William Rehnquist has been played on 417 lists, including 401 lists in The 2005 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.MA01: Where have all the mortal locks gone?USER01375846
3.MA03: It's not just Eli Manning making him illUSER01375745
4.MA17: Fame Committee Challenge 2005USER01375744
5.MA02: Funeral is 1st Monday in OctoberUSER01375741
6.Raoul 11USER01531643
7.MA04: From Cold Warrior to Cold CorpseUSER01375641
8.MA13: Ralph Edwards--This Was Your Life!USER01375641
10.Kolchack The Night Stalker 2000002639
11.Kolchack The Night Stalker 6000002639
12.Raoul 13USER01531639
13.MA06: TKO in the 99th roundUSER01375638
14.Raoul 10USER01531638
16.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Hellfire!FTG636
17.FTG: He's not interested in the plutoniumFTG635
18.Julie (that bitch)USER00208635
19.Raoul 15USER01531635
20.Tenacious D(eath)USER02177635
21.The Weed Of Crime Bears Bitter Fruit 01USER01531634
22.Raoul 02USER01531633
23.JMK-Get to the back of the hearseUSER01551632
24.FTG: Expansion of O'Rourke EnterprisesFTG631
25.Susie's DeadbeatsSusie Sicko631
26.Please Die for MY Beer moneyUSER01894630
27.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Thunder Run for DVDFTG629
28.Tonya SlickbootyDePressED629
29.Lady Caroline MuffmuncherDePressED623
30.As If It Were Your Last #2Minnesota Neil539
32.Kolchack The Night Stalker 4000002537
33.Raoul 14USER01531537
34.E-Brake: Walked the sand with the crustaceansE-Brake536
37.A Morbid Taste for BonesUSER02013535
38.Get out of my office!USER02177535
39.mOrBIT Peace OutUSER00311535
41.Ramrod AgainUSER01531534
42.Raoul 04USER01531534
43.Raoul 09USER01531534
44.Raoul 12USER01531534
45.I Can't Win if You Don't Die 1USER01728533
46.I Know Where the Fuck Miami Beach is DummyFTG533
47.Filthy Fucking Whoresfilthy whore532
48.Mother Would Be ProudUSER00750532
49.Special K - Dying to winUSER01535532
50.They've Lost That Living FeelingUSER01860532
51.Already DeadUSER01128531
52.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Spenser Tracy and KongFTG531
53.MA12: Lady Bird Johnson = I do rash Lyndon BJUSER01375531
54.Steve's list of soon to be dead people - Year 3USER01724531
55.Death Soup: Death TrollMJ and Friends530
56.El Fantasma de Forrest TuckerFTG530
57.FTG: Fresh Out of Molotov CocktailsFTG530
58.Death Rattle Ianarchess529
61.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Code Is 8 7 3 5FTG528
62.Martha PearlDiane528
63.Xtreme DeadpoolingDePressED528
65.FTG: Today's Stars Don't Measure UpFTG527
66.We Had Nuns Protesting in the Parking LotFTG527
68.Burnin' Popery Ianarchess526
69.Cartman- The Curse 1918-2004USER01013526
70.No Viagra NeededNo Viagra Needed526
71.Senseless SlaughterPozzo526
72.Your Hair Matches the Color of These TiresFTG526
73.And Then There Were NoneDePressED525
74.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Hit Number Four!FTG525
75.B & MBuck524
78.Madam SpankalotDePressED524
79.Lethal Ianjection (1 of 3)USER02242521
80.Lym PhomaMaudieG434
81.MA15: Thanks to the Pope for making it to 2005USER01375433
82.90 is Enough - The ActorsDollar Bill432
83.90 is Enough - The GeeksDollar Bill432
85.MA10: Running out of lame names for listsUSER01375432
86.Ramrod One More TimeUSER01531432
87.Weekend at Bernie'sPaul1681432
88.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Space Age Plastic Son!FTG431
89.Kolchak the Night Stalker 8000002431
90.Raoul 06USER01531431
91.The Weed Of Crime Bears Bitter Fruit 03USER01531431
92.yeah yeah buh byeyeah yeah buh bye431
93.MA08: She made her mind up back in ChelseaUSER01375430
