Zsa Zsa Gabor has been played on 6912 lists, including 668 lists in The 2015 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.CHAD - Are You Pregnant or Is It Just Gas?CHAD534
2.Joeylucky punk530
3.Doc & DJ--Sam Simon Is Mocking Us On TwitterDoc & DJ529
5.Doc & DJ--Cro-Magnon Fuck ToysDoc & DJ527
6.Doc & DJ--Starring Michael Keaton As Jeff BirdDoc & DJ527
7.Doc & DJ--Lobster Boy/Dom Draper Fingerbang ContestDoc & DJ526
8.Doc & DJ--...I Wish I Was Sipowicz.Doc & DJ431
9.Doc & DJ--Horrible Vagina FireDoc & DJ431
10.Doc & DJ--Prop Joe's Cadaverous MotherfuckersDoc & DJ431
11.Xtreme DeadpoolingDePressED431
12.Doc & DJ--Listen to Honey NutsDoc & DJ428
13.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow Pencil 2JoanCrawfordsMakeupBag428
14.Tsuga - Saddest SongTsuga428
15.Cemetery Girls 3Cemetery Girls425
16.Doc & DJ--Save the Russian Fuck LizardsDoc & DJ425
17.Death Soup: One Toke Over the LineMJ and Friends423
18.Goobielucky punk422
19.jackalope Ghost - Dee Dee Ramone's Wish ListJackalope_Ghost422
20.Not Dead Yet VTimur422
21.Pack of Pickled PeppersPickle422
22.Doc & DJ--If Our Rhyme Was a Drug We'd Sell It by the GrahamDoc & DJ421
23.Fame Without a Life Is No Life at AllNumber1User421
24.Cash from Cancer: Yes, it is awkward that you are still aliveCash From Cancer419
25.Cemetery Girls 1Cemetery Girls418
26.Guess Who Died? 1ZUSER01484418
28.Age before BeautyRook416
29.The Baronlucky punk416
30.Martha PearlDiane411
31.Death March1BCeltics327
32.Yeh Yeh YehAdorn Ale327
33.Mashiki Assassins1BCeltics326
34.Death March 31BCeltics325
36.Doc & DJ--She Is 29 Now and Having My BabyDoc & DJ325
37.Playing a HarpBuck325
38.Simon says - too many shots to the headThe Shadow325
39.Death Soup: Evil Popes Must DieMJ and Friends324
40.Doc & DJ--John O'Conner Memorial ListDoc & DJ324
41.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow Pencil 1JoanCrawfordsMakeupBag324
42.Ethnic Cleansinghop1962323
43.The Good Die Young VTimur323
44.To Kill a Hungarian BirdThe Pancreatic Answer323
45.Charlie Don't Surf without Leena NguynCharlie Dont Surf322
46.Doc & DJ--Joe DiMaggio Memorial ListDoc & DJ322
47.Fool me five times, Zsa ZsaUSER02524322
48.Forrest Tucker's GhostFTG322
49.Are you talking to yourself or do you see little yellow boxes too?DGD321
50.Blake's Bones: It's TimeMr. Blake321
51.Doc & DJ--2014 Was an Off Year for UsDoc & DJ321
52.Listalan smithee321
53.McSwindlers Listhop1962321
54.Susanlucky punk321
56.A Reverential ListSilentcalvin320
57.Bradlucky punk320
58.Cash from Cancer: Make Room in the GraveyardCash From Cancer320
59.In The DeathroomMr. Redrum320
61.When Sunny Gets BlueBea Hind320
62.CHAD - Pussy and the PrinceCHAD319
63.Charlie Don't Surf without Mia LeeCharlie Dont Surf319
64.Dead Is As Dead Does 2015Bison319
65.Better Off Dead or Getting HeadLindsay Lohan's Liver318
66.Billionares, Islamists, and Wrestlers? It's Gonna Be a Weird YearThe Pancreatic Answer318
67.Charlie Don't Surf - Robert DuvallCharlie Dont Surf318
68.Death Soup: All Together Now!MJ and Friends318
