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This list was submitted by vomit_god on Saturday, December 31st, 2011 at 8:39 PM PST for The 2012 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

Points Celebrity Date of Death Age 
10Etta James January 20th, 201273
9Abdelbaset Al Megrahi May 20th, 201260
8Billy GrahamFebruary 21st, 201899
7 Zsa Zsa GaborDecember 18th, 201699
6Ronnie BiggsDecember 18th, 201384
5Stan MusialJanuary 19th, 201392
4Not Famous 
3Annette FunicelloApril 8th, 201370
2Run Run ShawJanuary 6th, 2014106
1Dear AbbyJanuary 16th, 201394
19 points 2 hits 


Guess the Stiff!

There's a fine line between cozy and squashed flat.

(d) April 5th, 1998