Michael Douglas has been played on 753 lists, including 410 lists in The 2011 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
3.-ty-alan smithee531
4.Your mother was a hamster & your father smelt of elderberries.DGD530
6.Justin Hale 17USER01531528
7.And Then There Were None AgainDePressED527
8.Mary Tyler Morgue's Kick The Bucket ListMary Tyler Morgue527
9.Somewhere, some lucky guy's having a heart attack.DGD527
12.Feasting Maggots 1Feasting Maggots523
13.A Cure 4 Cancershorty7ft521
14.Death Soup: Perfection!MJ and Friends520
15.Justin Hale 16USER01531430
16.Deathication 2011Loquacity83428
17.YCB's list - What could happen to an Old FashionPezintree428
18.Justin Hale 18USER01531427
19.AARP Happensshorty7ft426
20.No MoreBuck426
21.Sorry Twins FansRD02426
23.News Is Blue, The News Is BlueDePressED425
24.Ethnic Cleansing 3hop1962424
25.Feasting Maggots 5Feasting Maggots424
27.Feasting Maggots 6Feasting Maggots423
28.Heaven in '11The Coroner423
29.Justin Hale 07USER01531423
30.Justin Hale 10USER01531423
31.Justin Hale 13USER01531423
32.Trying to prove '05 & '06 weren't flukes... and failing.DGD423
33.Cancer is Your FriendExit Stage Four422
34.Dead ConnectionDolby, Clancy, Giap422
35.Feasting Maggots 2Feasting Maggots422
36.Feasting Maggots 3Feasting Maggots422
37.Feasting Maggots 4Feasting Maggots422
38.I love my cigar, but I take it out every once in a while.DGD422
39.Rachel's Ghostly GuessesRachel A422
40.When You're Gambling Cards On Love You PlayDePressED422
41.You're gonna need a bigger boatDGD422
42.Death- Up To My Neck In ItJayRockers!421
43.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost421
44.Afraid of the dark? #2Minnesota Neil420
45.MATTOID - Cleaning out HollywoodThe Mattoid420
46.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost419
47.Death By Pinocle 2011 List1oregontrail418
48.Justin Hale 02USER01531418
49.NVN: Wilford Brimley in a tutuNo Viagra Needed418
50.yeah yeah buh bye 2yeah yeah buh bye418
51.A Third List For My BuckRD02416
52.Got To Move To The Trick Of The BeatDePressED416
53.Justin Hale 03USER01531415
54.NVN: Dont swear and dont wip it outNo Viagra Needed415
55.yeah yeah buh bye 3yeah yeah buh bye415
56.yeah yeah buh bye 8yeah yeah buh bye415
57.mausoleakumUncle Stiffy413
58.Justin Hale 05USER01531412
59.Mary Gibbs a BitchJim412
60.Fade to Black IVFade to Black324
61.Oh so dead!Dead Person Specialist, E324
62.Frankie 2DePressED323
63.POTUS 10USER02464322
64.Say hi to my goldfish when you get theredoorma322
65.Diet of WormsFood for Worms321
66.DNR/DNI 3Nurseboy321
67.Little Drivin' On A Saturday NightDePressED321
68.Venus LovemotionDePressED321
69.Bones for Blake IMr. Blake320
70.Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something.DGD320
71.MJ Lives!MJ Lives320
72.MJ Lives! IIIMJ Lives320
73.Odd FellowsPHALEX320
74.And Don't Call Me ShirleyDGD319
76.GA. BULLDOG FANThe rebel.319
77.goin down bitches2Rus253319
79.Smoke n mirrorsTheOriginalDub319
80.This is how rumors get started 2011-2USER02248319
81.U Can'ta Foola Me - There's No Such Thing as Sanity ClauseDGD319
82.Death- Just A Little Off The TopJayRockers!318
83.Frankie 3DePressED318
84.Rigor IIRigor318
85.yeah yeah buh bye 7yeah yeah buh bye318
86.AARP Happens 3shorty7ft317
87.Always look on the bright side of life.DGD317
89.Cash from Cancer: stick a Pohl in the groundCash From Cancer317
90.Darkness FallsDolby, Clancy, Giap317
94.go to the light childrenfireflyt317
95.Justin Hale 11USER01531317
96.Justin Hale 12USER01531317
97.Cemetery Girls 7Cemetery Girls316
98.flatiners 1The game changer316
99.RIP Miss BlankenshipRD02316
100.Barry D. LiveUncle Stiffy315
101.Charles the Dog wants some bonesBairBones315
103.Girls Kick Butt 1oregontrail315
