George H.W. Bush has been played on 2975 lists, including 376 lists in The 2014 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Centenarians First PleaseWho's in YOUR Coffin533
2.turn me on, dead manUSER01515527
3.Beat the Reaper IIIThe Reaper431
4.Styrofoam Bologna 1Gina3030431
5.Lateful deaddisplayname007430
6.!!! ailingtitan360428
7.American Top 40-Bring back NixonThe game changer428
10.List 5Donkey Sausage424
11.down and out 17Comeonallready423
12.We've got BushBird422
13.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Bugle TollsFTG421
15.Birdman - simon says noBird419
16.Birdman - Sick of Typing Zsa ZsaBird418
17.Pennies on your eyesdoorma417
18.Bring It OnDEATH DEMON416
19.Walking deaddisplayname007416
20.Black Santa 2014USER00562415
22.Old Bags with Toe TagsTheMorrill414
23.27 Club: Read My Lips...1000_Ways413
25.Is PeopleSoylentGreen326
26.Zsa Zsa's PallbearersRastafarian Mormon326
27.!!!!ABBO 3!!!!ABBO325
28.Erika Anne Drowned in the TubBuffiedee325
30.Easy MoneyEasy Money323
31.The Good, the Bad, and the DeadThe Pancreatic Answer323
32.Dancing on WOHLERTS Graveonefunsob322
33.Die Die, Run Run!USER00353322
34.Thou Shalt Not Bear False Teethjeffvn322
35.Doc & DJ--Long-Distance Dedication to ScoobyDoc & DJ321
36.Tommytsled-Rock Out With Your Glock OutTomtsled321
37.Hardanger is deadHardanger Dies Today320
38.The Lynch MobTaugh320
39.Buzzards gotta eattrojones319
41.Doctor of Death 1the doctor of death319
42.Lamar Odom's Lackey'sLindsay Lohan's Liver319
43.looser againHeart Stopper319
44.Mom & Elizabethkristi319
45.Counting Bodies Like SheepDGambrinus318
46.Leavin' the Scene in '14Scott in Philly318
47.Over 90FrogSoda318
48.Zsa Zsa Must Go...Deckhawk318
50.Feed the TreeHoneybee317
51.Feeling Lucky Punklucky punk317
52.Rigor 3Rigor 1317
53.Tommytsled-The Revolution Is Closer Than You ThinkTomtsled317
54.Daisey Pusherssquidly766316
55.Deathrider 50deathrider316
57.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Dusty's TrailFTG316
59.Assault with a Deadly List!Dead Person Specialist, E315
60.Dogs Can Look Up 2Last Stop315
61.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: BrimstoneFTG315
62.goddammit 3goddammit315
63.Late for SupperInexplah315
64.List of the DamnedJoe Mazz315
65.Thin iceDead Eye Jack315
66.Long Distance DedicationElster000314
68.Boston Dead SoxRobin313
69.Death Rattle: Lying-In-Waitanarchess313
70.I'm Outta HerePozzo313
71.Pookie's Stiffs #5Pookie's Stiffs313
72.Tommytsled-I'm Shipping Up To PawtucketTomtsled313
73.Vestamenta DosVestament313
74.Death Rattle: Coffin Up Dirtanarchess312
75.Dirt NappersWikiLiki312
76.Do You Happen To Know How To Fly This Thing?rchand312
78.LOD: Be At Peace - Fight No Moreed head312
79.LOD: Lisa Needs Braces, Sam Needs A Coffined head312
80.Styrofoam Bologna 3Gina3030312
81.Tumor Makes a Does-InTumor_Makes_A_Does_In312
82.27 Club: Bob and George or Angel Harpers1000_Ways311
83.BERRY D. LIVEUncle Stiffy311
84.By George just die alreadyTwilight is Near310
85.Die Billy Graham, Dielittlejohn1954310
87.Knock, Knock, Knocking on Death's DoorDead and Loving It39
88.PB: did NO researchpbear39
89.Coffin CornerDRave1336
90.America's Top 40 - Death EditionDGD218
91.When Life Gives You Old People, Throw a FuneralEvil Lemons218