94.Raoul 07USER01531430
95.Rigamortas, your table is readyUSER01895430
96.sink or dieUSER02141430
97.The Weed Of Crime Bears Bitter Fruit 02USER01531430
98.www.sendbillmoney.com 2Oh No You Ditten430
100.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Real Music ManFTG429
101.Kolchack The Night Stalker 3000002429
102.MA09: A tad stiff but violet eyes to die forUSER01375429
103.Mel AnomaMaudieG429
104.Taking care of Freddy's Dandruff problemFTG429
105.DGD - Flying Under the RadarDGD428
106.Dr. Steve2Dr. Steve428
107.Excuse Me For Coffin #8USER00594428
109.MA05: Brooke Astor = OK--a bore rotsUSER01375428
110.Raoul 01USER01531428
111.Toes Up #6USER02025428
112.What Would Debbie Black DoRhody Trash428
113.yeah yeah buh bye 2yeah yeah buh bye428
114.Beer ChicksBeer Sisters427
115.Car CinomaMaudieG427
116.Death Soup: L'Morte d'Jean-PaulMJ and Friends427
117.Knocked Them Muthafuckers right on they ass tooFTG427
118.Raoul 03USER01531427
119.These People Wronged Paul KerseyFTG427
120.Weekend at Bernie's 3Paul1681427
121.Wracked's Obscured By ShroudsWracked427
122..001 Losers' Clubeastvanhalen426
123.Cloth Horse 3000thephillyguy426
124.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Cancel Your ReservationFTG426
125.I See Dead People 3USER02137426
126.MA07: Good anthropologist--better jeans makerUSER01375426
127.Oak Gavel With 6 HandlesUSER00750426
128.RubberDuck4:Thank U PistolRD02426
129.Sirhan Wilkes OswaldUSER02131426
130.The Armchair MessiahUSER01743426
131.Wracked's Wormwood CocktailWracked426
132.yada yada yadaUSER02225426
133.Charlie Don't Surf - Smoking CrackCharlie Dont Surf425
134.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Last BanditFTG425
135.Gil's Second StringUSER01726425
136.Weekend at Bernie's 2Paul1681425
137.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: BrimstoneFTG424
138.Gil's First ListUSER01726424
139.Kolchack The Night Stalker 1000002424
140.Susie StinkoSusie Sicko424
141.The Shadow Puppet of Death 2USER00495424
143.Bastille's Freedom FriesUSER00220423
144.Cos A Butterfly Feeds On A Dead Monkey's HandUSER00750423
145.Forrest Tucker's Ghost in the MachineFTG423
146.Kolchak The Night Stalker 7000002423
147.Moose listUSER01377423
149.Gil's Third Try's the CharmUSER01726422
151.Pepster 3USER01583422
152.Barbie SpreadumDePressED421
153.Cloth Horse 1000thephillyguy421
155.Doktor Robert IUSER01896421
156.In the long run we are all dead 2005USER02056421
157.Savannah StarrDePressED421
158.Counting Bodies Like SheepDGambrinus420
159.Forrest Tucker's Ghostface KillaFTG420
160.Lethal Ianjection (3 of 3)USER02242420
161.Name This TeamUSER00750420
163.starch - Annie Get Your Gubstarch419
164.Kolchak the Night Stalker 9000002418
165.Lethal Ianjection (2 of 3)USER02242418
167.!ALBRECHT SAYS DIEAlbrecht416
168.Please die for my $2005USER01894416
169.Fat Lady is Singing 1USER01830415
170.Death By Pinocleoregontrail327
171.Death By Pinocle 2oregontrail327
172.Hey! I am not dead.USER02248327
173.I Can't Win if You Don't Die 3USER01728327
174.Ivy Cliff Memorial 2hodag21378327
175.Raoul 05USER01531327
176.Whayne 2USER02593327
177.90 is Enough - The JocksDollar Bill326
178.God's Guaranteed GonersUSER01993326
179.Raoul 08USER01531326
180.Spinzo's Unimaginatively Named ListUSER02138326
181.The Way We Were 2USER01595326
182.Twisted and Dementedecho0816326
183.Bury' em MariamUSER00406325
184.Doktor Robert IIUSER01896325
185.Killer Advocate IIlaptoplg325
186.Our List Is On The RoofGrime Reaper325
188.Special K - It's raining men...USER01535325
189.Time To Die In 2005Larry4444325
