Billy Graham has been played on 6519 lists, including 722 lists in The 2014 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Fade to Black VIFade to Black636
2.Cemetery Girls 1Cemetery Girls635
3.Old as Dinosaur dungDeathGift631
4.Death is your giftDeathGift629
5.Of Corpse You're Dead 6Shoeguy628
6.yeah yeah buh bye 5yeah yeah buh bye627
7.hey mickey you're so fineBird624
8.Centenarians First PleaseWho's in YOUR Coffin533
9.Satan's Waitin'Barker J. Wagtail532
10.yeah yeah buh byeyeah yeah buh bye531
11.Cash from Cancer: shut your TrappCash From Cancer528
12.winds of warBird528
13.Lights Out 1Joker527
14.Simpson's Book of the Near DeadDGD527
15.turn me on, dead manUSER01515527
16.Big Al'sBird526
17.Birdman - death to smoochieBird526
18.death defying actsBird525
19.Don't use the Heimlich on my stiffsDeathGift525
20.CoffinRattler-The Ancientcoffinrattler524
21.MeteorologySunshine Up My Skirt524
22.Pastor to 38 Dead PresidentsDGD524 never see and old guy names fatsBird524
24.Birdman - Don't let your babies grow up to be Doc and DJ!Bird523
25.whole lamotta shaking going onBird522
26.The Dirt NappersTaugh521
27.VG - Bukakke Nagasakivomit_god520 don't know jackBird520
29.This is how rumors get started 2014 - 2USER02248517
30.Fill In My Toe Tag ( That Tickles ! ! ! )Dick Rotten433
31.Joined the Choir Invisiblesplittertogo432
32.IAGO 1IAGO431
33.Lateful deaddisplayname007430
35.They Should've Went in 2013Rus253429
36.!!! ailingtitan360428
37.Birds Never Look Into The SunDePressED428
38.Cemetery Girls 3Cemetery Girls428
39.Expiration Date 12/31/13Pokey22428
40.Fade to Black 3Fade to Black428
41.Herbs hellcatsdel bird428
42.yeah yeah buh bye 2yeah yeah buh bye428
43.Barbara Bush will be fine, another last minute listDeathGift427
44.Centenarians: Gotta Love 'emRoquefort427
46.The Hills Are No Longer Alive With The Sound Of MusicRottenToast427
47.They Do Say Age Is a Risk Factor for DeathRJD427
48.You Can Run But You Can't HideRottenToast427
49.Fade to Black IVFade to Black426
50.Good to the last drop deaddisplayname007426
51.Dead Skeleton1BCeltics425
53.List 1Donkey Sausage425
54.News Is Blue, The News Is BlueDePressED425
55.Potts Kitchen & BaconMarkMx425
56.yeah yeah buh bye 6yeah yeah buh bye425
57.Faw Shaw Shaw, These peeps be dead by December 31st, 2014DeathGift424
58.Heywood Jablome XIVUSER00119424
60.Last StopLast Stop424
61.The Clock is Tickingchriscott97424
62.Birdman - did Paul Walker's family pay full price for cremation?Bird423
63.Birdman - Stab the Doc and shoot the DJBird423
64.Bob Dole, In a holeDeathGift423
65.Dust to DollarsDRave13423
66.honest abeBird423
67.michael went down hill fastBird423
68.Now Departing Gate 2014Nick ‘n Beth423
69.yeah yeah buh bye 4yeah yeah buh bye423
70.BRUTESQUAD - OLDbrutesquad64422
71.Death March1BCeltics422
72.Doctor of Death 3the doctor of death422
73.Fade to BlackFade to Black422
74.Harper Valley D.O.A.lucky punk422 kitty kittyBird422
76.Jesus Christ, Die AlreadyRottenToast422
77.Naha Assassins1BCeltics422
78.Rat Bastards 1Rat Bastard422
79.Toe TaggerWallbanger422
80.We've got BushBird422
81.Birdman - Mama's don't let your babies grow up to be Doc and DJ!Bird421
82.Bought the East Hill Farmsplittertogo421
83.Die Easy 2: Die Easiershroom421
84.Graham KrackaBird421
85.Mandatory helmut lawBird421
86.singing in the rainerBird421
87.The last good-byeMinnow9001421
88.!ajlposh 3ajlposh420
