Billy Graham has been played on 6519 lists, including 487 lists in The 2013 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.From Stage Robber to Grave RobberEradicator738
2.Cartman- Tickling GraniteCARTMAN641
3.Birdman 5Bird639
4.Birdman 19Bird638
5.Death Soup: Gross UrningsMJ and Friends638
6.For Spacious Skies: M.'s Uncommon JourneyGhost of Stiffs Past638
7.DGD - The Price of LifeDGD637
8.Cash From Cancer: Van Cliburn, Van Halen, whateverCash From Cancer635
9.DNR/DNI 3Nurseboy635
10.Death Soup: One Corpse at a TimeMJ and Friends632
11.Disturbed Graveslilsqueakyone632
12.The Grass May Be Singing, but Underneath It's Deathly QuietGhost of Stiffs Past627
13.Birdman 6Bird538
14.Star DustStar Dust537
15.DGD - One Death At A TimeDGD536
16.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow Pencil 3JoanCrawfordsMakeupBag536
17.Psychicdeath 3PsychicDeath536
18.Birdman - DePressED has never seen the sunBird535
19.Birdman 4Bird535
20.DGD - Dead Jeebus LoversDGD535
21.DNR/DNI 4Nurseboy535
22.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: BrimstoneFTG535
23.Star Dust - Bonnie Franklin & Her FlowerbedStar Dust535
24.The SickCharon's Obol535
25.Cash from Cancer: Pancreatic Cancer carries a PriceCash From Cancer534
26.Johnny Carson Gets Another Chance To Pet Zsa Zsa's PussyRottenToast534
27.Cash from Cancer: you say Pardee, we say Die!Cash From Cancer532
28.Sharpen the trochar, we're gonna be busy6Fry's Crematorium532
29.Unnamed Red Shirted Star Trek GuysHe's Dead Jim531
30.Nurse! Help me! 1Paul1681530
31.Williams Bay MorticiansJerry's Kids530
32.yeah yeah buh bye 5yeah yeah buh bye529
33.Dearly Departedhop1962528
34.The Anti-Kreb's Cycle Listdie4metoday527
35.Nietzsche's Super Stiffs IIFredNietzsche526
36.Last Siop 3Last Stop525
38.ReaperMadness #2ReaperMadness524
39.One Deadbeat Off 2Susie Sicko522
40.DNR/DNI 2Nurseboy520
41.Reap 'Em & Weep #2USER00557515
42.DGD - Hugo Six Feet UnderDGD434
43.Star Dust - Van Cliburn's DiminuendoStar Dust434
44.DGD - I've survived at least 5 'End-of-the-world' eventsDGD432
45.DGD - No Chance List - Too Many Write-insDGD432
46.Dr. Who - Stuff and NonsenseDr. Who432
47.Death Soup: Most Played Name in Game History?MJ and Friends431
48.DGD - No Big Country for Old MenDGD431
49.Psychicdeath 1PsychicDeath431
51.Come On, I Wanna See Em In A Mausoleum 4EdRulz430
52.Doc & DJ--Our August 2011 Jr. Sweep Won Us $80Doc & DJ430
53.Doc & DJ--She's 27 Now, but I'm Still Fucking Her and My Research Is Shit Because of ItDoc & DJ430
54.Feral Fodder 1BMT330430
55.La Muerte1LaMuerte430
56.MJ LivesMJ Lives430
57.Psychicdeath 2PsychicDeath430
58.WAH 2013 #2USER02593429
59.yeah yeah buh bye 2yeah yeah buh bye429
60.Canaries in a CoalmineCanaries in a coalmine428
61.Hearse Chasin HottieVoodoo428
62.Bartender, Make It Extra Stiff, PleaseFredNietzsche427
63.Death Rattle: Coughing Up Dirtanarchess427
64.DNR/DNI 1Nurseboy426
65.Gravediggers IThe Coroner426
67.Sbump'd off 3SBUMP2426
68.Dancing With The Dead In The Moonlightfireflyt425
69.Dead Fred list of Soon to be DeadDead Fred425
70.Lots o' old and sick bastards VBJCx78425
71.Tsuga - Die EngelTsuga425 fence 1rfenster424
73.Fidel & Some FriendsPastaPower424
74.The President's Piano GunJohnHines424
75.ZZZzzzz Long Nap in the SkyUSER01718424
76.Chicken at Tresky's #1Chicken at Tresky's423
77.Gravediggers IIThe Coroner423
78.Nearly Departedboshh423
79.DJ Badger says DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!DJ Badger422
80.Goddammit 3goddammit422
81.Mashiki Assassins1BCeltics422
82.Daisey Pusherssquidly766421
