George H.W. Bush has been played on 2975 lists, including 287 lists in The 2016 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
2.Well nobody died did they? 1Archangel527
3.Cheswick44 Top TenCheswick525
4.Susie's Dead RingersSusie Sicko523
6.I taunted Zsa Zsa's daughter, then she diedUSER02524520
7.Aren't they gone yet?RcktManIL430
8.Dropping Like FliesThe Coroner427
9.deathbitch Rides againhPIANOGIRL425
10.Call on Mealan smithee424
11.Toe TaggerWallbanger424
12.Two Whiteys!Justin9700424
13.Bag it and tag it DuckyBig Guy422
14.Death Rattle: Dem Bonesanarchess422
16.Everyone Dies in the EndMichenley422
17.Professor you are embarassing yourself by clinging to life.giapro422
18.Zsa Zsa, you've pissed me off!Fred’s422
20.Team Formalin: Face Downanarchess421
21.2016 1mirandate420
22.Coffin Rattler - Ancientcoffinrattler420
23.Herm BoolieHerm Boolie420
24.Who ya gonna call?JESUSCHRISTALMIGHTY420
25.Death Rattle II: Out with the old, I say!anarchess419
26.Worm Farmer's Ultimate Worm FoodWorm Farmer419
27.Charlie Don't Surf with Leena NguyenCharlie Dont Surf418
28.Drop Dead 3Drop Dead417
29.Dario's Dead ListDario Barbalinardo416
30.Are You People Ever Gonna CroakNascar912414
32.1 fucking STIFF in 2 god damn years FMLFroggyB325
33.oof baboofjchristie324
34.Deader than a doornailcarseycritter323
35.Death By Pinochle List 3 2016oregontrail323
36.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit #4FrankJac322
37.Dust to dustchick813322
38.Older than Dirtmohrt322
39.Pack of Pickled PeppersPickle322
40.Ruck 2016USER00186322
41.Zsa Zsa, you're killing meZsa Zsa's Toe Tag322
42.Cheswick44 Top Ten 3Cheswick321
43.DEathbitch Rides againPIANOGIRL321
44.Lots o' old and sick bastards VIIIBJCx78321
45.Coffin CornerDRave13320
46.Death Wish 2016DeathWish320
47.Fatal AttractionJanisdoll320
48.Leftovers from 2015moribundus320
49.Pretty Please??BairBones320
50.Running the Corpse Machine in '16Scott in Philly320
52.Vadnelly VoodoosVadnelly Voodoos320
53.2015's Runners-upJohnHines319
54.Dead Is As Dead DoesBison319
55.Deadly DebutanteDeadly Debutante319
56.Die already Zsa ZsaDoctor Arcane319
57.Droppin' Like FliesThe Coroner319
58.Is PeopleSoylentGreen319
59.No Chance In Helltoomanycards319
60.Aknauf D List 2016aknauf318
61.Doc & DJ--Jello Pudding PoppedDoc & DJ318
63.pisco 13theappointment318
64.Reap Em and Weep #2USER00557318
66.Trout's Dead FishTrout318
67.Win one for the wallet!razorben318
68.Zsa Zsa -- Really, it's time...Deckhawk318
69.Death.. Time To Get Them!!!People Meat317
70.If Zsa Zsa doesn't kick it I'm gonna be pissedcarseycritter317
71.Old BallsBrown Widow317
72.Orange You Glad I'm Dead?Bea Hind317
73.The Aunt Danielle Curse of NYE Death listRex317
74.all gomers die of somethinglindbergh316
75.Better Luck This Yearptgkc316
76.Breakfast Club ListBreakfast Club316
77.Dead Know It SocietyDead and Loving It316
79.Glock's a LockThe Pancreatic Answer316
80.Got To Move To The Trick Of The BeatDePressED316
81.Joes Dead DicksDirtyDESDAVE316
82.Joined The Choir Invisiblesplittertogo316
83.Mom and Elizabeth 2016kristi316
85.Politics are a BitchDr. Who316
86.Christie's Dead Poolchriscott97315
87.Fitzy's wish list IPhitz1315
88.Hall of famersThe Shadow315
89.If Tomorrow Never ComesSal & Barb315
90.Not Looking GoodBengals311315
91.Rat Bastards 3Rat Bastard315
92.Sen 2Mr Sen315
93.#DeadLivesMatterBrown Widow314
94.bye-bye 02TenPaces314
96.Daddy Likes Chocolate CherriesMonkfish314
97.Erika Anne Has Matches and Knows How To Use ThemBuffiedee314