89.Birdman - Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be Doc & DJBird420
90.Centenarian CrowdDeathGift420 may be rightBird420
92.Birdman - simon says noBird419
94.Sick Unto DeathJinxed419
95.When You're Gambling Cards On Love You PlayDePressED419
96.Birdman - Abe VigoNOWBird418
97.Birdman - Sick of Typing Zsa ZsaBird418
98.casey at the batBird418
99.I've Got a Secret: I'M DEAD!Bea Hind418
100.Of Corpse You're Dead 3Shoeguy418
101.Simon Says We're Deadlucky punk418
102.yeah yeah buh bye 3yeah yeah buh bye418
103.Death March 31BCeltics417
104.Doc & DJ--Everything. Everyone. Everywhere. Ends.Doc & DJ417
105.McSwindlers Listhop1962417
106.NVN: Racing towards the top 40No Viagra Needed417
107.Pennies on your eyesdoorma417
108.Bring It OnDEATH DEMON416
110.Doubt this will happen, but who knowsDeathGift416
111.Heywood Jablome XVUSER00119416
112.Of Corpse You're Dead 4Shoeguy416
113.Of Corpse You're Dead 7Shoeguy416
114.Roberta, Robert & Run Run, Together at LastRJD416
115.VG - Bukakke Teriyakivomit_god416
116.Black Santa 2014USER00562415
119.Sarky - GoudaSarky415
120.This List Is Positively PastoralRJD415
121.Billy Graham will dieDeathGift414
122.Past the Stands 3HOOFBEATS414
123.There Is No EliteDePressED414
124.Cash From Cancer: Celebrity Rumours and Malignant TumorsCash From Cancer413
125.Pookie's Stiffs #1Pookie's Stiffs413
126.DePressED 03DePressED410
128.tic tag toeroderner326
129.Zsa Zsa's PallbearersRastafarian Mormon326
130.ZZZZZZZZZZZZ sleeps with my fishesGrime Reaper326
131.DePressED 08DePressED325
132.Fade to Black VFade to Black324
133.Reap 'Em & Weep #2USER00557324
135.Toe Tagger MoreWallbanger324
136.And Then There Were NoneDePressED323
137.Angels of Death #1Jerry's Kids323
138.Death Becomes Us 2People Meat323
139.Deathication 2014Loquacity83323
140.Easy MoneyEasy Money323
141.IAGO 2IAGO323
142.Sharpen the trochar,, it's gonna be busyFry's Crematorium323
143.Sine Die: Parting GlassSine Die323
144.A Last Minute Call IIjwin55322
145.An '88 Reno Silver Sox Pitcher is Famous?!?DGD322
146.Chillydead 3chillybilly322
147.Dancing on WOHLERTS Graveonefunsob322
148.Die Die, Run Run!USER00353322
149.Little Jiving On A Saturday NightDePressED322
150.back to the basicsbjaskols321
151.connies boyme first321
153.Doc & DJ--Long-Distance Dedication to ScoobyDoc & DJ321
154.I bereave in magicBird321
155.Ready for BedJinxed321
156.Victory AND Death 7Shams321
157.Death Wish Part Icomputerstreber320
158.E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa 2MITINCUSA320
160.God, Take two and call me in the morningMama Chobe320
161.Simon says DieDeathGift320
162.The Compost HeapMarkMx320
163.The Lynch MobTaugh320
164.This Is The End My Friendcleves place320
165.VG - Bukakke Karaokevomit_god320
166.You're Dead to Me Castro IIITitanPilot583320
167.A Last Minute Call IIIjwin55319
168.Another one bites the dustlittle terr319
169.Buzzards gotta eattrojones319
170.Cadillac JCadillacJ319
171.CHAD - Yes Meghan Kelly, There Is A Black Santa ClausCHAD319
172.Daisy A Day DearDePressED319
173.Death By Pinocle 2014 # 1oregontrail319
174.Doc & DJ--Who the Fuck Are the Knutsens?Doc & DJ319
175.Doctor of Death 1the doctor of death319
176.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: BarqueroFTG319
177.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: From Karate With LoveFTG319
178.If I Could Only Play One List...DGD319
