Sam Simon has been played on 924 lists, including 399 lists in The 2015 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.CHAD - Silver Nickels and Golden DimesCHAD638
2.Death March 21BCeltics634
3.And Then There Were NoneDePressED535
5.Daisy A Day DearDePressED531
7.Frankie 3DePressED531
8.News Is Blue, The News Is BlueDePressED531
9.CHAD - The Name Of The GameCHAD530
11.Joeylucky punk530
12.Doc & DJ--Sam Simon Is Mocking Us On TwitterDoc & DJ529
13.Birds Never Look Into The SunDePressED527
15.Doc & DJ--Cro-Magnon Fuck ToysDoc & DJ527
16.Doc & DJ--Starring Michael Keaton As Jeff BirdDoc & DJ527
18.Doc & DJ--Lobster Boy/Dom Draper Fingerbang ContestDoc & DJ526
20.Little Jivin' On A Saturday NightDePressED525
21.Got To Move To The Trick Of The BeatDePressED524
23.Doc & DJ--...I Wish I Was Sipowicz.Doc & DJ431
24.Doc & DJ--Horrible Vagina FireDoc & DJ431
25.Doc & DJ--Prop Joe's Cadaverous MotherfuckersDoc & DJ431
26.Xtreme DeadpoolingDePressED431
27.Doc & DJ--Listen to Honey NutsDoc & DJ428
28.Frankie 1DePressED428
29.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow Pencil 2JoanCrawfordsMakeupBag428
30.The Tampa Bay BuccaneersDePressED428
31.Tsuga - Saddest SongTsuga428
33.Star Dust of EridanusStar Dust426
34.Victory AND Death 1Shams426
35.2015 rockslittle terr425
36.Cemetery Girls 3Cemetery Girls425
38.Doc & DJ--Save the Russian Fuck LizardsDoc & DJ425
39.Frankie 2DePressED425
40.One Foot on the Banana Peel...Dr.Slime425
41.Star Dust of CassiopeiaStar Dust425
42.Death Soup: One Toke Over the LineMJ and Friends423
44.Goobielucky punk422
45.jackalope Ghost - Dee Dee Ramone's Wish ListJackalope_Ghost422
46.Not Dead Yet VTimur422
47.Death Soup: Death Watch BeatlesMJ and Friends421
48.Doc & DJ--If Our Rhyme Was a Drug We'd Sell It by the GrahamDoc & DJ421
49.Fame Without a Life Is No Life at AllNumber1User421
50.There She Goes, Miss AmericaNumber1User421
51.Stranger Blue Leave Us AloneDePressED420
52.Cash from Cancer: Yes, it is awkward that you are still aliveCash From Cancer419
53.La Muerte -- No Country for Old MenLaMuerte419
54.Cemetery Girls 1Cemetery Girls418
55.Guess Who Died? 1ZUSER01484418
56.Venus LovemotionDePressED418
58.Martha PearlDiane411
59.Death March1BCeltics327
60.Star Dust of Ursa MajorStar Dust327
61.Mashiki Assassins1BCeltics326
62.Death March 31BCeltics325
64.Doc & DJ--She Is 29 Now and Having My BabyDoc & DJ325
65.Playing a HarpBuck325
66.Simon says - too many shots to the headThe Shadow325
67.Death Soup: Evil Popes Must DieMJ and Friends324
68.Doc & DJ--John O'Conner Memorial ListDoc & DJ324
69.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow Pencil 1JoanCrawfordsMakeupBag324
70.Ethnic Cleansinghop1962323
71.Sam's ClubCom-mom323
72.The Good Die Young VTimur323
73.To Kill a Hungarian BirdThe Pancreatic Answer323
74.Charlie Don't Surf without Leena NguynCharlie Dont Surf322
75.Doc & DJ--Joe DiMaggio Memorial ListDoc & DJ322
76.Fool me five times, Zsa ZsaUSER02524322
77.Forrest Tucker's GhostFTG322