69.Casa De Los Muertos 1Toe Tagged Luminary317
70.Doc & DJ--There Was a Sale on Compound Fuck NounsDoc & DJ317
71.Earthalucky punk317
72.Iruhlucky punk317
74.Death By Pinochle List 2oregontrail316
75.Get The Shovel1BCeltics316
76.Michael Jackson called, he wants his skin back!DGD316
77.A Trophy For Atrophyhop1962315
78.Dirtiest Nappymommyster315
79.Pennies on Your Eyesdoorma315
81.Not feeling wellBada Bing314
82.Death By Pinochle List 3oregontrail313
83.Kick The Bucket ListKick The Bucket List313
84.Guess Who Died? 3ZUSER01484312
87.The Regulator ListWarren G311
88.A Grateful Deadhead IIJudysomething39
89.Dutch's TreatBea Hind219
90.Feasting Maggots 1Feasting Maggots219
91.LOD - They're Starting To Piss Me Offed head219
92.Mad Dogsdeathrider219
93.Pop Goes The Weasel- Part 3The Coroner219
94.SirDrexl's StiffsSirDrexl219
95.Tsuga - Die EngelTsuga219
96.Yeah yeah buh byeyeah yeah buh bye219
97.Concrete Shoes 2Concrete Shoes218
98.Simon says - amanda over lindsayThe Shadow218
99.Vg - Bukkake Karaokevomit_god218
100.yeah yeah buh bye 5yeah yeah buh bye218
101.2015 #2Donkey Sausage217
102.Big BadAss Blowflies #2BodyFarmBound217
103.Charlie Don't Surf without Sharon TayCharlie Dont Surf217
104.Death Rattle: Coffin Up Dirtanarchess217
105.If this is a dream I sure hope Carol Channing doesn't show up naked again...DGD217
106.Naha Assassins1BCeltics217
107.Nietzsche's Super Stiffs IVFredNietzsche217
108.NoNames 1jim dibello217
109.NoNames 2jim dibello217
110.NoNames 3jim dibello217
111.Raccoonlucky punk217
112.Squeaky's Non-Squeakerslilsqueakyone217
113.Tommytsled- Give me one list Vasili, one list onlyTomtsled217
114.yeah yeah buh bye 3yeah yeah buh bye217
115.Yeah, Toast!lilsqueakyone217
116.!!!!Kitten Kaboodle!!!! Love you, baby.!!!!ABBO216
117.$15 wastedVaGentry216
118.A Grateful Deadhead 2015Judysomething216
119.Concrete ShoesConcrete Shoes216
120.Death Rattle: Lying in Waitanarchess216
121.Fossil Farmhop1962216
122.He's Dead JimHe's Dead Jim216
123.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost216
124.LIGHTS OUTThe rebel.216
125.Moldin' GrahamsThe Pancreatic Answer216
126.Time to GoRook216
127.2015 #3Donkey Sausage215
128.Big G's list of Dirt NappersDead Fred215
129.Charlie Don't Surf without Lily ThaiCharlie Dont Surf215
130.Come on I Wanna See 'em In a Mausoleum 4EdRulz215
131.Float like a butterfly die like a beeTwilight is Near215
132.My Bucket Listptgkc215
133.Vg - Bukkake Kamikazevomit_god215
134.A reprieve from the big Cfireflyt214
135.Big BadAss Blowflies #3BodyFarmBound214
136.Cash from Cancer: I am Pei's corpseCash From Cancer214
137.DJ Badger Says DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!DJ Badger214
138.Donne In!splittertogo214
139.Reaper Madness #4ReaperMadness214
141.Touch My Sister Again, I'll Kill YouFrankie Pentangeli214
142.A Grateful Deadhead IIIJudysomething213
143.AIDS Fist IIYour Mom213
144.Cartman- The LeftoversCARTMAN213
145.Come on I Wanna See 'em In a MausoleumEdRulz213
147.Eight(y-Six) is EnoughPozzo213
148.Fake ShempGhoulash213
