Valerie Harper has been played on 1598 lists, including 481 lists in The 2014 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The West Goes GhostFTG637
2.WE HAVE A PIPER DOWN! 3dryden2911636
3.yeah yeah buh bye 5yeah yeah buh bye627
4.Centenarians First PleaseWho's in YOUR Coffin533
5.Satan's Waitin'Barker J. Wagtail532
6.yeah yeah buh byeyeah yeah buh bye531
7.Cash from Cancer: How do you dispose of a corpse named Maria?Cash From Cancer530
8.Cash from Cancer: shut your TrappCash From Cancer528
9.winds of warBird528
10.Break a Leg and the RestGregDean527
11.Mr. Rusk, You're Not Wearing Your (Paisley) TieRJD527
12.Simpson's Book of the Near DeadDGD527
13.Birdman - death to smoochieBird526
14.Cash from Cancer: you say have a blast, we say have a blastomaCash From Cancer524
15.Pastor to 38 Dead PresidentsDGD524
16.Yeah, She'll Get to Know the Good Earth Much BetterNumber1User524 never see and old guy names fatsBird524
18.The Dirt NappersTaugh521 don't know jackBird520
20.Death March 21BCeltics433
22.Cemetery Girls 3Cemetery Girls428
23.yeah yeah buh bye 2yeah yeah buh bye428
24.Barbara Bush will be fine, another last minute listDeathGift427
26.They Do Say Age Is a Risk Factor for DeathRJD427
28.Mr. Stiffs ListMr. Stiffs425
29.News Is Blue, The News Is BlueDePressED425
30.yeah yeah buh bye 6yeah yeah buh bye425
31.Last StopLast Stop424
32.MATTOID - Old Enough Yet?The Mattoid424
34.yeah yeah buh bye 4yeah yeah buh bye423
35.DePressED 12DePressED422
36.Harper Valley D.O.A.lucky punk422
37.Jesus Christ, Die AlreadyRottenToast422
38.We've got BushBird422
39.Birdman - Mama's don't let your babies grow up to be Doc and DJ!Bird421
40.Cash from Cancer: Roberto MalignantCash From Cancer421
41.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Bugle TollsFTG421
42.Graham KrackaBird421
43.!ajlposh 3ajlposh420
44.If Tomorrow Never ComesSal & Barb420 may be rightBird420
47.Cash from Cancer: Life is Beautiful, Death is ProfitableCash From Cancer419
49.House Of Soon To Be With The Lord 2hop1962419
50.When You're Gambling Cards On Love You PlayDePressED419
51.casey at the batBird418
52.Hungarian Ghoul-lash for 2000, Alex...DGD418
53.I've Got a Secret: I'M DEAD!Bea Hind418
54.Simon Says We're Deadlucky punk418
55.yeah yeah buh bye 3yeah yeah buh bye418
56.D'oh! Groening Might Be Famous, but This Guy?Number1User417
57.Death March 31BCeltics417
58.Doc & DJ--Everything. Everyone. Everywhere. Ends.Doc & DJ417
59.McSwindlers Listhop1962417
60.NVN: Racing towards the top 40No Viagra Needed417
61.Pennies on your eyesdoorma417
62.Plan #4558 How to Pay off Student Loan DebtEvil Lemons417
63.Sarky - GoudaSarky415
64.Cash from Cancer: Exit Stage IVCash From Cancer414
65.There Is No EliteDePressED414
66.Cash From Cancer: Celebrity Rumours and Malignant TumorsCash From Cancer413
67.Pookie's Stiffs #1Pookie's Stiffs413
68.Sack-O-Stiffies Part DeuxVicLic2412
69.DePressED 03DePressED410
71.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail327
72.tic tag toeroderner326
73.Zsa Zsa's PallbearersRastafarian Mormon326
75.And Then There Were NoneDePressED323
76.Deathication 2014Loquacity83323
77.Dirt Bag Two 2014Blondemarvel323
78.Easy MoneyEasy Money323
