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This list was submitted by USER00186 on Wednesday, December 31st, 2014 at 10:32 AM PST for The 2015 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

Points Celebrity Date of Death Age 
10Fidel CastroNovember 25th, 201690
9 Zsa Zsa GaborDecember 18th, 201699
8John Paul StevensJuly 16th, 201999
7Kirk DouglasFebruary 5th, 2020103
6Olivia de HavillandJuly 26th, 2020104
5George H.W. BushNovember 30th, 201894
4Valerie HarperAugust 30th, 201980
3Nancy ReaganMarch 6th, 201694
2Irwin CoreyFebruary 6th, 2017102
1Billy GrahamFebruary 21st, 201899
0 points 0 hits 


Guess the Stiff!

Could there possibly be a more useless title in the universe than "Honorary Mayor of Hollywood"? No, we don't think so either.

(d) January 9th, 2008