Nancy Reagan has been played on 2485 lists, including 312 lists in The 2013 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Ya Ever Have Your Ivories Tickled?Ghost of Stiffs Past743
3.Martha's second listMartha733
4.Birdman 10Bird641
5.Birdman - Rise!Bird640
6.Birdman - One Corpse at a Time.Bird637
7.Heywood Jablome XUSER00119629
8.The Grass May Be Singing, but Underneath It's Deathly QuietGhost of Stiffs Past627
9.Doc & DJ--Three-Bagging with Some UggosDoc & DJ534
10.EMFC: The Casket Price is RightEMFCoffin531
11.Mourning GloryUSER00506531
12.Williams Bay MorticiansJerry's Kids530
13.EMFC: The Dead Presidents add a new memberEMFCoffin529
14.Pookie's Stiffs #2Pookie's Stiffs529
15.The Anti-Kreb's Cycle Listdie4metoday527
17.Birdman - maybe THIS is Abe's yearBird432
18.Charlie Don't Surf - The Leaders will fallCharlie Dont Surf430
19.Doc & DJ--I'm Thirty-Five. I've Had Four Root Canals.Doc & DJ430
20.Extreme Deathpooling - Politician EditionSFisher430
21.Pardee in the HouseSilentcalvin430
22.EMFC: Hate to Say it Yogi, It's OverEMFCoffin429
23.Ten Past MidnightMr. Redrum429
24.Canaries in a CoalmineCanaries in a coalmine428
25.Bag Of BonesMr. Redrum427
26.DNR/DNI 1Nurseboy426
27.Gravediggers IThe Coroner426
28.Pining for the FjordsPining for the Fjords426
29.Dancing With The Dead In The Moonlightfireflyt425
30.The Good Die Young IIITimur425
31.Danse MacabreMr. Redrum424
32.Graveyard ShiftMr. Redrum424
33.Robinalan smithee424
34.Are We Dead Yet?Eat sh!t and die!423
35.Deadline for Death 2Burn'em All423
36.Gravediggers IIThe Coroner423
37.Mauricealan smithee423
38.Nearly Departedboshh423
39.This is how political rumors get started 2013USER02248423
40.Leaders Edition 2013bjaskols422
41.Saw The Light #2SAW THE LIGHT422
42.Zsa zsa's final standchick813422
43.Cancer is the AnswerTumor_Makes_A_Does_In421
44.My Ten Funerals Political 2013Jerrytopdown421
45.Death takes a holiday. Except for these guys.Big Guy420
47.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2013calvey418
50.Thank's For The Memories 3Digger O Dell 10418
51.Capehaven PeepsRus253415
52.No Obits NeededYule Log415
53.IAGO 2IAGO412
54.Drop Dead 3Drop Dead327
55.Little Drivin' On A Saturday NightDePressED327
56.Charlie Don't Surf with Mia LeeCharlie Dont Surf326
58.Run Run Shaw Can't Live This Long, Can He?Dolby, Clancy, Giap325
59.Tumor Makes a Does-In / Two More Makes a DozenTumor_Makes_A_Does_In325
60.Last AssemblyRuns with Scissors324
61.Rat Bastards 1Rat Bastard324
63.C'Mon Zsa's time...MeanMom74323
64.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl323
65.Feasting Maggots 4Feasting Maggots322
66.Generalisimo Francisco Franco is Still DeadBo Knows Death322
67.Last Ditch Efffortjminrod322
68.Sine DieSine Die322
69.All That Lives Must DieRus253321
70.BringOutYerDeadMr Happy321
71.Cartman- The OaksCARTMAN321
72.Loss of PowerCheck, Please!321
73.NR A List of Resting Soulsnorthern reaper321
74.They were going to die anyway 2Maryjo80321
75.This is how rumors get started 2013 - 2USER02248321
77.Former 2012 Apocalypse SurvivorsHauntedWebmaster320
78.Nurse! Help me! 2Paul1681320
79.PigglesworthDr Drunk320
80.These Folks Can Start Planning 2014.bigmfnal31320
81.Dx Rob IIIDX Rob319
82.Femme FatalsRanger275319
83.Gravediggers IIIThe Coroner319
84.A Little Power is a Dangerous Thingthebrainsbackstage318
85.CHAD: Itch Nine Un De BerlinerCHAD318
87.Deadly Debutante 1Deadly Debutante318
88.Rachel's Walking Dead 6Rachel A318
90.Something to do with Corpses 6Shams318
91.Cemetery Girls 5Cemetery Girls317
92.Dancing on WOHLERT'S GRAVEonefunsob317
93.La Muerte2LaMuerte317
94.Well nobody died did they? #1Archangel317
95.Digger O Dell 97Digger O Dell 10316