104.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part Ihurryupndiealready315
105.NVN: Scumdog MillionairesNo Viagra Needed315
106.Old or Sick or RandomRhody Trash315
107.Yeah yeah buh byeyeah yeah buh bye315
108.Cartman- Double RainbowCARTMAN314
109.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleumEdRulz314
110.Going for a (Final) NapFireMutt35314
111.Justin Hale 01USER01531314
112.Justin Hale 04USER01531314
113.Malignant Tomberlilsqueakyone314
114.NVN: Fuck me again MouseketeerNo Viagra Needed314
115.The C FilesFood for Worms314
116.The Unlucky Stiffsi8paintchips314
117.Baxley - Grinder of DeathBaxley313
119.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 2EdRulz313
120.Offal TruthUSER01797313
122.Slim Whitman's CrotchUSER02535313
123.WOW ListDrunky Dead List313
124.yeah yeah buh bye 5yeah yeah buh bye313
125.yeah yeah buh bye 9yeah yeah buh bye313
126.Cash from Cancer: a penny for your deathCash From Cancer312
127.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 6EdRulz312
128.Dwyer's Absolut MoronsJim312
129.Future Sex PartnersUSER00119312
130.Hosebaglucky punk312
131.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2011calvey312
132.Making the News One Last TimeGregDean312
133.Mary Worth Again Advises You to Commit SuicideRhody Trash312
134.Nancy Pelosi Sucks TwoCrock of Pelosi312
136.The Old and the TumorfulRhody Trash312
137.Cemetery Girls 5Cemetery Girls311
138.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 3EdRulz311
139.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 4EdRulz311
140.Justin Hale 06USER01531311
141.Lilsqueaky's Non-Squeakerslilsqueakyone311
142.Pawns in the Game of DeathPozzo311
143.PB: Hope to get 5 this yearpbear311
144.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 5EdRulz310
145.Cool Irish Dude 4Cool Irish Dude310
146.Dwyer's Zombie PatrolJim310
147.Former Lee WarmerFormer Lee Warmer310
148.Lizzy 1 2011Lizzy310
149.Wordnerdgirl's Hail Mary ListWordnerdgirl310
150.Ethnic Cleansing 2hop196239
151.NV: It's a small after worldNo Viagra Needed39
152.Dancing With Mr. DBetter Off Dead38
153.'cause You Never Know When You're Gonna Go!USER01054218
154.Justin Hale 15USER01531218
155.Justin Hale 14USER01531217
156.MS kills too slowlymixorr217
157.Are We Dead Yet 2?goodwin73216
158.Baby's First Deadpoollilsqueakyone216
160.Pushing Daisiesshorty7ft216
162.Stain of FoolsGhost of Stiffs Past216
163.the immortal pauly shoreUSER02524216
164.The Morgue the MerrierThe Morgue the Merrier216
165.This way you'll all live forever - IBut Is It Art?216
166.# dead men not walkingBucket Kickers215
169.Loki IIILoki215
171.Signing OffPozzo215
172.Tsuga - Swordfish TromboneTsuga215
174.Be Still My Heart!Widows&Orphans214
176.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #4Shoeguy214
177.The stiff-in-phoenix is brain dead 1.USER02204214
178.All the Stiffs fit to PrintDickClark's sexy baritone213
179.Ash For CashJamoke213
181.Charlie Don't Surf with Elita LorescaCharlie Dont Surf213
182.Charlie Don't Surf with Lucy LiuCharlie Dont Surf213
183.Coffin CornerDRave13213
184.Death Soup: Stand, It's M'LiverMJ and Friends213
185.Frankie 1DePressED213
186.He's Hosedlucky punk213
188.Nurse! Nurse! Help me! 2011Paul1681213
189.NVN: The hole in the ground gangNo Viagra Needed213
190.One Foot in the GraveSwine213
191.PigglesworthDr Drunk213
192.Prince Sirki's RosterPrince Sirki213
194.These Men Are Licensed To Carry FirearmsFrankie Pentangeli213
195.Canaries in a Coal Minejehale212
196.Charlie Don't Surf with Kyung LahCharlie Dont Surf212
197.cryptkicker 2Cryptkickers Inc.212
199.Stick A Fork In 'EmWidows&Orphans212
200.the big crojoepeters212
201.Tits - Up Itits-up212
202.A&J Combinedthing211211
203.Break a Leg and the RestGregDean211
