Warren Zevon has been played on 1198 lists, including 295 lists in The October '02 Lee Jr..

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.M.I. Rich? At Times.USER00008417
2.Paddy O'Bitchery 1USER00059323
3.Oh DeathUSER00008319
4.Daybreak In DixieUSER00008317
6.FTG: A Horse of Another ColorFTG315
7.FTG: Flaming Arrow Meets GeorgeFTG315
8.If Brains Was Lard Jethro Couldn't Grease A PanUSER00750315
9.Potted Plant 1DePressED315
10.Sunny Side Of The MountainUSER00008315
11.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Chemo SabeFTG314
12.And Then There Were NoneDePressED313
13.Frankie 1DePressED313
14.Guns Don't Kill People Bullets DoFTG313
15.Cacklin' HenUSER00008312
16.The ChosenUSER00750311
17.Little old lady got mutilated late last night..DePressED310
18.POPE 6USER00108310
20.DePressED 1DePressED218
21.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Wild CountryFTG217
22.MA 05: The Big C is more lethal than handgunsUSER01375217
23.Orange Mountain SpecialUSER00008216
24.Anybody Here Seen My Old Friends Johnny?USER00008215
25.Everything Comes To An End TonyUSER00750215
26.FTG: The End Of The Civil War Is NearFTG215
27.Otto The Auto Weds Diane GoodmanUSER00750215
28.FTG: Around Here, I'm The Man Who Owns ItFTG214
29.Lon Chaney Jr. walking with the Queen...DePressED214
30.DePressED 7DePressED213
31.DePressED 8DePressED213
32.Die - O - RamaUSER02634213
33.Feeling Not So FineUSER02634213
35.Madam SpankalotDePressED213
36.Will You Miss MeUSER00008213
37.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Ghost RidersFTG212
38.Help Out The SealsFTG212
39.Letter Opener Of Death - Now Limited To 47 Chared head212
40.MA 16: Got my FC kneepads onUSER01375212
41.Man Of Constant SorrowUSER00008212
42.Potted Plant 2DePressED212
43.Very New Cheese Or Very Old Meat?USER00750212
44.DePressED 5DePressED211
45.Jesus Savior, Pilot MeUSER00008211
46.MA 07: Hope springs eternal--but just in caseUSER01375211
47.Pyramid SchemeUSER02634211
48.Daddy's Wildwood FlowerUSER00008210
49.DePressED 3DePressED210
50.FTG: Bring On The Dancing GirlsFTG210
51.Rank Strangers To MeUSER00008210
52.Savannah StarrDePressED210
53.They just won't dieUSER02634210
54.Vinnie K. VontzUSER02634210
55.1SickBitch 3USER0126429
57.FTG: The Sword is Mightier Than The PenFTG29
58.Mafia Actuary 01: Wizard of OddsUSER0137529
59.Cherry RobertsDePressED28
60.Die2K 2USER0116128
62.Early To Bed Early To RiseFTG28
63.Frankie 2DePressED28
64.Hanging Judge Harrison's VerdictFTG28
65.Joe BelowUSER0002528
66.MA 03: Werewolves? There wolves. There grave.USER0137528
67.So? He Fucks With UsFTG28
68.Barbie SpreadumDePressED27
69.Die2K 3USER0116127
72.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Take Out Enough To WinFTG27
73.FTG: A Penny Over The Crawling EyeFTG27
74.Justin Hale 6USER0153127
75.MA 06: You'll Never Walk AgainUSER0137527
76.Your Hair Matches The Color of These TiresFTG27
77.Barney Does Filthy Things To Thelma LouUSER0075026
79.The Mile of Cars We Have To Choose FromFTG26
80.DePressED 4DePressED25
82.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Real Music ManFTG25
83.FTG: Beneath The Sands of Iwo JimaFTG25
84.I'll Wear A White RobeUSER0000825
85.Venus LovemotionDePressED25
87.Great American StiffsUSER02634110
88.Jesus loves youUSER02634110
89.Trust Me I Know What I'm DoingFTG110
90.FTG: Tight Pussy and Loose ShoesFTG19
91.MA 13: Fifth stage is acceptanceUSER0137519
92.Oh Just Get In The Motherfucking CarFTG19
93.POPE 2USER0010819
94.Redsox Fan 111BCeltics19
95.Werewolves of Buffalo 3USER0138219
96.Am I Otis Campbell?USER0075018
97.Bob Seger has liedUSER0263418
98.Carload O' CorpsesUSER0263418
99.Cartman's A ListUSER0101318
100.Cartman's B-ListUSER0101318
101.DePressED 2DePressED18
102.Find The Hidden FishUSER0075018
