Fidel Castro has been played on 3598 lists, including 367 lists in The 2013 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Hold On Tight We'll Muddle Through One Day At A Time 2RottenToast645
2.Death Soup: Gross UrningsMJ and Friends638
3.Tief Denker1Flying Asian Carp632
4.The Van Goes Down By The Riverlucky punk630
6.Birdman - Dear Pope, why wont Zsa Zsa die?Bird536
7.Dx Rob IIDX Rob533
8.Sharpen the trochar, we're gonna be busy6Fry's Crematorium532
10.Come On, I Wanna See Em In A Mausoleum 2EdRulz528
11.Dearly Departedhop1962528
12.PennyVan Death RayGlamdring527
16.Sharpen the trochar, we're gonna be busy3Fry's Crematorium518
17.DGD - Dead Commie PinkosDGD434
18.DGD - Hugo Six Feet UnderDGD434
19.Hugo as I Go as They Go as We GoGhost of Stiffs Past433
20.Birdman 9Bird432
21.House of soon to be with the Lordhop1962432
22.DGD - No Big Country for Old MenDGD431
23.Charlie Don't Surf - The Leaders will fallCharlie Dont Surf430
24.Extreme Deathpooling - Politician EditionSFisher430
25.Feasting Maggots 1Feasting Maggots430
26.Psychicdeath 2PsychicDeath430
27.Ten Past MidnightMr. Redrum429
28.WAH 2013 #2USER02593429
29.Canaries in a CoalmineCanaries in a coalmine428
30.Trout's Dead Fish IIITrout428
31.Bag Of BonesMr. Redrum427
32.Bartender, Make It Extra Stiff, PleaseFredNietzsche427
33.Death Rattle: Coughing Up Dirtanarchess427
34.Death By Pinocle 2013 List 1oregontrail426
35.DNR/DNI 1Nurseboy426
36.Don't Fear the Reaper Zsa ZsaMOJO426
37.Pining for the FjordsPining for the Fjords426
38.Rat Bastards 3Rat Bastard426
39.Lots o' old and sick bastards VBJCx78425
40.Tief Denker3Flying Asian Carp425
41.Danse MacabreMr. Redrum424
42.Fidel & Some FriendsPastaPower424
43.Graveyard ShiftMr. Redrum424
44.Robinalan smithee424
45.The President's Piano GunJohnHines424
46.CHAD: 3 Strikes You're Out or At Least DEADCHAD423
47.CHAD: Well, 0 Out Of 10 Ain't Bad!CHAD423
48.Chicken at Tresky's #1Chicken at Tresky's423
49.Mauricealan smithee423
50.This is how political rumors get started 2013USER02248423
51.Aaaaah, Zsa ZsaNice Sicko422
52.DJ Badger says DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!DJ Badger422
53.Doubled D 484-2Doubled484422
54.Leaders Edition 2013bjaskols422
55.Zsa zsa's final standchick813422
56.More Leftoverswet grave421
57.Victory or Death! Both, Really...Shams421
58.Death takes a holiday. Except for these guys.Big Guy420
59.Is PeopleSoylentGreen420 @DrewTheBlueUSER02609419
61.Williams Bay Morticians 3Jerry's Kids419
62.You,re outdel bird419
63.Down the Latrine in '13Scott in Philly418
64.Plowing The Deephop1962417
65.Death Soup: Frontal LobotomyMJ and Friends416
66.Dead Is As Dead DoesBison415
67.IAGO 3IAGO414
68.IAGO 2IAGO412
69.Come On, I Wanna See Em In A Mausoleum 5EdRulz327
70.DGD - Tenth place = free listDGD327
71.Grab a snickersSirMike10326
72.Killer Advocate goes politiquelaptoplg326
73.Big HerbKirby325
74.Drop Dead Already!PigPen325
75.Hell's softball rec league teamUSER02524325
76.Heroes and Nelson MandelaUSER02524325
77.Run Run Shaw Can't Live This Long, Can He?Dolby, Clancy, Giap325
78.Pookie's Stiffs #3Pookie's Stiffs324
79.The Dead Can DanceAmy Sue324
80.Tits-Up Itits-up324
81.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl323
82.Dying is an Artbridgy322
83.Justin Hale 09USER01531322
84.Killer Advocate Goes Onlaptoplg322
85.Last Ditch Efffortjminrod322
86.Rachel's Walking Dead 1Rachel A322