78.I can say Chimichanga in seven languages.DGD322
79.Star Dust of OrionStar Dust322
80.Are you talking to yourself or do you see little yellow boxes too?DGD321
81.Blake's Bones: It's TimeMr. Blake321
82.Cash from Cancer: How do you keep the locals off the booze long enough to bury the old bigot?Cash From Cancer321
83.Death to MingYour Mom321
84.Doc & DJ--2014 Was an Off Year for UsDoc & DJ321
85.Listalan smithee321
87.McSwindlers Listhop1962321
88.Susanlucky punk321
89.There Is No EliteDePressED321
90.yeah yeah buh bye 2yeah yeah buh bye321
92.A Reverential ListSilentcalvin320
93.An Old Cold Tater, IndeedNumber1User320
94.Cartman- 41 On The PoleCARTMAN320
95.Cash from Cancer: Make Room in the GraveyardCash From Cancer320
97.Die, you old farts! Die!!!USER00353320
98.In The DeathroomMr. Redrum320
99.Lady Caroline MuffmuncherDePressED320
101.When Sunny Gets BlueBea Hind320
102.yeah yeah buh bye 6yeah yeah buh bye320
103.Charlie Don't Surf without Mia LeeCharlie Dont Surf319
104.Satan's Waitin'Barker J. Wagtail319
105.Better Off Dead or Getting HeadLindsay Lohan's Liver318
106.Cemetery Girls 6Cemetery Girls318
107.Charlie Don't Surf - Robert DuvallCharlie Dont Surf318
108.Death Soup: All Together Now!MJ and Friends318
109.Everyone Must Die!!!Sickle Cell - #2 cause of318
110.MK - MBalmedMBalmed318
111.Shenanigans? Did you just curse me out in Irish?DGD318
113.Doc & DJ--There Was a Sale on Compound Fuck NounsDoc & DJ317
114.DXROB !!!DX Rob317
115.Earthalucky punk317
116.Free Bucketptgkc317
117.When Your Gambling Cards On Love You PlayDePressED317
118.Baxley - Not Depressed, Just A Little BlueBaxley316
119.Death By Pinochle List 2oregontrail316
120.deathbitch rides againPIANOGIRL316
121.Get The Shovel1BCeltics316
122.Michael Jackson called, he wants his skin back!DGD316
123.A Trophy For Atrophyhop1962315
124.Dirtiest Nappymommyster315
125.LA LISTE DE FRANK 2015Meo315
126.Pennies on Your Eyesdoorma315
127.plant me now dig you laterPIANOGIRL315
129.Not feeling wellBada Bing314
130.Death By Pinochle List 3oregontrail313
131.Michael Jackson is Living in ParisMJ Lives313
135.The Regulator ListWarren G311
136.2015 #1Donkey Sausage219
137.Dutch's TreatBea Hind219
138.Feasting Maggots 1Feasting Maggots219
139.Feasting Maggots 3Feasting Maggots219
140.I've Got a Secret: I'M DEAD!Bea Hind219
141.Jenny Was SweetDePressED219
142.LOD - They're Starting To Piss Me Offed head219
143.Mad Dogsdeathrider219
144.Pop Goes The Weasel- Part 3The Coroner219
145.SirDrexl's StiffsSirDrexl219
146.Tsuga - Die EngelTsuga219
147.Victory AND Death 2Shams219
148.WE HAVE A PIPER DOWN! 1dryden2911219
149.WE HAVE A PIPER DOWN! 2dryden2911219
150.WE HAVE A PIPER DOWN! 3dryden2911219
151.Yeah yeah buh byeyeah yeah buh bye219
152.yeah yeah buh bye 4yeah yeah buh bye219
154.Cartman- Ten To Beam UpCARTMAN218
155.Concrete Shoes 2Concrete Shoes218
156.Feasting Maggots 2Feasting Maggots218
157.Sam'$ ClubCom-mom218
158.Simon says - amanda over lindsayThe Shadow218
159.Vg - Bukkake Karaokevomit_god218