179.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow Pencil 1JoanCrawfordsMakeupBag319
180.Lamar Odom's Lackey'sLindsay Lohan's Liver319
181.Mom & Elizabethkristi319
183.Sam Simon will dieDeathGift319
184.something to bereave inBird319
185.Victory AND DeathShams319
186.Von Ryan's ExpressTaugh319
187.byne byneBird318
188.Cash from Cancer: Make Room for Marjorie's CorpseCash From Cancer318
189.Counting Bodies Like SheepDGambrinus318
190.DePressED 06DePressED318
191.DePressED 09DePressED318
192.Die Easy With a Vengeanceshroom318
194.Famous Fossils IIIHugh G. Wrekshun318
195.Forever goneThe rebel.318
197.Leavin' the Scene in '14Scott in Philly318
198.My free listDeathGift318
200.The Cack-filled FilesDGD318
201.The Usual SuspectsTrinettRae318
202.These peeps look like scatDeathGift318
203.Venus LovemotionDePressED318
204.Walk this wwayBud Santimyer318
205.yeah buddy!Bird318
206.Zsa Zsa Must Go...Deckhawk318
207.A Last Minute Call Ijwin55317
208.Baxley - Run Clive Run!Baxley317
209.CoffinRattler-The Favoredcoffinrattler317
210.Don't put all your eggs in one basket? Kirk Kerkorian is my Scott CarpenterDeathGift317
211.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Vanishing AmericanFTG317
212.From Stage Robber to Grave RobberEradicator317
213.i can see cleary nowBird317
214.Jesus Doesn't Exist? Should Have Banged My Secretarylucky punk317
215.Last minute shitDeathGift317
216.Of Corpse You're Dead 5Shoeguy317
217.Old Equals GoldPooky317
218.Rhoda wayBird317
219.Rigor 3Rigor 1317
220.Show me the moneyThe Coroner317
221.Stiff, bereft of life.. if you had't nailed him to the perch..splittertogo317
222.Xtreme DeadpoolingDePressED317 say lamotta, i say la mottaBird317
224.A List for LawrenceSilentcalvin316
225.Angels of Death #2Jerry's Kids316
226.Birdman - Simon Says Die NowBird316
227.Daisey Pusherssquidly766316
228.Deathrider 50deathrider316
229.Doc & DJ--Going DutchDoc & DJ316
230.Doc & DJ--If Our Rhyme Was a Drug We'd Sell It by the GrahamDoc & DJ316
232.Googuse Moose Juicegooguse316
233.grimyreaper 2grimyreaper316
234.Heywood Jablome XIIIUSER00119316 hurts when I peiBird316
236.Itoman Death Squad1BCeltics316
237.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow Pencil 2JoanCrawfordsMakeupBag316
238.may dayBird316
239.McMurdo 2014.1McMurdoMan316
240.Oldanddriedup 2014Little Chip316
241.Really? Come on...give up!!BairBones316 run awayBird316
243.You're Dead to Me CastroTitanPilot583316
244.$200 a Day, Plus ExpensesBea Hind315
245.2014 Hades Softball TeamStink Finger for Christ315
246.Doc & DJ--It's a Trapp!Doc & DJ315
247.Dogs Can Look Up 2Last Stop315
248.eli's comingBird315
249.fleetwood hackBird315
250.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: BrimstoneFTG315
251.Fossil Farmhop1962315
252.goddammit 3goddammit315
253.Goodbye KirkDeathGift315
254.Late for SupperInexplah315
255.List of the DamnedJoe Mazz315
257.Pokey's Stiffies 2014Pokey22315
258.Run Run into the TrappDeathGift315
259.Run Run Running on Emptylucky punk315
260.the last oneBird315
261.Thin iceDead Eye Jack315
262.A Grateful Deadhead 2014Judysomething314
263.Are We Dead Yet 002goodwin73314
264.Better you than meStooge314
265.big dragBird314
266.Bucket KickersUtica Dave314
267.Can't see Cleary anymoreDeathGift314
268.Doc & DJ--How Did They Know Michael Schumacher Had Dandruff?Doc & DJ314
269.I Should Just Apply it Directly to My Hipslucky punk314
