Billy Graham has been played on 6519 lists, including 495 lists in The 2012 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.DGD - Cancer means never having to say you're sorryDGD743
4.DGD - O Lord...Ooh, You are so big...DGD642
5.DGD - Hitchslapping JesusDGD642
6.Doc & DJ--Prop Joe's Cadaverous MotherfuckersDoc & DJ641
7.Death Soup: You Etta, No Betta, You Dead!MJ and Friends639
8.The Old C Againrojoepeters639
9.The Cremation Gang 2012Fry's Crematorium637
10.Deathication 2012Loquacity83635
11.Newbie - On Government Assistancelucky punk635
12.Dearly Departed 2hop1962632
13.Who Says Cancer Is A Bad Thing?DeathRace632
14.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Bring on the Dancing GirlsFTG626
15.Doc & DJ--A Fuck and a Hot TubDoc & DJ540
16.Little Drivin' On A Saturday NightDePressED540
17.Osama Ben Who?evilredhead540
18.DXRob IIDX Rob538
19.yeah yeah buh byeyeah yeah buh bye538
20.What's your ETA, Etta?DGD537
21.Death Soup: Death Watch BeatlesMJ and Friends535
22.Martha PearlDiane535
24.-Huey-alan smithee534
25.Nietzsche's Super StiffsFredNietzsche534
26.SirDrexl's StiffsSirDrexl534
27.The Kid is out at homeDGD534
28.yeah yeah buh bye 3yeah yeah buh bye534
29.10 for 10BarisAurelius533
30.Cemetery Girls 1Cemetery Girls533
31.Somebody put Zsa Zsa out of her miseryDGD533
32.Graham Cracker CrustedGhost of Stiffs Past532
33.I'd Rather Go Blind Than Get a Zero For This ListRD02532
34.Making the News One Last TimeGregDean532
35.Cognitive DissonanceDGD531
36.Pit and the pendulumLaurencedemedici531
37.A Fate Worse Than DeathSanta Fe Syndicate530
38.Cupcakes and Champagnenlcfsemfc530
39.Death March1BCeltics530
40.DNR/DNI 1Nurseboy530
41.Give Me HeadstoneDashaAndBethers530
42.Cash from Cancer: Etta James plays the harpCash From Cancer529
43.DNR/DNI 3Nurseboy529
44.You're plot awaits you!Fry's Crematorium529
45.Ig's Dead List IThe Ig528
46.Last RitesDashaAndBethers528
47.Satan's Waitin'Barker J. Wagtail528
48.Pick Off The Weak OnesNice Sicko527
49.And Then There Was Nonefireflyt526
50.Charlie Don't Surf with Sharon TayCharlie Dont Surf526
51.Ethnic Cleansinghop1962526
52.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl526
53.Reap Em & Weep #2USER00557525
54.Cadillac JCadillacJ524
56.DNR/DNI 2Nurseboy524
59.Commie Pinkos vs. Facist Jebus LoversDGD434
60.Recent LeftoversDGD434
61.So this baby seal walks into a club...DGD434
62.Tenth place - free list.DGD434
63.The dude abides.DGD434
64.Death Rattle II: Almost got ya, Biggsy!anarchess433
65.Feasting Maggots 2Feasting Maggots433
66.MJ Lives! IIIMJ Lives432
67.Birdman - Stab the Doc and shoot the DJBird431
68.Death Rattle & Roll....At last...Twilight is Near431
69.Death Soup: Turn Me On, Dead ManMJ and Friends431
70.die zsa zsa dieUSER02524431
71.Pookie's Stiffs #1Pookie's Stiffs431
72.Stupid is as stupid does.DGD431
73.Von Ryan's ExpressTaugh431
74.Death Soup: The Usual SuspectsMJ and Friends430
75.Graham CrackaBird430
76.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost430
78.A Corpse, A Corpse, My Kingdom For A CorpseBLUISH TINGE429
79.Dr. Who - From Here to EternityDr. Who429
80.home to jesusbjaskols429
81.MK - MBalmedMBalmed429
83.Stone ColdDashaAndBethers429
84.Absolut PinheadsJim428
85.Bomerica Big BoardMrEdBowe428
86.Cash from Cancer: Laverne, surely you can't live another yearCash From Cancer428
87.Cash from Cancer: The World's Foremost Authority on living too damn longCash From Cancer428
88.JON 2Jon00060428
89.Nice to be hereComeonallready428
90.Guess Who Died? 2ZUSER01484426
91.Nietzsche's PietzschesFredNietzsche426