149.Heywood Jablome XVIIUSER00119213
150.Horizontally YoursBarker J. Wagtail213
151.I'm always a pallbearer never the corpse!DGD213
152.Pearly GatesDouble0213
153.Pickle PiratePickle213
154.psychicdeath 1PsychicDeath213
155.Team Formalin: Through the Rabbit Holeanarchess213
156.This is how rumors get started 2015USER02248213
157.Wake N' Bakelilsqueakyone213
159.AAAAAAhhhh List 1jwin55212
160.After All, We Are Not CommunistsFrankie Pentangeli212
161.Burryn Bill 2015ABurry'n Bill212
162.Come on I Wanna See 'em In a Mausoleum 2EdRulz212
163.Don't Pee On My Leg and Call It RainBea Hind212
164.Dying to Win 2015jhaberli212
165.Pop Goes The WeaselThe Coroner212
166.Reaper Madness #2ReaperMadness212
167.Sine Die: Stars and StripesSine Die212
168.Wanted dead, not aliveshroom212
169.2015 dirt napsDirt napper211
171.Come on I Wanna See 'em In a Mausoleum 3EdRulz211
172.Death and Taxeshossdaddynick211
173.Death Soup: Gross UrningsMJ and Friends211
174.Grimey Reaper 5grimyreaper211
175.Guess Who Died? 2ZUSER01484211
176.Joe Bacon's 2015 Dirt NappersChancellor D'Exchecker211
177.Lights Out 3Joker211
178.Michael Jackson is Living in CanadaMJ Lives211
179.Porricelli 2015Michaelgp211
180.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail211
181.Top of the pile of pre-written obits at the paperTrinettRae211
182.Wanted dead, not alive 2shroom211
183......and It's Deep TooBison210
184.AAAAAAhhhh List 2jwin55210
185.Death Be Not Proud VITimur210
187.Just DieBrown Widow210
188.NVN: listen to police stay alive, duh !!No Viagra Needed210
189.Of Corpse You're Dead 4Shoeguy210
190.Pokey's Picks 2015Pokey22210
191.Stiff, bereft of life .. if you hadn't nailed him to the perch..splittertogo210
192.Vg - Bukkake in Milwaukeevomit_god210
193.Wanted dead, not alive 3shroom210
194.AAAAAAhhhh List 3jwin5529
195.Dearly Departedhop196229
196.Dirt Naps For Fun and ProfitFrankJac29
197.I'll be the JudgeOverstreet29
198.Joke's on You...I've been dead inside my whole life!Embalmination829
199.Of Corpse You're Dead 3Shoeguy29
200.PB: Aiming for 4pbear29
201.The Grass Is Always Greenergrassisalwaysgreener29
202.Xyla PhonyGhoulash29
203.Coming Soon, to a Coffin Near You!Altois28
204.Death- Cuts Like A KnifeJayRockers!28
205.Enjoy The ViewFrankJac28
206.Jiang Se-menTwilight is Near28
207.Next on the List 1CaliReaper28
208.Of Corpse You're Dead 6Shoeguy28
209.oldies but goodies 02TenPaces28
210.This Is The Year!Altois28
211.E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa 1-2015 (Try it to End the Panic)MITINCUSA27
212.JMD - Urge to DirgeMr Wonderful27
213.Of Corpse You're Dead 2Shoeguy27
215.Sine Die: Atropos To Do ListSine Die27
216.You're Not Fooling Anyone You KnowFrankJac27
217.2015 and BeyondBigsunset196726
219.CoffinRattler-The Ancientcoffinrattler26
220.Does Worm Food Expire?FMCDH26
221.George Gaynes should be famousBig Guy26
222.MK - Oldies But GoodiesMBalmed26
223.Rat Bastards 1Rat Bastard26
224.They're Dead, Jim!Mr Bungle26
225.Cash from Cancer: Ferlinghetti morteCash From Cancer25