83.Martha PearlDiane421
84.More Leftoverswet grave421
85.Tommytsled-I'm Shipping Up To PawtucketTomtsled421
86.OldandriedupLittle Chip420
87.Future Dirt NappersTeam Sleep419
88.Beer LeagueYellowbeard418
89.Down the Latrine in '13Scott in Philly418
90.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2013calvey418
91.Walking dead?Crystal Balls418
92.Plowing The Deephop1962417
93.Death Soup: Frontal LobotomyMJ and Friends416
95.I Can Change This Later, Right? - IBut Is It Art?416
96.Marked For TermiNeyTion 2013TermiNeyTor327
97.Feasting Maggots 7Feasting Maggots325
100.Run Run Shaw Can't Live This Long, Can He?Dolby, Clancy, Giap325
101.going with the odds.....bjaskols324
102.Ig's list of stiffs IIIThe Ig324
103.Last AssemblyRuns with Scissors324
104.Rat Bastards 1Rat Bastard324
105.Tits-Up Itits-up324
106.Charlie Don't Surf with Sharon TayCharlie Dont Surf323
107.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl323
108.grave matthew's bandwildrush323
109.Justin Hale 08USER01531323
110.Plowing The Deep 2hop1962323
112.The Dirt NappersTaugh323
113.Tsuga - Saddest SongTsuga323
115.Killer Advocate Goes Onlaptoplg322
116.Last Ditch Efffortjminrod322
118.yeah yeah buh bye 6yeah yeah buh bye322
119.All That Lives Must DieRus253321
120.BringOutYerDeadMr Happy321
121.could be, might be....your outta herebjaskols321
122.Sarcophagus Sam's Silent StableSarcophagus Sam321
123.This is how rumors get started 2013 - 2USER02248321
124.Tief Denker2Flying Asian Carp321
125.Trouts Dead FishTrout321
126.A Confederacy Of DecedentsIgnatius' Rubber Glove320
128.Former 2012 Apocalypse SurvivorsHauntedWebmaster320
129.Look How They Massacred My BoyFrankie Pentangeli320
130.Lucky Punks don't floatJESUSCHRISTALMIGHTY320
131.Something to do with Corpses 5Shams320
132.Chris Knauf 2013Chris Knauf319
133.Dx Rob IIIDX Rob319
134.Everyone Dies in the EndMichenley319
135.Gravediggers IIIThe Coroner319
136.Hey You Took My ListnameRhody Trash319
137.Just Kickin' ItJLM211wx (Just Kickin It!319
139.Sbump'd off 1SBUMP2319
140.The Dirt Bath 500toddjlyons319
141.The Lynch MobTaugh319
144.A Sure Thing...Deckhawk318
145.Blake's Bones IIMr. Blake318
146.Bucket Kickers 2Bucket Kickers318
147.CHAD: This Bitch Will Either Go To Jail or Die or BOTHCHAD318
148.Deadly Debutante 1Deadly Debutante318
149.Last Stop 1Last Stop318
150.One Deadbeat Off 1Susie Sicko318
151.Otis' Cirrhosis - Morrison Sisters' StillKudsKroakers318
152.CHAD: The Vagina Is A Self Cleaning OvenCHAD317
153.Dancing on WOHLERT'S GRAVEonefunsob317
155.LOD - One Death At A Timeed head317
156.Oldy Von MoldyRhody Trash317
157.Radtex: His and HearseRadtex317
158.Tommytsled-A Dead Owl Doesn't Give A HootTomtsled317
159.BringOutYerDead pleaseMr Happy316 fence 3rfenster316
161.Rachel's Walking Dead 3Rachel A316
162.The Clock is Tickingchriscott97316
163.tic tag toeroderner316
164.2013 Top SoilBlondemarvel315
165.Break on through to the other sidemikey the man315
167.Dust to DollarsDRave13315
168.Going going GoneBigsunset1967315
169.Guess Who Died? 3ZUSER01484315
170.homerunOda Mae Brown315
171.last hope springs uneternaldisplayname007315
173.older than the dirt we toss over themdisplayname007315
174.Read my lips. No new breathing.Bea Hind315
175.ReaperMadness #1ReaperMadness315
176.Sarky - Fucko da clown, face downSarky315
177.The Dirt Bath 500 Amateur Divisiontoddjlyons315
178.too much to caredie u sob315
179.Zsa Zsa Slaps Grim ReaperPokey22315
180.ZsaZsa's LegNomad66315
181.I Can Change This Later, Right? - IIBut Is It Art?314