98.Sand Mountain Bucket ListWallbanger314
99.September MournRadler314
100.Corpses everywhere and not a drop to drinkmikegldn313
101.Digger O'Dell 1Digger O Dell 10313
103.they are oldFrogSoda313
104.Tsuga - Saddest SongTsuga313
105.Click here if you want to be my prison bitchzombie lover312
106.Politics and Mansonthedeadmanshand311
107.Poor Kittylindbergh38
108.Bought The East Hill Farmsplittertogo37
109.Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and DieMKD1226219
110.Rocks and HeadstonesRocks and Headstones219
111.Bairly AliveBairlyAlive217
112.Better Off DeadBrown Widow217
113.Come On I Wanna See Em In a Mausolieum 3EdRulz217
114.Doc & DJ--...I Wish I Was Sipowicz.Doc & DJ217
115.Doc & DJ--You Threw Food at Vito. That's Gotta Be Resolved.Doc & DJ217
116.Down and Dirty Dirt NapSufferosis217
117.Easy Come Easy Goanother 1 bites the dust217
118.No Viagra NeededNo Viagra Needed217
119.Pushing up Daisies 2016nrubsol217
120.Say Hi to Elvis #1 2016Spudboy217
121.You win again, gravityPIxiaq217
123.FLAT LINEHeart Stopper216
124.Michael Jackson Lives in AustraliaMJ Lives216
125.Of Corpse You're Dead 0Shoeguy216
126.Prince Sirki's HolidayPrince Sirki216
127.Charlie Don't Surf with Lily ThaiCharlie Dont Surf215
128.Chilly Dead 3chillybilly215
130.Dying to know you..!Clever Team Name215
131.JMD - Slow Descent to PurgatoryMr Wonderful215
132.Lemmy is dead; who care#2More Beer215
134.swissfist in your faceswiss fist215
135.They're dead, JimMr Bungle215
136.Tsuga - Die EngelTsuga215
137.We need some room on the planet old people...Rastafarian Mormon215
138.When Your Gambling Cards On Love You PlayDePressED215
139.Will Chillequestzim7215
140.Boston Dead SoxRobin214
141.Charlie Don't Surf with Kyung LahCharlie Dont Surf214 suckstowelielife214
144.The Political GraveyardChris Goulart214
145.The Regulator ListWarren G214
146.Getting serious nowChris Goulart213
147.Happinesslucky punk213
148.Just Die AlreadyDirtyDESDAVE213
150.Only the Good Die YoungRobin213
151.Sine Die: Atropos To Do ListSine Die213
152.The Fountain of Youth 2016Lord Dickerson213
153.The Grass Is Always Greenergrassisalwaysgreener213
154.They OldFrogSoda213
155.WAS 2016 - DVHUSER02593213
156.Carpe Dead'emdoorma212
158.George's Corpses #3BodyFarmBound212
159.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost212
160.Jim's New ListBunn's Bones To Be212
163.vertical smilesFootwedge212
164.Well nobody died did they? 2Archangel212
165.Young FreundYoungFreund212
166.10 less clowns to worry aboutUSER02397211
167.Belezebrah (Graham's Crackers edition)unit13211
168.Blake's Bones 3Mr. Blake211
169.Blood Bath & BeyondBloodbath & Beyond211
170.Can't hide foreverUSER00562211
171.Chilly Dead 1chillybilly211
172.Freddie Gray's AnatomyDeath Row211
173.Hearse HeresayRichardHertz211
174.Jill's Bad Karma Predictionsjchudson68211
175.LA LISTE DE JOJO 2016Meo211
176.La Muerte Drop Dead!LaMuerte211
178.Que So Long, So LongPozzo211
179.Bobybags aToetags IItrojones210
180.Daisey Pusherssquidly766210
181.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl210
182.Haystacks CalhounTex Antoine210
183.Lemmy is Dead, Who cares...More Beer210
184.Lucifer's KitchenLucifer's Marionette210
185.Stop alreadyNVRGVUP210
186.Betsy's bodies.. to be died later but still this yearBetsy29
187.Death Fest 2016CheckingOut29
188.goddammit 2goddammit29
190.Morgue and MindyMorgue and Mindy29
191.Prince Sirki's Holiday3Prince Sirki29
192.Stem cellTwilight is Near29
