Nancy Reagan has been played on 2485 lists, including 282 lists in The 2012 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Feasting Maggots 3Feasting Maggots742
2.Doc & DJ--All Things Scottish...And PizzaDoc & DJ644
3.DGD - And finally, a wafer thin mint.DGD641
4.Danse MacabreMr. Redrum640
5.Bag of BonesMr. Redrum536
6.Cemetery Girls 5Cemetery Girls536
7.Generalisimo Francisco Franco is Still DeadBo Knows Death536
8.Ten Past MidnightMr. Redrum536
9.-Dewey-alan smithee535
10.JON 3Jon00060533
11..die bitchez!WJG v3.0532
12.Pit and the pendulumLaurencedemedici531
13.Cupcakes and Champagnenlcfsemfc530
14.DNR/DNI 1Nurseboy530
15.RIPPED to ShredsNick ‘n Beth530
16.bird livesPIANOGIRL526
17.Lockwood Loonies - Pez & Butter SamichPezintree526
18.Always look on the bright side of death2Angel of Death524
19.Death Rattle II: Almost got ya, Biggsy!anarchess433
20.Are we dead yet?Eat sh!t and die!432
21.Run for Your LifeGhost of Stiffs Past430
22.Death Soup: Gross UrningsMJ and Friends429
23.Light at the End of the TunnelCheck, Please!429
25.Stone ColdDashaAndBethers429
26.The Daisy PushersFry's Crematorium429
27.Death Always WinsDeath Always Wins428
28.Death By Pinocle 2012 List 1oregontrail425
29.Whayne 2012 - WAH1USER02593425
30.Jose Greco de MuertaMaudieG424
32.Oprah's VaginaStink Finger for Christ424
33.Pining for the FjordsPining for the Fjords424 - The Metamucil Christmas fruitcake was a big (s)hitvomit_god424
35.Buh-Bye 3FireMutt35422
36.CHAD - Hey, Where Are My 2 Pistol Pete Specials?CHAD422
37.Death Race 2012USER02395420
38.2012 Best Guesses Listvalberts1963419
39.Death Becomes UsPeople Meat418
40.Yitzhak no moCosmo Underground418
41.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #2Shoeguy416
42.No Chance In Helltoomanycards414
43.Letter Opener of Death Reduxed head327
44.M I C... hope not to see you real soon!Bird327
45.Sandbags n' CordwoodBlue Cock327
46.Would you pull that crap with Annette?Bird327
47.EMFC: Fuck the Mayans! We're Going EarlyEMFCoffin326
48.Death-Smoke 'em if You've Got 'emJayRockers!325
49.deathbitch unbrideledPIANOGIRL325
50.MJ Lives!MJ Lives325
51.No one can hear your falsetto in HellSarky325
52.Dels Dixie Catswsprotte324
53.Happy Apocalypse 2012!HauntedWebmaster324
54.Otis' Cirrhosis - Jubal Foster's StillKudsKroakers324
55.A Jolly Dead FellowFluvenson323
56.ATL. FALCONS FANThe rebel.323
57.Blake's Bones IMr. Blake323
58.Death Stars 2012PigPen323
59.Doctor of Death 1the doctor of death323
60.Nietzsche's Dead GodsFredNietzsche323
61.Poor kittylindbergh323
62.Ashes to AshesNelle322
63.Death Soup: Death of a Disco DancerMJ and Friends322
64.MsWhatsit's 2011 Survivors ListMsWhatsit322
65.CHAD - 10 Easy PiecesCHAD321
66.Corpse a DiemDave321
68.Half Past DeadDashaAndBethers321
69.On Our Way Out SoonerMicky the Eyes321
70.Styrofoam Bologna 1Gina3030321
71.It's not fair. All the p**** and half the money.DGD320
72.NVN: Fucking Mayans better be wrongNo Viagra Needed320
73.Rachel's Salem Haunting 6Rachel A320
75.You Etta, You Etta, You Bet!Sarky320
76.Down and DirtyDRave13319
77.DUST or BUSTMcPutt319
78.Everyone will have a perfect bracket when the world endsUSER05777319
79.Grim Assclowns 2USER01637319
80.Petey's HotdogNancyD319
81.Poop SandwichUSER02535319
82.CHAD - The Vagina Is A Self Cleaning OvenCHAD318
83.Nobody's Fool (Least of All Yours)RJD318
84.Rat Bastards 1Rat Bastard318
85.Stiffies He He Hedeathdealer318
86.Well Nobody Died Did They? #1Archangel318
87.'Til Death Do Us Part Allah Willing 3*Allah Willing317