79.Sharpen the trochar,, it's gonna be busyFry's Crematorium323
80.A Last Minute Call IIjwin55322
81.An '88 Reno Silver Sox Pitcher is Famous?!?DGD322
82.Chillydead 3chillybilly322
83.Dancing on WOHLERTS Graveonefunsob322
84.Little Jiving On A Saturday NightDePressED322
85.Thou Shalt Not Bear False Teethjeffvn322
86.back to the basicsbjaskols321
88.Googuse has a Possegooguse321
89.Googuse I hope this worksgooguse321
90.I bereave in magicBird321
91.Tommytsled-Rock Out With Your Glock OutTomtsled321
92.Victory AND Death 7Shams321
93.Ashen Gray Color CommentaryDGD320
94.DePressED 05DePressED320
95.The Lynch MobTaugh320
96.Tits-Up Itits-up320
97.A Last Minute Call IIIjwin55319
98.Another one bites the dustlittle terr319
99.Daisy A Day DearDePressED319
100.Doc & DJ--Who the Fuck Are the Knutsens?Doc & DJ319
101.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: BarqueroFTG319
102.Frankie 5DePressED319
103.If I Could Only Play One List...DGD319
104.Lamar Odom's Lackey'sLindsay Lohan's Liver319
105.something to bereave inBird319
106.The Churning Urnstrojones319
107.Victory AND DeathShams319
108.Victory AND Death 4Shams319
109.Von Ryan's ExpressTaugh319
110.WE HAVE A PIPER DOWN! 1dryden2911319
111.DePressED 06DePressED318
112.DePressED 09DePressED318
113.Did She Pass?lucky punk318
115.Rhoda Killlucky punk318
116.The Cack-filled FilesDGD318
117.The Usual SuspectsTrinettRae318
118.The Walking Dead PoolMr Bungle318
119.Trout's Dead Fish IITrout318
120.yeah buddy!Bird318
121.A Last Minute Call Ijwin55317
122.Baxley - Run Clive Run!Baxley317
123.Death Soup: Turn Me On, Dead ManMJ and Friends317
124.Don't put all your eggs in one basket? Kirk Kerkorian is my Scott CarpenterDeathGift317
125.Feeling Lucky Punklucky punk317
126.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Vanishing AmericanFTG317
127.From Stage Robber to Grave RobberEradicator317
128.i can see cleary nowBird317
129.Last minute shitDeathGift317
130.Rhoda wayBird317
131.Stiff, bereft of life.. if you had't nailed him to the perch..splittertogo317
132.Styrofoam Bologna 2Gina3030317
133.Tommytsled-The Revolution Is Closer Than You ThinkTomtsled317
134.Xtreme DeadpoolingDePressED317 say lamotta, i say la mottaBird317
136.A List for LawrenceSilentcalvin316
137.Angels of Death #2Jerry's Kids316
138.Come on I Wanna see Em in a Mausoleum 4EdRulz316
139.Death Soup: Death Watch BeatlesMJ and Friends316
140.Deathrider 50deathrider316
141.Doc & DJ--Going DutchDoc & DJ316
142.Doc & DJ--If Our Rhyme Was a Drug We'd Sell It by the GrahamDoc & DJ316
143.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Dusty's TrailFTG316
144.Googuse Moose Juicegooguse316
145.grimyreaper 2grimyreaper316 hurts when I peiBird316
147.Lady Caroline MuffmuncherDePressED316
148.$200 a Day, Plus ExpensesBea Hind315
149.Dogs Can Look Up 2Last Stop315
150.eli's comingBird315
151.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: BrimstoneFTG315
152.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Old IronpantsFTG315
153.Fossil Farmhop1962315
154.Late for SupperInexplah315
155.Pokey's Stiffies 2014Pokey22315
156.Run Run Running on Emptylucky punk315
157.Bucket KickersUtica Dave314