193.2016 tmb listtmbronk28
194.Cemetery Girls 4Cemetery Girls28
196.Death- Bang The Drum All DayJayRockers!28
197.Martha's listMartha28
198.bye-bye 01 (Mary helped)TenPaces27
199.JoeG20161Joe G27
201.Cuomo in prison orange jumpsuitTomtsled26
202.Ghoul Girl IIIGhoul Girl26
203.Our Ten Funerals 2Jerrytopdown26
204.Papa ZHerb24
205.Bring out yer dead againMr Happy110
206.Chicken at Tresky's #2Chicken at Tresky's110
207.Craig and Alison's deadbeatscchaynes110
208.Dick_Trickles Lives!!digginsjp110
209.Diggin' Up Bones AgainJagrnut110
210.Ghoul Girl IIGhoul Girl110
212.It's not the cancer that will kill himurbscholar110
213.Kelly's crewnicegrrl333110
214.killer advocate 2-15 prezlaptoplg110
215.Time To Die In 2016Larry4444110
216.! Algor Mortis to Livor Mortis - Politiciansnightjy19
217.A sure thingLobo19
218.Bone Marche! Monty's Deals & Al G's Steals!bonevoyage19
219.Counting Bodies Like SheepDGambrinus19
220.Daves Dead DicksDirtyDESDAVE19
221.Empty Bucket ListZombie Dirt Rider19
222.I just saw him alivelindbergh19
223.leaders edition 2016bjaskols19
224.Neidermeyer?.......DEAD.Boner Stabone19
225.Sweetie's ChoiceDingus919
226.Tsuga - Dirt in the GroundTsuga19
227.WAH 2016 - #1USER0259319
229.Betsy's mostly republican listBetsy18
230.Bring out yer dead again pleaseMr Happy18
231.Obamacare death listLpb18
232.The People's CorpseBea Hind18
233.Zsa Zsa dies or bustchick81318
234.And so I face the final curtainBuck17
235.BuhByeNow, SeeYa!Brummett17
236.Charlie Don't Surf with Mia LeeCharlie Dont Surf17
237.Dream Teamtkdmel17
238.Feasting Maggots 3 The Wrecked CrewFeasting Maggots17
239.God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen and WomenTwisted Freak17
240.Horizontally YoursBarker J. Wagtail17
241.Mr. Bones' Wild Ride 2016Two Worlds17 1 gets out alivedisplayname00717
243.rlpx 2016azabachenegro17
244.Death to MingYour Mom16
245.Mark's religion and politics picksBonusPants16
246.Natalie Woods life guardMaryjo8016
247.Once I Spy, But Now I DieBea Hind16
248.Better here than PhiladelphiaDead Eye Jack15
249.CHAD - 7 and a HalfCHAD15
250.The Lynch MobTaugh15
251.Dead From The Waist DownUSER0151514
252.Lemmy is Dead; Who cares #3More Beer14
253.Nevermore freebie 2016nevermore14
254.Republican Slippy-Fist AKA Watergate AheadEmbalmination814
255.Smoked Banditchunkemintheclay14
256.Betsy's be died later..Betsy13
257.Death Comes as the End #1Ames13
258.Dirt PushersJustRotten13
259.Dr of Death 3the doctor of death13
260.Live Free Or DieRobin13
261.No Chance In Hell 2toomanycards13
262.Rastall Reapers 2016 IIRastalls13
263.Body bags and Toe tagstrojones12
264.Damn Near DeadBada Bing12
265.vroom/criv boneyardVroomfondel12
266.CHAD - Two The Hard WayCHAD11
267.Dankastiffs 2016Dankasus11
268.Past the Stands 2HOOFBEATS11
269.PB: A Good Year in the Makingpbear11
270.2016 death listcarelief100
271.ALS Ice Bucket Challengehossdaddynick00
272.Black Aids FistYour Mom00
273.Bone Chat, Bone Rat! Pussy Cat Catches Her Rat!bonevoyage00
274.Cartman- Stunning and BraveCARTMAN00
275.Cemetery Girls 6Cemetery Girls00
276.CHAD - 3 For TexasCHAD00
277.CHAD - 9CHAD00
278.Dawn List 2Bareftdeva00
279.Falling StarsNick ‘n Beth00
280.Hollywood & Pennsylvania Ave 2Back to the Dead Life00
281.I see dead peoplemb111300
282.Kmac's invitation to hellkmac00
284.Politics will Kill You (Hopefully)Chris Goulart00
286.That WAS Entertainent 2016aFilmslave00
287.The Last ChancesRcktManIL00


Guess the Stiff!

One dead feller.

(d) December 15th, 2010