227.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost25
228.Super OldstersBengals31125
229.There is only one God, and his name is Death...Embalmination825
230.Who can turn the afterworld on with her smileRottenToast25
231.Big BadAss Blowflies #1BodyFarmBound24
232.End pleasedisplayname00724
234.Casa De Los Muertos 3Toe Tagged Luminary23
237.!!!!Kitten Kaboodle!!!! Love you, boo-boo!!!!ABBO110
238.2015 LeeLord Dickerson110
239.Betsy's Bodies 2Betsy110
240.Come let's mix where Rockefellers swim the StyxRottenToast110
241.Deadly DebutanteDeadly Debutante110
242.Dear Mr. Henshaw: I'M DEAD!Bea Hind110
243.DXROB !DX Rob110
244.Easy MoneyEasy Money110
245.Goodbye Dere!Pozzo110
246.Grimey Reaper 1grimyreaper110
247.Grimey Reaper 4grimyreaper110
248.Headstone CowboyPozzo110
249.Hope I'm wrongFrogSoda110
250.I just heard King Saud was in hospitalringbark110
251.If Tomorrow Never ComesSal & Barb110
252.It Puts the Lotion on its SkinBuffalo Bell Biv DeVoe110
255.Late for SupperInexplah110
256.Mom and Elizabethkristi110
257.Pining for the FjordsPining for the Fjords110
258.Sack-O-Stiffies Part TroisVicLic2110
259.Sal-n-BettsSal & Barb110
260.Sick BayOldDocMcCoy110
261.Sick Transit 1sictransit110
262.Sick Transit Blendedsictransit110
263.Simon Says - zsa zsa is the anti-christThe Shadow110
264.Simon Says GoodbyePokey22110
265.The Big Dirt SandwichTheBus110
266.The EradicatorEradicator110
267.The Good, the bad, and the deadMarch Of The Maggots110
268.Z TeamMarkMx110
269.80s DarlingsRastafarian Mormon19
271.Cemetery Girls 4Cemetery Girls19
272.Come on I Wanna See 'em In a Mausoleum 5EdRulz19
273.Death Soup: Make My Funk the P-FunkMJ and Friends19
274.DJ Badger: My Wife Lanna says DIE!DJ Badger19
275.DNR/DNI 2Nurseboy19
276.Early to Bed, Early to DiePoodle19
280.Nedermeyer... DEAD.Boner Stabone19
281.NVN: Tallywacker is a funny wordNo Viagra Needed19
282.Rachel's Rotting List 6Rachel A19
283.Rigor IRigor 119
284.sbump2-Dying to win-ChuckSBUMP219
285.South Main Coroner... We like the Dead!trashking19
286.This is Newbies lisp (sic)JESUSCHRISTALMIGHTY19
287.Trautz Bulls-EyesTeamTrautz19
288.Try The Veal. Best In The CityFrankie Pentangeli19
289.Welcome to the party, palrchand19
290.cd5dh - Falling off the wagoncerista18
291.Chillydead 1chillybilly18
292.Chillydead 3chillybilly18
293.Come on I Wanna See 'em In a Mausoleum 6EdRulz18
294.Daria Morgue Endorserfray18
295.Dead Fred's list of almost dead peopleDead Fred18
296.Deadly JourneysJanisdoll18
297.DeathList #1jminrod18
298.Dee En ArrasthedeadtuRNs18
299.Fettucine al DeadoMarkMx18
300.Grave DwellingsJanisdoll18
301.grave matthews'bandwildrush18
302.House Of Soon To Be With The Lordhop196218
303.If you can't beat em, just die.urbscholar18
304.MATTOID - What the Hell, We're back...The Mattoid18
306.Pop Goes The Weasel IIThe Coroner18
307.Pots Kitchen and BaconMarkMx18
308.Rock N' Roll Me When I'm DeadTrav18
309.Say Hi to Elvis 2015Spudboy18
310.Sbump2-Dying to win-PrimeSBUMP218
311.Slippery When Deadcorq18
312.thanksfordieingWJG v3.018