103.Letter Opener Of Death - Meet Junior Samples Jred head18
104.MA 10: Excuse me--do you have any dead Papon?USER0137518
105.Nurseboy 6Nurseboy18
106.Pepster 3USER0158318
107.POPE 1USER0010818
108.Potter's FieldUSER0075018
109.Spinzo's First ListUSER0161818
110.Spinzo's Second ListUSER0161818
111.Spinzo's Third ListUSER0161818
112.The Chick Magnet In His '79 Camaro 1USER0271718
113.The Chick Magnet In His '79 Camaro 2USER0271718
114.The Chick Magnet In His '79 Camaro 3USER0271718
115.Tsuga - Down Down DownTsuga18
116.Tsuga - UndergroundTsuga18
117.We Spin Terror 3 (the experimental list)USER0114518
118.Bad Karma 5M. Bessette-Kennedy17
119.Bart and DJ - Jared Leto In CornrowsDoc & DJ17
120.Cartman's Free ListUSER0101317
121.FTG: You Can Bet A Bucket of BuzzardsFTG17
122.Ghoul GirlGhoul Girl17
123.Pepster 5USER0158317
124.POPE 3USER0010817
125.POPE 4USER0010817
126.Supreme SacrificeUSER0263417
127.Tsuga - Dragging a Dead PriestTsuga17
128.Death by RequestUSER0263416
129.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: BarqueroFTG16
130.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Death Valley DaysFTG16
131.He'll rip your lungs out JimDePressED16
132.Justin Hale 1USER0153116
133.Justin Hale 2USER0153116
134.Justin Hale 3USER0153116
135.Justin Hale 4USER0153116
136.Justin Hale 5USER0153116
137.Justin Hale 7USER0153116
138.Justin Hale 8USER0153116
139.Justin Hale 9USER0153116
140.lush diveUSER0002516
141.NVN: Wrong side of the grassNo Viagra Needed16
142.Redsox Fan 021BCeltics16
143.The Chick Magnet In His '79 Camaro 4USER0271716
144.The Chick Magnet In His '79 Camaro 5USER0271716
145.The Chick Magnet In His '79 Camaro 6USER0271716
146.Tsuga - Cemetary PolkaTsuga16
147.Werewolves of Buffalo 1USER0138216
148.Beaver CleavageDePressED15
149.Blackadder 300000215
150.Christopher Reeve - Werewolves of GeorgiaUSER0002015
151.Die2K 1USER0116115
154.Discount Casket OutletNurseboy15
155.FTG: Iron Horse Robber Go HomeFTG15
156.Heaven's DoorknockersUSER0112715
157.Lady Caroline MuffmuncherDePressED15
158.Last but not LeastUSER0263415
159.MA 12: Rangers finish last with or without himUSER0137515
160.Nurseboy 4Nurseboy15
161.POPE 5USER0010815
162.Private Leonard W. StarrFTG15
163.The Tampa Bay BuccaneersDePressED15
164.Tonya SlickbootyDePressED15
165.We Spin Terror 2USER0114515
166.Your New Assignment at Bloody CreekFTG15
170.Doc--Jay Fiedler Tops My Wish ListDoc & DJ14
171.Doc--What am I? A schmuck on wheels?Doc & DJ14
172.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Blood FeudFTG14
173.Hallo-I-Am-FenaBiff Thanatos14
174.Pretty Girls, City LightsUSER0000814
175.Rudy Polanski What a Coincidence!FTG14
176.The Man Who Wasn't ThereUSER0263414
177.Werewolves of Buffalo 2USER0138214
178.$50 Never Killed AnybodyFTG13
179.Adios muchachos! 1Tripper13
180.Bart and DJ - Entering A No Spin ZoneDoc & DJ13
181.Bart and DJ - Sabotage and ShenanigansDoc & DJ13
182.DePressED 9DePressED13
183.Doc--I Recommend Fisher & SonsDoc & DJ13
184.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Old FrostyFTG13
185.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Pony ExpressFTG13
186.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Survival of the FittestFTG13
187.Good Old Fashioned Homespun EntertainmentFTG13
189.I Know Where The Fuck Miami Beach Is, DummyFTG13
190.Now There Goes a Perfectly Good Bumper StickerFTG13
191.Blackadder 100000212
192.Circling The DrainUSER0067112
193.DePressED 6DePressED12
194.Go See God-Send Lawyers,Guns and CasketsUSER0077912
195.MA 02: Death means never having to say ur sorryUSER0137512
196.Rocky IslandUSER0000812
197.Tsuga - Whistlin Past the GraveyardTsuga12
198.Bart and DJ - I Let Him GoDoc & DJ11
199.Final ApproachUSER0263411
200.MA 08: Happy 100th Strom. Now die.USER0137511
201.MA 14: Kegger at the VaticanUSER0137511