160.yeah yeah buh bye 5yeah yeah buh bye218
161.2015 #2Donkey Sausage217
162.Charlie Don't Surf without Sharon TayCharlie Dont Surf217
163.Death Rattle: Coffin Up Dirtanarchess217
164.Deathication 2015Loquacity83217
165.If this is a dream I sure hope Carol Channing doesn't show up naked again...DGD217
166.JMD - Front Line TroopsMr Wonderful217
167.Naha Assassins1BCeltics217
168.Nietzsche's Super Stiffs IVFredNietzsche217
169.NoNames 1jim dibello217
170.NoNames 2jim dibello217
171.NoNames 3jim dibello217
172.Raccoonlucky punk217
173.Squeaky's Non-Squeakerslilsqueakyone217
174.Tommytsled- Give me one list Vasili, one list onlyTomtsled217
175.Victory AND Death 3Shams217
176.yeah yeah buh bye 3yeah yeah buh bye217
177.Yeah, Toast!lilsqueakyone217
178.!!!!Kitten Kaboodle!!!! Love you, baby.!!!!ABBO216
179.$15 wastedVaGentry216
180.A Grateful Deadhead 2015Judysomething216
181.Chicago Jake 1: Some Girl's Mothers are Bigger Than Other Girl's MothersChicago Jake216
182.Concrete ShoesConcrete Shoes216
183.Death Rattle: Lying in Waitanarchess216
184.Fossil Farmhop1962216
185.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost216
186.JMD - Sharpton Don't SwimMr Wonderful216
187.LIGHTS OUTThe rebel.216
188.MK - MBalmed2MBalmed216
189.Nietzsche's Pietzsches IIIFredNietzsche216
190.The List 2015lemkerl70216
191.Time to GoRook216
192.2015 #3Donkey Sausage215
193.Big G's list of Dirt NappersDead Fred215
194.Charlie Don't Surf without Lily ThaiCharlie Dont Surf215
195.Come on I Wanna See 'em In a Mausoleum 4EdRulz215
196.Float like a butterfly die like a beeTwilight is Near215
198.My Bucket Listptgkc215
199.Stand and deliver 2015Sgrayva215
200.Vg - Bukkake Kamikazevomit_god215
201.Yankee-Yak, Don't Talk BackNumber1User215
202.Cash from Cancer: I am Pei's corpseCash From Cancer214
203.Dick Van Death 2Poodle214
204.DJ Badger Says DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!DJ Badger214
205.Donne In!splittertogo214
206.Heaven Help UsSal & Barb214
207.Reaper Madness #4ReaperMadness214
208.Touch My Sister Again, I'll Kill YouFrankie Pentangeli214
209.Tribute to Tommy Ramone, Who's Somehow Not FamousNumber1User214
210.AIDS Fist IIYour Mom213
211.Cartman- The LeftoversCARTMAN213
212.Cash from Cancer: About SchmidtCash From Cancer213
213.Chillydead 2chillybilly213
214.Come on I Wanna See 'em In a MausoleumEdRulz213
216.Fake ShempGhoulash213
217.Heywood Jablome XVIIUSER00119213
218.Horizontally YoursBarker J. Wagtail213
219.I'm always a pallbearer never the corpse!DGD213
220.psychicdeath 1PsychicDeath213
221.Team Formalin: Through the Rabbit Holeanarchess213
222.The People's CorpseBea Hind213
223.This is how rumors get started 2015USER02248213
224.Wake N' Bakelilsqueakyone213
226.AAAAAAhhhh List 1jwin55212
227.After All, We Are Not CommunistsFrankie Pentangeli212
228.Black AIDS Fist IIYour Mom212
229.Burryn Bill 2015ABurry'n Bill212
230.Come on I Wanna See 'em In a Mausoleum 2EdRulz212
231.Dying to Win 2015jhaberli212
232.Pop Goes The WeaselThe Coroner212
233.Reaper Madness #2ReaperMadness212