92.They just won't dieBunn's Bones To Be426
93.Worm FoodDashaAndBethers426
95.McSwindlers List 2hop1962425
97.@The Last Stopunit13424
99.home to jesus3bjaskols424
100.Jose Greco de MuertaMaudieG424
101.Last Stop 2Last Stop424
102.Oprah's VaginaStink Finger for Christ424
103.Plowing The Deep 2hop1962424
104.Trout's Dead Fish IITrout424
105.Tsuga - The Saddest SongTsuga424 - The Metamucil Christmas fruitcake was a big (s)hitvomit_god424
107.A Fine List 2012jwin55423
108.Chicken at Tresky's #1Chicken at Tresky's423
109.Last Stop 3Last Stop423
111.RottenToast Wins At LastRottenToast423
112.2011:The Year Golden Girls Death Streak StoppedRD02422
113.CHAD - Hey, Where Are My 2 Pistol Pete Specials?CHAD422
114.Ig's Dead List IIIThe Ig422
115.Chicken at Tresky's #2Chicken at Tresky's421
116.Dearly Departed 3hop1962421
117.Future fossilsfossilhead421
118.Ignatius' Rubber GloveIgnatius' Rubber Glove421
119.nature's callingbuh-bye now421
120.This is how rumors get started 2012 - 1USER02248421
121.Death Race 2012USER02395420
122.I See Dead People v2Barzini420
123.The person you've reached has been disconnectedBetter Off Dead420
124.Billsfirst_2012Bill J419
125.Chancy's Second List #3Chancedog418
126.Death Becomes UsPeople Meat418
127.The Reaper's Dinner GuestsAmy Sue416
128.Ghoul Girl !IIGhoul Girl414
130.Ten Toes UpKeath Graham411
131.Cancer is the AnswerTumor_Makes_A_Does_In327
132.Check, Please!Check, Please!327
133.Ding Dong DeadCheck, Please!327
134.Letter Opener of Death Reduxed head327
135.The Jaws of DeathBird327
136.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow PencilJoanCrawfordsMakeupBag326
137.Radtex : His and HearseRadtex326
138.Asystole 2Ben Dover325
139.Cash from Cancer: Billy Graham, you are damnedCash From Cancer325
140.Cash from Cancer: Kid Carter, dead martyrCash From Cancer325
141.Death-Smoke 'em if You've Got 'emJayRockers!325
142.EMFC: Now, the Bee Gees with "Two Out of Three Ain't Bad"EMFCoffin325
143.GravediggersThe Coroner325
144.MJ Lives!MJ Lives325
145.No one can hear your falsetto in HellSarky325
146.why am i still here?bjaskols325
147.Winner Winner Chicken DinnerQueenvingle325
148.DJ Badger says DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!DJ Badger324
149.Happy Apocalypse 2012!HauntedWebmaster324
150.Otis' Cirrhosis - Jubal Foster's StillKudsKroakers324
151.Plowing The Deephop1962324
152.ReaperMadness #1ReaperMadness324
153.Thelma Rice had her legs waxedlindbergh324
154.ATL. FALCONS FANThe rebel.323
155.Blake's Bones IMr. Blake323
157.Nietzsche's Dead GodsFredNietzsche323
158.Poodle's Third Time CharmPoodle323
159.yeah yeah buh bye 5yeah yeah buh bye323
160.Cash from Cancer: Run Run, you are done!Cash From Cancer322
161.Death Soup: Death of a Disco DancerMJ and Friends322
162.EMFC: Schlemiel, Schlimazel, the End of an Embalming NozzleEMFCoffin322
163.Free and Worth Every Penny MarshallRhody Trash322
164.MsWhatsit's 2011 Survivors ListMsWhatsit322
165.Not Dead Yet IITimur322
166.Ride the Pale HorseyDashaAndBethers322
167.Two snaps up!!USER00562322
168.Are We Dead Yet 001goodwin73321
169.Corpse a DiemDave321
170.Half Past DeadDashaAndBethers321
171.Mary Worth Takes Over for KevorkianRhody Trash321
172.On Our Way Out SoonerMicky the Eyes321
173.Rock N' Roll Me When I'm DeadTrav321
174.Styrofoam Bologna 1Gina3030321
175.!!!!! ALBRECHT SAYS DIE ALREADY 2Albrecht320
176.Bring out Your Dead!Dead Fred320
177.Cartman- Occupy Forest LawnCARTMAN320
178.Cash from Cancer: Vo Giap gets some wings to flapCash From Cancer320
179.Daisey Pusherssquidly766320