270.International Top 40Silentcalvin314
271.Long Distance DedicationElster000314
272.Olivia oilBird314
273.Past the Stands 2HOOFBEATS314
274.The Grass Is Always Greenergrassisalwaysgreener314
275.Tsuga - Die EngelTsuga314
276.What a friend we have in cheeses!tkdmel314
277.A Fate Worse Than Death IIISanta Fe Syndicate313
279.Chicken at Tresky's 1Chicken at Tresky's313
280.Come on I Wanna see Em in a MausoleumEdRulz313
281.Death Rattle: Lying-In-Waitanarchess313
282.Doc & DJ--...I Wish I Was Sipowicz.Doc & DJ313
283.Doc & DJ--John O'Conner Memorial ListDoc & DJ313
284.Doc & DJ--We'll Have Halloween on ChristmasDoc & DJ313
285.I'm Outta HerePozzo313
286.MausoleakumUncle Stiffy313
287.Play Freebird! Or at least Free List!Rhody Trash313
288.real geniusBird313
289.Thelma Rice had her legs waxedlindbergh313
290.third peteJason P.313
291.Death Soup: Grim Reaper BypassMJ and Friends312
292.Do You Happen To Know How To Fly This Thing?rchand312
294.Frankie 1DePressED312
295.Get The Shovel1BCeltics312
297.LOD: Be At Peace - Fight No Moreed head312
298.Long Live the New FleshYellowbeard312
300.Not Dead Yet IVTimur312
301.Oldies but Goodies - hits of the NinetiesTenPaces312
302.Past the StandsHOOFBEATS312
303.Plowing The Deep 3hop1962312
305.Styrofoam Bologna 3Gina3030312
306.TB;s Bones To BeBunn's Bones To Be312
307.Witty Ironic List Name HereHauntedWebmaster312
308.2014 is the year that ZSA ZSA bites itbridgy311
309.27 Club: Bob and George or Angel Harpers1000_Ways311
310.BERRY D. LIVEUncle Stiffy311
311.Choken in the KitchenIndyHawk311
312.Maybe this will be the year of the dying hawkDeathGift311
313.perks picks2perks picks311
314.By George just die alreadyTwilight is Near310
315.Chillydead 2chillybilly310
316.Die Billy Graham, Dielittlejohn1954310
317.Doc & DJ--Stick It Write-In ThereDoc & DJ310
318.Jackalope Ghost - Uncle Floyd's RevengeJackalope_Ghost310
319.Making the News One Last TimeGregDean310
320.No, Really, Can't Think of a Good ListnameRhody Trash310
321.Number1User's Shot at the Brass RingNumber1User310
323.Run Run, Rainer, Randy, Roberta and a Rev.RJD310
324.Sharpen the trochar, 2Fry's Crematorium310
325.These stiffs won't be a Buddy for very longDeathGift310
326.A fool and his moneyVaGentry39
327.Four HorsemenAnitrak39
328.Knock, Knock, Knocking on Death's DoorDead and Loving It39
329.PB: did NO researchpbear39
331.Young Stars Gone Bad EditionRJD38
332.BIIA - IBut Is It Art?36
333.Coffin CornerDRave1336
334.Pookie's Stiffs #2Pookie's Stiffs36
335.Live deadFrau schadenfreude219
336.Zip-A-Dee-Dead-Day IIFredNietzsche219
337.Deathleague's DeathlistQuincy218
338.Die Easyshroom217
339.Don't come around here no more.The rebel.217
340.Mashiki Assassins1BCeltics217
342.More really, really old peopleCosmo Underground217
343.Old people gotta die sometime 2The Ig217
344.You're Dead to Me Castro TooTitanPilot583217
345.Canaries in a CoalmineCanaries in a coalmine216
347.Concrete ShoesConcrete Shoes216
348.Doc & DJ--A Zimmer of HopeDoc & DJ216
349.Drop like flies, pleaseDeathGift216
350.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Johnny Eagle EyeFTG216
351.Future Worm FoodTeam Sleep216
352.Got To Move To The Trick Of The BeatDePressED216
353.It ain't over 'til it's overBigski14216
354.It's a wonderful life if you're not deadfireflyt216
356.RoadkillDr Drunk216
357.SSJ CDP 2014Sandy St John216
358.American Top 40-Is there a Margaritaville in heaven?The game changer215