158.Doc & DJ--How Did They Know Michael Schumacher Had Dandruff?Doc & DJ314
159.Frankie 2DePressED314
160.I Should Just Apply it Directly to My Hipslucky punk314
161.International Top 40Silentcalvin314
162.Olivia oilBird314
163.Tsuga - Die EngelTsuga314
164.A Fate Worse Than Death IIISanta Fe Syndicate313
166.Are You People Ever Going To Croak?Nascar912313
167.Cash from Cancer: Rhythm is a CancerCash From Cancer313
168.Come on I Wanna see Em in a MausoleumEdRulz313
169.Doc & DJ--...I Wish I Was Sipowicz.Doc & DJ313
170.Doc & DJ--We'll Have Halloween on ChristmasDoc & DJ313
171.I Want to Feel Your Gestaltjeffvn313
172.Play Freebird! Or at least Free List!Rhody Trash313
173.real geniusBird313
174.Tommytsled-I'm Shipping Up To PawtucketTomtsled313
175.Death Soup: Grim Reaper BypassMJ and Friends312
176.Feasting Maggots 1Feasting Maggots312
177.Frankie 1DePressED312
178.LOD: Be At Peace - Fight No Moreed head312
179.LOD: Lisa Needs Braces, Sam Needs A Coffined head312
180.Not Dead Yet IVTimur312
181.Plowing The Deep 3hop1962312
183.Tumor Makes a Does-InTumor_Makes_A_Does_In312
184.2014 is the year that ZSA ZSA bites itbridgy311
185.27 Club: Bob and George or Angel Harpers1000_Ways311
186.Maybe this will be the year of the dying hawkDeathGift311
187.4 Past MidnightMr. Redrum310
188.By George just die alreadyTwilight is Near310
189.Chillydead 2chillybilly310
190.Doc & DJ--Stick It Write-In ThereDoc & DJ310
191.Jackalope Ghost - Uncle Floyd's RevengeJackalope_Ghost310
192.Making the News One Last TimeGregDean310
193.No, Really, Can't Think of a Good ListnameRhody Trash310
194.Number1User's Shot at the Brass RingNumber1User310
196.Run Run, Rainer, Randy, Roberta and a Rev.RJD310
197.Sharpen the trochar, 2Fry's Crematorium310
198.A fool and his moneyVaGentry39
199.PB: did NO researchpbear39
201.Young Stars Gone Bad EditionRJD38
202.Pookie's Stiffs #2Pookie's Stiffs36
203.AIDS FistYour Mom219
204.Live deadFrau schadenfreude219
205.America's Top 40 - Death EditionDGD218
206.Hope I'm wrongK6lly218
207.WE HAVE A PIPER DOWN! 2dryden2911218
208.Buck & MishBuck217
209.Cartman- The OaksCARTMAN217
210.Keep Your Body in the Ground, and Forget Those StarsNumber1User217
211.The Regulator ListWarren G217
212.WHIRLAWAY! IIGoFuckYourself217
213.Canaries in a CoalmineCanaries in a coalmine216
214.Drop like flies, pleaseDeathGift216
215.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Johnny Eagle EyeFTG216
216.Joan Crawford Eyebrow Pencil 3 - Girl's Night OutJoanCrawfordsMakeupBag216
217.American Top 40-Is there a Margaritaville in heaven?The game changer215
218.Cartman- This Is Our Fn City!CARTMAN215
219.Cheeses H. Christ!tkdmel215
220.DePressED 02DePressED215
221.DePressED 10DePressED215
222.Ethnic Cleansinghop1962215
223.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Don't Ever Speak to Me AgainFTG215
224.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost215
225.NVN: What the fuck, it was freeNo Viagra Needed215
226.Peaceful, Cold Feelingjeffvn215
227.Cash from Cancer: Human Papilloma Blanca, I'm just a bird in the skyCash From Cancer214
228.Doctor of Death 2the doctor of death214
229.Dogs Can Look Up 1Last Stop214