96.good to gome first316
97.I Saw a White LightDestroyers316
98.Radtex: I Hearse You Been CoffinRadtex316
99.Smoker's CoughAJAVX316
100.!ajlposh 3ajlposh315
101.A woman going places.knkaustin315
104.Zsa Zsa Slaps Grim ReaperPokey22315
105.Googuse's Good Oddsgooguse314
106.Ivy Cliff Memorial 2013 - Chodag21378314
107.Knocking on Death's DoorDead and Loving It314
108.No way they'll see 2014ashifman314
109.NVN: Titty sandwich with a side of assNo Viagra Needed314
111.Happy Trails to you...mikey the man313
112.Death March 31BCeltics312
113.I am going to helllax11570312
114.NR See ya' ladies PT. 2northern reaper312
115.Saw The Light #1SAW THE LIGHT312
116.Dying to meet you.Clever Team Name311
117.Out of TimeoutsMUWarrior82311
119.I like games where people die.narwhalicorn25338
120.Ig's list of stiffs IIThe Ig38
121.ThisisaMorbidActivity - ILikeItILoveItcarseycritter37
122.Barryalan smithee219
123.bird is deadPIANOGIRL218
124.Dels dead catsdel bird218
125.Abra Cadaverborn2run59217
126.Beautiful Plumagecorq217
128.Counting Bodies Like SheepDGambrinus217
129.Cupcakes & Champagne 2012nlcfsemfc217
130.Det Sjunde InsegletThe Grime Reaper217
131.Don de DeadDeadly Debutante217
132.Ig's list of stiffs IThe Ig217
133.kevin's listkevin217
134.Rock N' Roll Me When I'm Dead IIITrav217
135.Exploding Brain MATTer 3USER05848216
136.Extreme Deathpooling List #1SFisher216
137.The End Is NearThe Evil Optimist216
138.'Til Death Do Us Part Allah Willing*Allah Willing215
139.2nd Chancejminrod215
140.CHAD: Roger Roger, Over And Out - DEADCHAD215
141.Coffin CornerDRave13215
142.Death will part us allT&D215
143.Die'yer MakerasthedeadtuRNs215
144.Grunt 0311Rogue Marine215
145.NR See Ya' Later Ladies Pt. 1northern reaper215
146.NVN: Stupid never takes a vacationNo Viagra Needed215
147.One death at a timeThe Shadow215
149.The Graveyard...theappointment215
150.Y&I The Initial PeopleBo Knows Death215
151.Zsa Zsa, Run Run and Associatesmoribundus215
152.AB's ReapersABs Reaper214
153.Babes of DeathReaperMadness214
154.Death Race 2013USER02395214
155.Fiscal Cliff JumpersEvil Lemons214
156.Lady's FirstDick Rotten214
157.Poor Kittylindbergh214
159.Soul HuntersHunterbeer214
160.z zis zor zookieGrime Reaper214
161.2013 Best Guessesvalberts1963213
162.A Likely CandidateRavenna213
164.Carpe dead emdoorma213
165.kysor 13The Bear Bowl Pool213
166.list them they will die #1Wills213
167.My SinDiamondToothGertie213
168.Nurse! Help me! 3Paul1681213
169.Sarky - Dead Dick TatersSarky213
170.Too Old for their own goodChris Goulart213
171.Turning Turd TornadoUSER02609213
172.Gone Baby Goneronnocoman212
173.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost212
174.NR Room at the Inn Needednorthern reaper212
175.The Back of Johnny Ola's HandFrankie Pentangeli212
176.UnforTENately, Your Number is UpTumor_Makes_A_Does_In212
177.Blake's Bones IMr. Blake211
178.Chuckles Bites The DustDave211
179.Doctor of Death--the Ladiesthe doctor of death211
180.harsh realityMarshrat211
181.NoNames 2jim dibello211
182.The Real Housewives of Dead CelebsDave211
184.NR Just wasting my timenorthern reaper210
186.deathbitch unbrideledPIANOGIRL29
187.Deathwish 2013DeathWish29
189.Leftovers from Last yearmoribundus29
190.MATTOID - Back again, STILL no moneyThe Mattoid29
191.NiceknowinyaWJG v3.029
192.NVN: Never trust a fat vegetarianNo Viagra Needed29
193.WAH 2013 #1USER0259329
195.Cayman therecayman went28
196.Death- Leftovers Warmed OverJayRockers!28
198.Famous Fossils IIIHugh G. Wrekshun28
200.Maria Le MuertaMkahros28
201.NoNames 1jim dibello28
202.Otis' Cirrhosis - Jubal Foster's StillKudsKroakers28
203.Beer League 2Yellowbeard27
205.Mayan MistakeWallbanger27
206.My Ten Funerals Mixed Bag 2013Jerrytopdown27
