Nancy Reagan has been played on 2485 lists, including 293 lists in The 2015 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.CHAD - Silver Nickels and Golden DimesCHAD638
3.CHAD - The Name Of The GameCHAD530
4.Little Jivin' On A Saturday NightDePressED525
5.Star Dust of CassiopeiaStar Dust425
7.Star Dust of Ursa MajorStar Dust327
8.Deadly IntentionsJanisdoll323
9.Doc & DJ--Joe DiMaggio Memorial ListDoc & DJ322
10.Star Dust of OrionStar Dust322
12.yeah yeah buh bye 6yeah yeah buh bye320
13.Lisa ZHerb319
14.Better Off Dead or Getting HeadLindsay Lohan's Liver318
15.Charlie Don't Surf - Robert DuvallCharlie Dont Surf318
16.Iruhlucky punk317
17.deathbitch rides againPIANOGIRL316
18.LA LISTE DE FRANK 2015Meo315
19.plant me now dig you laterPIANOGIRL315
21.CHAD - Does Prince Harry Have Red Pubes?CHAD313
22.Death By Pinochle List 3oregontrail313
23.Guess Who Died? 3ZUSER01484312
25.Dr of Death 2--I'm ninety if I'm a daythe doctor of death311
26.The Regulator ListWarren G311
27.A Grateful Deadhead IIJudysomething39
28.Dutch's TreatBea Hind219
29.I've Got a Secret: I'M DEAD!Bea Hind219
30.Pop Goes The Weasel- Part 3The Coroner219
31.yeah yeah buh bye 4yeah yeah buh bye219
32.Concrete Shoes 2Concrete Shoes218
33.Feasting Maggots 2Feasting Maggots218
34.Vg - Bukkake Karaokevomit_god218
35.Death Rattle: Coffin Up Dirtanarchess217
36.If this is a dream I sure hope Carol Channing doesn't show up naked again...DGD217
37.Naha Assassins1BCeltics217
38.NoNames 2jim dibello217
39.Death Rattle: Lying in Waitanarchess216
40.Charlie Don't Surf without Lily ThaiCharlie Dont Surf215
41.Ivy Cliff Memorial - Bhodag21378215
42.My Bucket Listptgkc215
43.Tempting FateDEEJ215
44.Big BadAss Blowflies #3BodyFarmBound214
45.DJ Badger Says DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!DJ Badger214
46.Tribute to Tommy Ramone, Who's Somehow Not FamousNumber1User214
47.A Grateful Deadhead IIIJudysomething213
48.I'm always a pallbearer never the corpse!DGD213
49.Lady's First (Watch Your Step By That Hole)Dick Rotten213
50.Pickle PiratePickle213
51.Team Formalin: Through the Rabbit Holeanarchess213
52.This is how rumors get started 2015USER02248213
53.Wake N' Bakelilsqueakyone213
54.AAAAAAhhhh List 1jwin55212
55.After All, We Are Not CommunistsFrankie Pentangeli212
56.Bad Things in 2015Bad_Things212
57.Pop Goes The WeaselThe Coroner212
58.Sine Die: Stars and StripesSine Die212
59.Grimey Reaper 5grimyreaper211
60.AAAAAAhhhh List 2jwin55210
61.Bunns Bones To Be 2Bunn's Bones To Be210
62.Of Corpse You're Dead 4Shoeguy210
63.Vg - Bukkake in Milwaukeevomit_god210
64.AAAAAAhhhh List 3jwin5529
65.Armageddon - 91's the youngestnightjy29
66.connies boyme first29
67.Joke's on You...I've been dead inside my whole life!Embalmination829
68.Of Corpse You're Dead 3Shoeguy29
69.PB: Aiming for 4pbear29
70.Death- Cuts Like A KnifeJayRockers!28
71.Rat Bastards 1Rat Bastard26
72.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost25
73.There is only one God, and his name is Death...Embalmination825
76.60 Feet UnderDead and Loving It110
77.A dyin old man and a bunch of longshotsNascar912110
78.Deadly DebutanteDeadly Debutante110
79.Grimey Reaper 1grimyreaper110
80.Grimey Reaper 4grimyreaper110
81.Late for SupperInexplah110
84.Sick BayOldDocMcCoy110
85.Sick Transit Blendedsictransit110
86.Simon Says - zsa zsa is the anti-christThe Shadow110
87.Simon Says GoodbyePokey22110
88.The Big Dirt SandwichTheBus110
89.The Good, the bad, and the deadMarch Of The Maggots110