234.Victory AND Death 6Shams212
235.Victory AND Death 8Shams212
236.2015 dirt napsDirt napper211
238.Cash from Cancer: Robert Mugabe finally does something good for his countryCash From Cancer211
239.Come on I Wanna See 'em In a Mausoleum 3EdRulz211
240.Death and Taxeshossdaddynick211
241.Grimey Reaper 5grimyreaper211
242.Joe Bacon's 2015 Dirt NappersChancellor D'Exchecker211
243.Michael Jackson is Living in CanadaMJ Lives211
244.Porricelli 2015Michaelgp211
245.psychicdeath 3PsychicDeath211
246.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail211
247.Time to Say GoodbyeCheck, Please!211
248.AAAAAAhhhh List 2jwin55210
249.Arnold Embalmerplanetearth66210
250.Death Be Not Proud VITimur210
251.I Blame Her For Sarah PalinRottenToast210
252.Just DieBrown Widow210
253.NVN: listen to police stay alive, duh !!No Viagra Needed210
254.Pokey's Picks 2015Pokey22210
255.Stiff, bereft of life .. if you hadn't nailed him to the perch..splittertogo210
256.Vg - Bukkake in Milwaukeevomit_god210
257.AAAAAAhhhh List 3jwin5529
258.Dearly Departedhop196229
259.Of Corpse You're Dead 3Shoeguy29
260.PB: Aiming for 4pbear29
261.Rat Bastards 3Rat Bastard29
262.The Grass Is Always Greenergrassisalwaysgreener29
263.Xyla PhonyGhoulash29
264.Cash from Cancer: The Boy with the Tumor in His SideCash From Cancer28
265.Death- Cuts Like A KnifeJayRockers!28
266.Jiang Se-menTwilight is Near28
267.Of Corpse You're Dead 6Shoeguy28
268.Of Corpse You're Dead 2Shoeguy27
270.Cash from Cancer: Ferlinghetti morteCash From Cancer25
271.Drop Dead 3Drop Dead25
272.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost25
273.Victory AND Death 4Shams25
274.Who can turn the afterworld on with her smileRottenToast25
277.!!!!Kitten Kaboodle!!!! Love you, boo-boo!!!!ABBO110
278.2015 LeeLord Dickerson110
279.Abe Vigoda, your number is upplanetearth66110
280.Come let's mix where Rockefellers swim the StyxRottenToast110
281.Dave's Dead Pool 2015Your Dead Pool Highness110
282.don't let the door....Crystal Balls110
283.DXROB !DX Rob110
284.DXROB !!DX Rob110
285.Easy MoneyEasy Money110
286.Grimey Reaper 1grimyreaper110
287.Grimey Reaper 4grimyreaper110
288.Hope I'm wrongFrogSoda110
289.If Tomorrow Never ComesSal & Barb110
290.It Puts the Lotion on its SkinBuffalo Bell Biv DeVoe110
293.Late for SupperInexplah110
294.Leftovers from 2014moribundus110
295.list 2Crystal Balls110
296.list 3Crystal Balls110
297.Pining for the FjordsPining for the Fjords110
298.Sack-O-Stiffies Part TroisVicLic2110
299.Sal-n-BettsSal & Barb110
302.Sick Transit 1sictransit110
303.Sick Transit Blendedsictransit110
304.Simon Says - zsa zsa is the anti-christThe Shadow110
305.Simon Says GoodbyePokey22110
306.The Big Dirt SandwichTheBus110
307.The EradicatorEradicator110
308.The Good, the bad, and the deadMarch Of The Maggots110
309.Z TeamMarkMx110
310.2015 Hopefulsmirandate19
311.80s DarlingsRastafarian Mormon19
313.Cemetery Girls 4Cemetery Girls19
314.Cemetery Girls 5Cemetery Girls19
315.Come on I Wanna See 'em In a Mausoleum 5EdRulz19
