Brooke Astor has been played on 1596 lists, including 317 lists in The 2005 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.MA01: Where have all the mortal locks gone?USER01375846
3.MA03: It's not just Eli Manning making him illUSER01375745
4.MA17: Fame Committee Challenge 2005USER01375744
5.Dr. Steve1Dr. Steve739
6.Cryptkicker 2JohnRandy738
7.DGD - Actuarial PercentagesDGD735
8.95 Plus ClubJohnRandy734
9.JT03: Killing TimeTripper731
10.A Grateful Deadhead IIJudysomething639
11.Al and Trollette Combotrollette639
13.Kolchack The Night Stalker 2000002639
14.Raoul 13USER01531639
15.Raoul 10USER01531638
16.BRAX 919 YearsUSER02104636
17.The Weed Of Crime Bears Bitter Fruit 01USER01531634
18.Dirt Nap ExpressUSER01690633
19.Raoul 02USER01531633
21.Trout's Dead FishTrout633
22.JMK-Get to the back of the hearseUSER01551632
23.Please Die for MY Beer moneyUSER01894630
24.Baxley - Stats Lie But They Win!Baxley629
25.THE CALIREAPERCaliReaper629
28.A Morbid Taste for BonesUSER02013535
29.return of the shadowThe Shadow535
30.Ramrod AgainUSER01531534
31.Raoul 04USER01531534
32.Raoul 09USER01531534
33.Raoul 12USER01531534
34.I Can't Win if You Don't Die 1USER01728533
36.Copybird NevermoreUSER01089532
37.Filthy Fucking Whoresfilthy whore532
39.Mother Would Be ProudUSER00750532
40.Steve's list of soon to be dead people - Year 3USER01724531
42.Class of 90USER01832530
43.Death Rattle Ianarchess529
44.Death Soup: Encrypted RemainsMJ and Friends529
45.Flesh of Mass DestructionUSER02061529
48.Die Please Thank YouUSER02228528
49.Martha PearlDiane528
51.Rusty spoonsUSER01953528
52.Xtreme DeadpoolingDePressED528
54.Burnin' Popery Ianarchess526
55.Cartman- The Curse 1918-2004USER01013526
56.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Hit Number Four!FTG525
57.Three Two One Times UpUSER01764525
58.B & MBuck524
59.The Waiting ListUSER02247521
60.Lym PhomaMaudieG434
62.Death March 61BCeltics432
63.MA10: Running out of lame names for listsUSER01375432
64.Ramrod One More TimeUSER01531432
65.Weekend at Bernie'sPaul1681432
66.Cryptkicker 1JohnRandy431
67.Dr. Steve6Dr. Steve431
68.Raoul 06USER01531431
69.The Weed Of Crime Bears Bitter Fruit 03USER01531431
70.I See Dead People 1USER02137430
71.Raoul 07USER01531430
72.The Shadow Puppet of Death 3USER00495430
73.The Weed Of Crime Bears Bitter Fruit 02USER01531430 2Oh No You Ditten430
75.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Real Music ManFTG429
76.MA09: A tad stiff but violet eyes to die forUSER01375429
77.Mel AnomaMaudieG429
78.Death March 91BCeltics428
79.Dr. Steve2Dr. Steve428
80.Evil Monkey sez YER OLD NOW GITUSER01755428
81.First Bob, then Ron. Now get with it J.P.Starwanderer428
82.MA05: Brooke Astor = OK--a bore rotsUSER01375428
83.The Ralph Wiggum ArmyUSER01469428
84.yeah yeah buh bye 2yeah yeah buh bye428
85.Dawn of the Dead 4USER02030427
86.Dr. Steve5Dr. Steve427
87.Esprit de CorpseUSER02169427
88.Knocked Them Muthafuckers right on they ass tooFTG427
89.Right Said Dead #2USER02144427
90.Stu PadasolUSER02081427
91..001 Losers' Clubeastvanhalen426
92.And That's The Way It WasUSER01690426
93.Dirtnapsters 2USER01862426
94.I See Dead People 3USER02137426
95.MA07: Good anthropologist--better jeans makerUSER01375426
96.Oak Gavel With 6 HandlesUSER00750426
97.Sirhan Wilkes OswaldUSER02131426
98.Stiff Breeze (once more)1Captain Chaos 08426
99.The Shadow Puppet of Death 1USER00495426
100.Wracked's Wormwood CocktailWracked426
101.Charlie Don't Surf - Smoking CrackCharlie Dont Surf425
102.Doc--I Met You at the DresdenDoc & DJ425
103.Down & OutUSER02142425