182.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost314
183.Knocking on Death's DoorDead and Loving It314
184.Leaders of the Packbillyd44314
186.NVN: Titty sandwich with a side of assNo Viagra Needed314
187.ScarlettDon't I look like myself.314
188.themayorpetes can't miss funerals of 2013themayorpete314
189.You Never Know IIwhirlygirly314
190.Abby's Pet CemeteryDave313
191.Deathrider Is Backdeathrider313
192.Happy Trails to you...mikey the man313
193.Here for the RemovalKiller Swedes313
194.Satan's Waitin'Barker J. Wagtail313
195.Saw The Light #3SAW THE LIGHT313
196.Sollozzo, he's good with a knifeTwilight is Near313
197.Styrofoam Bologna 1Gina3030313
198.!ajlposh 2ajlposh312
199.Ivy Cliff Memorial 2013- Ahodag21378312
200.Knockout Kingsbillyd44312
201.LA LISTE DE JOJO 2013Meo312
202.Old or Sick People are Good Betswet grave312
203.Saw The Light #1SAW THE LIGHT312
204.Thrown the C Everett KoopDonkey Sausage312
205.Death March1BCeltics311
206.Memphis Dead 2013trashking311
207.Fake ShempGhoulash39
208.This might win me the big one.Donkey Sausage39
209.Ivy Cliff Memorial 2013 - Bhodag2137838
210.Della, get Paul Drake on the phone...Bea Hind219
211.Heywood Jablome XIIUSER00119219
212.List of the lostringbark219
213.Not Dead Yet IIITimur219
214.bird is deadPIANOGIRL218
215.Bring It OnDEATH DEMON218
217.Goddammit 1goddammit218
218.Goddammit 2goddammit218
219.Shapen the trochar, we're gonna be busy5Fry's Crematorium218
220.You gon Dieflaco218
221.Abra Cadaverborn2run59217
222.Cliburn and the Graham Brotherslucky punk217
223.Cupcakes & Champagne 2012nlcfsemfc217
224.Dead as Dillingerurbscholar217
225.Don de DeadDeadly Debutante217
226.Ig's list of stiffs IThe Ig217
227.Rock N' Roll Me When I'm Dead IIITrav217
228.Sharpen the trochar, we're gonna be busy4Fry's Crematorium217
232.Sure to be dead soonMikeDog216
234.2013 Resting PeacefullyRWorkman215
235.2nd Chancejminrod215
236.cemetary gatesgatekeeperofvalhalla215
237.CHAD: Roger Roger, Over And Out - DEADCHAD215
238.Coffin CornerDRave13215
239.Death will part us allT&D215
240.Die'yer MakerasthedeadtuRNs215
241.Extreme Deathpooling List #2SFisher215
243.NVN: Stupid never takes a vacationNo Viagra Needed215
244.One death at a timeThe Shadow215
245.Star Dust's Birthday ListStar Dust215
246.The Graveyard...theappointment215
247.Y&I The Initial PeopleBo Knows Death215
248.Zsa Zsa, Run Run and Associatesmoribundus215
249.A Grateful Deadhead 2013 UnoJudysomething214
250.CHAD: How Old Are You Again?CHAD214
251.Coffin Up BloodKirby214
252.Death Race 2013USER02395214
253.DJ Badger: My Wife Lanna says DIE!DJ Badger214
254.Feeding the treesHoneybee214
255.Fill In My Toe TagDick Rotten214
257.Heaven Help UsSal & Barb214
258.I'm a Dead Celebrity - Get Me Out of Here!bridgy214
259.Soul HuntersHunterbeer214
260.Toast CelebritiesCanucklehead214
261.2013 Best Guessesvalberts1963213
262.A Likely CandidateRavenna213
264.Carpe dead emdoorma213
265.Dirt NapsDeathAlert213
266.It's over, go home!Crystal Balls213
268.Morgue and MindyMorgue and Mindy213
269.Old but on the way outTheHolySpigot213
270.Potts Kitchen and BaconMarkMx213
271.Rachel's Walking Dead 4Rachel A213
272.Sarky - Dead Dick TatersSarky213
273.Skunkhair 2013Skunkhair 2013213
274.Turning Turd TornadoUSER02609213
275.Williams I WasThe Gilberator213
276.Gone Baby Goneronnocoman212
277.list them they will die #2Wills212
278.UnforTENately, Your Number is UpTumor_Makes_A_Does_In212
279.Another losing entry from meBooBeau211
280.Ashes to AshesDestroyers211
281.Chilly Dead 2chillybilly211