360.Death By Pinocle 2014 #3oregontrail215
361.Die DieTwilight is Near215
362.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost215
363.Jagrnuts Death SquadJagrnut215
365.Live Free Or DieRobin215
366.Sharpen the trochar 3Fry's Crematorium215
367.Unlikely, but possibleDeathGift215
368.Worm FoodiesDave215
369.Cash from Cancer: Human Papilloma Blanca, I'm just a bird in the skyCash From Cancer214
370.Doc & DJ--The Janitor Was Right About Bin LadenDoc & DJ214
371.Doctor of Death 2the doctor of death214
372.Dogs Can Look Up 1Last Stop214
373.don't stop bereavin'Bird214
374.goddammit 1goddammit214
375.goddammit 2goddammit214
376.its another trappBird214
377.List 3Donkey Sausage214
378.My Neighbor Is An Assholezombie lover214
379.Pundertaker: Formula 1The Pundertaker214
380.This is how rumors get started 2014 - 1USER02248214
381.This is it!Digger O Dell 10214
382.Trout's Dead FishTrout214
383.Birdman - checkmateBird213
384.Birdman - float like a butterfly, stink like a corpseBird213
385.CHAD - Ohhhhhh, The Humanity!CHAD213
386.Copydeath MMXIVUSER00562213
387.Death Be Not Proud VTimur213
389.He knows why!Flynty213
390.Martha PearlDiane213
391.may or may not workBird213
392.Nobody Puts Nancy in Cornerlonedryad213
393.ra ra ra, ra ra robertaBird213
394.Scandal 2014 Rachel2Rachel A213
395.Xyla PhonyGhoulash213
397.27 Club: Run to the Bush, Buddy!1000_Ways212
398.90 Is The New DeadDr Drunk212
399.Andy's 2014 BIG LISTAndrew Edling212
400.BIIA - IIIBut Is It Art?212
401.Cayman See Yacayman went212
402.CHAD - Hey, Boy How's It Hangin?CHAD212
403.Come on I Wanna see Em in a Mausoleum 5EdRulz212
404.dead aheadbonevoyage212
405.Dearly Departedhop1962212
406.Death- You Dropped A Bomb On MeJayRockers!212
408.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit or What's That Smell?FrankJac212
409.Doc & DJ--Be Vewy Quiet...We're Hunting BirdDoc & DJ212
410.Doc & DJ--Sometimes It Seems So Useless to RemainDoc & DJ212
411.Don't forget to Walsh your handssDeathGift212
412.Donne In!splittertogo212 dynastyBird212
414.Killer Advocate Part Deux year toolaptoplg212
415.Krem's Hit ListKrem99212
416.No Theme, No Malice, Just Likely to Die This Yearhumanmeal212
417.Off The CuffAltois212
418.Pile of Stinks 2014mommyster212
419.RD: A double double of death pleaseRD02212
420.The Last StrawMadCapLaughs212
421.Time After TimeMr. Joaquin212
422.Tits-Up IIItits-up212
423.Zsa Zsa, c'mon already.Fred’s212
425.Blake's Bones: OldMr. Blake211
426.Bye Bee-lee!RottenToast211
427.Chrisknauf 2014Chris Knauf211
428.Death Race 2014USER02395211
429.Death, She WroteSilentcalvin211
430.DePressED 04DePressED211
431.Doc & DJ--Joe DiMaggio Memorial ListDoc & DJ211
432.Doc & DJ--Kelly Has Barbara to Thank for 30 Extra BucksDoc & DJ211
433.Doc & DJ--The Bushes Seem to Love This End-of-the-Year DramaDoc & DJ211
434.Feasting Maggots 2Feasting Maggots211
435.Float like you're mummified...DGD211
436.grave matthew's bandwildrush211
437.grimyreaper 1grimyreaper211
438.Holden All The CardsK Dog211
439.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2014calvey211
440.Nietzsche's Super Stiffs IIIFredNietzsche211
443.Rigor 2Rigor 1211
444.Sarky - SwissSarky211
445.Skunkhair 2014 #1Skunkhair 2013211
446.Stranger Blue Leave Us AloneDePressED211
447.Tony Sopranos Harp1Ted Williams on Ice211
448.Billy Graham ain't no SuperstarTwilight is Near210 hawkingBird210