104.Drop Dead GorgeousUSER01688425
105.Foolish Mortals IUSER01909425
106.Gil's Second StringUSER01726425
107.Last Year's LeftoversUSER02255425
108.Sloppy SecondsBibsPal425
109.Special K - People's PicksUSER01535425
110.Weekend at Bernie's 2Paul1681425
111.ethnic cleansinghop1962424
112.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: BrimstoneFTG424
113.Gil's First ListUSER01726424
114.Lost in LindenhurstThe Shadow424
115.Morgue, Morgue, Morgue......How Do You Like It?USER01886424
116.The Shadow Puppet of Death 2USER00495424
118.Bastille's Freedom FriesUSER00220423
119.I Dinna Got The Power, Captain!USER01690423
121.Gil's Third Try's the CharmUSER01726422
122.hocks house of painhop1962422
123.Burnin' Popery IIanarchess421
124.Death March 21BCeltics421
125.DGD - These People Are Famous?DGD421
126.Doktor Robert IUSER01896421
127.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow PencilUSER02224421
128.Death March1BCeltics420
129.Dirt Nap 3USER01220420
130.Lethal Ianjection (3 of 3)USER02242420
131.Danszaman Does DeathUSER00444419
133.SDAC - (You Can Run, But You'll Only Die Tired)USER01718419
134.Team Formalin Ianarchess419
135.A Century-Old Cooter Croaker 1tom6904418
136.Death March 41BCeltics417
137.Fat Lady is Singing 1USER01830415
138.Danszaman DOAUSER00444414
139.Notorious D.O.A.MarkMx327
140.Raoul 05USER01531327
141.Raoul 08USER01531326
142.Bury' em MariamUSER00406325
143.DGD - Other People's LeftoversDGD325
144.Doktor Robert IIUSER01896325
145.Dr. Steve3Dr. Steve325
146.Dr. Steve4Dr. Steve325
147.Femme Fatale: What's Left?USER01205325
148.Maston 914USER01832325
149.Please Die. I Wanna Win.Beer Ninja325
150.Special K - It's raining men...USER01535325
151.Eyechart's 2nd 2005 List: The Old OnesUSER01382324
152.Just Die, BabyUSER01275324
153.Death Soup: Gross UrningsMJ and Friends323
155.Tsuga - Dark Star CrashesTsuga323
156.Death Comes a Knockin'Mr Happy322
157.Death is a good thing right?Big Guy322
158.Die ya BastardsUSER01452322
159.Fat Lady is Singing 3USER01830322
160.I See Dead People 2USER02137322
161.NVN: George Bush - why America whyNo Viagra Needed322
162.PJT 2005 (a)Paul of St. Augustine322 1Oh No You Ditten322
164.Z and PeaUSER00348322
165.JMC Hearse 3MUSER00997321
167.Danszamans CroakersUSER00444320
168.Death March 31BCeltics320
169.DGD - The Old & the DecrepitDGD320
170.Dirtnapsters 1USER01862320
171.Dr. Who - A Pope, a dope and a ropeUSER00146320
173.Hushpuppy's ListUSER02151320
174.Sprint Towards The LightUSER01998320
175.Stiffy Pete's Travelling Corpse ShowScott in Philly320
177.Dead Men Not Walking6USER00977319
178.Death Rattle IIanarchess319
179.DGD - Names Near 12 LettersDGD319
180.Die Die DieUSER02165319
181.Hell: Even Worse than DetroitUSER00347319
182.I Can't Win if You Don't Die 2USER01728319
183.SLEEPS WITH THE FISH #1Mary Tyler Morgue319 IIIUSER02146319
185.Gorgo ReptilicusUSER01210318
186.Jeffs List of the Living DeadDiamond Geezer318
187.NOT CENSUS ELIGIBLETitanPilot583318
188.Year of the Cat 1USER01264318
189.Crypt Keepersbridgy317
190.Death March 81BCeltics317
191.Ghoul Girl IIIGhoul Girl317
192.Reagans Prefrontal CortexUSER02118317
193.JMK-The Urge to DirgeUSER01551316
194.Max Payne 27robbo316
195.Please Die for our Beer MoneyUSER01894316
196.Tig Ol BittiesUSER02227316
197.Tsunami MommyEWWWWWW316
198.Friend of Tom WopatUSER02191315
199.Googuse ?ber Allesgooguse315
200.Grim Rapper 1Grim Rapper315
201.Tied to the 90'sbridgy315
202.tombie dotted his eyesUSER00949315
203.Grim Rapper 6Grim Rapper314
204.Bloody Mary #1USER01804313
206.DGD - Too Ill to AttendDGD313
