George Harrison has been played on 273 lists, including 251 lists in The September '01 Lee Jr..

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Roberto Clemente and the Guppy That Loved HimUSER00750319
2.Makeshift MemorialUSER02691316
3.Time For Uncle TiltieUSER00008316
4.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Wrangler Jane's AddictionFTG314
5.Ridin' That Train With The RobberUSER00008314
6.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Thunder RunUSER03586313
7.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Berle Is a ThumbdickFTG311
9.Putnam's Southern Comfort @ Seneca LakeUSER02768217
11.Frankie 1USER02839216
12.M.I.'s Sweet LordUSER03613216
13.Pam's GrandUSER02724216
14.PVT RYAN 1000002216
15.DePressED 6USER02839215
16.Frankie 2USER02839215
17.Give Me a E-Brake USER00750215
18.Go See Buckner and DentUSER00750215
19.And Then There Were NoneUSER02839214
20.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: For Whom The Bugle TollsFTG214
21.Venus LovemotionUSER02839214
22.Dead Cat Bounce 4USER01330213
23.DePressED 1USER02839213
24.Edward LionheartUSER02839213
25.John Gotti's 'Guys Who Crossed Me Stew'USER02839213
26.M.I. Rich? At Times.USER00008213
27.Xtreme Dead PoolingUSER02839213
29.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Dirge For The ScourgeFTG212
30.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Hoodlum EmpireFTG212
31.NVN - Who to leave off?USER03604212
32.Potted Plant 2USER02839212
33.Putnam's Courtney Smith Day JobUSER02768212
34.Vicious Piranha? - Roberto ClementeUSER02827212
35.Always Split AcesUSER00008211
36.Clark Kent Pops a WheelieUSER00750211
38.Unjust Lusty DJUSER03617211
39.Vicious Piranha? - Between Shit And SyphillisUSER02827211
40.Financial RooneUSER02839210
41.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: BrimstoneFTG210
42.The CHOSENUSER00750210
43.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Iron Horse Robber Go HomeFTG29
44.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: It is Ballooon!USER0357929
45.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Swordfight at the FriarsFTG29
46.Stay On 2-Thru-6 Against 2-Thru-6USER0000829
47.ToeTag - Catch Your DeathUSER0134129
48.could get messyUSER0135128
49.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Phantom MajorFTG28
50.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The PlunderersFTG28
51.How's It Goin' Eisenhower?USER0000828
52.PVT RYAN 3USER0358828
53.Who's Carving The Turkey This Year O.J.? 1USER0269028
54.Darryl Dingleberry 3USER0269027
55.DNR/DNI Nurseboy27
56.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Wise Owl's Final VisitUSER0268427
58.Andrea the Princess of Froot LoopsUSER00750110
59.Bah da-bum bump-bumpUSER02839110
60.Dead LineUSER02691110
61.DePressED 4USER02839110
62.Jonathan 1Jon00060110
63.Jonathan 2USER02714110
64.Potted Plant 1USER02839110
65.Putnam's King of the BumPutnam's Tomahawk Chop110
66.The Tampa Bay BuccaneersUSER02839110
67.Why Wasn't It Ringo?USER02839110
69.Zero hits so farUSER02839110
70.Bart and DJ - Barry won't do it...not a chanceDoc & DJ19
71.Bart and DJ - Within you, Without youDoc & DJ19
72.Cartman's B-ListUSER0101319
73.Cartman's F-ListUSER0360819
74.Christopher Reeve - Hollywood Henderson sucksUSER0273619
75.Christopher Reeve - Leonard Thomas hanging outUSER0273619
76.Dead And GoneUSER0269119
78.Dealey PlazaUSER0269119
79.DePressED 3USER0283919
80.DePressED 5USER0283919
83.Dr. Anton PhibesUSER0283919
84.DXRob 1USER0048919