282.Donne In!splittertogo211
283.Funeral for a FriendDestroyers211
284.harsh realityMarshrat211
285.Last Stop 2Last Stop211
286.Offal TruthUSER01797211
287.Penny's From HeavenPokey22211
288.The Real Housewives of Dead CelebsDave211
289.The Thatched Roof of DirtThe Gilberator211
290.Village Stiffy 5village144211
291.Are We Dead Yet? 001goodwin73210
292.Captain's Log, Stardate: 2013billyd44210
293.Doctor of Death--the Menthe doctor of death210
295.Penguin's Picks 1ThePenguin210
297.Radtex: Tumor Makes a Does-InRadtex210
298.Sharpen the trochar, we're gonna be busy1Fry's Crematorium210
299.turn me on, dead man!USER01515210
300.Burry'n Bill 2013CBurry'n Bill29
301.Death Never Takes a Holiday 2Nipper29
302.Going down down downRastafarian Mormon29
305.NiceknowinyaWJG v3.029
307.Cayman therecayman went28
308.Death Troll IIDeath Troll28
309.Death- Leftovers Warmed OverJayRockers!28
312.mayan overtime 1USER0056228
313.NoNames 1jim dibello28
314.Otis' Cirrhosis - Jubal Foster's StillKudsKroakers28
315.Tattaglia is a pimpTwilight is Near28
316.The Answer Key!FroggyB28
317.Why won't you die?Altois28
318.Late for SupperInexplah27
319.Mayan MistakeWallbanger27
320.MY 2013 LISTLord Dickerson27
321.My Ten Funerals Mixed Bag 2013Jerrytopdown27
322.Petey's HotDog IVNancyD27
323.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #6Shoeguy27
324.RTA THREEHerm Boolie27
325.Zsa zsa's last stand 2chick81327
326.!!! elderlytitan36026
327.Brutesquad - OLDbrutesquad6426
328.Exit Stage FourExit Stage Four26
329.headed up IIIComeonallready26
330.It puts the lotion on its skinBuffalo Bell Biv DeVoe26
331.Its all over but the dyingfossilhead26
332.Joe Theismann's ProstateBagger26
333.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #2Shoeguy26
334.When you come to a fork in the road........dieThe Shadow26
335.Dead people of the futureTodd Blankenship25
336.Exploding Brain MATTer 2USER0584825
337.Kirk Douglas and the Late Dinah Shore(ah)bridgy25
338.Old SmellUSER0252425
339.Stuffin' Sallybillyd4425
340.YCB's Number 1USER0589725
342.ThisisaMorbidActivity - ILikecarseycritter24
343.Y'all Get Dead Now, Ya Hear?nroger91924
344.You're Dead to Me IINick ‘n Beth23
345.Cartman- They Outlived TwinkiesCARTMAN110
346.Chicago's Voter RegistrationBeer Ninja110
348.Joe G ListJoe G110
350.Little terrlittle terr110
351.Not lookin' Good for HugoElster000110
352.Ruck 2013USER00186110
353.Sharpen the trochar, we're gonna be busy2Fry's Crematorium110
354.Too late for goodbyesPHALEX110
355.Walking Dead 2013Seeinskellies110
356.Well nobody died did they? #3Archangel110
357.Whitneys waiting 1Maryjo80110
358.Close the CasketDestroyers19
359.Concrete Shoes 2Concrete Shoes19
360.Death Soup: Turn Me On Dead ManMJ and Friends19
361.Habeas CorpsesBradWalt19
362.RJ ThurmontRJ Thurmont19
363.Skunkhair 2013 (A better list)Skunkhair 201319
364.Styrofoam Bologna 3Gina303019
365.Sudden DeathNeilix10119
366.Tears of Nelson Mandelanealybug19
367.The Billies GrahamTheyComeInThrees19
368.Trautz-Its PossibleTeamTrautz19
369.Zsa Zsa is a undead zombieDonkey Sausage19
370.Big Dirt SandwichTheBus18
371.Bunns 2012 LeftoversBunn's Bones To Be18
372.Chilly Dead 1chillybilly18
373.Death Becomes UsPeople Meat18
374.Death Troll IDeath Troll18
376.Lite My PyreDr. Doom18
377.MATTOID - Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!The Mattoid18
378.MrJeff2000's Vial of Vitriolmrjeff200018
379.Schindler's 2011/2012 Listnlcfsemfc18
380.The All-Star ListHugh G. Wrekshun18
381.You're Dead to Me INick ‘n Beth18
382.You're Dead to Me IIINick ‘n Beth18