230.don't stop bereavin'Bird214
231.This is how rumors get started 2014 - 1USER02248214
232.Trout's Dead FishTrout214
233.Birdman - checkmateBird213
234.Birdman - float like a butterfly, stink like a corpseBird213
235.Cash from Cancer: Buddy Ryan O'NealCash From Cancer213
236.Come on I Wanna see Em in a Mausoleum 6EdRulz213
237.Death Be Not Proud VTimur213
238.Frankie 3DePressED213
239.He knows why!Flynty213
240.may or may not workBird213
241.ra ra ra, ra ra robertaBird213
242.RASTALLS REAPED 2014 IIIRastalls213
243.Sick BayOldDocMcCoy213
244.The EradicatorEradicator213
245.Are We Dead Yetgoodwin73212
246.BIIA - IIIBut Is It Art?212
247.Come on I Wanna see Em in a Mausoleum 5EdRulz212
248.dead aheadbonevoyage212
249.Dearly Departedhop1962212
250.Death- You Dropped A Bomb On MeJayRockers!212
252.Doc & DJ--Sometimes It Seems So Useless to RemainDoc & DJ212 dynastyBird212
254.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Phantom MajorFTG212
256.No Viagra NeededNo Viagra Needed212
257.Off The CuffAltois212
258.RD: A double double of death pleaseRD02212
259.Time After TimeMr. Joaquin212
260.Be as Rich, and as Dead, as RockefellerNumber1User211
261.Chrisknauf 2014Chris Knauf211
262.Death, She WroteSilentcalvin211
263.DePressED 04DePressED211
264.Dictator saladJohnHines211
265.Doc & DJ--Joe DiMaggio Memorial ListDoc & DJ211
266.Doc & DJ--Kelly Has Barbara to Thank for 30 Extra BucksDoc & DJ211
267.Doc & DJ--The Bushes Seem to Love This End-of-the-Year DramaDoc & DJ211
268.DX Rob IIDX Rob211
269.Feasting Maggots 2Feasting Maggots211
270.Float like you're mummified...DGD211
271.grimyreaper 1grimyreaper211
272.Holden All The CardsK Dog211
273.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2014calvey211
274.Nietzsche's Super Stiffs IIIFredNietzsche211
275.Sarky - SwissSarky211
276.The Hammered GodsFredNietzsche211
277.Victory AND Death 3Shams211
278.Come on I Wanna see Em in a Mausoleum 3EdRulz210
279.Frankie 6DePressED210
280.He's On My Short ListBea Hind210
281.How did he just become famous?DGD210
282.I really don't think Valerie will die but just in caseDeathGift210
283.lg's 2014labgrrl210
285.Tsuga - Saddest SongTsuga210
286.You're dead to metheappointment210
287.3rd Year in a row-> 10th place = Free ListDGD29
289.Danse MacabreMr. Redrum29
290.Doc & DJ--Prop Joe's Cadaverous MotherfuckersDoc & DJ29
291.Dust or Bust!Star Dust29
292.Graham SlamwichStar Dust29
293.In The DeathroomMr. Redrum29
295.Otis' Cirrhosis - Morrison Sisters' StillKudsKroakers29
296.Six Feet of Dirtinfj99929
297.Valerie Harper LeeTwilight is Near29
298.WTF. One more list.DGD29
299.2 Harpers, 2 Attenboroughs, and 2 ZsasJohnHines28
300.Cash from Cancer: I'm your private cancerCash From Cancer28
301.Cash from Cancer: The Grim Reaper gets a new BuddyCash From Cancer28
302.Morgue and MindyMorgue and Mindy28
303.SirDrexl's StiffsSirDrexl28
304.Victory AND Death 5Shams28
305.Hello, This Is Rhoda, I'm DormantNumber1User27
306.No, Pot Is the Best MedicineRJD27
307.Offal TruthUSER0179727
308.Skunkhair 2014 #3Skunkhair 201327
309.The Good Die Young IVTimur27
310.Too Lazy for Good ListnameRhody Trash27
311.Be still my beating heartJohnHines26