450.Come on I Wanna see Em in a Mausoleum 3EdRulz210
451.CRY ME A RIVER 2fossilhead210
452.He's On My Short ListBea Hind210
453.I really don't think Valerie will die but just in caseDeathGift210
454.No More Mr. Alive GuyMardiRob210
455.RASTALLS REAPS 2014 1Rastalls210
456.rotting corpsestowelielife210
458.Tsuga - Saddest SongTsuga210
459.You're dead to metheappointment210
460.3rd Year in a row-> 10th place = Free ListDGD29
462.Cemetery Girls 4Cemetery Girls29
463.Dirt DiggersIndyHawk29
464.Doc & DJ--Prop Joe's Cadaverous MotherfuckersDoc & DJ29
465.Dust or Bust!Star Dust29
466.Graham SlamwichStar Dust29
467.Heaven Help UsSal & Barb29
468.list 2Donkey Sausage29
470.Old mutha bleepersDeathGift29
471.Otis' Cirrhosis - Morrison Sisters' StillKudsKroakers29
473.Sid Picks Celebs #1dead presidents29
474.Six Feet of Dirtinfj99929
475.WTF. One more list.DGD29
476.Bury the keys and bellsDeathGift28
477.Cash from Cancer: The Grim Reaper gets a new BuddyCash From Cancer28
478.Celebrity Zombie Apocolypsemsastria28
479.Charlie Don't Surf with Lily ThaiCharlie Dont Surf28
480.deadly debutanteDeadly Debutante28
481.Doc & DJ--Down Like SyndromeDoc & DJ28
482.Ivy Cliff 2014 - Ahodag2137828
483.Ivy Cliff 2014 - Bhodag2137828
484.Morgue and MindyMorgue and Mindy28
485.Otis' Cirrhosis - Rafe Hollister's StillKudsKroakers28
486.Quietly DecomposingPushing Up Diasies28
487.SirDrexl's StiffsSirDrexl28
488.Googuse Gacksgooguse27
489.Hello, This Is Rhoda, I'm DormantNumber1User27
491.Offal TruthUSER0179727
492.Simon Says....Adios!Pokey2227
493.Skunkhair 2014 #3Skunkhair 201327
494.Team Formalin: That's Showbiz!anarchess27
495.Tell Your Don What Everyone Seems To KnowFrankie Pentangeli27
496.The Good Die Young IVTimur27
497.Too Lazy for Good ListnameRhody Trash27
498.Dead Fred's list of almost Dead!Dead Fred26
499.Death Soup: There She Goes, Miss America!MJ and Friends26
500.Death Soup: Why Couldn't It Have Been Nails?MJ and Friends26
501.DJ Badger Says DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!DJ Badger26
502.Merchant of Deatherrinm0226
503.Really, really old peopleCosmo Underground26
504.Schindler's 2011-2013 Listnlcfsemfc26
506.Write in list. Maybe I should have played him more?DeathGift26
507.Charlie Don't Surf with Kyung LahCharlie Dont Surf25
508.Dead End StreetRuns with Scissors25
509.Dead RepublicansDeathGift25
510.Feeling a Bit BushedRJD25
511.MrJeff2000's Vessel of Distressmrjeff200025
512.Old, cold, and full of moldDebizzydead?25
513.Pookie's Stiffs #3Pookie's Stiffs25
514.Rhoda Morganstern Will Live ForeverRJD25
515.Cash from Cancer: The Twilight of the Billy GrahamsCash From Cancer24
516.Cash from Cancer: two crackers named GrahamCash From Cancer24
517.Dirt Bag 2014Blondemarvel24
518.Last Call Y'allVaGentry24
519.Sarky - BrieSarky24
520.Your time is up Zsa Zsa, no more GaborDeathGift24
521.End of an Era?RJD23
522.It's Kirk and Zsa Zsa's yearDr. Who23
523.Alice Doesn't Live AnymorePoodle110
525.c ya wouldnt wanna be yacristalblu110
526.Canaries in a Coalmine 2Canaries in a coalmine110
527.Carpe Dead 'emdoorma110
529.Chicken at Tresky's 2Chicken at Tresky's110
530.Come on I Wanna see Em in a Mausoleum 2EdRulz110
531.Feral Fodder 1BMT330110
532.I'll see you in hell- so meet me at the water fountainAndy110
533.LA LISTE DE MEO 2014Meo110
534.Logan's Final RunBea Hind110
535.Loki 2Loki110
536.RD: Now On With The CountdownRD02110