202.Pepster 4USER0158311
203.Roland, the headless thompson gunnerNurseboy11
204.Sittin' On Top Of The WorldUSER0000811
205.U2ony Needs a ShaveUSER0112311
207.19 Years of College and still a SophomoreFTG00
208.2002: a stiffs odysseyUSER0263400
209.A Question of DoubtUSER0263400
210.Achingly Ready To Piss On Reagan's Graveed head00
211.Adios muchachos! 2Tripper00
212.Adios muchachos! 3Tripper00
213.Agatha's Horde 1USER0164000
214.Agatha's Horde 2USER0164000
215.Agatha's Horde 3USER0164000
216.Bad Karma 2M. Bessette-Kennedy00
217.Bad Karma 4M. Bessette-Kennedy00
218.Big Gay Al UK teamtrollette00
219.Blackadder 200000200
220.Both Otto DieUSER0000800
221.Christopher Reeve - Lynda the Dairy PrincessUSER0002000
222.Clinch Mountain BackstepUSER0000800
223.Cubs and Red Sox - Game 7USER0075000
224.Dead List WalkingDead Person Specialist, E00
225.Dead On Their FeetDead Person Specialist, E00
226.Doc--...I Wish I Was Sipowicz.Doc & DJ00
227.Doc--Fuck BaseballDoc & DJ00
228.Doc--I Voted for the Teal M&MDoc & DJ00
229.Doc--Jesus Christ, David...They're Only NipplesDoc & DJ00
230.Doc--Neidermeyer! Dead!Doc & DJ00
231.Doc--You Know, I'd Like to Meet Liz TaylorDoc & DJ00
232.Dr. Paul Shipherd's Most Recent Fail-SafeUSER0065200
233.EBrake 1 For the MoneyE-Brake00
234.EBrake 2 Cancer 0E-Brake00
235.EBrake 3 is a CrowdE-Brake00
236.EBrake 4 Better or WorserE-Brake00
237.EBrake 5 Regular Five DecafE-Brake00
238.EBrake 6 Months is All I NeedE-Brake00
239.Feedbag and ExtortionNurseboy00
240.Femme Fatale 1USER0120500
241.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Talk About a LadyFTG00
242.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Thirteenth InchFTG00
243.Funky JunkiesUSER0263400
244.Go See God- He's Just an Excitable CorpseUSER0077900
245.Go See God-Warren's Sweating October 1st!USER0077900
247.heaven or hell?USER0263400
248.Hooked on Serial KillersUSER0263400
249.IlliniMobM. Bessette-Kennedy00
250.In Search of Bob CraneUSER0263400
251.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost00
252.Jackalope Ghost vs. Uncle FloydJackalope_Ghost00
253.Just Plain DJ - Hopelessly Old-FashionedUSER0096900
254.KCP 1USER0161100
255.L'Chaim 5USER0160400
256.L'Chaim 6USER0160400
257.L'Chaim 7USER0160400
258.Lawyers Guns and Money wont save himRD0200
259.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost00
260.Lizzie Needs a HugUSER0112300
261.Look Out Marshal Lucky It's High PricesFTG00
262.MA 09: Can't Get Enough of your death babeUSER0137500
263.Necro Phil and the Grim Reaper's CheerleadersUSER0137100
264.Necro Phil's Human TenpinsUSER0137100
266.No Viagra NeededNo Viagra Needed00
268.Nurseboy 1Nurseboy00
269.Nurseboy 2Nurseboy00
270.Nurseboy 3Nurseboy00
271.Nurseboy 5Nurseboy00
272.Nurseboy 7Nurseboy00
273.Nurseboy 8Nurseboy00
274.Nurseboy 9Nurseboy00
275.NVN: Gacked to the ninesNo Viagra Needed00
276.One - two - Freddy's coming for YOU!USER0158700
277.onion balladUSER0002500
278.Pepster 2USER0158300
279.Pepster 6USER0158300
280.Scared of LaWandaUSER0263400
281.Slick Needs to Lay Off the SodomitesUSER0112300
282.Ta ta for now USER0162400
283.The Second GunUSER0263400
284.Tlazolteol 3USER0162100
285.Tommytsled-Peace Through Superior Firepower Tomtsled00
286.Tommytsled-Too Close For Missles Switch To GunsTomtsled00
287.Tribute to Sam PeckinpahUSER0263400
288.Trollette UKtrollette00
289.Tsuga - Cold Cold GroundTsuga00
290.Tsuga - Earth Died ScreamingTsuga00
291.Tsuga - The Black RiderTsuga00
292.vomit_god1 - WTF is up with the stock market?vomit_god00
293.Watch My Dollar, Will Ya?FTG00
294.We Spin Terror 1USER0114500


Guess the Stiff!

He singlehandedly revolutionized fashion photography, then elevated portrait shooting to a fine art, and may very well have boned Jack and Jackie Kennedy.

(d) October 1st, 2004