90.80s DarlingsRastafarian Mormon19
91.Cemetery Girls 5Cemetery Girls19
92.Death Soup: Make My Funk the P-FunkMJ and Friends19
93.DNR/DNI 2Nurseboy19
94.NVN: Tallywacker is a funny wordNo Viagra Needed19
95.Rachel's Rotting List 6Rachel A19
96.This is Newbies lisp (sic)JESUSCHRISTALMIGHTY19
97.Trautz Bulls-EyesTeamTrautz19
98.Up Up and AwayNick ‘n Beth19
99.Waitin' for the DaisiesTrinettRae19
100.cd5dh - Falling off the wagoncerista18
101.Dead Fred's list of almost dead peopleDead Fred18
102.Death Race 2015USER0239518
103.Dee En ArrasthedeadtuRNs18
104.God rest ye merry gentlemen and womenTwisted Freak18
105.grave matthews'bandwildrush18
106.If you can't beat em, just die.urbscholar18
107.Pop Goes The Weasel IIThe Coroner18
108.thanksfordieingWJG v3.018
109.turn me on, dead manUSER0151518
110.1st TimerChloeM17
111.Big Dirt 2TheBus17
112.Death By Pinochle lList 1oregontrail17
114.DNR/DNI 3Nurseboy17
115.Get out the Black DressCheck, Please!17
116.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow Pencil - Girl's Night OutJoanCrawfordsMakeupBag17
117.Ladies FirstJinxed17
118.list 1Crystal Balls17
119.NR Another Listnorthern reaper17
120.Rigor IIIRigor 117
121.The Amazing BC of UKnlcfsemfc17
122.Dalelucky punk16
123.Death Watch Waltz IIITitanPilot58316
124.Diggin' Up BonesJagrnut16
125.It's over - go home!Crystal Balls16
126.Joined The Choir Invisiblesplittertogo16
127.Rastalls 2015 Reap and Weep 1Rastalls16
129.Schindler's 2011-2014 List (Modified)nlcfsemfc16
130.Sick Transit Crowdsourcedsictransit16
131.Styrofoam Bologna #3Gina303016
132.Ten Funerals 3Jerrytopdown16
133.The Price Is Rightlonedryad16
134.thelma rice had her legs waxedlindbergh16
135.Blake's Bones: The LadiesMr. Blake15
136.FavoritesOda Mae Brown15
137.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl15
138.Grimey Reaper 2grimyreaper15
139.Lots o' old and sick bastards VIIBJCx7815
140.MrJeff2000's List of Destinymrjeff200015
141.PigglesworthDr Drunk15
142.The Game of LifeUSER0204515
143.Times upchick81315
144.2015 Main Listonyx278314
145.Check out to check in 6Comeonallready14
146.Deathleague 2015Quincy14
147.Everyone Dies in the EndMichenley14
148.Ghostly GatheringsJanisdoll14
149.Gunny listGunny Tom14
150.Skunkhair 2015 #1Skunkhair 201314
151.Toodlum...Is That You???Bison14
152.why is there no light at the end of the tunnelReaper Crew14
153.Zsa Zsa MUST GO!Deckhawk14
154.!ajlposh 2ajlposh13
155.Coffin CornerDRave1313
156.Farewell TourVestament13
157.Ig's Stiffs IIIThe Ig13
158.Kings and QueensRastafarian Mormon13
159.Lights Out 1Joker13
160.RoadkillDr Drunk13
161.Roll of the DiceBetter Dig Two13
162.Ten Funerals 1Jerrytopdown13
164.CarrolliosUK v3nlcfsemfc12
165.Cartman- The OaksCARTMAN12
166.Crossing My Cold, Dead FingersT-Rex12
167.Damn near dead IIBada Bing12
168.Digger O Dell 77Digger O Dell 1012
169.Erika Anne:'Rollin the die...Buffiedee12
170.NR See Ya' Later Ladies pt. 3northern reaper12
171.Soul HuntersHunterbeer12
173.Death Pool Gambler list 3Death pool gambler11
174.Heywood Jablome XVIUSER0011911's just businessKram11
177.No Chance In Helltoomanycards11
178.Reap Em and Weep #1USER0055711
179.rotting corpsestowelielife11
180.!!! infirmtitan36000
181.!Albrecht Says Die!Albrecht00
183.6 feet under the La Brea TarpitsSnailFury00
184.A wife finds this offensive 2knkaustin00
185.Aknauf D list 2015aknauf00
186.Alice Doesn't Live Anymore 2Poodle00
187.Azabache 2015azabachenegro00