313.very old hollywoodme first18
314.1st TimerChloeM17
315.Big Dirt 2TheBus17
316.Charlie Don't Surf with Nephew BenCharlie Dont Surf17
317.Check out to check in 9Comeonallready17
318.Counting Bodies Like SheepDGambrinus17
319.Death By Pinochle lList 1oregontrail17
321.DNR/DNI 3Nurseboy17
322.Dust to DollarsDRave1317
323.Everyone Dies 2Die Now17
324.Get out the Black DressCheck, Please!17
325.Grimey Reaper 6grimyreaper17
326.Ivy Cliff Memorial - Ahodag2137817
327.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow Pencil - Girl's Night OutJoanCrawfordsMakeupBag17
328.Ladies FirstJinxed17
329.list 1Crystal Balls17
330.No Viagra NeededNo Viagra Needed17
331.Reaper Madness #1ReaperMadness17
332.The Amazing BC of UKnlcfsemfc17
333.Abe, you gotta gouselessexistence16
335.Dancing with Mr. DBetter Off Dead16
336.Death Watch Waltz IIITitanPilot58316
337.DIE, FUCKERS, DIE!sillysqrrl16
338.Diggin' Up BonesJagrnut16
339.Dirt Nap 2015nrubsol16
340.Famous Fossils 4Hugh G. Wrekshun16
341.It's over - go home!Crystal Balls16
342.Notorious R.I.P.Radler16
344.party don't stopClever Team Name16
345.Rastalls 2015 Reap and Weep 1Rastalls16
346.Schindler's 2011-2014 List (Modified)nlcfsemfc16
347.Sick Transit Crowdsourcedsictransit16
348.Styrofoam Bologna #3Gina303016
349.Ten Funerals 3Jerrytopdown16
350.That WAS Entertainment 2015bFilmslave16
351.The 90's will be the death of MeBigsunset196716
352.The Price Is Rightlonedryad16
353.thelma rice had her legs waxedlindbergh16
354.This is STILL wrongHeidi16
355.To Kill a Harper LeeBetter Dead Than Red16
356.Two Ghoulsdoorma16
357.!!! ailingtitan36015
359.90 Is The New DeadDr Drunk15
360.Boring List #1hemlock please15
361.Bought The East Hill Farmsplittertogo15
362.FavoritesOda Mae Brown15
363.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl15
364.Go Ahead & Die!casecrest59015
365.Grimey Reaper 2grimyreaper15
366.Grimey Reaper 3grimyreaper15
367.Harrison's Slaughter houseDeathRowHarrison15
368.Herb's lucky 10del bird15
369.Jack's Listsleeplv201315
370.Lots o' old and sick bastards VIIBJCx7815
371.MrJeff2000's List of Destinymrjeff200015
372.Older than DirtNVRGVUP15
373.The Game of LifeUSER0204515
374.Times upchick81315
375.2015 Main Listonyx278314
376.Cash from Cancer: Yup, you be SpartacusCash From Cancer14
377.Death of a ClownRuns with Scissors14
378.Death Pool Gambler list 2Death pool gambler14
379.Death Watch Waltz VTitanPilot58314
380.Dogs do you want to live forever?moribundus14
381.Erika Anne:Locked in the Trunk of A CarBuffiedee14
382.Everyone Dies in the EndMichenley14
383.get some coldcuts !!!!!chick81314
384.Gunny listGunny Tom14
385.Killer Advocate 2015laptoplg14
386.Of Corpse You're Dead 5Shoeguy14
387.One Mediocre ListDigger O Dell 1014
388.Papa ZHerb14
390.Really, really old peopleCosmo Underground14
392.Skunkhair 2015 #1Skunkhair 201314
393.Stiffies 2015heathrow1314
394.The Hen's Stiff List 2015Motherhen71114
395.The Long Rest 2scm9914
396.This is the year, Zsa ZsaCosmo Underground14
397.thom list of kcKC RAIDER THOM14
