John McCain has been played on 421 lists, including 371 lists in The 2018 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.DePressED 08DePressED634
2.Tuning Outabone538
3.DJ Badger says DIE DIE DIE DIE DIEDJ Badger537
4.Charlie Don't Surf with Lily ThaiCharlie Dont Surf535
5.Charlie Don't Surf with Lucy ThaiCharlie Dont Surf535
6.Daisy A Day DearDePressED535
7.Little Jiving On A Saturday NightDePressED532
8.Old and Not So Old Blisstersrjb121162532
10.Life Elevated3Cheswick531
11.News Is Blue, The News Is BlueDePressED531
12.DePressED 12DePressED529
13.DePressED 03DePressED526
14.DePressED 04DePressED524
15.DePressED 05DePressED521
16.Birds Never Look Into The SunDePressED434
17.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit 1FrankJac433
18.Charlie Don't Surf with Charmaine StarCharlie Dont Surf432 park ranger 1memorialparkranger431
20.More Old Blisstersrjb121162431
21.Xtreme DeadpoolingDePressED430
22.Martha PearlDiane429
23.Spoiler Alert: Everyone Dies in the EndMichenley429
24.Stefan Karl Stefansson is famous and you assholes know itCzechpointChrly429
25.The Good Die Young VIIITimur428
26.Don't fear the reaper 2Toe Tagged Luminary427
27.Susie Sicko 2Susie Sicko427
28.There Is No EliteDePressED427
29.When When You\'re Gambling Cards On Love You PlayDePressED427
30.Don't Fear the ReaperMOJO426
31.Got To Move To The Trick Of The BeatDePressED426
32.In Memory of ShivaMissAndyWarhol426
33.Spin the ChoiceGerard Tierney426
34.Susie Sicko 1Susie Sicko426
35.Team Formalin II Who'll Be the Next in Line?anarchess426
36.Death Rattle Dem Bonesanarchess425
37.Life Elevated2Cheswick425
38.McCain and DisableBetter Off Dead425
39.Pushing Up Daisiesnrubsol425
40.Bring out yer deadMr Happy424
41.Charlie Don't Surf with Mika TanCharlie Dont Surf424
42.DePressED 09DePressED424
43.DJ Badger's wife Lanna also says DIEDJ Badger424
44.JoeRamAdios Amigos424
45.Life Elevated1Cheswick424
46.Baltimore Sunpapers SuckBigdaddy423
47.cheryl's morbidity challengeEuro-trash423
48.CoffinRattler - Ancientcoffinrattler423
49.Damn Near Dead IIBada Bing423
50.In Through the Out Doorptgkc423
51.Is it dead yet?Dead Person Specialist, E423
52.Shit BaggedRed Rooster423
53.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail423
54.Anarchy Tastes Like PizzaAnarchy and a biscuit422
55.Deader Than a Doornailsplendiddead422
56.Does the City of Los Angeles count as famous?USER02524422
57.Old Blisstersrjb121162422
59.Is PeopleSoylentGreen420
60.Knockin' on Heavens DoorBuck420
62.Festering Boil Pus 4USER00119419
63.Time for Betty whiteElster000419
64.tom's stiff picksEuro-trash419
65.Venus LovemotionDePressED419
66.Feasting Maggots 1 The GeezersFeasting Maggots418
67.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost418
68.Dicks out for Harambechick813417
69.Epoch TexasEpoch Texas417
70.Goodbye, Farewell, and Amenphotosurrealism417
71.The 2018 ListLord Dickerson417
72.CoffinRattler - Almost Therecoffinrattler326
73.Xyla PhoneyGhoulash326
74.A Grateful Deadhead 2018Judysomething325
75.A Nod's as Good as a Wink to a Dead Guyhenryflowr325
76.And Then There Were NoneDePressED325
79.CoffinRattler - Good Sportscoffinrattler325
80.Festering Boil Pus 2USER00119325
81.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl325
83.time marches onmirandate325
84.Anarchy and a Biscuit #2Anarchy and a biscuit324