537.RIP All Y'allJFlyHustle1110
538.Shameless plagiarism of last year's favouritesringbark110
539.Soul HuntersHunterbeer110
540.The Grim Reaper's "To Do List"March Of The Maggots110
541.The Long Restscm99110
542.Vestamenta UnoVestament110
544.Cartman- The LeftoversCARTMAN19
545.Cheeses love the little children!tkdmel19
546.Coffin up BloodKirby19
547.Dancing With Mr. DBetter Off Dead19
548.Dutch's TreatBea Hind19
549.Fettucine al DeadoMarkMx19
550.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: FingermanFTG19
551.grimyreaper 3grimyreaper19
552.He's Dead JimHe's Dead Jim19
553.If There Were A God, He'd Want You To DieFredNietzsche19
557.My 2014 ListLord Dickerson19
558.Nietzsche's Pietzsche's IIFredNietzsche19
559.One Foot In, One Foot OutTeamTrautz19
560.RD: What has one leg and STILL won't die?RD0219
561.Sine Die: Stars and StripesSine Die19
562.!!!!! ALBRECHT SAYS DIE ALREADY 2Albrecht18
564.Chillydead 1chillybilly18
565.Circle of DeathRcktManIL18
566.Die Over Easyshroom18
567.DJ Badger: My Wife Lanna Says DIE!DJ Badger18
568.Don't Dick around, Drop your Cain, and say goodbye to the feller next to youDeathGift18
569.Dying to join them.......Don't I look like myself.18
570.End of the line...into the box.Stooge18
571.Fake ShempGhoulash18
572.IMA GONERUncle Stiffy18
573.Of Corpse You're Dead 2Shoeguy18
574.Old ones gotta go sometime!The Ig18 nuffBird18
576.The first real step to canonization...DGD18
577.Too Soon?alan smithee18
578.Big Blue BlowfliesBodyFarmBound17
579.Bob Barker Come On Downtrashking17
580.Bye bye blackbirdUSER0056217
581.Cash from Cancer: How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough?Cash From Cancer17
583.Famous Fossils IHugh G. Wrekshun17
584.Its a Britney Spears year!uselessexistence17
585.JB's Bones To BeBunn's Bones To Be17
586.Last minute listDeathGift17
587.poor kittylindbergh17
588.Pundertaker: License to IllThe Pundertaker17
590.The People's CorpseBea Hind17
591.WAH #3 - DVHUSER0259317
592.Big M's List of people that should die soonDead Fred16
593.Death Soup: Gross UrningsMJ and Friends16
594.Digger O Dell 2Digger O Dell 1016
595.Greg's List 2014gsippel16
596.La Muerte 1LaMuerte16
597.Magic Johnson's Fake HIVLindsay Lohan's Liver16
598.Of Corpse You're Dead 1Shoeguy16
599.Papa ZHerb16
600.SSTCDP 2014Sandy St John16
601.Assuming Room Temperaturepopejt15
602.Cash from Cancer: pushin' up Rhododendrons with RhodaCash From Cancer15
603.Doc & DJ--Does the Pope Shit in the Woods?Doc & DJ15
604.Ethnic Cleansing 2hop196215
605.Grim Assclowns 1USER0163715
606.Guess Who Died? 3ZUSER0148415
608.Lots o' old and sick bastards VIBJCx7815
611.Pile of Stinks 2 2014mommyster15
613.the zsa's of (eternal) lifeUSER0252415
614.Well nobody died, did they? 2Archangel15
615.Who da corpse?mikegldn15
616.Bring It On: Dole em outDEATH DEMON14
617.Cash from Cancer: Music Box CancerCash From Cancer14
619.Dirt Nap 2014nrubsol14
620.DX Rob IIIDX Rob14
621.joeg20141Joe G14
622.Killer Advocatelaptoplg14
623.Old people gotta go sometime 3The Ig14
624.playing the oddsbjaskols14
625.Win one for the wallet!razorben14
626.Cayman Gonecayman went13
627.Charlie Don't Surf with Luci LiuCharlie Dont Surf13
628.Death Be Comes UsPeople Meat13
629.DNR/DNI 3Nurseboy13
631.Sack of StonesMarshrat13
632.Saw The Light #3SAW THE LIGHT13
633.Show me the money IIThe Coroner13
634.Spoiler Alert: Everyone Dies in the EndMichenley13