398.Toodlum...Is That You???Bison14
399.why is there no light at the end of the tunnelReaper Crew14
400.will be missedFrogSoda14
401.Zsa Zsa MUST GO!Deckhawk14
402.!ajlposh 2ajlposh13
403.2015 Dirt Bag oneBlondemarvel13
404.Baxley - Less Skookum Than DesiredBaxley13
405.Coffin CornerDRave1313
406.Down and DirtyDRave1313
407.DRT (Dead Right There) #3Jerry's Kids13
408.Dump 'em OutPaul168113
409.Erika Anne Their Deaths are Our HobbyBuffiedee13
410.Farewell TourVestament13
411.Fill In My Toe TagDick Rotten13
412.Going UndergroundDirtyLarry13
413.Grave LongingsJanisdoll13
414.I C Dead PeoplePrinceCharming13
415.JIll's Predictions for 2015jchudson6813
416.Lights Out 1Joker13
418.RoadkillDr Drunk13
419.Roll of the DiceBetter Dig Two13
420.Taking up SpaceChris Goulart13
421.Ten Funerals 1Jerrytopdown13
422.The Long Restscm9913
424.Your dead to meMaryjo8013
425.2014 o-fer = 2015 winnerFroggyB12
426.Big Dirt 3TheBus12
427.CarrolliosUK v3nlcfsemfc12
428.Cartman- The Stiffs.com OaksCARTMAN12
429.Crossing My Cold, Dead FingersT-Rex12
430.Damn near dead IIBada Bing12
431.dead woodDeath Row12
432.Digger O Dell 77Digger O Dell 1012
433.Famous Fossils 1Hugh G. Wrekshun12
435.Ig's Stiffs IThe Ig12
436.It's Only A Flesh WoundFrankJac12
437.My first listkickstand12
438.Oldies always diedisplayname00712
440.Soul HuntersHunterbeer12
441.This is how old rumors get started 2015USER0224812
442.You can leave nowptgkc12
443.96 and up clubRook11
445.Any Day NowDieDan!11
446.Beat the ReaperThe Reaper11
447.Casa De Los Muertos 2Toe Tagged Luminary11
448.cd5dh - Unbeing dead isn't being alivecerista11
449.Chicken at Tresky's #1Chicken at Tresky's11
450.Drop Dead 1Drop Dead11
451.Easy Come Easy Goeasy come easy go11
452.Golden Oldie Deaths too beNascar91211
453.Grin ReaperMissusOLeary11
454.IAGO 2IAGO11
455.It's Ain't Heaven and it ain't IowaFredo let's go fishing11
456.it's just businessKram11
459.Old as DirtNVRGVUP11
461.Reap Em and Weep #1USER0055711
462.Reaper Madness #3ReaperMadness11
463.rotting corpsestowelielife11
464.The Long Rest 3scm9911
465.Tits UpCosmo Underground11
467.Zsa Zsa better fuckin dieElster00011
469.!Albrecht Says Die!Albrecht00
470.27 Club: Not Enough Deaths in 20141000_Ways00
471.6 feet underbjaskols00
472.6 feet under the La Brea TarpitsSnailFury00
473.A PolKat FreebiePolKat00
474.A PolKat ListPolKat00
475.A PolKat WinnerPolKat00
476.A wife finds this offensive 2knkaustin00
477.A wife finds this offensive 3knkaustin00
478.Aknauf D list 2015aknauf00
479.all gomers die of somethinglindbergh00
480.Aloha Oy....MITINCUSA00
481.Amy P's Walking DeadMr Bungle00
482.And The Horse You Rode In OnDEEJ00
483.Armageddon - none under 97nightjy00
484.ashes to .......2015bjaskols00
485.At the TollboothFredo let's go fishing00
486.Beat the Reaper IIThe Reaper00
487.Best Wishes for 2015Debizzydead?00
488.Bob's BoneyardVroomfondel00
489.Bob's Death PicksRobert Haley00
491.Boonsters bucket listBoonster00
492.BringOutYerDeadMr Happy00
493.BringOutYerDead1Mr Happy00
494.BringOutYerDead2Mr Happy00