312.Cupcakes & Champagne 2014nlcfsemfc26
313.Dead Fred's list of almost Dead!Dead Fred26
314.Death Soup: There She Goes, Miss America!MJ and Friends26
315.Death Soup: Why Couldn't It Have Been Nails?MJ and Friends26
316.DJ Badger Says DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!DJ Badger26
317.He Was Banging Cocktail Waitresses Two At A TimeFrankie Pentangeli26
319.Plowing The Deephop196226
320.still tryingbjaskols26
322.Write in list. Maybe I should have played him more?DeathGift26
323.Your-ass-is-sick ParkDGD26
324.Charlie Don't Surf with Kyung LahCharlie Dont Surf25
325.Dead End StreetRuns with Scissors25
326.Feeling a Bit BushedRJD25
327.Gordie's Favoriteswsprotte25
328.Old, cold, and full of moldDebizzydead?25
329.Rhoda Morganstern Will Live ForeverRJD25
330.Cash from Cancer: The Twilight of the Billy GrahamsCash From Cancer24
331.Cash from Cancer: two crackers named GrahamCash From Cancer24
332.Frankie 4DePressED24
333.Last Call Y'allVaGentry24
334.Sarky - BrieSarky24
335.American Top 40-to many hits to the headThe game changer110
336.Canaries in a Coalmine 2Canaries in a coalmine110
337.Carpe Dead 'emdoorma110
338.CoffinRattler-The Sickcoffinrattler110
339.Come on I Wanna see Em in a Mausoleum 2EdRulz110
340.Death to MingYour Mom110
341.deathbitch unbrideledPIANOGIRL110
342.Feral Fodder 2BMT330110
343.I'll see you in hell- so meet me at the water fountainAndy110
344.Logan's Final RunBea Hind110
345.One day bang! you get hiveslindbergh110
346.RD: Now On With The CountdownRD02110
347.Vestamenta UnoVestament110
348.Yer Not Lookin' Too GoodCheck, Please!110
349.Cheeses love the little children!tkdmel19
350.Dancing With Mr. DBetter Off Dead19
351.Dutch's TreatBea Hind19
352.Emma's Die Lemma - Dilemma!!Emma Dilemma19
353.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: FingermanFTG19
354.grimyreaper 3grimyreaper19
355.He's Dead JimHe's Dead Jim19
359.RD: What has one leg and STILL won't die?RD0219
360.Scandal rachel 3Rachel A19
361.Trout's Dead Fish IIITrout19
362.Chillydead 1chillybilly18
363.DedguyzBe\'El Tee18
364.Die Over Easyshroom18
365.DJ Badger: My Wife Lanna Says DIE!DJ Badger18
366.Drink WestDrinkWest18
367.Dying to join them.......Don't I look like myself.18
368.G Menseaiowe18
369.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost18
370.Old ones gotta go sometime!The Ig18 nuffBird18
372.The first real step to canonization...DGD18
373.Too Soon?alan smithee18
374.Tsuga - Dirt in the GroundTsuga18
375.Are you gonna die already?Chris Goulart17
376.Cash from Cancer: How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough?Cash From Cancer17
377.JB's Bones To BeBunn's Bones To Be17
378.Last minute listDeathGift17
379.Let's Do This!Euthanasia17
380.LOD: Ronnie Biggs' Posseed head17
381.The People's CorpseBea Hind17
383.Death Soup: Gross UrningsMJ and Friends16
384.Greg's List 2014gsippel16
385.La Muerte 1LaMuerte16
386.Loki 1Loki16
387.Magic Johnson's Fake HIVLindsay Lohan's Liver16
388.Victory AND Death 6Shams16
389.Assuming Room Temperaturepopejt15
390.Betsy's Bodies 2Betsy15
391.Cash from Cancer: pushin' up Rhododendrons with RhodaCash From Cancer15
392.Doc & DJ--Does the Pope Shit in the Woods?Doc & DJ15