190.E-Brake: I've kissed mermaids, rode the El NinoE-Brake324
191.GUNSLINGER: What The Fuck Is Grimace?GUNSLINGER324
192.Henley's New Ticket to HellMichenley324
193.Just Die, BabyUSER01275324
194.MA11: Rosa McCauley Parks= A curse-my pal croaksUSER01375324
196.Susie SickoSusie Sicko324
197.Venus LovemotionDePressED324
198.Chad - Breaking News - Kennan Kicks Bucket!USER01115323
199.Death Soup: Gross UrningsMJ and Friends323
200.Excuse Me For Coffin #1USER00594323
201.Frank CasketUSER02212323
202.Kid GhoulashGhoulash323
203.MA18: Wish I knew which were the good listsUSER01375323
204.Ritz's A-ListUSER01786323
205.Tsuga - Dark Star CrashesTsuga323
206.What? Where's My Husband?USER02159323
207.yeah yeah buh bye 3yeah yeah buh bye323
208.Chad - Breaking News - Supremes Member DEAD!USER01115322
210.Death Becomes UsRat Bastard322
211.Death Comes a Knockin'Mr Happy322
212.RubberDuck2: Yes,He Plays Another ListRD02322
214.90 is Enough - The GirlsDollar Bill321
216.from diller to millerlindbergh321
217.Max Payne 21robbo321
218.Off the Bus 2USER00621321
219.Otter listUSER01377321
221.Rigamortis or BustUSER02201321
222.RubberDuck3: Not Another PC CrashRD02321
223.Bring it onDeath Bastard320
224.Dead People Server http://www.deadpeople.infoUSER00380320
225.Excuse Me For Coffin #3USER00594320
226.Guess Who Died? 2ZUSER01484320
227.Mary Alice Young RIPRD02320
228.Ph.DeathSquire 3USER01907320
229.Stiffy Pete's Travelling Corpse ShowScott in Philly320
230.The Way We WereUSER01595320
231.Tsunami WarningUSER01787320
232.Wracked's Gravy DiggersWracked320
233.Charlie Don't Surf in Newport BeachCharlie Dont Surf319
235.Die Die DieUSER02165319
236.Hell: Even Worse than DetroitUSER00347319
237.UPS Extra Cheese and Sausage dirtnapjoseph8080319
238.Velvet Vest of JusticeRhody Trash319
239.Carnivale IVUSER01857318
240.Dead Men Not Walking1USER00977318
241.Donne in! -Death be not proud.splittertogo318
242.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost318
244.NOT CENSUS ELIGIBLETitanPilot583318
245.Off the Bus 1USER00621318
246.SLEEPS WITH THE FISH #2Mary Tyler Morgue318
247.BETTER DEAD THAN RED AUERBACHFrankie Pentangeli317
248.Carnivale VUSER01857317
249.Coffin Coffee ShopUSER01993317
250.Dead Men Not Walking4USER00977317
251.Ghoul GirlGhoul Girl317
252.Ghoul Girl IIIGhoul Girl317
253.Potted PlantDePressED317
254.starch - The Crungestarch317
255.Charlie Don't Surf on Sharon TayCharlie Dont Surf316
256.Max Payne 26robbo316
257.Max Payne 27robbo316
258.Number 10 Won't PassUSER00750316
259.Tig Ol BittiesUSER02227316
260.Tsunami MommyEWWWWWW316
261.Off the Bus 3USER00621315
262.Pepster 2USER01583315
263.Sarky - If you lick it they will comeUSER00312315
264.Troll 2Death Troll315
265.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Break in the CircleFTG314
267.the living deadUSER02239314
268.Tsuga - Sharks Patrol These WatersTsuga314
269.Charlie Don't SurfCharlie Dont Surf313
271.Die 4 Me Willya?Chickeyd313
272.Doc--John O'Conner Memorial ListDoc & DJ313
273.legally deadgoodwin73313
274.Hannibal Lechter's 10 Course BuffetUSER02117312
275.Knights who say NIHUSER02261312
276.Max Payne 25robbo312
277.We Spin Terror 2USER01145312
278.SirDrexl's StiffsSirDrexl311
280.90 is Enough - The LeadersDollar Bill219
281.90 is Enough - The SickDollar Bill219
282.Damn you all 1goddammit219
283.Damn You All 2goddammit219
284.Damn You All 3goddammit219
285.Death HagUSER02237219
286.Doktor Robert IIIUSER01896219
288.Hand of DoomUSER00091219
289.He's Dead Jimbone rattler219
290.Just In CaseUSER02159219
291.Make the world a better place!USER02177219