180.Dancing With Mr. DBetter Off Dead320
181.Die Easyshroom320
182.Gone Like Cianci's ToupeeRhody Trash320
183.made my move too soon 1USER00562320
185.NVN: Fucking Mayans better be wrongNo Viagra Needed320
186.Rachel's Salem Haunting 6Rachel A320
187.Sick BayOldDocMcCoy320
188.The Game of LifeUSER02045320 - What did Preparations A through G do for hemmorhoids?vomit_god320
190.You Etta, You Etta, You Bet!Sarky320
191.Charlie Don't Surf with Lilly ThaiCharlie Dont Surf319
192.Down and DirtyDRave13319
193.Gather Ye RosebudsDiamondToothGertie319
194.Justin Hale 07USER01531319
195.Justin Hale 11USER01531319
196.Poop SandwichUSER02535319
197.THE CHOSEN ONESSmoke Good Cigars319
198.CHAD - I Was NOT Born This WayCHAD318
199.CHAD - The Vagina Is A Self Cleaning OvenCHAD318
200.Cindy's poolcmdale318
201.JCudds 2JCudds318
202.My Ten Funerals 2012Jerrytopdown318
203.Nobody's Fool (Least of All Yours)RJD318
204.Prince Sirki's PicksPrince Sirki318
205.Put Out the FlameYule Log318
206.Rat Bastards 1Rat Bastard318
207.Are We Dead Yet 003goodwin73317
208.Chicago's Voter RegistrationBeer Ninja317
209.Demented and sad, but still socialMichenley317
210.Die Already will yacristalblu317
211.Fake ShempGhoulash317
212.Gizmo Says Bye BillyRottenToast317
213.go to the lightbuh-bye now317
214.Ham SandwichBigFishAZ317
215.I Done Them WrongDiamondToothGertie317
216.NoNames 2jim dibello317
217.Post your dead bee gee joke herezombie lover317
218.The Second Mile Boys Choirzombie lover317
219.We have a piper down 2dryden2911317 victimsgatekeeperofvalhalla316
221.No Obits NeededYule Log316
222.Worm BuffetJerry's Kids316
224.horcrux haterzboshh315
225.POTUS 15USER02464315
226.So long, nice knowing you!VaGentry315
227.Tsuga - PhantasmagoriaTsuga315
228.3 to get readyTheOriginalDub314
229.Death Never Takes a Holiday INipper314
230.grave matthew's bandwildrush314
231.Stacking the Deck ChairsHugh G. Wrekshun314
232.Styrofoam Bologna 2Gina3030314
233.The Maggot HotelNick ‘n Beth314
235.Franz ListTrajan313
236.Greg's Listgsippel313
237.Killer Advocate Part Deuxlaptoplg313
238.Offal TruthUSER01797313
239.POTUS 14USER02464313
240.Same time next year?bjaskols313
242.STOP the Healing!Yule Log313
243.Who Dented My Bucket?jimdkc313
245.The Lascaux Cave Paintings: Younger Than Run Run ShawDiamondToothGertie312
246.Nah-nah-nah-nah GenariansBut Is It Art?311
247.Skunkhair 2012skunkhair311
248.Monkey Knife FightGaelFC39
249.You're All Royally ScrewedDeckhawk39
250.Are We Dead Yet 002goodwin73219
251.Dearly Departedhop1962219
252.Everything's Deader in TexasBluelena219
253.Justin Hale 01USER01531219
254.Justin Hale 02USER01531219
255.Justin Hale 03USER01531219
256.Justin Hale 04USER01531219
257.Justin Hale 05USER01531219
258.Mourning GloryBLUISH TINGE219
259.My wife finds this offensiveknkaustin219
260.Pennies On Your Eyesdoorma219
261.Pine OvercoatDashaAndBethers219
262.Say Hi to my Goldfish when you get there!doorma219
263.The Dead Travel FastHasenji219 - Bernie Finedusky's basketball shower campvomit_god219 - Bukkake Karaokevomit_god219 - Fucko brushes his teeth with Vagisilvomit_god219 - Hoc initium funestivomit_god219
268.your next!me first219
269.All gomers die of somethinglindbergh218
270.Cancer Committe MemberTitanPilot583218
271.Ivy Cliff Memorial 2012 -Chodag21378218
273.Putting the Fun in FuneralHe's Dead Jim218
275.Sunshine Up My SkirtSunshine Up My Skirt218
276.Dancing on WOHLERTS graveonefunsob217
277.Death BenefitsBuck217
279.Last Stop 1Last Stop217
280.Potts, Kitchen, and BaconMarkMx217