204.Cash from Cancer: the only good Giap is a dead GiapCash From Cancer211
205.chris listIGottaStiffy211
206.Fade to Black IIFade to Black211
207.MsWhatsit's Three to Get Ready ListMsWhatsit211
209.The Good Die Young..These People Must Be Evilcerista211
210.The Wizard of West LAFroggyB211
211.The Wizard of West LA 2FroggyB211
212.Tits - Up IIItits-up211
213.Baxley - Blender of DeathBaxley210
214.DEATH ROWPeople Meat210
215.Double Dose of Douglas DeathUSER02535210
216.Drop Dead GorgeousDrop Dead Gorgeous210
218.Lady Caroline MuffmuncherDePressED210
219.MsWhatsit's Four to Go ListMsWhatsit210
220.NJM Green MileNJMCW210
221.Swimming Volkswagen IIUSER00748210
223.2011, will they go to heaven?peopleselbow29
224.Another Death Pool ListBird29
225.Dells Dead Catswsprotte29
226.Ethnic Cleansinghop196229
227.Lite My PyreDr. Doom29
229.May Death Be Your Santa ClausePozzo29
230.NVN: That made my balls tickleNo Viagra Needed29
232.please DIE!!cristalblu29
233.Plowing The Deep 3hop196229
235.the death clocktheappointment29
236.Baxley - Mixer of DeathBaxley28
237.Birdman 15Bird28
238.Charlie Don't Surf with Leena NguyenCharlie Dont Surf28
239.ColonelB's Deceasedcolonelb28
240.cryptkicker 1Cryptkickers Inc.28
242.Hoping Kim Jong is ILLBird28
243.Mcswindlers Listhop196228
244.My Ten Funerals 2011Jerrytopdown28
245.NVN: Shes a garage for some guys penisNo Viagra Needed28
246.Out with the old...Politikil28
248.The Chrome LizardThe Chrome Lizard28
249.All Dressed Up, Now Please GoasthedeadtuRNs27
250.Death Soup: Gross UrningsMJ and Friends27
251.Dirtnaps R UsSweet Release27
252.flatiners 2The game changer27
253.Jenny Was SweetDePressED27
254.Johnny Dare Morning Show #2Bird27
255.My Sharon-aBird27
256.Pookie's Stiffs #2Pookie's Stiffs27
257.SirDrexl's StiffsSirDrexl27
258.Trout's Dead Fish 3Trout27
259.Charlie Don't Surf with Sharon TayCharlie Dont Surf26
260.Horizontally YoursBarker J. Wagtail26
261.MK - MBbalmedMBalmed26
262.No Viagra NeededNo Viagra Needed26
263.Pookie's Stiffs #3Pookie's Stiffs26
264.R-E-S-P-E-C-T to the D-E-A-Dbridgy25
265.Swimming VolkswagenUSER0074825
266.Help_My_IgThe Ig24
267.Pokey's PoopersPokey2224
268.Well nobody died, did they? #1Archangel24
269.Acabache Unoazabachenegro23
270.Fettucine al Dead-OMarkMx23
271.Great Cthulhu's DeadlistUSER0028423
272.2011 Skyranch Dead Listlaurenprice110
273.Are We Dead Yet 3?goodwin73110
274.Corpses of Fame 6 - The Undiscovered Countryculwin110
276.Dirt Naps For Dollars 1FrankJac110
277.Too dead for you babyDead Person Specialist, E110
278.yeah yeah buh bye 4yeah yeah buh bye110
279.Exploding Brain MatterGhoul Girl19
280.Fade to BlackFade to Black19
281.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl19
282.Going for the MoldDoozy19
283.Guess Who Died? 1ZUSER0148419
284.it's not heaven and it's not iowa eitherFredo let's go fishing19
285.Stacking The DeckHugh G. Wrekshun19
286.Tsuga - Dark Star CrashesTsuga19
287.A Rotting SmellHe's Dead Jim18
288.Cash from Cancer: No, not the Muppet guy. That one's dead already.Cash From Cancer18
289.Cemetery Girls 4Cemetery Girls18
290.Doc & DJ--I'm six-five, 220 pounds, and there are two of me.Doc & DJ18
291.Fade to Black 3Fade to Black18
292.Fade to Blaquejblaque18
293.Grassy KnollFallsguy18
294.Grave ConsiderationsBarrCreeWenn18
295.Steve's Comedy Store Listsrazz2318
296.Szym Listjeffszym18
297.....Going.....Sal & Barb17
298.Banana Peal SurfersPHALEX17
299.Doc & DJ--I think we've run out of Six Feet Under referencesDoc & DJ17
300.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: BarqueroFTG17
301.Meat Dressesevilredhead17
302.Notorious R.I.PRadler17
303.Rigor IRigor17
304.Rock N' Roll Me When I'm DeadTrav17
306.Thanatos and YouBarrCreeWenn17