92.From My Cold Dead HandsFMCDH217
93.Keep Your Body in the Ground, and Forget Those StarsNumber1User217
95.CHAD - Oh Wait, There's MoreCHAD216
96.Don't come back now ya hear.The rebel.216
97.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Johnny Eagle EyeFTG216
98.Future Worm FoodTeam Sleep216
99.It's a wonderful life if you're not deadfireflyt216
100.MATTOID - List TwoThe Mattoid216
101.BringOutYerDeadMr Happy215
102.Death By Pinocle 2014 #2oregontrail215
103.Live Free Or DieRobin215
104.Rat Bastards 3Rat Bastard215
105.Dogs Can Look Up 1Last Stop214
106.goddammit 1goddammit214
107.goddammit 2goddammit214
108.its another trappBird214
109.Joe Bacon's 2014 Dirt NappersChancellor D'Exchecker214
110.List 3Donkey Sausage214
111.Trout's Dead FishTrout214
112.all gomers die of somethinglindbergh213
113.CHAD - Why Wait, Die NowCHAD213
115.Friends since high schoolUSER02574213
116.He knows why!Flynty213
117.may or may not workBird213
118.Nobody Puts Nancy in Cornerlonedryad213
120.The EradicatorEradicator213
121.27 Club: Run to the Bush, Buddy!1000_Ways212
122.Beat the Reaper IIThe Reaper212
123.CHAD - Hey, Boy How's It Hangin?CHAD212
124.Come on I Wanna see Em in a Mausoleum 5EdRulz212
126.Digger O Dell 5Digger O Dell 10212
127.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Phantom MajorFTG212
129.No Theme, No Malice, Just Likely to Die This Yearhumanmeal212
130.No Viagra NeededNo Viagra Needed212
131.RD: A double double of death pleaseRD02212
132.The Last StrawMadCapLaughs212
133.The Thurstones12chetwhite12212
134.The Usual Suspects, somewhat - Part FreeTrinettRae212
135.Time After TimeMr. Joaquin212
136.Wet Heave - 1Rus253212
137.Zsa Zsa, c'mon already.Fred’s212
138.Bye Bee-lee!RottenToast211
139.Chrisknauf 2014Chris Knauf211
140.Deathwish 2014DeathWish211
141.Doc & DJ--The Bushes Seem to Love This End-of-the-Year DramaDoc & DJ211
142.Feasting Maggots 2Feasting Maggots211
143.JMD - Bloated PoliticsMr Wonderful211
144.No Chance In Hell 2toomanycards211
148.Skunkhair 2014 #1Skunkhair 2013211
149.Tony Sopranos Harp1Ted Williams on Ice211
150.Victory AND Death 3Shams211
151.Waiting at Heavens doorChuckie211
152.Billy Graham ain't no SuperstarTwilight is Near210
153.D O'D'sdexlee210
154.Hospitalization Makes a Gal IrritableDGD210
155.How did he just become famous?DGD210
156.Leftovers from 2013moribundus210
157.No More Mr. Alive GuyMardiRob210
158.RASTALLS REAPS 2014 1Rastalls210
160.Stop using all the oxygenChris Goulart210
161.You're dead to metheappointment210
163.Cemetery Girls 4Cemetery Girls29
164.Danse MacabreMr. Redrum29
165.Dirt DiggersIndyHawk29
166.Down and DirtyDRave1329
167.Oldies but Goodies - hits of the EightiesTenPaces29
169.Sid Picks Celebs #1dead presidents29
170.Valerie Harper LeeTwilight is Near29
171.Celebrity Zombie Apocolypsemsastria28
172.deadly debutanteDeadly Debutante28
173.Ivy Cliff 2014 - Bhodag2137828
174.Morgue and MindyMorgue and Mindy28
175.Quietly DecomposingPushing Up Diasies28
176.No, Pot Is the Best MedicineRJD27
177.Petey's Hot Dog XNancyD27
178.Skunkhair 2014 #3Skunkhair 201327
179.Team Formalin: That's Showbiz!anarchess27
180.Merchant of Deatherrinm0226
181.Mort, please?Mort26
183.Already Goneashifman25
184.Dead End StreetRuns with Scissors25
185.Dead RepublicansDeathGift25