281.Hoosier Daddy 2littlejohn1954216
282.Ivy Cliff Memorial 2012 - Ahodag21378216
283.Lifeguard at the Pool of the DeadBagger216
285.Will Chillequestzim7216
286.Aiming for Asystole 2012Aiming For Asystole215
287.Chilly Dead 3chillybilly215
288.Die Verne Gagne DieTitanPilot583215
289.Doctor of Death 2the doctor of death215
290.Dr McCoy's Patientshemlock please215
291.Gravediggers IIThe Coroner215
292.Jebus Clubs YouHugh G. Wrekshun215
293.Not an Original List Name1carseycritter215
294.On Our Way Out QuickMicky the Eyes215
295.Rachel's Salem Haunting 1Rachel A215
296.Rachel's Salem Haunting 2Rachel A215
297.Range of RocksMarshrat215
298.rlp winner #1azabachenegro215
299.Taking a Stance No MoreGregDean215
300.The Mayans Say They're All Gonersbigmfnal31215
301.This will win by 2090 guaranteed!!DirtyDeeds215
302.Worm Buffet IIIJerry's Kids215
303.1 for the moneyTheOriginalDub214
304.2012 of the worldUSER00562214
305.2nd chancejminrod214
306.As A DoornailCaveynCHI214
307.Deadly DebutantDeadly Debutante214
308.Dust to DollarsDRave13214
309.Formerly Lee WarmererFormer Lee Warmer214
310.Little Dix 2LittleDix214
311.NoNames 1jim dibello214
312.Paul's Pyre 2012USER02425214
314.Tomtsled-Come Back Judy In NYTomtsled214
315.We have just been informed that you are DEAD.Sarkon214
316.Aiming for Asystole too 2012Aiming For Asystole213
317.CHAD - Here We Go AgainCHAD213
318.Die please, thank youBucket Kickers213
319.Mandatory Suicidedalkeith213
321.NoNames 3jim dibello213
322.Rigor IRigor213
323.Soon B. Gonn 1Edhead22213
324.Soul HuntersHunterbeer213
325.Wake Me for the RapturePozzo213
326.!!!!!!AAAAAABucket Kickers212
327.At Last!Bones McCoy212
328.Burton Mercer makes an arrest from heaven!dubwest212
329.Death SchmethDeath Schmeth212
331.Die please, thank you, tooBucket Kickers212
332.Life's a GambleBuck212
335.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #4Shoeguy212
336.Saw The Light #1SAW THE LIGHT212
337.A Grateful Deadhead's 2012Judysomething211
338.Bought the East Hill Farmsplittertogo211
339.cd5dh - death is the cure of all diseasescerista211
340.Celluloid HeroesRuns with Scissors211
341.Five Feet UnderRexhanover211
342.hurry up and diebuh-bye now211
343.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part IIhurryupndiealready211
344.I Gotta Go Feed the WormsThe Reaper211
345.La Muerte2LaMuerte211
346.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 3Joker211
347.Oxpeen 2012 Stiffy'sOxpeen211
348.PB: This is My Yearpbear211
349.We have a piper down 3dryden2911211
350.What's that smell???The Reaper211
351.Xena's 7 Feet Down Underxena211
352.Chris Knauf Dead ListChris Knauf210
354.Feral Fodder #1BMT330210
355.Good night Chuckles...kewlness210
357.Pokey's Plinko PlayersPokey22210
358.Time for a dirt nap 3chick813210
359.We didn't have a cream for thatpeatey210
362.Bonnie and ClydsedaleDave29
364.Minerva, Mayhem and MortalityBooBeau29
365.One Way Ticket HomeKeath Graham29
366.Saw The Light #3SAW THE LIGHT29
368.bugs and bones old fartsBugs and Bones28
369.Doornails IIronnocoman28
371.Lewis Eleven (3)brucelew28
372.111 ajlposhajlposh27
374.Worm Buffet 2Jerry's Kids27
375.Death Eater Set MenuOzCube26
376.Goats Dead SoupGrouchoHarpoChicoDeado26
377.Ima GonerUncle Stiffy26
378.Loki 3Loki25
379.Put the FUN back into FUNeral!noseinbook25
380.Zombie FlandersDr.Burryum25
381.Afraid of the dark? #2Minnesota Neil24
383.2012 as they know itUSER00562110
384.Baxley - Frucking Stats 2Baxley110
385.Bon Voyage, Nice Knowing You...BonusPants110
386.BringOutYerDeadMr Happy110
387.Celebrity SniperTitanPilot583110