383.Chilly Dead 3chillybilly17
385.Death is so finalalohabeerguy17
386.For the love of Paulmommyster17
389.They're in da holeVaGentry17
390.WE GOT BUSH!!Pokey2217
391.All Star Leftoverswet grave16
392.Googuse's Best Betsgooguse16
393.Googuse's Last Minutegooguse16
394.POTUS 16USER0246416
395.Put Out the FlameYule Log16
396.Super StiffsEt Al 1Dead Eye Jack16
397.Big M's list of People that still need to dieDead Fred15
398.BillssecondBill J15
399.Death Never Takes a Holiday 3Nipper15
400.Do The Deathwish ThingDeathwish Drang15
401.I hope this goes better than last year.Doctor Arcane15
402.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 1Joker15
404.Potty Humordead presidents15
405.Quietly DecomposingPushing Up Diasies15
406.RoadkillDr Drunk15
407.The Game of LifeUSER0204515
408.Virtual Cemeterycomputerstreber15
410.No Talent Ass ClownMeganG2114
411.Only Mostly Dead 2shroom14
412.plummerspicks2Smokem Joe14
415.Aaron's picksintelwarrior13
417.Cremation NationDestroyers13
418.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit #7FrankJac13
419.extra 1USER0056213
420.gregory sippelgsippel13
421.Heavythumb 2013heavythumb13
422.Its all over but the dying 3fossilhead13
423.Mayan MiscueWallbanger13
424.Azabache 2013 (1)azabachenegro12
426.Old and Occasionally EntertainingMikey12
427.Pay DirtBigsunset196712
428.Poodle Poodle LabradoddlePoodle12
429.Rigor IRigor12
430.The Dead Know It SocietyDead and Loving It12
431.This Group Might Do Okayhumanmeal12
432.Won't be down for breakfastChancedog12
433.You Never Know IIIwhirlygirly12
434.another ten bite the dustthemayorpete11
436.Cemetery Girls 4Cemetery Girls11
437.chalk'm upthemayorpete11
438.Corinna's Listcmrobertson11
439.deathbitch rides againPIANOGIRL11
440.Dented Bucket Brigadejimdkc11
441.Dusty Musty & Crustygentilej11
442.Its all over but the dying 2fossilhead11
443.Knocking On Heaven's DoorSlotmantex11
444.MisadventureConcrete Shoes11
445.Please Capitalize on My Name when I' m Dead!themadhatter11
446.Rastalls Reapers 2013 IRastalls11
447.roll 'em inHighbeam11
448.Sen 1Mr Sen11
449.Six Feet Under IIChelsea Dagger11
450.Sleddog11 1sleddog11
451.Your 15 Minutes Are UpHauntedWebmaster11
452.60 Feet UnderDead and Loving It00
453.Assman's Stiff List 2013Assman00
454.Autumn Harvest - Pez & Butters SamichPezintree00
455.Back to black and whiteSwine00
456.bag of bricksMarshrat00
457.Bi-polar Tombstone RollersEchefgbs00
458.Burry'n Bill 2013BBurry'n Bill00
459.Celebrity Zombie Apocalypse 2013msastria00
460.Crazy Critters HighwaySportsGripes00
461.Digger O Dell 19Digger O Dell 1000
462.Divas and Douchebagsreadsforfilth00
463.Drink up me HeartiesPirataCodex00
464.Exploding Brain MATTerUSER0584800
465.Golden Oldiesthebrainsbackstage00
466.Greg's 2013 Dead pool list 3gfultz100
467.I just saw him alivelindbergh00
468.Jagrnuts Death SquadJagrnut00
469.Jesus Says "Die Already!"FredNietzsche00
470.kicking it with jesus 1!!! i need help00
471.kicking it with jesus 4!!! i need help00
472.Lightest PyreDr. Doom00
474.Mayan MalarkeyWallbanger00
475.mayan overtime 2USER0056200
476.mayan overtime 3USER0056200
477.Now I Lay You Down to SleepTheLeeJrwinna!00
478.Old Cats DyingIgnatius' Rubber Glove00
479.Older than dirtElster00000
480.One foot in!gonnabedead00
481.Onyx2783 #3 (MarkO)onyx278300
482.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #4Shoeguy00
483.Shanny Valleypisco00
484.Tick Tock Tick TockK6lly00
485.Tits upCosmo Underground00
487.Wishful ThinkingRev Jamie00


Guess the Stiff!

David Dead Eyes.

(d) January 19th, 2023