189.Beast Mode KobbemanMaryjo8000
190.Best Wishes for 2015Debizzydead?00
191.Betsy's RepublicansBetsy00
192.Big M's list of people that should die soonDead Fred00
193.Bob's Death PicksRobert Haley00
195.Boot HillPushinUpDaisies00
196.Brain DeadCheck, Please!00
197.BringOutYerDeadMr Happy00
198.BringOutYerDead1Mr Happy00
199.Bucket Kickers '15The Schwing Alongs00
201.Courtney Love...and A BUNCH OF WHINY BITCHES!!!Embalmination800
202.DANCING on WOHLERTS grave.....onefunsob00
203.Darth Vader Dies in 2015Two Worlds00
205.DEATH BECOMES USPeople Meat00
206.Death Waltz IITitanPilot58300
207.Death Watch WaltzTitanPilot58300
208.Death WishDria101000
209.Death Wish 2015DeathWish00
210.deathbitch unbrideledPIANOGIRL00
211.deceased and desistJamoke00
212.Del 's Petuniadel bird00
213.Digger O Dell 73Digger O Dell 1000
214.Dirt Nappymommyster00
215.DJ Badger: SO LONG, MOM!DJ Badger00
216.DNR/DNI 1Nurseboy00
217.Don't shoot them on sex nightzombie lover00
218.Drop Dead 4Drop Dead00
219.drop dead divatheappointment00
220.DRT (Dead Right There) #1Jerry's Kids00
221.Expiration Date 12/31/14Pokey2200
223.Fredo time to go fishingFredo let's go fishing00
224.Free Picks win me moneychadjeffsdad00
225.Fun and OldBengals31100
226.Getting Their WingsBuck00
227.God is Dead Long Live the QueenAdorn Ale00
228.Herm BoolieHerm Boolie00
229.I bereave, I can flyDave00
230.I'm Always Losing This Gamedulcinea00
231.IAGO 1IAGO00
232.IAGO 3IAGO00
233.Ig's Stiffs IIThe Ig00
234.Invest in Cyrogenicschadjeffsdad00
235.Is PeopleSoylentGreen00
236.Ivy Cliff Memorial - Chodag2137800
237.JoeG20153Joe G00
238.John's " dead but don't know it" listR U dead yet00
239.Kick The Bucket List: The SequelKick The Bucket List00
240.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2015calvey00
241.La Muerte - Ladies FirstLaMuerte00
242.leaders edition 2015bjaskols00
243.Liveleak PrognosticatorDogmatic Dingus00
244.LMB 1lisa-b00
245.Lots A' BushPastaPower00 firstme first00
247.Meteorology IISunshine Up My Skirt00
248.Most Famous #3jminrod00
249.My Baby Mama is DRUNKLindsay Lohan's Liver00
251.night night timekissoff4400
252.Nixon is waiting for youAndy00
255.Not the Dead You're Looking For 2015Alan S.00
256.NR My Last Listnorthern reaper00
257.NR See Ya' Later Ladies Pt. 1northern reaper00
258.NR See Ya' Later Ladies Pt. 2northern reaper00
260.Old ArtsBud Santimyer00
261.Old Fartssnakedya00
262.oldies but goodies 93TenPaces00
264.Petey's Hot Dog VIINancyD00
265.Please Don't Take This PersonallyKram00
266.Politicians and their loved onesmoribundus00
267.Politicians Never DieChris Goulart00
268.Politics is a bitchDr. Who00
269.poor kittylindbergh00
270.Rigor IIRigor 100
272.Ruck 2015USER0018600
273.Sand Mountain Bucket ListWallbanger00
276.Smurf's StiffsThe Alpha Smurf00
277.Styrofoam Bologna #1Gina303000
278.Surviving nonagenariansringbark00
279.Taking a Permanent VacationBuck00
280.Ten Toes UpWallbanger00
281.This is how political rumors get started 2015USER0224800
283.Traded to the AngelsLady Die00
284.WAH - List 2USER0259300
285.Wake up the Gimpzombie lover00
286.Well Nobody Died Did They? IArchangel00
287.Wilford Brimley's a pile of oatmeal eating shitTwilight is Near00
288.Yay for Euthanasia!Euthanasia00
289.Year of the pine boxchick81300're dead to metheappointment00
291.Zsa Zsa Pallbearers Take DeuxRastafarian Mormon00
292.Zsa Zsa, enough is enoughFred’s00
293.Zsa Zsa...Please Die!T-Rex00


Guess the Stiff!

Goodbye, Mrs. Chips.

(d) April 6th, 1996