85.DXRob 3USER0267619
86.EB03: Dedicated to the Other EBUSER0016519
87.EB09: Quando, Quando, QuandoUSER0016519
88.EB10: My Baby Does the Hanky-PankyUSER0016519
89.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: A Gift From the ChiefUSER0360619
90.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The West Goes GhostFTG19 dead picksUSER0361819
92.Gotti Get Me Some Of ThatUSER0000819
93.Heel Clicking NazisUSER0269119
94.M.I. a Bitch?..Once in a WhileUSER0280719
95.Mafia Actuary 1USER0137519
96.Mafia Actuary 2USER0137519
97.Mafia Actuary 4USER0137519
98.Mafia Actuary 5USER0137519
99.Mafia Actuary 6USER0137519
100.Mafia Actuary 7USER0273019
101.Mafia Actuary 8USER0273019
102.Manly BoxerVadnelly Voodoos19
103.oh happy dayUSER0137719
104.Otis, You Want A Treat?USER0000819
105.Pepster 1USER0005519
106.Pepster 2USER0005519
107.Pepster 3USER0005519
108.Pepster 4USER0005519
109.Pepster 5USER0276019
110.Please die for meUSER0137719
111.Putting the FUN in FUNeralUSER0364019
112.SEE YA...LOVE YA...DIE!!!!!Bucket Kickers19
113.Vicious Piranha? - A Hit Is A HitUSER0282719
114.Vicious Piranha? - All Things Must PassUSER0282719
115.Vicious Piranha? - Blowing My March WinningsUSER0282719
116.Vicious Piranha? - Brave Last DaysUSER0282719
117.Vicious Piranha? - Fun At The Old BallyardUSER0282719
118.Vicious Piranha? - Game, Set, Gibson DeadUSER0282719
119.Vicious Piranha? - Gotti Dies BuckwheatsUSER0282719
120.Vicious Piranha? - I Must Be The GreatestUSER0282719
121.Vicious Piranha? - Illness And FatigueUSER0282719
122.Vicious Piranha? - Keep Hope Alive?USER0282719
123.Vicious Piranha? - Life'll Kill YaUSER0282719
124.Vicious Piranha? - Pagin' The DevilUSER0282719
125.Vicious Piranha? - Paul Harvey ? Lights OutUSER0282719
126.Vicious Piranha? - Seashells And BalloonsUSER0282719
127.Vicious Piranha? - Swimming With The SharksUSER0282719
128.Vicious Piranha? - Tabloid ParadiseUSER0282719
129.Vicious Piranha? - Talkin' 'Bout My Friend GeorgeUSER0282719
130.Vicious Piranha? - The Big KahunaUSER0282719
131.Vicious Piranha? - The Death Of A PresidentUSER0282719
132.Vicious Piranha? - The Last CrusadeUSER0282719
133.Vicious Piranha? - The M.I. Rich SpecialUSER0282719
134.Vicious Piranha? - The Quiet OneUSER0282719
135.Vicious Piranha? - The Sound and The FuryUSER0282719
136.Vicious Piranha? - The Triumph Of The WillUSER0282719
137.Vicious Piranha? - Untamed HawkUSER0126019
138.Vicious Piranha? - Wasted Days And Wasted NightsUSER0282719
139.Vicious Piranha? - Where Do We Find Such Men?USER0282719
140.Dead MeatUSER0011918
141.DePressED 2USER0283918
144.Dr. Who - Medical MarvelsUSER0014618
145.DXRob 2USER0267618
147.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Big Guy Beck's WillFTG18
148.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Jubilee TrailFTG18
149.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Taking Out Enough To WinFTG18
150.Go See God- The Red Sox go down in flames!(What elUSER0077918
151.Grassy KnollUSER0067318
152.Jackass JeffUSER0099918
153.Mafia Actuary 3USER0137518
154.Mr. Justice WargraveUSER0283918
155.Pepster 6USER0363118
156.Rick The Bastard 1USER0042518
157.ToeTag - U R BreathlessUSER0357618
158.ToeTag - U R ItUSER0134118
159.You Sure I Can Take This With Vodka?Mr Wonderful18
160.Bart and DJ - ?pass it already?USER0361217
161.Buff Daddy 1USER0131517
162.Buff Daddy 3USER0362017
163.Cartman's C-ListUSER0101317
164.Cartman's E-ListUSER0360717
166.Christopher Reeve - Bob Mattick goes streakingUSER0273617
