Ariel Sharon has been played on 1558 lists, including 355 lists in The 2007 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
2.And Then There Were NoneDePressED735
5.Daisy A Day DearDePressED637
9.Xtreme DeadpoolingDePressED533
11.2007 Feasting Maggots 3Feasting Maggots528
12.Frankie 1DePressED527
13.DGD - Snake River ExplosionDGD526
14.JK-Putting the Art before the remorseUSER01551525
16.We Spin Terror 2USER01145429
17.2007 Feasting Maggots 2Feasting Maggots428
18.Baxley - Deakin's Actuarial MafiosoBaxley428
19.Death March 41BCeltics427
20.DGD - One Last List & I Need a LifeDGD427
21.2007 Feasting Maggots 1Feasting Maggots425
23.Yersinia pestis 1USER01220425
24.Hurry up and die already part IX!hurryupndiealready424
26.Max Payne 41robbo421
27.JK-Death gives Tammy Faye a messy facialUSER01551419
28.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost418
29.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Space Age Plastic Son!FTG417
31.Deathscore C-ListDeathscore414
32.Tommytsled-My Retirement Is ImminentTomtsled327
33.JMC Hearse 3MUSER00997326
34.Last Call #1USER01830324
36.Opie's murder by slingshot ? Winkin's MomKudsKroakers324
37.Wynneswife's Furture CorpsesTenaciousC324
38.Baxley - I love this listBaxley323
39.Dead BasstedsSBUMP2323
40.ValhallelujahBarker J. Wagtail323
42.Baxley - Saddam's FinestBaxley321
43.Baxley - Stats n LiesBaxley321
44.Baxley - What a dumb nameBaxley321
45.Die 4 Me Willya 2007Chickeyd321
46.God's Country Death ManSirius Thecat did it321
47.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost321
48.Death Doesn't Take a HolidayUSER01787320
49.Graveyard Groupie 1USER02033320
50.I Can't Win If You Don't Die 3USER01728320
51.JK-The Million Worm MarchUSER01551320
53.yeah yeah buh byeyeah yeah buh bye320
55.dingy2me first319
58.Happy Stiff In Phoenix 1USER02204319
59.Jackalope Ghost -- Yo Mamma Eats DirtJackalope_Ghost319
60.MK EmbalmedMBalmed319
62.RLE-Funky Odor Col MedinaUSER01919319
64.Yersinia pestis 2USER01220319
65.A Death by any other name would smell as sweetUSER02056318
66.Copybird NevermoreUSER01089318
67.Death Press 6USER01546318
68.Death-(You've Got) The TouchJayRockers!318
69.RXRob IIIUSER01896318
70.We Spin Terror 3USER01145318
71.Dr. Steve 1Dr. Steve317
72.Dr. Steve 2Dr. Steve317
73.Dr. Steve 3Dr. Steve317
74.I Can't Win If You Don't Die 1USER01728317
75.Jose Greco de MuerteMaudieG317
76.Justin Hale 11USER01531317
77.O3 and BeerO3317
78.Prophet of the Graveyard 2USER00316317
79.Aiming for Asystole 7USER01857316
80.Baxley - I WIN!!Baxley316
81.Cartman- International House of PinecakesUSER01013316
82.Death Soup: Iraqimania!MJ and Friends316
83.Justin Hale 15USER01531316
84.Offal TruthUSER01797316
85.Beth's BereavedUSER00750315
86.Doc & DJ--We're Kind of a Big DealDoc & DJ315
87.Guess Who Died? 3ZUSER01484315
88.Mangled Baby DucksUSER01110315
89.What's That Smell?USER00492315
90.A Brief History Of DeadUSER01690314
91.Dead or Canadian IRadler314
92.Death March 61BCeltics314
93.Death-Don't Stop Believin'JayRockers!314