292.Melissa Threw Up On The RugUSER00750219
293.Mortician's De-Lite 1 - The Way Over The Hill GUSER01081219
294.No Way Do I Have a ChanceRhody Trash219
296.Threadbare EnterprisesUSER02261219
299.Whayne 1USER02593219
300.Whayne 3USER02593219
301.Carnivale XUSER01857218
302.Charlie Don't Surf on TsunamiCharlie Dont Surf218
303.Foolish Mortals IVUSER01909218
304.Mac's MortsUSER02035218
307.'TIL DEATH DO US PART*Allah Willing217
308.Betty Friedan Makes Me HotUSER00750217
310.Eyechart's 1st 2005 List: The Sick OnesUSER01382217
312.Ritz's PoliticansUSER01786217
313.TEAM OBE 3USER00909217
314.Vile JellyUSER00336217
315.Die Already, will ya?!3Bucket Kickers216
316.JMD - Take Dive in 2005Mr Wonderful216
318.Killer Advocate IIIlaptoplg216
319.Rhymes With SethUSER01743216
320.starch - Get Your Hands Off My Heinie Manuschstarch216
321.Too Sick Minds - Your Corpse HereUSER01711216
322.Wednesday #3Wednesday216
323.2005 Feasting MaggotsFeasting Maggots215
326.Killer Advocatelaptoplg215
327.Lobster Jesus Saves AllUSER02254215
329.Scorched EarthRoloTomassi215
330.They're All GonersUSER01380215
331.Unfortunate SoulsUSER02105215
333.2005 Feasting Maggots 2Feasting Maggots214
334.2005 Feasting Maggots 4Feasting Maggots214
335.I got a mandateUSER02156214
336.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2005calvey214
337.Revenge on The Claw !!!USER02243214
338.Son of StiffyUSER01928214
339.starch - Epididymis Rexstarch214
340.Bagged and Taggedecho0816213
341.Cankuhn's GooniesUSER01089213
342.Death Wish 2005DeathWish213
343.Dying for a Cup of JavaUSER02095213
346.The Way We Were 3USER01595213
347.A First Time For EverythingRobonun212
348.Beaver CleavageDePressED212
349.GoodMourningEvanstonLSGood Mourning Evanston212
350.Kolchack The Night Stalker 5000002212
351.MA14: Muerte a la revolucion!USER01375212
352.Ph.DeathSquire 1USER01907212
354.Z DeadestUSER00348212
355.Bastille's Immunity ChallengeUSER00220211
356.Kill them all and let God sort them outUSER02234211
357.Northern Reaper - Smell My Fingernorthern reaper211
358.Only Dead Men KnowRoloTomassi211
359.Please Push Up the DaisiesUSER02135211
360.suenami earthquakeUSER00164211
361.You're Free to LeaveUSER02135211
363.Max Payne 23robbo210
365.Max Payne 22robbo29
366.KWilly--Keepin' It RealUSER0174328
367.NJ Deadlines IIJackalope_Ghost28
368.Reapers Keepers 3USER0176528
369.Madness of CrowdsUSER0206927
370.The Brain ListUSER0220227
371.YOU WILL DIE!!!!USER0094726
372.2. I LOVE THE DEADUSER00070110
373.2005 Feasting Maggots 3Feasting Maggots110
374.Charlie Don't Surf without NapalmCharlie Dont Surf110
375.Death Be a Lady TonightUSER02164110
376.Death-Don't Leave Home Without ItJayRockers!110
377.Dorn DeadLizCat110
378.E-Brake & Mafia Actuary: Love to hate you babyE-Brake110
379.Family & FriendsDeathWish110
380.Ghoul Girl IIGhoul Girl110
381.Gowiththrottleup 1Roger Gowiththrottleup110
382.just go quietlygoner2017110
383.See Ya, Wouldn't Wanna Be YaUSER02135110
384.starch - 50 Ways to Leave your LeVar Burtonstarch110
385.We Got A Cane Over Here !!!!DEEJ110
386.ADH-KLB Hit ListUSER0220019
387.Death-Bet You Can't Eat Just OneJayRockers!19
388.Death-It's Not Just For Breakfast AnymoreJayRockers!19
390.Nail PoundersUSER0208519
391.starch - Bend it like Beginstarch19
392.starch - Kubla Khan and Olliestarch19
393.All Male all the time3USER0128917
394.Not Wearing PlaidBig Bald Jon17
397.Max Payne 28robbo15
398.Badger Kelley says SHUT UP AND DIE!DJ Badger13
399.Excuse Me For Coffin #4USER0059413
400.grave matthews bandwildrush11


Guess the Stiff!


(d) March 8th, 2015