88.Tommytsled-Countdown To Civil WarTomtsled322
89.Buried 'neath the sodDoubled484321
90.Loss of PowerCheck, Please!321
91.Sarcophagus Sam's Silent StableSarcophagus Sam321
92.Stand and deliver 2013Sgrayva321
93.They were going to die anyway 2Maryjo80321
94.Tief Denker2Flying Asian Carp321
95.Van Punkburnlucky punk321
96.2013 Hades Softball TeamStink Finger for Christ320
97.A Confederacy Of DecedentsIgnatius' Rubber Glove320
100.Former 2012 Apocalypse SurvivorsHauntedWebmaster320
101.I am Sorry....There's Been No Phone Call From the Governor. Pull The Switch!!!Better Dead Than Red320
102.Look How They Massacred My BoyFrankie Pentangeli320
103.2013 Over the CliffUSER02397319
104.A bunch of Dick tatersshorty7ft319
105.Everyone Dies in the EndMichenley319
106.Read My Blue Lipslucky punk319
107.September MournRadler319
108.The Dirt Bath 500toddjlyons319
109.The Lynch MobTaugh319
111.!!! ailingtitan360318
112.A Little Power is a Dangerous Thingthebrainsbackstage318
113.A Sure Thing...Deckhawk318
114.Artie Lange's Big, Fat, Hairy, Turd-Clogged A$$h0leUSER02609318
115.CHAD: Itch Nine Un De BerlinerCHAD318
116.Deadly Debutante 1Deadly Debutante318
117.Outta HereNicky Hoi318
118.BringOutYerDead pretty pleaseMr Happy317
119.Concrete ShoesConcrete Shoes317
120.Dancing on WOHLERT'S GRAVEonefunsob317
121.Death Always Seemed So Rashfromthetomb317
122.Death Table 1TitanPilot583317
123.The King Is Dead-Long Live the Dead KingHauntedWebmaster317
124.Toast PoliticiansCanucklehead317
125.Bought the East Hill Farmsplittertogo316
126.BringOutYerDead pleaseMr Happy316
127.Digger O Dell 97Digger O Dell 10316
128.AB's Lifeless ListABs Reaper315
129.Big G's Prospects For The Dirt Nap (Sleepers)Dead Fred315
131.Guess Who Died? 3ZUSER01484315
132.homerunOda Mae Brown315
133.last hope springs uneternaldisplayname007315
134.The Dirt Bath 500 Amateur Divisiontoddjlyons315
135.too much to caredie u sob315
136.All stiffed up and nowhere to go in phoenix 1USER02204314
137.I Can Change This Later, Right? - IIBut Is It Art?314
138.Ivy Cliff Memorial 2013 - Chodag21378314
139.No way they'll see 2014ashifman314
140.ScarlettDon't I look like myself.314
141.Deathrider Is Backdeathrider313
142.Happy Trails to you...mikey the man313
143.MJ Lives IIMJ Lives313
144.Styrofoam Bologna 1Gina3030313
145.Death March 31BCeltics312
146.Ivy Cliff Memorial 2013- Ahodag21378312
147.Thelma Rice had her legs waxedlindbergh312
149.Dying to meet you.Clever Team Name311
150.Drop Dead 1Drop Dead310
151.Barryalan smithee219
152.No Chance In Hell 3toomanycards219
153.Death- World Leader RoundupJayRockers!218
155.Shapen the trochar, we're gonna be busy5Fry's Crematorium218
156.Abra Cadaverborn2run59217
157.Beautiful Plumagecorq217
158.Don de DeadDeadly Debutante217
159.Ig's list of stiffs IThe Ig217
160.kevin's listkevin217
161.My Chest HurtsMy chest Hurts217
164.Sharpen the trochar, we're gonna be busy4Fry's Crematorium217
165.The 1860 Dead Headskrxa2012217
166.Who Says Evil Never Dies (Political Death-Pool)Chris Goulart217
167.Exploding Brain MATTer 3USER05848216
168.that s#%t is not funnydisplayname007216
169.AB's Reapers2ABs Reaper215
170.cemetary gatesgatekeeperofvalhalla215
171.CHAD: Roger Roger, Over And Out - DEADCHAD215
172.Dead Men WalkingMeanMom74215
173.Extreme Deathpooling List #2SFisher215
174.Grunt 0311Rogue Marine215
176.NVN: Stupid never takes a vacationNo Viagra Needed215