186.Feeling a Bit BushedRJD25
187.MrJeff2000's Vessel of Distressmrjeff200025
188.Old, cold, and full of moldDebizzydead?25
189.2014 Deal Pool listvalberts196324
190.Dirt Bag 2014Blondemarvel24
191.Sarky - BrieSarky24
192.End of an Era?RJD23
193.Alice Doesn't Live AnymorePoodle110
195.c ya wouldnt wanna be yacristalblu110
196.Canaries in a Coalmine 2Canaries in a coalmine110
197.Carpe Dead 'emdoorma110
199.Chicken at Tresky's 2Chicken at Tresky's110
200.deathbitch unbrideledPIANOGIRL110
201.Dick_Trickles--Time to go Abedigginsjp110
202.Feral Fodder 1BMT330110
203.Get Diggin' 2014BuffaloBartman110
204.I'll see you in hell- so meet me at the water fountainAndy110
205.LA LISTE DE MEO 2014Meo110
206.NR My Third List or Soulsnorthern reaper110
207.RD: Now On With The CountdownRD02110
208.RIP All Y'allJFlyHustle1110
209.Shameless plagiarism of last year's favouritesringbark110
210.Soul HuntersHunterbeer110
211.The Grim Reaper's "To Do List"March Of The Maggots110
212.!ajlposh 2ajlposh19
213.Cheeses love the little children!tkdmel19
214.Coffin up BloodKirby19
215.Fettucine al DeadoMarkMx19
216.flingwings2014bad karmaFlingwings19
217.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: FingermanFTG19
218.He's Dead JimHe's Dead Jim19
219.If There Were A God, He'd Want You To DieFredNietzsche19
221.leaders edition 2014bjaskols19
223.NR A List of Foolsnorthern reaper19
224.RD: What has one leg and STILL won't die?RD0219
225.another oneJason P.18
227.Chillydead 1chillybilly18
228.Circle of DeathRcktManIL18
229.End of the line...into the box.Stooge18
230.Lights Out 3Joker18
231.Matt and Bo combined excellenceMdombros18
232.My Girlfriend Hates Me 2!!! i need help18
233.Old ones gotta go sometime!The Ig18
234.Tsuga - Dirt in the GroundTsuga18
235.Are you gonna die already?Chris Goulart17
237.Big Blue BlowfliesBodyFarmBound17
238.Cemetery Girls 6Cemetery Girls17
239.Chuckles Bites the DustY_Angel_W17
241.Famous Fossils IHugh G. Wrekshun17
242.JB's Bones To BeBunn's Bones To Be17
243.Last minute listDeathGift17
244.poor kittylindbergh17
246.Big M's List of people that should die soonDead Fred16
247.Greg's List 2014gsippel16
248.I cheatedFrogSoda16
249.La Muerte 1LaMuerte16
251.Papa ZHerb16
252.10 drops of death and I winJp1215
253.Grim Assclowns 1USER0163715
255.Live and Let DieRadler15
256.Lots o' old and sick bastards VIBJCx7815
258.Not the dead you're looking for '14Alan S.15
259.Only The Good Die YoungRobin15
260.Rigor 1Rigor 115
262.Smitty's Stiffiesamandansmith15
263.Bag and tag please.Big Guy14
264.Bring It On: Dole em outDEATH DEMON14
265.David OverstreetOverstreet14
266.Ivy Cliff 2014 - Chodag2137814
267.joeg20141Joe G14
268.Killer Advocatelaptoplg14
269.Melodie's Macabre MotherfuckersLindsay Lohan's Liver14
270.Reap 'Em & Weep #1USER0055714
272.Cayman Gonecayman went13
273.Digger O Dell 4Digger O Dell 1013
274.DNR/DNI 3Nurseboy13
275.Drop Dead 3Drop Dead13
276.NR Drinking Againnorthern reaper13
277.Old and TiredChris Goulart13
280.Spoiler Alert: Everyone Dies in the EndMichenley13
281.This is how political rumors get started 2014USER0224813
282.Aknauf D list 2014aknauf12
283.All aboard for the afterlife!Stooge12
284.cd5dh - It's a Gamblecerista12
285.Digger O Dell 10Digger O Dell 1012