85.Betsy's mostly republicansBetsy324
86.Death By Pinocle 4oregontrail324
87.DePressED 01DePressED324
88.JoeG12018Joe G324
89.Kiss 'Em GoodbyeThe Pundertaker324
91.Something is Terriblelittle terr324
92.Welcome to the party, palrchand324're dead to metheappointment324
94.Alive & Kickin'XCheckmate323
95.Betsy's bodiesBetsy323
96.Better here tha PhiladelphiaDead Eye Jack323
97.Deadly DebutanteDeadly Debutante323
98.Feed The Treeaudioboss323
99.Festering Boil Pus 1USER00119323
100.For Whom the Bell TollsChris Goulart323
101.I got worms.CBS323
102.Inglorious BasterdsAndrew Edling323
104.Death Race 2018USER02395322
105.Doctor of Death 3the doctor of death322
106.Helton ShelterMissAndyWarhol322
107.Ig's list of stiffs 2The Ig322
108.Kirk Out...Better Off Dead322
109.MausoleakumUncle Stiffy322
111.Roberta McCain Is a Week Older Than Arizonaalan smithee322
112.Stranger Blue Leave Us AloneDePressED322
113.Susie Sicko 3Susie Sicko322
114.Ta da dead!Dead Person Specialist, E322
115.Time's Up, Better Luck This Yearptgkc322
116.Anarchy is FunAnarchy and a biscuit321
117.Anarchy Loves CompanyAnarchy and a biscuit321
118.Blake's Old Male BonesMr. Blake321
119.Bugs and Bones 3Bugs and Bones321
120.dead presidents 1SBUMP2321
121.Dr Charles Krauthammer was famousPHALEX321
125.Not Sleep Foreverresurgemus321
126.Old is never fasionable so please go awayChris Goulart321
127.R Lee 2018azabachenegro321
128.Raindog's Rain of Deathraindog321
129.The Game of LifeUSER02045321
130.10 Bodies for Death on the Wall, If 1 Body Should Happen to Fall...Poolman66320
131.10 Deadly SinsBridgcorp320
132.Better Luck This TimeCrys320
133.Charlie Don't Surf with Asa AkiraCharlie Dont Surf320
134.DePressED 10DePressED320
136.Jackalope Ghost II -- Johnny Ramone's LamentJackalope_Ghost320
137.morgue than readywildrush320
138.Tumor Makes a Does-InTumor_Makes_A_Does_In320
139.Two McCains Too Many !!!Wormicelli320
140.!!!!! Albrecht Says Die 3Albrecht319
141.10 Deadly Sins 3Bridgcorp319
142.All That CremainsCheckingOut319
143.Basically our 2008 list.Sarkon319
144.Cartman- A Bitter EndCARTMAN319
145.Celebrity Dumpster DiverUSER00164319
146.dead presidentsSBUMP2319
147.dead presidents 2SBUMP2319
148.Dead Skeleton1BCeltics319
149.Death By Pinocle 3oregontrail319
150.Death where is thy Sting!trashking319
152.Donne In 2018splittertogo319
153.Dying like Hot CakesFootwedge319
154.John D. Smiley 2018 1st Listjohndsmiley319
155.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2018calvey319
156.Lady Caroline MuffmuncherDePressED319
157.Loki 1Loki319
161.Sled dog 1sleddog319
162.Team Formalin Face Downanarchess319
163.The Tampa Bay BuccaneersDePressED319
164.They all fall downdisplayname007319
166.You gotta bereave!Footwedge319
167.100 Reasons to DieThe Force is Deathening318
168.72 Virginsbridgy318
169.DeathBy Pinocle 2oregontrail318
170.DePressED 11DePressED318
171.JoeRam2Adios Amigos318
172.SANTINO, DON'T INTERFEREFrankie Pentangeli318
173.Swims with the FishesFootwedge318
174.Swing Low...your chariot is hereUSER02223318
175.The Onset of Gangrene in '18Scott in Philly318
176.Charlie Don't Surf with Tera PatrickCharlie Dont Surf317
178.Mr. Stiffs PicksMr. Stiffs317
179.Not Dead Yet VIIITimur317
180.Sex behind the TombstonesAmazing Johnny317
181.The AristocratsNarwal Bacon317
182.Victory AND Death 1Shams317
183.Zsigmond FolliesGhoulash317