167.Christopher Reeve - Mousy Laws' brainUSER0273617
168.Christopher Reeve - Ray Gagnon's paddleUSER0273617
170.Dr. Paul Shipherd's Fail-SafeUSER0065217
171.Drop Dead GorgeousDead Person Specialist, E17
172.End Of The WorldUSER0000817
173.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Emergency LandingFTG17
174.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Scourge of the WestUSER0360217
175.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Talk About a LadyFTG17
176.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: You Heard the Sarge!USER0359317
177.Mafia Actuary 9USER0273017
178.Paul ToombesUSER0283917
180.Putnam's Edna, I'm Glad I Met YaUSER0276817
181.Putnam's Pink House with Blue RamblerUSER0276817
182.PVT RYAN 200000217
183.Sock it to them hardDead Person Specialist, E17
184.Stiffed Part 7USER0269117
185.Tommytsled-Center of MassTomtsled17
186.Warren ReportUSER0269117
187.Bart and DJ - BINGO!!!Doc & DJ16
188.Bart and DJ - What are you doing Dave?USER0359116
189.Cartman's A-ListUSER0101316
190.Cartman's D-ListUSER0101316
192.Dead Cat Bounce 5USER0133016
193.Double Down On 11, AlwaysUSER0363516
194.EB14: I made too many listsUSER0362716
195.Final BroadcastUSER0269116
196.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Chemo SabeUSER0358416
197.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Johnny Eagle EyeFTG16
198.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: WarpathFTG16
199.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: With a Capital TUSER0268416
200.Jonathan 3USER0271416
201.POPE 2USER0010816
202.Putnam's Hollywood Henderson BreastsUSER0276816
203.Reap 'Em & Weep 2USER0277516
204.Rick The Bastard 2USER0042516
205.Undisclosed CausesUSER0269116
206.Who's Carving The Turkey This Year O.J.? 2USER0269016
207.Who's Carving The Turkey This Year O.J.? 3USER0269016
208.Bart and DJ - Looks Like The Cancer StuckUSER0359215
209.BIG EUSER0136715
210.Chad - What Chandra Screamed During Sex w/Gary ConUSER0111515
211.Christopher Reeve - Mark Gugino gets eggedUSER0273615
212.Circling VultureUSER0078015
213.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Ya Got TroubleFTG15
214.Grim Rapper 3Grim Rapper15
215.NVN - Flyers In 02No Viagra Needed15
216.SEE YA...LOVE YA...BYE!!!!!Bucket Kickers15
217.'String Cheese' The Pope & Bob Hope on the RopesUSER0139414
218.Bart and DJ - Oh Billy!Doc & DJ14
219.Buff Daddy 2USER0131514
220.Death 20001DeathWish14
221.Doc--His Apartment Looked Like ShitUSER0361014
224.Tsuga- Big hitter, the Lama...USER0003914
225.When the Saints Go Marching Out USER0131414
226.Chad - From Palm Beach County FLUSER0264313
227.Darryl Dingleberry 1USER0269013
228.Dead Cat Bounce 1USER0133013
229.Hope Springs Eternal 3USER0138213
230.In Dreams I Walk With YouUSER0105413
233.Resting ComfortablyUSER0269113
234.Two maggots were fighting in dead ErnestUSER0361413
235.Chad - Jeb Bush's Shoplifting Convicted WifeUSER0111512
236.Christopher Reeve - Mrs. D'Antonio saves her penniUSER0273612
237.Corpse ParadeUSER0269112
238.Enjoy Your Amanitas My Dear Angel 1USER0269012
240.jnorris 1USER0126412
241.Nurseboy 1Nurseboy12
242.NVN - Have you seen Junior's grades?No Viagra Needed12
243.Sheckadoo and UUSER0112312 William Zabka's CareerDoc & DJ11
245.Grim Rapper 1Grim Rapper11
246.Grim Rapper 2Grim Rapper11
247.Lady LucidVadnelly Voodoos11
248.Too Damn Old To Be AliveUSER0364111
249.Wild ReaperUSER0139711


Guess the Stiff!

Doing her part to beautify America.

(d) July 11th, 2007