307.Tits - Up IItits-up17
308.A Deathpool ListBird16
309.Deadly Debutante IDeadly Debutante16
310.Death Becomes Themzabac1016
312.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: HellfireFTG16
313.Let The Bodies Hit The FloorBird16
314.MK - Final CurtainMBalmed16
315.MK - MBalmed 2MBalmed16
316.Please DieMistressLila16
317.POTUS 12USER0246416
318.Styrofoam BolognaGina303016
320.Trout's Dead Fish 2Trout16
321.Your Mom Stole My WalletUSER0253516
322.Doctor of Death 1the doctor of death15
323.Dwyer's Dead PoolJim15
324.Home to Hadesbjaskols15
325.Killer Advocatelaptoplg15
326.One foot in the grave, other in my wife's analDeathAlert15
327.Reap 'Em & Weep #1USER0055715
328.Rigor IIIRigor15
329.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail15
330.STFU and get in the holeKooterVP15
331.Wake Up...Time to Die!!!thing21115
332.A Byrdie and a Baset, Mugabe's Gonna Pass ItBaxley14
334.Dennys After MidnightPezintree14
335.Double Dose of Douglas. Double Dose.Bird14
336.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part VIIhurryupndiealready14
337.Johnny Dare Morning Show #1Bird14
338.Silence of the LambsPushing Up Diasies14
339.Celebrity Dead-Factorbridgy13
340.Chicago Jake: Dancing With The Stiffs!Chicago Jake13
342.HOLLYWOOD 1sabby13
343.It's Do or Die NOWDigger O Dell 1013
345.Nancys NuthouseNancybill2213
346.nrubsol poolnrubsol13
347.Windmills do not work that way, goodnight.PIxiaq13
348.Black and GoldUSER0136812
349.he be back soon i'm surelindbergh12
350.Makes me sad...sort of.Teebabe12
351.poor kittylindbergh12
352.Quietus MaximusNarwal Bacon12
353.Single Dose of DouglasBird12
354.Cool Irish Dude 1Cool Irish Dude11
355.Cool Irish Dude 2Cool Irish Dude11
356.Cool Irish Dude 3Cool Irish Dude11
357.Grim ProfiteerNice Sicko11
358.List # 9 - a feat to be surenorthern reaper11
359.List #8 Northern Reapernorthern reaper11
360.Satan's Waitin'Barker J. Wagtail11
361.Sebree Was Reppin' His Block In KilladelphiaTomtsled11
362.vg_Fred Phelps caught wanking it to Two Gorillas, One Cupvomit_god11
364.AARP Happens 2shorty7ft00
365.Always look on the bright side of death IIAngel of Death00
366.B Back Baby BackUSER0589800
367.Beer SisterzBeer Sisters00
368.BigBuckenChicken1Last Stop00
369.Birdman 5Bird00
370.Bugs and BonesBugs and Bones00
371.Casket CrewPHALEX00
372.Cat Smash Feverorabrooch00
373.Chicken at Tresky's #1Chicken at Tresky's00
374.Chicken at Tresky's #3Chicken at Tresky's00
375.Dead gets the breadtbone00
377.Deathmaster Jeffyoak00
379.Dying Room OnlyBarrCreeWenn00
380.Easy Money 2011Easy Money00
381.get stiff already!BuffaloBartman00
382.Gotta get a J.O'Bthing21100
383.greatful deadhunter0700
384.Greed is GoodBird00
385.Hansel's List!Trav00
387.Jeng2mayo Listaudioboss00
388.JUST A LIST #2northern reaper00
389.Just another list #3northern reaper00
390.Killer Advocate Goes Onlaptoplg00
391.Koji Kabutoaudioboss00
392.List # 5 - No better than list #4northern reaper00
393.List # 7northern reaper00
394.List # 7 - I am a retardnorthern reaper00
395.List #4 - Evildoers the lot of themnorthern reaper00
396.List #6 - I do not selected them wellnorthern reaper00
397.List #9 The last listnorthern reaper00
398.List#8 - Feasting on quality rotten meatnorthern reaper00
399.MATTOID - The Old Folks FileThe Mattoid00
401.no it's not heaven and it's not iowa eitherFredo let's go fishing00
402.Northern Reaper, a new listnorthern reaper00
403.Old River Death GuessEaglefan244400
405.rumpleforeskins wrinklesfossilhead00
406.Soon B Gonn 1Edhead2200
407.Stand and DeliverSgrayva00
408.the fuck it listalex vincent00
409.Wall Street Never Sleeps!dead presidents00
410.Zombiessoonerlateranastasia beaver-hausen00


Guess the Stiff!

Pow, right in the kisser.

(d) February 3rd, 1996