316.Deadmaster - AmyBdeadmaster19
317.DJ Badger: My Wife Lanna says DIE!DJ Badger19
318.DNR/DNI 2Nurseboy19
319.Early to Bed, Early to DiePoodle19
323.NVN: Tallywacker is a funny wordNo Viagra Needed19
324.Old Man Look at your lifeplanetearth6619
325.Rachel's Rotting List 6Rachel A19
326.sbump2-Dying to win-ChuckSBUMP219
327.South Main Coroner... We like the Dead!trashking19
328.This is Newbies lisp (sic)JESUSCHRISTALMIGHTY19
329.Try The Veal. Best In The CityFrankie Pentangeli19
330.Welcome to the party, palrchand19
331.Cash from Cancer: The Rockefeller StankCash From Cancer18
332.Chillydead 1chillybilly18
333.Chillydead 3chillybilly18
334.Come on I Wanna See 'em In a Mausoleum 6EdRulz18
335.Dead Fred's list of almost dead peopleDead Fred18
336.Death Race 2015USER0239518
337.DeathList #1jminrod18
338.FC Is a Four-Letter WordNumber1User18
339.Fettucine al DeadoMarkMx18
340.Grave DwellingsJanisdoll18
341.grave matthews'bandwildrush18
342.House Of Soon To Be With The Lordhop196218
343.Old and Tired, Tired, TiredChris Goulart18
344.Pop Goes The Weasel IIThe Coroner18
345.Pots Kitchen and BaconMarkMx18
346.Sbump2-Dying to win-PrimeSBUMP218
347.thanksfordieingWJG v3.018
348.very old hollywoodme first18
349.!!!!Kitten Kaboodle!!!! Love you, Kaboo-boo!!!!ABBO17
350.1st TimerChloeM17
351.Big Dirt 2TheBus17
352.Charlie Don't Surf with Nephew BenCharlie Dont Surf17
353.Counting Bodies Like SheepDGambrinus17
354.Death By Pinochle lList 1oregontrail17
355.DNR/DNI 3Nurseboy17
356.Grimey Reaper 6grimyreaper17
357.Ivy Cliff Memorial - Ahodag2137817
358.No Viagra NeededNo Viagra Needed17
359.Reaper Madness #1ReaperMadness17
361.Dancing with Mr. DBetter Off Dead16
362.DIE, FUCKERS, DIE!sillysqrrl16
363.Joined The Choir Invisiblesplittertogo16 don't stopClever Team Name16
365.Sick Transit Crowdsourcedsictransit16
366.The Price Is Rightlonedryad16
367.They Died too YoungChris Goulart16
368.Bought The East Hill Farmsplittertogo15
369.FavoritesOda Mae Brown15
370.Grimey Reaper 2grimyreaper15
371.Grimey Reaper 3grimyreaper15
372.Lots o' old and sick bastards VIIBJCx7815
373.MrJeff2000's List of Destinymrjeff200015
374.Times upchick81315
375.Dogs do you want to live forever?moribundus14
376.Everyone Dies in the EndMichenley14
377.get some coldcuts !!!!!chick81314
378.why is there no light at the end of the tunnelReaper Crew14
379.will be missedFrogSoda14
381.!ajlposh 2ajlposh13
382.Baxley - Less Skookum Than DesiredBaxley13
383.DEATH BECOMES THEMThe rebel.13
384.Dump 'em OutPaul168113
385.Farewell TourVestament13
386.Grave LongingsJanisdoll13
387.Your dead to meMaryjo8013
388.Big Dirt 3TheBus12
389.Damn near dead IIBada Bing12
391.If I Don't Win This Year I QuitBig Guy12
393.You can leave nowptgkc12
394.!!! elderlytitan36011
395.Dirtier Nappymommyster11's just businessKram11
397.Old Dead MenJinxed11
398.Tits UpCosmo Underground11
399.Zsa Zsa better fuckin dieElster00011


Guess the Stiff!

Beauty really is only skin deep.

(d) September 21st, 2017