88.1 ajlposhajlposh317
89.Are We Dead Yet 003goodwin73317
90.Fake ShempGhoulash317
91.The door is openComeonallready317
92.We have a piper down 2dryden2911317
93.No Obits NeededYule Log316
94.ReaperMadness #3ReaperMadness316
95.horcrux haterzboshh315
96.Sandel's listsandyb315
97.Smokin' MotherfuckersUSER01054315
98.Would of, Could of, Should of!Queenvingle315
99.3 to get readyTheOriginalDub314
100.A corpse is a corpse of course of coursedoorma314
101.On The Day of Your Daughter's WeddingFrankie Pentangeli314
102.Styrofoam Bologna 2Gina3030314
103.The Maggot HotelNick ‘n Beth314
104.Greg's Listgsippel313
105.Offal TruthUSER01797313
106.Same time next year?bjaskols313
107.STOP the Healing!Yule Log313
108.Who Dented My Bucket?jimdkc313
109.CyrusBurn'em All312
110.Old PeopleAngel of Death Repellent38
111.Are We Dead Yet 002goodwin73219
112.Bad KarmaKgent219
113.Destroyers 2Destroyers219
114.Justin Hale 05USER01531219
116.Sleeping With the FishiesDashaAndBethers219
117.Who Buried J.R.?Pokey22219
118.Cancer Committe MemberTitanPilot583218
119.Deathpool Dave - Let Them Eat Cakelucky punk218
121.Sunshine Up My SkirtSunshine Up My Skirt218
122.Death BenefitsBuck217
123.Departing From Gate 9gwally217
124.Digging Up DirtSilentcalvin217
125.End of the Liners AgainTombstone Jen217
126.Extreme Deadpooling List #1SFisher217
127.Last Stop 1Last Stop217
128.the shit listdarth caedus217
129.Ivy Cliff Memorial 2012 - Ahodag21378216
130.La Muerte1LaMuerte216
131.Lifeguard at the Pool of the DeadBagger216
132.Mary's Mom knows her dead CelebsMaryjo80216
134.That WAS Entertainment 2012cFilmslave216
135.'Til Death Do Us Part Allah Willing 2*Allah Willing215 league 2Yellowbeard215
137.Die Verne Gagne DieTitanPilot583215
138.Extreme Deadpooling List #2SFisher215
139.Extreme Deadpooling List #3SFisher215
140.Girls Kick Butt 3oregontrail215
141.Not an Original List Name1carseycritter215
142.Range of RocksMarshrat215
143.Second-Chair VoodoosVadnelly Voodoos215
144.The Jackal and the RavenThe Reaper215
145.The Mayans Say They're All Gonersbigmfnal31215
146.!!! infirmtitan360214
147.1 for the moneyTheOriginalDub214
148.2012 of the worldUSER00562214
149.As A DoornailCaveynCHI214
150.Formerly Lee WarmererFormer Lee Warmer214
151.I am Sorry....There's Been No Phone Call From the Governor. Pull The Switch!!!Better Dead Than Red214
152.Kid GhoulashGhoulash214
153.Little Dix 2LittleDix214
155.cd5dh - Friends applaud, the comedy is overcerista213
156.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost213
158.Robin Gibb's probably dead.oihersons213
160.Soul HuntersHunterbeer213
161.Death SchmethDeath Schmeth212
162.DJ Badger: So long, MOM!DJ Badger212
163.Lucky's Dead 10USER05897212
164.Saw The Light #1SAW THE LIGHT212
165.Walking Through The ValleyNelle212
166.Afraid of the dark? #1Minnesota Neil211
167.bird is deadPIANOGIRL211
168.Celluloid HeroesRuns with Scissors211
169.Five Feet UnderRexhanover211
170.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part Vhurryupndiealready211
171.I Gotta Go Feed the WormsThe Reaper211
172.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 3Joker211
173.Northern..and I have money for this???northern reaper211
174.What's that smell???The Reaper211
175.Xena's 7 Feet Down Underxena211
176.Zsa Zsa will out live us allMaryjo80211
178.Chris Knauf Dead ListChris Knauf210
179.Jack-boot VoodoosVadnelly Voodoos210
180.merry christmas 2012Nitro210
184.Bonnie and ClydsedaleDave29