495.Bucket KickersUtica Dave00
496.Bucket Kickers '15The Schwing Alongs00
497.Bunch of Old FartsDr. Who00
498.Bunns Bones Freebie ListBunn's Bones To Be00
499.Bunns Bones To BeBunn's Bones To Be00
500.Buzzard Air Traffic Controlboomshadow00
501.C ya wouldn't wanna be yacristalblu00
502.Cash from Cancer: 2 Billy Grahams 2 ManyCash From Cancer00
503.CG's LIST 2015CGray00
505.Chicago Jake 2: Girlfriend In A ComaChicago Jake00
506.Chicken at Tresky's # 2Chicken at Tresky's00
507.Chicken at Tresky's #3Chicken at Tresky's00
508.Chris Knauf 2015Chris Knauf00
509.Ciao For NowBrucovitch00
511.Courtney Love...and A BUNCH OF WHINY BITCHES!!!Embalmination800
512.Crivit's CroakersVroomfondel00
513.Daisey Pusherssquidly76600
514.DANCING on WOHLERTS grave.....onefunsob00
515.Darth Vader Dies in 2015Two Worlds00
516.Dead as a DoornailPushing Up Daisies00
519.DEATH BECOMES USPeople Meat00
520.Death Watch WaltzTitanPilot58300
521.Death Watch Waltz IVTitanPilot58300
522.Death Wish 2015DeathWish00
523.deathbitch reiteratedPIANOGIRL00
524.Del 's Petuniadel bird00
525.Digger O Dell 73Digger O Dell 1000
526.Dirt Nappymommyster00
527.DNR/DNI 1Nurseboy00
528.Don't shoot them on sex nightzombie lover00
529.Dr of Death 1--If I'm ninety, I'm a daythe doctor of death00
530.drop dead divatheappointment00
531.DRT (Dead Right There) #1Jerry's Kids00
532.Epochs ListEpoch Texas00
533.Expiration Date 12/31/14Pokey2200
534.Fade to BlackFade to Black00
535.Fade to Black 2Fade to Black00
536.Famous Fossils 6Hugh G. Wrekshun00
537.Free Picks win me moneychadjeffsdad00
538.From Stagerobber to GraverobberEradicator00
539.Fun and OldBengals31100
540.Future Dirt NappersT-Rex00
541.go awaybuh-bye now00
542.Go To The LightFrankJac00
543.goddammit 1goddammit00
544.goddammit 2goddammit00
545.goddammit 3goddammit00
546.Gone With the SchwindogsEradicator00
547.Good Karma Dice Box...Tastes awful lot like pennies...Embalmination800
548.Grave SurpriseJanisdoll00
549.Hasta la vistaResolami00
550.Her Picks Not Minechadjeffsdad00
551.I bereave, I can flyDave00
552.I Like It Up Here On The MountainWallbanger00
553.IAGO 1IAGO00
554.IAGO 3IAGO00
555.Ig's Stiffs IIThe Ig00
556.Invest in Cyrogenicschadjeffsdad00
557.Is PeopleSoylentGreen00
558.It's raining corpsesmikegldn00
559.It's the right thing to doMostlyHarmless00
560.Ivy Cliff Memorial - Chodag2137800
561.Jason's Seeming to Die Soon + OldstersBengals31100
562.Jiggaboos and JiggawhatsLindsay Lohan's Liver00
563.JoeG20152Joe G00
564.John's " dead but don't know it" listR U dead yet00
566.Just WrongWoz00
567.Kick The Bucket List 3DKick The Bucket List00
568.Killer Advocate 2015-IIlaptoplg00
569.Killer Advocate 2015-IIIlaptoplg00
570.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2015calvey00
571.Knock Knock Knockin'On Heavens DoorHeresJack00
572.Knock, Knock, Knocking on Death's DoorDead and Loving It00
573.Knocking on heavens doorChuckie00
574.Krem Says It's Time to DieKrem9900
575.LA LISTE DE MEO 2015Meo00
576.La Muerte - Ladies FirstLaMuerte00