177.Y&I The Initial PeopleBo Knows Death215
178.2013 Top Soil #2Blondemarvel214
179.AB's ReapersABs Reaper214
180.Code DeadasthedeadtuRNs214
181.Coffin Up BloodKirby214
182.Death Race 2013USER02395214
183.DJ Badger: My Wife Lanna says DIE!DJ Badger214
185.Here's Your WinnerAltois214
186.I'm a Dead Celebrity - Get Me Out of Here!bridgy214
187.Nick's Awesome List for 2013Nick -- Dead or Alive214
188.One Pine Box is as good as AnotherMore Beer214
189.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #3Shoeguy214
190.Poor Kittylindbergh214
191.2013 Best Guessesvalberts1963213
192.A Likely CandidateRavenna213
193.All stiffed up and nowhere to go in phoenix 2USER02204213
194.Deadline for Death 1Burn'em All213
195.kysor 13The Bear Bowl Pool213
196.list them they will die #1Wills213
197.Sarky - Dead Dick TatersSarky213
198.Skunkhair 2013Skunkhair 2013213
199.Turning Turd TornadoUSER02609213
200.Better Dead RedsReaperMadness212
201.Cayman see yacayman went212
202.Gone Baby Goneronnocoman212
203.NR Room at the Inn Needednorthern reaper212
204.Stiff thisshorty7ft212
205.Zsa's zsa's last standchick813212
206.Adios AmigosMarty211
207.Another losing entry from meBooBeau211
208.Blake's Bones IMr. Blake211
209.CaSkeT CrAzY... Bunch a Dead Dickheads...CaSkeT CrAzY211
210.Chilly Dead 2chillybilly211
211.Donne In!splittertogo211
212.For the love of Petermommyster211
213.NoNames 2jim dibello211
214.Sal-n-BettsSal & Barb211
215.The Thatched Roof of DirtThe Gilberator211
216.bird don't livePIANOGIRL210
219.guaranteed repeat championdie u sob210
220.Sharpen the trochar, we're gonna be busy1Fry's Crematorium210
222.Burry'n Bill 2013CBurry'n Bill29
223.Dawn of the Dead2Dying 4 Cash29
224.Death Never Takes a Holiday 2Nipper29
225.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit #5FrankJac29
227.MATTOID - Back again, STILL no moneyThe Mattoid29
228.NiceknowinyaWJG v3.029
229.NVN: Never trust a fat vegetarianNo Viagra Needed29 foot in, one foot outHighbeam29
231.The Dirt Bath 500, redotoddjlyons29
232.Well nobody died did they? #2Archangel29
233.Cayman therecayman went28
234.Concrete Shoes 3Concrete Shoes28
235.Death Troll IIDeath Troll28
238.The Answer Key!FroggyB28
239.The Pine Box is CallingMore Beer28
240.2013 And....We're OutRWorkman27
241.a list "below"creepingdeath27
242.Late for SupperInexplah27
243.MY 2013 LISTLord Dickerson27
244.North Tacoma Creeperscheeseburger27
245.RTA THREEHerm Boolie27
246.This Pine Box Doesn't Shine for me AnymoreMore Beer27
247.Zsa zsa's last stand 2chick81327
248.Brutesquad - OLDbrutesquad6426
249.Exit Stage FourExit Stage Four26
250.Here we go again..Clever Team Name26
251.It puts the lotion on its skinBuffalo Bell Biv DeVoe26
252.Its all over but the dyingfossilhead26
253.six feet underYou kill em, we chill em26
255.the price is rightYou kill em, we chill em25
256.YCB's Number 1USER0589725
257.Y'all Get Dead Now, Ya Hear?nroger91924
258.Drop Like DominoesBison23
259.Assorted dicks and dictatorsSwine110
260.Chicago's Voter RegistrationBeer Ninja110
262.High Anxiety - Its You That I Feardead presidents110
263.IHYD-2013 ForeignRanger275110
264.Joe G ListJoe G110
265.La Muerte Politically IncorrectLaMuerte110
266.Ruck 2013USER00186110
267.Sharpen the trochar, we're gonna be busy2Fry's Crematorium110
268.Some People - Dance Cheek to Cheekdead presidents110
269.Walking Dead 2013Seeinskellies110 here if you wanna blow mezombie lover19