94.Make the world a better placeptgkc314
95.MARY TYLER MORGUE 3Mary Tyler Morgue314
96.Swinging with SaddamUSER00506314
99.Death Cab for UglyUSER02331313
100.Paul's Pyre 2007USER02425313
102.Death Soup: Death TrollMJ and Friends312
103.GS - Fear of the DarkUSER02467312
104.Hurry up and die, already, part II!hurryupndiealready312
105.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Old IronpantsFTG311
106.Mongo Like CandyRhody Trash311
108.MARY TYLER MORGUE 1Mary Tyler Morgue310
109.Deathscore A-ListDeathscore39
110.JT03: It's High Time We Buried a Golden GirlTripper39
111.The Cradle to the GraveUSER0183236
112.DXRob IUSER01896219
113.L.O.D. - Kornfled's Revengeed head219
114.NR ugh! listnorthern reaper219
115.Roger GowiththrottleupRoger Gowiththrottleup219
116.Sailor Goon 2007USER01797219
117.Baxley - Past their primeBaxley218
119.JMS Still GeezingSwine218
121.Max Payne 42robbo218
122.Pamela Anderson's Red SwimsuitJerri Blank218
123.RLA List1Rachel A218
124.Trout's Dead FishTrout218
125.Bwanna Been Boned in da BungholeUSER01223217
127.Check For VitalsUSER01690217
128.Dr JonesUSER02191217
129.FTG: Beauregard Burnside Yodels Again FTG217
130.Max Payne 43robbo217
131.Northern Reaper northern reaper217
132.RJS Mortuary-Your Table is Waiting 3 - arrUSER02274217
134.Deader than Door NailsUSER02388216
135.Deep DeadUSER01690216
136.DGD - But You Fuck One Goat?DGD216
137.Do you know you're dead? 2 - Old FartsDead Like Me216
138.Extended Warranty courtesy of da Hocerista216
139.Hung Like Husseinonefunsob216
140.NVN: Sadam and Satan not just a cartoon anymoreNo Viagra Needed216
142.Aiming for Asystole 8USER01857215
143.Dead Zone 3USER01929215
144.Death March 51BCeltics215
145.Ed CrankshaftUSER02191215
146.Hurry up and die already part IV!hurryupndiealready215
148.JT01: 10 for 10Tripper215
149.Northern Reaper Drunk Listnorthern reaper215
150.Northern Reaper The Detroit Yearsnorthern reaper215
151.People soon to be expirednorthern reaper215
152.Prophet of the Graveyard 3USER00316215
153.RLE-Crypt keeperUSER01919215
154.The Swinging SaddamsUSER02411215
155.Tsuga - Dark Star CrashesTsuga215
156.We Spin TerrorUSER01145215
157.Yersinia pestis 3USER01220215
158.Auditioning for the Choir InvisibleUSER02452214
159.Do you know you're dead? 1 - Leader BeaterDead Like Me214
160.Guess Who Died? 1ZUSER01484214
162.His Ten Funerals 2007Jerrytopdown214
163.Hurry up and die already part VIII!hurryupndiealready214
164.JT04: Thanks Y'all!USER03898214
165.Look Ma-no respiration!USER01375214
166.Prophet of the GraveyardUSER00316214
167.Pushin' daisiesUSER01391214
168.Tommytsled-In The Morning I Piss ExcellenceTomtsled214
170.Collect your eternal reward dammitt!Scott in Philly213
171.DGD - Oooo, That SmellDGD213
172.DGD - Round 60DGD213
173.Doc & DJ--What, No Fuckin' Ziti?Doc & DJ213
174.FTG: Fresh Out Of Molotov CocktailsFTG213
175.GS - Suck it DownUSER02467213
176.Hang Saddam so I can win this thingBJCx78213
177.Happy Stiff In Phoenix 3USER02204213
178.Her Ten Funerals 2007Jerrytopdown213
