwichTheBus11
817.Always look on the bright side of deathAngel of Death11
818.Chuckles Bites the DustDave11
819.Dying Room OnlyBarrCreeWenn11
820.flatliners the usual suspectsThe Shadow11
821.God Please Take Tim Tebow Already ListUSER0533711
822.No Chance In Hell 3toomanycards11
823.Occupy DeathIndyHawk11
824.Sal-n-BettsSal & Barb11
825.Saw The Light #2SAW THE LIGHT11
826.The Walking Dead 2012Seeinskellies11
828.1+1+1+.....nevermindGrime Reaper00
829.2012 TB_2Dead Eye Jack00
830.A Total CrapshootDoctor Arcane00
831.Barry D LiveUncle Stiffy00
832.Beat it, stupid!USER0260900
833.Better Call Saul!USER0260900
834.Big M's list of People that need to dieDead Fred00
835.Budley Do Right 2012Bud Santimyer00
836.Bugled to Jesutexasmick00
837.Celebrity Zombie Apocalypse Part Deuxmsastria00
838.Chilly Dead 1chillybilly00
839.Chilly Dead 2chillybilly00
840.Death By Chocolate 2012mommyster00
841.Debbie Downerwhirlygirly00
842.Deep Down, They're good people...CaSkeT CrAzY00
843.Deez NutzDeeNutz00
846.Eternally Yours. NOT.Nick ‘n Beth00
847.Famous Almost Dead Bastardsim watching00
848.Feral Fodder #3BMT33000
849.Fitzy's lucky day!Phitz100
850.flatliners mostly femaleThe Shadow00
851.FUTURE FOSSILS OH YEAHfossilhead00
852.GagaBurn'em All00
853.Its My List And I'll Die If I Want ToLarry444400
854.Just die already!ashifman00
855.Lewis Eleven (2)brucelew00
856.List O LosersCaSkeT CrAzY00
857.Marked for Death By MarxieMarxie Von Trapp00
858.Money Maker$PoofyMonroe00
859.MR RUPP'S DEATH WATCHR U dead yet00
860.NJM Green MileNJMCW00
861.No Talent Ass ClownMeganG2100
862.Northern.......See Ya' later ladies Pt. 2northern reaper00
863.Northern.....A mixed list of future vitally challengednorthern reaper00
864.Northern....What a waste of money (heehee)northern reaper00
865.Northern...Getting to the end of thingsnorthern reaper00
866.Northern..They need to go.northern reaper00
867.now you're done!SligoSluggers00
868.Obese Lumps of $hi+USER0260900
869.Paging Mr. Girection,Is there a Hugh Girection here?zombie lover00
871.Rigor IIIRigor00
872.Satirical Alexadria's listSatiricalAlexandria00
873.Schindler's 2011 Listnlcfsemfc00
874.September MournRadler00
875.Silence of the LambsPushing Up Diasies00
876.Someone must die - 2013Double000
877.Soon B. Gonn 3Edhead2200
878.Star list 2012 ChancedogChancedog00
879.Three strikes, you're out!Fred’s00
880.You Stab 'Em, We Slab 'Emwhirlygirly00


Guess the Stiff!

He definitely can't get any more power, Captain.

(d) July 20th, 2005