271.Concrete Shoes 2Concrete Shoes19
273.Death Soup: Turn Me On Dead ManMJ and Friends19
274.extra 2USER0056219
275.Grim Assclowns 1USER0163719
276.Habeas CorpsesBradWalt19
277.Hells' Waiting Room #2Drunkard19
278.Martha's listMartha19
279.not the dead you're looking forAlan S.19
280.Skunkhair 2013 (A better list)Skunkhair 201319
281.Sudden DeathNeilix10119
282.Tears of Nelson Mandelanealybug19
283.That generationwet grave19
284.The Only Good Politician is a Dead PoliticianAmy Sue19
285.Trautz-Its PossibleTeamTrautz19
286.Big Dirt SandwichTheBus18
287.Bobess dead guysBobessler18
288.Burry'n Bill 2013ABurry'n Bill18
289.Chilly Dead 1chillybilly18
290.Death Troll IDeath Troll18
291.J Sizzle's 2013 Bucket ListJSizzle18
292.Just get it over with Zsa ZsaCosmo Underground18
293.Lite My PyreDr. Doom18
294.The All-Star ListHugh G. Wrekshun18
295.Chilly Dead 3chillybilly17
297.Styrofoam Bologna 2Gina303017
298.Autumn Harvest - Pez's PicksPezintree16
299.Googuse's Best Betsgooguse16
300.List #1jenndiane716
301.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #5Shoeguy16
302.Rigor IVRigor16
303.Super StiffsEt Al 1Dead Eye Jack16
304.Dial M for Murder..Clever Team Name15
305.I hope this goes better than last year.Doctor Arcane15
306.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 1Joker15
308.Quietly DecomposingPushing Up Diasies15
309.Return of the Dead GuysGregDean15
310.RoadkillDr Drunk15
311.Sleddog 2sleddog15
312.You're Dead to Me IXNick ‘n Beth15
313.No Talent Ass ClownMeganG2114
315.Skike's PicksSkike14
316.Win one for the wallet!razorben14
317.Aaron's picksintelwarrior13
318.gregory sippelgsippel13
319.Mayan MiscueWallbanger13
320.The "Last" Minute IIjwin5513
322.bucket kickerscultleaderjessica12 fence 2rfenster12
324.Death Doesn't NEED a Recountboomshadow12
326.Pay DirtBigsunset196712
327.Rigor IRigor12
328.Rigor IIIRigor12
329.Won't be down for breakfastChancedog12
330.You Never Know IIIwhirlygirly12
331.Cemetery Girls 4Cemetery Girls11
332.chalk'm upthemayorpete11
333.Its all over but the dying 2fossilhead11
334.Knocking On Heaven's DoorSlotmantex11
335.No It's not heaven and it ain't Iowa eitherFredo let's go fishing11
336.Rastalls Reapers 2013 IRastalls11
337.Sen 1Mr Sen11
338.Six Feet Under IIChelsea Dagger11
339.WAH 2013 DVHUSER0259311
340.Williams Bay Morticians 2Jerry's Kids11
341.!!!!! ALBRECHT SAYS DIE ALREADY 2Albrecht00
342.11 Dieing menjimmy1jams00
343.Axe to Grindwet grave00
344.Bi-polar Tombstone RollersEchefgbs00
345.Crazy Critters HighwaySportsGripes00
346.Dawn of the Dead1Dying 4 Cash00
347.DC Deathwish 2013DC Celebrity Necrologist00
348.Go to the light NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!Voodoo00
349.Greg's 2013 Dead pool list 3gfultz100
350.Jesus Says "Die Already!"FredNietzsche00
351.Jokin and CroakinJokin and Croakin00
352.kicking it with jesus 3!!! i need help00
353.List #3jenndiane700
355.Mayan MalarkeyWallbanger00
356.mayan overtime 3USER0056200
357.Old Cats DyingIgnatius' Rubber Glove00
358.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #4Shoeguy00
359.Rigor IIRigor00
360.roll the bones IIcheeseburger00
361.Rookie ReaperFredo let's go fishing00
362.Sen 2Mr Sen00
363.SLB 2013sandyb00
364.Tick Tock Tick TockK6lly00
365.Time To Die In 2013Larry444400
366.Turner'sList2013Jack turner00
367.Zsa Zsa NoMorehancoach1300


Guess the Stiff!

No mas Canosa.

(d) November 23rd, 1997