286.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl12
288.Matt's top picksMdombros12
290.Otis' Cirrhosis - Jubal Foster's StillKudsKroakers12
291.Ten Funerals III 2014Jerrytopdown12
292.Azabache 2014azabachenegro11
293.Chill CharactersSarcophagus Sam11
294.Click Here If You wanna Blow mezombie lover11
295.Dead List WalkingDead Person Specialist, E11
296.DNR/DNI 2Nurseboy11
298.Gone with the SchwindogEradicator11
299.Guess Who Died? 1ZUSER0148411
300.Last Call Y'all2VaGentry11
301.MATTOID - Once again into the breachThe Mattoid11
303.Toe Tagger TooWallbanger11
304.'No Time for a Night Cap?*Allah Willing00
305.16 points for the ones I won't missUSER0183800
306.2014 kissfans listkissfan10000
307.Abra Cadaverborn2run5900
308.Aches and ChampagneTheyComeInThrees00
310.Auntie1Ms. Antrope00
312.Betsy's RepublicansBetsy00
313.billsthirdBill J00
314.Blake's Bones: MixedMr. Blake00
315.Bo's bestMdombros00
316.Buzzard WatchPHALEX00
318.Charlie Don't Surf with Lina NguyenCharlie Dont Surf00
319.Chicago Jake: If I had a tumor, I'd name it Marla.Chicago Jake00
320.Complete GuessBetter Dig Two00
321.Dave's Dead Pool 2014Your Dead Pool Highness00
322.Dead in One EarDead Person Specialist, E00
323.dead reckoningbonevoyage00
324.Death Row All StarsDeath Row00
326.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit or Dead and FamousFrankJac00
327.DNR/DNI 1Nurseboy00
328.Future Dead PeopleClever Team Name00
329.Get up Stand up 2014Sgrayva00
330.Golden OldiesStephenie00
331.Guess Who Died? 2ZUSER0148400
334.Herm BoolieHerm Boolie00
335.Houd Dog Picks 2Hound dog00
336.Just Bury Them Alreadyunusualpsycho00
337.Kings and QueensRastafarian Mormon00
338.Kleptocrat Scumboomshadow00
339.Letting the Hubby Pick SomeEuthanasia00
340.Life is a warm shot moment, Death is a long cold restReaper Crew00
341.List of the lostringbark00
342.Live Fast Die Young Stay Prettyringbark00
343.Loss of PowerCheck, Please!00
344.M.H. Pick 1Cosmo Underground00
345.Mama Cin 1TeamTrautz00
346.Neidermeyer.... DEAD!!Boner Stabone00
347.No Chance In Helltoomanycards00
348.Old BallsBrown Widow00
349.Old lionsSwine00
350.Panther's PredictionsPanther00
351.Paul Walker Memorial Bonfireplanetearth6600
353.Politicos: Gotta Hate 'emRoquefort00
354.Porricelli ListMichaelgp00
355.Primary 2014 Listonyx278300
356.Pushing up DaisiesAuise9900
357.Saw The Light #1SAW THE LIGHT00
358.Someone and The Somethingsgg4632100
360.That WAS Entertainment 2014Filmslave00
361.The Best is yet to end!Pooky00
362.The cock ring of dead pool lists. I'll take the crown now.NecktieJesse00
363.The Dead Answer KeyFroggyB00
364.The Only Good Politician is a Dead PoliticianAmy Sue00
365.Time To Die In 2014Larry444400
366.Tits-Up IItits-up00
367.Ton of TissueMarshrat00
368.Tony's DeadMaster Nubbins00
369.Traded to the AngelsLady Die00
370.We Finally Got Bush!!!Pokey2200
371.Well nobody died, did they? 1Archangel00
372.Who the Dickens is Kallen me??DeathGift00
373.winning stiff 2014KC RAIDER THOM00
374.Worm BuffetNick ‘n Beth00
375.You Can Do It, Fidel! I Believe In You! 2014 Is Your Year!Two Worlds00
376.Zsa Zsa gets a break this time.Maryjo8000


Guess the Stiff!

We salute the passing of a great American hero. Thankfully salutes are just with one hand.

(d) September 27th, 2017