393.Ethnic Cleansing 2hop196215
394.Guess Who Died? 3ZUSER0148415
395.the zsa's of (eternal) lifeUSER0252415
396.Victory AND Death 2Shams15
397.Cash from Cancer: Music Box CancerCash From Cancer14
399.Death GamesVamtrix14
400.Die Me To The MoonPoodle14
401.DX Rob IIIDX Rob14
402.Grim Assclowns 3USER0163714
403.playing the oddsbjaskols14
404.Death Be Comes UsPeople Meat13
405.DNR/DNI 3Nurseboy13
406.Old and TiredChris Goulart13
408.oops forgot a fewbjaskols13
409.Saw The Light #3SAW THE LIGHT13
410.Spoiler Alert: Everyone Dies in the EndMichenley13
411.EMFC Lime'n SimonEMFCoffin12
413.Hound Dog PicksHound dog12
414.Kysor14The Bear Bowl Pool12
416.Not Much Power Left in That Hour AnymoreNumber1User12
417.Saw The Light #2SAW THE LIGHT12
418.Betsy's Bodies 1Betsy11
419.DNR/DNI 2Nurseboy11
420.Eternally Yours, RitaNumber1User11
421.From Sam to SidRJD11
422.Gone with the SchwindogEradicator11
423.Guess Who Died? 1ZUSER0148411
424.House Of Soon To Be With The Lordhop196211
425.Insert Clever List Name HereGregDean11
426.Last Call Y'all2VaGentry11
427.Show me the money IIIThe Coroner11
428.Abra Cadaverborn2run5900
429.Aches and ChampagneTheyComeInThrees00
430.aren't they dead already?bjaskols00
432.Bobbis BonesBobbilee00
433.CA clubdie4metoday00
434.CG's ListCGray00
435.Charlie Don't Surf with Sharon TayCharlie Dont Surf00
436.Chicago Jake: If I had a tumor, I'd name it Marla.Chicago Jake00
437.Could be a bad year for game show hosts?Maryjo8000
438.Crash and BurnTwilight is Near00
439.Death- Broken WingsJayRockers!00
440.Did Anyone Else Immediately Think of Sonny Bono?Number1User00
441.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit or Dead and FamousFrankJac00
442.DNR/DNI 1Nurseboy00
443.DX Rob IDX Rob00
444.EMFC The Croaked Have Me StokedEMFCoffin00
445.EMFC The Underground NetworkEMFCoffin00
446.Falling StarsNick ‘n Beth00
447.Feasting Maggots 3Feasting Maggots00
448.Future Dead PeopleClever Team Name00
449.Get up Stand up 2014Sgrayva00
450.Giving the FC Something to DoDGD00
451.Guess Who Died? 2ZUSER0148400
452.Houd Dog Picks 2Hound dog00
453.I Can't Believe My Sister Beat Me to Deathlucky punk00
454.It's not a tumor NOTOneHungLow00
456.Just Bury Them Alreadyunusualpsycho00
457.Letting the Hubby Pick SomeEuthanasia00
458.M.H. Pick 1Cosmo Underground00
459.Martin's Maybe'swsprotte00
460.Miracle Grow Secret IngredientEvil Lemons00
461.Moldy WomenAmy Sue00
462.Neidermeyer.... DEAD!!Boner Stabone00
463.New Years Last CallStevenHibbs00
464.Notorious R.I.P.Radler00
465.Old BallsBrown Widow00
466.Old is the new DEADChris Goulart00
467.Porricelli ListMichaelgp00
468.Primary 2014 Listonyx278300
469.Roll of the DiceBetter Dig Two00
470.Saw The Light #1SAW THE LIGHT00
472.Someone and The Somethingsgg4632100
474.That WAS Entertainment 2014Filmslave00
475.The Best is yet to end!Pooky00
476.The Heart Isn't Normal When It StopsNumber1User00
477.This'll happen.RcktManIL00
478.Tony's DeadMaster Nubbins00
479.Trautz' Choir InvisibleTeamTrautz00
480.We Finally Got Bush!!!Pokey2200
481.Zsa Zsa gets a break this time.Maryjo8000


Guess the Stiff!

It's the darndest thing - he's dead.

(d) May 26th, 2010