179.I Can't Win If You Don't Die 2USER01728213
180.Marked For TermiNeyTion 2 - All GTGTermiNeyTor213
182.Red Hot Funeral Pyre of Lovelilsqueakyone213
183.TEAM OBE 1USER00909213
184.The Game of LifeUSER02045213
187.Dead People Server 3USER00380212
188.Dead Zone 1USER01929212
189.Death March1BCeltics212
190.Death March 21BCeltics212
191.Fat Cigar BurningUSER01595212
192.Hi Bob! Your Apartment's EmptyRD02212
193.I don't really want Al Davis to dieUSER02445212
194.Justin Hale 14USER01531212
195.Peggy Hill's Joke of the DayRhody Trash212
196.Putting the FUN in FUNeralUSER01387212
197.Satan's Waitin'Barker J. Wagtail212
198.Shriveled Dicks & Puckered Pussy'sUSER00947212
200.Wracked Winterspring Resort VacationsWracked212
201.Canary in a Coal MineRoger Gowiththrottleup211
202.Cartman- The Dead SchembeclersUSER01013211
203.dingy3me first211
204.Doc & DJ--You're Dead FokkerDoc & DJ211
205.Elvis Grbac Still Sucks Vol. 3USER01083211
206.GS - No Prayer for the DyingUSER02467211
207.Jaimz' winnersUSER02384211
208.JT02: Killing TimeTripper211
209.Mark and Mr. NockeyUSER00750211
210.Solid Waste Management DivisionUSER02075211
211.tick...tick...tick...Now with Castro!USER01813211
213.ERH List o'Deathevilredhead210
214.GS - Flash of the BladeUSER02467210
215.Team Formalin 1anarchess210
216.Tsuga - Sharks Patrol These WatersTsuga210
217.Bojan's BodiesUSER0075029
218.Chicken at Tresky's 1Chicken at Tresky's29
219.Elvis Grbac Still Sucks Vol. 1USER0108329
220.FTG: Huge Dong Takes Hong KongFTG29
221.FTG: Murphy Meets the Cattle HornsFTG29
222.Guess Who Died? 2ZUSER0148429
223.Half Shot At SunriseFTG29
224.I.M. Pei ProtomemorialUSER0181329
225.The Medicine Cabinet of Slobodan MilosevicUSER0237529
226.Ving & SonBo Knows Death29
227.Woody DeadpeckerWoody29
228.Beame TeamlessUSER0054728
229.FTG: For Whom The Bugle TollsFTG28
230.Ghoul Girl IIIGhoul Girl28
232.Stop Living Pleaseptgkc28
233.Aiming for Aystole 9USER0185727
234.Doc & DJ--John O'Conner Memorial ListDoc & DJ27
235.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Man Who DaredFTG27
236.hoosie daddyraymond27
238.Make Room For DeadyUSER0121027
239.One Crayon ShortPozzo27
240.Personally I Blame the GovernorRhody Trash27
242.You can run but you can't hideUSER0158827
243.Death Soup: Gross UrningsMJ and Friends26
244.Excuse Me For Coffin #2EMFCoffin26
246.Susie's DeadbeatsSusie Sicko26
248.The New Night Terrorsunit1324
249.1 More Time #3USER01830110
250.Dead Zone 5USER01929110
251.Death Soup: Karma is a BitchMJ and Friends110
252.Horizontally YoursBarker J. Wagtail110
253.I got your stiff right hereUSER02427110
255.Kid GhoulashUSER02435110
256.Knauf's stiffsChris Knauf110
257.Look Ma-no movementUSER01375110
258.No Viagra NeededNo Viagra Needed110
259.Raccoons LodgeUSER00750110
260.So Many Celebs So Little Time 1USER01375110
261.So Many Celebs So Little Time 2USER01375110
262.The HammerUSER00750110
263.Very Old BonesUSER02395110
264.Cankuhn's GooniesUSER0108919
265.Coma ChameleonBig Bald Jon19
266.Death March 31BCeltics19
267.Death-Wheel In The SkyJayRockers!19