207.SLEEPS WITH THE FISH #3Mary Tyler Morgue313
208.The Grim Assclowns 2The Grim Assclown313
209.Hannibal Lechter's 10 Course BuffetUSER02117312
210.Rev. Phineas PhageUSER02191312
211.SirDrexl's StiffsSirDrexl311
212.DGD - Spouses, Cancer & Kidneys, Oh MyDGD310
213.Death March 51BCeltics37
214.$15.00 More Down the ToiletUSER00119219
215.Fat Lady is Singing 2USER01830219
217.Right Said Dead #3USER02144219
218.RigorMortis IIRigor219
219.Trollette's UK Teamtrollette219
220.Nice Cup Of TeaUSER01880218
222.Circling the DrainDiamond Geezer217
223.Death has a shadow USER02108217
224.Eighties EnoughUSER00073217
226.Maggot Infested Rotting CorpseUSER02244217
227.No one ever dies when I want them to!USER01838217
228.You're Old, Now Die!!BibsPal217
229.10 Luft BalloonsUSER02088216
231.Bloody Mary #3USER01804215
232.Die Pope Finally Die Ya Old Bag..BJCx78215
233.MARY TYLER MORGUE #2Mary Tyler Morgue215
235.RigorMortis IRigor215
236.The A ListUSER02065215
237.IAGO 3IAGO214
238.Son of StiffyUSER01928214
239.starch - Epididymis Rexstarch214
240.A Century-Old Cooter Croaker 2tom6904213
241.Dawn of the Dead 1USER02030213
242.Fettucine al Dead-oMarkMx213
243.Googuse ?ber Alles Zweigooguse213
244.Grandma Cowman's Ghoulish GoulashUSER02018213
245.JMK-Deadly DooRightUSER01551213
246.La Muerte 1LaMuerte213
247.LIVE IT UPUSER02045213
250.Beaver CleavageDePressED212
252.Evil Monkey Gets SpankedUSER01755212
253.MARY TYLER MORGUE #1Mary Tyler Morgue212
254.Right Said DeadUSER02144212
255.River Styx Shipping News - Flotsam and JetsamUSER01729212
256.Start DiggingUSER01832212
257.Z DeadestUSER00348212
258.As If It Were Your Last #1Minnesota Neil211
259.Brett's Super Duper List of DeathUSER02097211
260.Dawn of the Dead 3USER02030211
261.Dirt Nap 2USER01220211
262.grand spinetUSER02172211
263.Grim Rapper 3Grim Rapper211
264.princess barbie of darknesshop1962211
265.Grim Rapper 5Grim Rapper29
266.Reapers Keepers 3USER0176528
267.Grim Rapper 4Grim Rapper27
268.MrJeff2000's Cauldron of Calamitymrjeff200027
271.Evil Monkey Needs CompostUSER0175524
272.11 men on a dead man's chestGrime Reaper110
273.Cloth Horse 2000thephillyguy110
274.Death-Don't Leave Home Without ItJayRockers!110
275.Go Toward the Light--Please!USER02135110
276.Pushin' Daisies (The Sequel)USER01391110
277.RigorMortis IIIRigor110
278.See Ya, Wouldn't Wanna Be YaUSER02135110
279.Show me the mummyThe Shadow110
280.starch - 50 Ways to Leave your LeVar Burtonstarch110
282.Mortician's De-Lite 2 - Die Dancing Baby, Die!USER0108119
284.NJM Green MileNJMCW19
285.Pushin' Daisies part 3USER0139119
287.starch - Kubla Khan and Olliestarch19
290.JMD - Soily the DoilyMr Wonderful17
291.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost17
292.Nicer Cup Of TeaUSER0188017
293.Excuse Me For Coffin #6 USER0059416
295.2005 Feet BelowUSER0191915
296.Chad - Breaking News - Spartacus Is DEAD!USER0111515
297.Chad - The Last CrusadeUSER0111515
298.Excuse Me For Coffin #2USER0059415
299.IAGO 2IAGO15
301.Alte CockersUSER0075014
302.Death Becomes HerUSER0211914
303.Death Doesn't Take a HolidayUSER0178714
304.Dirt Nap 1USER0122014
305.Moraxian: Damsels in Distress 4Moraxian14
306.grave matthews bandwildrush11
307.All Male all the time1USER0128900
308.Dead List WalkingDead Person Specialist, E00
309.Dead On Their FeetDead Person Specialist, E00
310.Deadly FriendDead Person Specialist, E00
311.Die 4 Me Willya ReduxChickeyd00
312.Guess Who Died? 3ZUSER0148400
314.Screwed by ReaganBig Bald Jon00
316.TOETAGGERMOREWallbanger00 IIUSER0214600


Guess the Stiff!

Got milk?

(d) November 27th, 1991