207.The "Last" Minute Ijwin5527
208.Trout's Dead Fish IITrout27
209.Exit Stage FourExit Stage Four26
210.headed up IIIComeonallready26
211.Old SmellUSER0252425
212.YCB's Number 1USER0589725
213.Y'all Get Dead Now, Ya Hear?nroger91924
214.You're Dead to Me IINick ‘n Beth23
215.Chicago's Voter RegistrationBeer Ninja110
216.Dan Z.'s Stiff ListDan Z.110
217.High Anxiety - Its You That I Feardead presidents110
218.Isn't he/she already dead?Hey, did you have. . . .110
220.Little terrlittle terr110
221.Rachel's Walking Dead 5Rachel A110
222.Ruck 2013USER00186110
223.Some People - Dance Cheek to Cheekdead presidents110
224.Too late for goodbyesPHALEX110
225.Walking Dead 2013Seeinskellies110 foot on a banana peel...OOPSToe Tags19
227.RJ ThurmontRJ Thurmont19
228.Skunkhair 2013 (A better list)Skunkhair 201319
229.Styrofoam Bologna 3Gina303019
230.Zsa Zsa will be safe as long as she is on my list 3Maryjo8019
231.Big Dirt SandwichTheBus18
232.Death Becomes UsPeople Meat18
234.I Hope They Go - SJRJ Thurmont18
235.J Sizzle's 2013 Bucket ListJSizzle18
236.Lite My PyreDr. Doom18
237.Schindler's 2011/2012 Listnlcfsemfc18
238.You're Dead to Me INick ‘n Beth18
239.AKNAUF DLISTaknauf17
241.Feral Fodder 2BMT33017
242.For the love of Paulmommyster17
244.Rastalls Reapers 2013 IIIRastalls17
245.rotting corpsestowelielife17
246.Styrofoam Bologna 2Gina303017
247.They're in da holeVaGentry17
248.very old hollywoodme first17
249.Brat PackUSER0246116
251.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit #3FrankJac16
252.List #2jenndiane716
253.NoNames 3jim dibello16
254.Rigor IVRigor16
255.The Free One Would Finish HighestTheyComeInThrees16
256.Zsa Zsa and the GangDeathAlert16
257.........and in the end.The Shadow15
259.Dial M for Murder..Clever Team Name15
260.I hope this goes better than last year.Doctor Arcane15
261.Joe G ThreeJoe G15
262.Potty Humordead presidents15
263.Dirtnappin' 2013RJ Thurmont14
265.No Talent Ass ClownMeganG2114
266.Petey's HotDog IINancyD14
267.plummerspicks2Smokem Joe14
268.Seen Me You Hosni Down By The School Yardzombie lover14
269.gregory sippelgsippel13
270.Heavythumb 2013heavythumb13
271.Mayan MiscueWallbanger13
272.Azabache 2013 (1)azabachenegro12
273.Bucket Kickers 4Bucket Kickers12
274.No Chance In Hell 2toomanycards12
275.Reap 'Em & Weep #1USER0055712
276.The Dead Know It SocietyDead and Loving It12
278.Corinna's Listcmrobertson11
279.Dented Bucket Brigadejimdkc11
280.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 2Joker11
282.Please Capitalize on My Name when I' m Dead!themadhatter11
283.roll 'em inHighbeam11
284.!!! expiredtitan36000
285.!!!!! ALBRECHT SAYS DIE ALREADY 2Albrecht00
286.60 Feet UnderDead and Loving It00
287.Autumn Harvest - Pez & Butters SamichPezintree00
288.Bi-polar Tombstone RollersEchefgbs00
289.Celebrity Zombie Apocalypse 2013msastria00
290.Crazy Critters HighwaySportsGripes00
291.Death in the Afternoon IIKiller00
292.DJ Badger: So long, MOM!DJ Badger00
293.Don't Let the Door....Crystal Balls00
295.Joan's Listgnjmeyer00
296.Joe Bacon's 2013 Dirt NappersChancellor D'Exchecker00
297.kicking it with jesus 1!!! i need help00
298.kicking it with jesus 4!!! i need help00
300.Mayan MalarkeyWallbanger00
301.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #4Shoeguy00
303.roll the bones IIcheeseburger00
304.Shanny Valleypisco00
305.Six Feet Under IVChelsea Dagger00
306.Thank's For The Memories 1Digger O Dell 1000
307.The "Last" Minute IIIjwin5500
308.Tick Tock Tick TockK6lly00
309.Toolpimp's year 2013The tool pimp00
310.Trautz-More OldiesTeamTrautz00
312.Zombie's BallHighbeam00


Guess the Stiff!

These days, boots are walking all over him.

(d) August 4th, 2007