185.Classically CorpsedKendall29
186.Copy kat killersNhirish Joe29
188.Elizabeth/Mom 1st Listkristi29
189.Mr Bungle's Dead FolksMr Bungle29
190.Rigor IIRigor29
191.Det Sjunde InsegletThe Grime Reaper28
192.Doornails IIronnocoman28
193.Deathwish 2012DeathWish27
194.Home to Jesus - leaders editionbjaskols27
195.Put the FUN back into FUNeral!noseinbook25
196.A fork in your ASS and your doneshorty7ft110
197.Baxley - Frucking Stats 2Baxley110
198.Bon Voyage, Nice Knowing You...BonusPants110
199.BringOutYerDeadMr Happy110
200.Dave's Deadpool ListUtica Dave110
201.daves stiffsgatekeeperofvalhalla110
202.Dick Van Deathalamls110
203.Down and Out on the HillDigger O Dell 10110
204.ExeuntOmnes12Exeunt Omnes110
205.I hope Johnny interviews these people!SuperQ110
206.Ig's dead List IIThe Ig110
208.Mort, ftwMort110
209.No Peniseshemlock please110
210.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #6Shoeguy110
212.Babes of DeathReaperMadness19
213.Cyns Full List2TeamTrautz19
215.Forest Lawn VIPToe-Tag19
216.Going, going,....Big Guy19
217.Greg's 2012 Dead Pool 2gfultz119
219.Just Die Already Please!Donkey Sausage19
220.Northern...See Ya' Later Ladies Pt. 3northern reaper19
221.The ReplacementsChris Goulart19
222.Bugs and Bones Old GirlsBugs and Bones18
223.Demisers-Show me the Dead MoneyDemise Moore18
224.Feed the worms, MOFO!GhettoZombie18
226.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 1Joker18
227.Please Please DieMistressLila18
228.MATTOID - How many times won't you die?The Mattoid17
230.The Last LeggersEpicSpork16
231.The pimps list #2The tool pimp16 patience wears thinBairBones15
233.Reap Em & Weep #1USER0055715
234.Wear White to a FuneralBeth996615
237.Last call for Death....captaindabby14
238.My Other Ten Funerals 2012Jerrytopdown14
239.Shangri-LaKeath Graham14
240.The Kellster Lives!Kellster14
241.Cemetery Girls 6Cemetery Girls13
242.Coffin CornerDRave1313
243.Doc & DJ--Numbers GameDoc & DJ13
244.MausoleakumUncle Stiffy13
245.The Ghost of Natalie WoodMaryjo8013
246.Kim's listKLF12
247.Stones Girl 2012Stones Girl12
248.Thanatos and YouBarrCreeWenn12
249.The Regulator ListWarren G12
250.The United States Supreme Corpsesaintbaloney12
251.This is how political rumors get started 2012USER0224812
252.YCB's Dead 10USER0589712
253.2012 Big Dirt SandwichTheBus11
254.Chuckles Bites the DustDave11
255.I told you I was sickUnfunnybunny11
256.Last Ditch effortjminrod11
257.Mostly Politicians 253cheeseburger11
259.(Kick the) Bucket ListFallsguy00
260.Barry D LiveUncle Stiffy00
261.Celebrity Zombie Apocalypse Part Deuxmsastria00
263.Digger O' Dell 16Digger O Dell 1000
264.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit 4 or Cash For CadaversFrankJac00
267.flatliners mostly femaleThe Shadow00
268.Glutten for punishment, again!Teebabe00
269.Just die already!ashifman00
270.Kristin's List of Celebrities She Thinks Will Die in 2012kristinsince198400
271.Lewis Eleven (2)brucelew00
272.No Talent Ass ClownMeganG2100
273.Northern.......See Ya' later ladies Pt. 2northern reaper00
274.Northern....What a waste of money (heehee)northern reaper00
275.Northern...Getting to the end of thingsnorthern reaper00
276.Northern..They need to go.northern reaper00
277.Paging Mr. Girection,Is there a Hugh Girection here?zombie lover00
278.PigglesworthDr Drunk00
280.Schindler's 2011 Listnlcfsemfc00
281.Soon B. Gonn 3Edhead2200
282.Star list 2012 ChancedogChancedog00


Guess the Stiff!

Towards the end, they called him the Diaper Don.

(d) June 10th, 2002