388.daves stiffsgatekeeperofvalhalla110
389.Death to the Infidels!aliveandkicking110
390.Donne In!splittertogo110
391.I bid you adieuCosmo Underground110
393.Joined the Choir Invisiblesplittertogo110
394.Not an Original List Name2carseycritter110
397.We have a piper down 1dryden2911110
398.Well nobody died did they? #2Archangel110
399.6.27 feet underChelsea Dagger19
400.AAAAAAAAAA - First in the alphabetic sort?But Is It Art?19
401.BEHOLD! Dead people of the future!!genghis7119
403.Greg's 2012 Dead Pool 2gfultz119
404.just cause llTodd Blankenship19
405.MrJeff's Crypt of Confusionmrjeff200019
406.Rachel's Salem Haunting 4Rachel A19
407.Time for a dirt nap 2chick81319
408.Tomtsled-Gunslinger Come BackTomtsled19
409.Tripp's Death ListIterr19
410.TV's Forgotten HerosSwine19
411.Corpses of Fame 2: Electric Boogalooculwin18
412.Death Never Takes a Holiday IIINipper18
413.Lightest PyreDr. Doom18
414.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 1Joker18
415.Lots 'o old and sick bastards IVBJCx7818
416.Not an Original List Name3carseycritter18
417.dig a shallow graveshootingstar17
418.Flatliners 1The Shadow17
422.Sen IIMr Sen17
423.CynsFull List3TeamTrautz16
425.hoosier daddylittlejohn195416
426.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #1Shoeguy16
427.The Last LeggersEpicSpork16
428.Expiration Date: 12/31/11Pokey2215
429.Just Kickin' It!JLM211wx (Just Kickin It!15
430.RTATHREEHerm Boolie15
431.The Wizard of West LA 1FroggyB15
432.Wear White to a FuneralBeth996615
433.!!! ailingtitan36014
434.4NSick Guessesmcnel214
435.Buncha Dead Folks!RcktManIL14
438.Doc & DJ--Bob Hope All-Stars (Die Already!)Doc & DJ14
439.Last call for Death....captaindabby14
441.Shangri-LaKeath Graham14
442.Always look on the bright side of death3Angel of Death13
443.Coffin CornerDRave1313
444.Doc & DJ--Numbers GameDoc & DJ13
445.End of the Liners 2012Tombstone Jen13
447.Ike's likestbone13
448.MATTOID - Come on, die already...The Mattoid13
449.MausoleakumUncle Stiffy13
450.Vadnelly VoodoosVadnelly Voodoos13
452.Buh-Bye 2FireMutt3512
454.JCudds 3JCudds12
455.Kim's listKLF12
457.The United States Supreme Corpsesaintbaloney12
458.Whayne 2012 - WAH2USER0259312
459.YCB's Dead 10USER0589712
460.2012 Big Dirt SandwichTheBus11
461.flatliners the usual suspectsThe Shadow11
462.Last Ditch effortjminrod11
463.Barry D LiveUncle Stiffy00
464.Beat it, stupid!USER0260900
465.Better Call Saul!USER0260900
466.Big M's list of People that need to dieDead Fred00
467.Bugled to Jesutexasmick00
468.Cagehead 2012 CDPCagehead00
469.Chilly Dead 1chillybilly00
470.Chilly Dead 2chillybilly00
471.Corpses of Fame 1: Breaking Dawnculwin00
472.Death By Chocolate 2012mommyster00
473.Deathwishful thinkingDave the Vampire00
474.Digger O' Dell 16Digger O Dell 1000
475.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit 4 or Cash For CadaversFrankJac00
479.Flying the marble kiteDave the Vampire00
480.FUTURE FOSSILS OH YEAHfossilhead00
481.GagaBurn'em All00
482.Jimminy DeathlistRastafarian Mormon00
483.Lewis Eleven (2)brucelew00
484.NEXTSid Sims00
485.NJM Green MileNJMCW00
486.No Talent Ass ClownMeganG2100
487.NutseyMs. Antrope00
488.OLD AND MOLDYbrutesquad6400
489.Paging Mr. Girection,Is there a Hugh Girection here?zombie lover00
490.PigglesworthDr Drunk00
491.Schindler's 2011 Listnlcfsemfc00
492.Star list 2012 ChancedogChancedog00
493.Stones Girl tries againStones Girl00
495.Three strikes, you're out!Fred’s00


Guess the Stiff!

He's lost all thought and feeling. The cause? Unnamed malady.

(d) November 5th, 2003