268.EBRAKE4: Not Too Soon To Say GoodbyeE-Brake19
269.RLE-2007 Coffin NailsUSER0191919
271.Soon B Gonn 2Edhead2219
272.Dead Zone 2USER0192918
273.Dead Zone 9USER0192918
274.EBRAKE3: That's It No More Shrimp Before BedE-Brake18
275.Femme Fatale VIIIUSER0120518
276.MrJeff2000's Horrible Choices of 2007mrjeff200018
278.Wracked Leftover Spirit Points BalanceWracked18
279.A Tisket A tasket let's fill up a casket! Ittc431917
280.Dead Pool 19103-2thephillyguy17
281.Death Rattleanarchess17
282.Death to tyrants (and others too)USER0232817
283.Elvis Grbac Still Sucks Vol. 2USER0108317
284.Hurry up and die already part VI!hurryupndiealready17
285.John D 1Jon0006017
286.Katy's Failed Attempt VIIUSER0088117
287.Last Call #3USER0183017
288.TEAM OBE 3USER0090917
289.Aiming for Aystole XUSER0185716
290.Dead Zone 7USER0192916
291.Death Cab for Really UglyUSER0233116
292.Dem BonesReaperMadness16
293.Ghoul Girl IIGhoul Girl16
297.Cartman- Opera Man Bye ByeUSER0101315
298.Dark CloudUSER0179715
299.Death Press 5USER0154615
300.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl15
301.JMD - Quick Get a ShovelMr Wonderful15
302.John D 3Jon0006015
303.Lee HarveyUSER0221215
304.Say Goodnight, GracieEville Linda15
305.Spinzo: Glutton for PunishmentUSER0213815
306.To thine own self be DeadUSER0205615
307.Wracked Dragons Of Saint GeorgeWracked15
310.Little GhoulashUSER0243514
311.No Manga en Miami Con Hyman RothFrankie Pentangeli14
312.PB: Wait around theyll be in the groundpbear14
313.Toe Tags and Body Bagspgdiehl14
315.Doc & DJ--...I Wish I Was Sipowicz.Doc & DJ13
316.Spinzo: Man Do I Suck at ThisUSER0213813
317.Susie's LongshotsSusie Sicko13
318.915 Dead and CountingUSER0031112
319.EBRAKE6: I Shop Therefore I AmE-Brake12
320.John D 2Jon0006012
321.Pyx to Cross The StyxUSER0246912
322.Susie StinkoSusie Sicko12
323.Team Formalin IIanarchess12
326.Deathscore B-ListDeathscore11
327.Freshly FellatedUSER0213111
328.1 More Time #1USER0183000
329.ALT - Better Off Dead IIIAngel of Death00
330.Bring It On Let's Soup It UpDeath Bastard00
332.Chicago Jake Lets Try This AgainChicago Jake00
333.Dead or Canadian IIRadler00
334.Death Becomes YouUSER0241100
335.Death By Pinocle 2oregontrail00
336.Death RosterUSER0235600
337.Femme Fatale IVUSER0120500
338.Femme Fatale VUSER0120500
339.firewatch 2007 pt 1DeathWish00
340.Firewatch 2007 pt 2DeathWish00
341.Firewatch 2007 pt 3DeathWish00
342.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Rage At Dawn FTG00
343.Happy Stiff In Phoenix 2USER0220400
344.Helen's Heavenly CreaturesUSER0075000
345.Ivy Cliffhodag2137800
346.Jeanie WeenieUSER0213400
347.JMD - Dirt Nap DecathlonMr Wonderful00
348.KimE - Corpses Wanted 07calvey00
350.Our Ten Funerals 2007Jerrytopdown00
351.Spinzo: Blind Pigs and AcornsUSER0213800
352.Start DiggingUSER0183200
353.TEAM OBE 2USER0090900
355.Wormer, he's a dead man! Marmalard,dead! USER0246300


Guess the Stiff!

The final in the Eastern European Leader Derby of Death is Franjo over Vaclav by a nose.

(d) December 10th, 1999