635.To the Multiverse and Beyond!urbscholar13
636.All aboard for the afterlife!Stooge12
637.Cms DeadersCMS Deader12
638.CRY ME A RIVERfossilhead12
639.EMFC Lime'n SimonEMFCoffin12
640.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl12
641.Gonna Miss ThemFrogSoda12
642.McMurdo 2014.5McMurdoMan12
644.My Girlfriend Hates Me 1!!! i need help12
645.Otis' Cirrhosis - Jubal Foster's StillKudsKroakers12
646.Really Most SincerelyAlan S.12
647.Saw The Light #2SAW THE LIGHT12
648.Ten Funerals III 2014Jerrytopdown12
649.Azabache 2014azabachenegro11
650.BIIA - IIBut Is It Art?11
651.Chicken at Tresky's 3Chicken at Tresky's11
652.Chill CharactersSarcophagus Sam11
653.DNR/DNI 2Nurseboy11
654.Eternally Yours, RitaNumber1User11
655.From Sam to SidRJD11
656.House Of Soon To Be With The Lordhop196211
658.Pookie's Stiffs #4Pookie's Stiffs11
659.See You Wouldn't Want to be You - 2014DC Celebrity Necrologist11
660.Show me the money IIIThe Coroner11
661.Toe Tagger TooWallbanger11
662.10 sickly folks and a serial killerRestless Mouse00
663.Abra Cadaverborn2run5900
664.Aches and ChampagneTheyComeInThrees00
666.Auntie1Ms. Antrope00
668.Betsy's RepublicansBetsy00
669.billsthirdBill J00
670.Buzzard WatchPHALEX00
671.cd5dh - Sooner it's gottacerista00
672.Charlie Don't Surf with Elita LorescaCharlie Dont Surf00
673.Charlie Don't Surf with Lina NguyenCharlie Dont Surf00
674.Charlie Don't Surf with Sharon TayCharlie Dont Surf00
675.Cold & EmotionlessPastaPower00
676.Complete GuessBetter Dig Two00
677.CRY ME A RIVER 3fossilhead00
678.Death is so Final 2014alohabeerguy00
680.Dick Van DeathPoodle00
681.DNR/DNI 1Nurseboy00
682.down and out 22Comeonallready00
683.EMFC The Croaked Have Me StokedEMFCoffin00
684.EMFC The Underground NetworkEMFCoffin00
685.Giving the FC Something to DoDGD00
688.Herm BoolieHerm Boolie00
689.I Can't Believe My Sister Beat Me to Deathlucky punk00
690.joeg20142Joe G00
691.joeg20143Joe G00
692.Just Bury Them Alreadyunusualpsycho00
693.Ken's Kicked it ListDead On00
694.Letting the Hubby Pick SomeEuthanasia00
695.Life is a warm shot moment, Death is a long cold restReaper Crew00
696.List of the lostringbark00
697.Live Fast Die Young Stay Prettyringbark00
698.Loss of PowerCheck, Please!00
699.My Girlfriend Hates Me 3!!! i need help00
700.Notorious R.I.P.Radler00
701.Old BallsBrown Widow00
702.Porricelli ListMichaelgp00
703.Pushing up DaisiesAuise9900
704.Ricky Bobby's PartyRicky Bobby00
705.Saw The Light #1SAW THE LIGHT00
707.Sen1Mr Sen00
708.Someone and The Somethingsgg4632100
709.The Best is yet to end!Pooky00
710.The Cat's Last MeowDeathGift00
711.The Dead Answer KeyFroggyB00
712.The Heart Isn't Normal When It StopsNumber1User00
713.This'll happen.RcktManIL00
714.Tits-Up IItits-up00
715.Ton of TissueMarshrat00
716.WAH #2USER0259300
717.We Finally Got Bush!!!Pokey2200
718.Well nobody died, did they? 1Archangel00
719.Who the Dickens is Kallen me??DeathGift00
720.You Can Do It, Fidel! I Believe In You! 2014 Is Your Year!Two Worlds00
721.You mean Ozzy isn't dead yet?Mojothedeaddog00
722.Zsa Zsa gets a break this time.Maryjo8000


Guess the Stiff!

This guy was on Wheel of Fortune, Love Connection, a bunch other lousy game shows, write a bunch of jingles, country music releases, a Top 40 hit, was in the Navy, was a Covid denier (until his son got it), and was married FIVE times. Quite a life. Not a good one, but, yeah.

(d) November 23rd, 2024