577.Les's List of Future GhostLeslieW00
578.Let's try this list again this yearringbark00
579.little chip 2015Little Chip00
580.Live Free Or DieRobin00
581.Liveleak PrognosticatorDogmatic Dingus00
582.LMB 2lisa-b00
583.Lots A' BushPastaPower00
587.me firstme first00
588.memorial park ranger 1memorialparkranger00
589.Morgue and MindyMorgue and Mindy00
590.Most Famous #3jminrod00
591.Movin on upDead Eye Jack00
592.Moving on UpBigsunset196700
593.My Baby Mama is DRUNKLindsay Lohan's Liver00
594.My list EMadhatter00
596.night night timekissoff4400
597.Nixon is waiting for youAndy00
601.NR Another Another Another Listnorthern reaper00
602.NR Another Another Listnorthern reaper00
603.NR Just Guessingnorthern reaper00
605.Of Corpse You're Dead 1Shoeguy00
606.Old ArtsBud Santimyer00
608.Peggy's PerishablesUSER0246100
609.perks picks 2perks picks00
610.Petey's Hot Dog VINancyD00
611.Petey's Hot Dog VIIINancyD00
612.Please Don't Take This PersonallyKram00
613.poor kittylindbergh00
614.Prince Sirki's Dead Zone1Prince Sirki00
616.Rachel's Rotting List 1Rachel A00
617.Rando 2015Master Nubbins00
618.Random StiffsDria101000
619.Rastalls 2015 Reapers and Weepers IIRastalls00
620.Rastalls final 2015 Reap to Weep 3Rastalls00
621.Rob A Gabor IIMardiRob00
622.Ruck 2015USER0018600
623.Same Names descrambledSarkon00
624.SaratogaPhil's StiffsSaratogaPhil00
627.Say Hello to the Man UpstairsLights Out00
628.sbump2-athletes or someone who sounds like oneSBUMP200
629.Sen1Mr Sen00
630.Shhhh let the dark wash over youDieDan!00
632.Smurf's StiffsThe Alpha Smurf00
633.Stiff List 2015Jeepman1014600
634.Styrofoam Bologna #1Gina303000
635.Styrofoam Bologna #2Gina303000
636.Surviving nonagenariansringbark00
637.Taking a Permanent VacationBuck00
638.tastes like chickenJamoke00
639.Ten Toes UpWallbanger00
640.That WAS Entertainment 2015Filmslave00
641.The Clock is Tickingchriscott9700
642.The EndCarolb00
643.The Other Side of the LawnCampasaurus00
644.Time To Die In 2015Larry444400
645.Time, People!humanmeal00
648.Traded to the AngelsLady Die00
649.Turning Green in '15Scott in Philly00
650.Victory AND Death 9Shams00
651.Voted Most Likely To Kick The BucketMissMorbid00
652.WAH - DVHUSER0259300
653.WAH - List 1USER0259300
654.Wake up the Gimpzombie lover00
655.Well Nobody Died Did They? IIIArchangel00
656.Where are you Richard?Honeybee00
657.Wilford Brimley's a pile of oatmeal eating shitTwilight is Near00
658.Win one for the wallet!razorben00
659.Women on the Way OutAmy Sue00
660.Yeah? So's Your Motherzombie lover00
661.Year of the pine boxchick81300
662.you're dead to metheappointment00
663.You're Outdel bird00
664.Zsa Zsa Pallbearers Take DeuxRastafarian Mormon00
665.Zsa Zsa, enough is enoughFred’s00
666.Zsa Zsa, meet Run Run.Nick ‘n Beth00
667.Zsa Zsa...Please Die!T-Rex00
668.[Insert clever pun here]mirandate00


Guess the Stiff!

Ordinarily, professional wrestlers don't register on our Fame-O-Meter, but the combination of the club foot and the spelling bee championship make "Flyin' Brian" special.

(d) October 5th, 1997