184.10 Deadly Sins 2Bridgcorp316
185.Dee Parted 2JoanCrawfordsMakeupBag316
186.DePressED 07DePressED316
187.Il Buono, il Brutto, il Cattivo 2018AngelEyesGBU316
188.Quoth the ravenLaurencedemedici316
189.Smoking Bacon Will Cure ItStop Shaking the Ladder316
191.Bugs and Bones 2Bugs and Bones315
192.Cemetery Girls 2Cemetery Girls315
193.Daisey Pusherssquidly766315
194.Dee Parted 1JoanCrawfordsMakeupBag315
195.Heltmerz WeltschmerzMissAndyWarhol315
196.Lights Out in 2018Joker315
197.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost315
198.Master Debaters IStromThurmond69315
199.DePressED 06DePressED314
200.Knock Knockin' on Heavens DoorBuck314
201.Soul HuntersHunterbeer314
202.The El Bobboel bobbo314
203.Cancer is the AnswerTumor_Makes_A_Does_In313
204.Don't fear the reaperSmurfducky313
205.Jim's Leftovers OneBunn's Bones To Be313
206.The Old FartsCantStandCorky313
207.A Bunch of Old PeopleSatiricalAlexandria312
208.Good Grave-yBwildered312
210.Ryan AdamsWhoIsNext2018312
212.Don't Let us Get Sick, Don't Let us Get Oldthedeadmanshand310
213.A Fate Worse Than Death - Centenarian EditionSanta Fe Syndicate39
214.picso 13theappointment38
215.2018 can only be better, right?mirandate219
216.Charlotte's Dead and Helen's ReadyBetter Off Dead219
217.Dead Suthern RosesSuthernGraveyard219
218.Death Becomes YouThe Force is Deathening219
219.Death March 21BCeltics219
220.Death wish 2018DeathWish219
221.Don't fear the reaper 1Toe Tagged Luminary219
222.Erika Anne Cut Off Her HeadBuffiedee219
223.Fifty Shades of DeadMr Bungle219
224.going up no going downSummergone219
225.Good and the badMerrickDragoon219
226.Grimey reaper 3grimyreaper219
227.Neidermeyer.....?!?!?! DEAD!!!Boner Stabone219
228.Only good Politician is a Dead PoliticianAmy Sue219
229.Sad SongSLM219
230.What you talking about, Willis?aladas21219
231.Deep StateSunshine Up My Skirt218
232.Don't Pee On My Leg and Call It RainBea Hind218
233.My3jacks 2018- list 3my3jacks218
234.Okinawa Death Squad1BCeltics218
235.The SwampDade City Death218
238.assman 2berg1199217
239.Damn Near DeadBada Bing217
240.Death March1BCeltics217
241.Don't Respond to MessagesCounty Corpse House217
244.GOP and Gayjimmyclay217
245.Grimey reaper 1grimyreaper217
246.JoeRam3Adios Amigos217
247.Not Feeling WellBada Bing217
249.Politics Will Be the Death of Youthedeadmanshand217
250.Sweatin' BECAUSE They're Oldies!Margo Channing217
252.Year of the Big Death 6Hugh G. Wrekshun217
254.Cartman- NE 34 ATL 28CARTMAN216
255.Croakers #1More Beer216
256.Death's door!Dead Person Specialist, E216
257.Dee Parted 3JoanCrawfordsMakeupBag216
258.DePressED 02DePressED216
259.DucksPanama Luke216
261.Rat Bastards 3Rat Bastard216
262.Sic Transit 1sictransit216
263.Sled dog 3sleddog216
264.So dead, so oldDead Person Specialist, E216
265.This is the endOnce upon a time...216
267.A1 listTomtsled215
268.Barry D LiveUncle Stiffy215
269.Dumpster fire year 3mirandate215
270.Grimey reaper 2grimyreaper215
271.I Hate Authority!!Sheik's List215
272.McCain is Unable...To Live!!!Radler215
273.Plots OpenYoungFreund215
274.Sal-N-BettsSal & Barb215
276.Will they have one more birthday first?exilion215
277.Dead fun!Dead Person Specialist, E214
278.Dear Mr. Henshaw: I'M DEAD!Bea Hind214
279.Letem Croak and Eat emdEAD ON a dOOr NaiL214
280.Master Debaters IIIStromThurmond69214
282.But George... THAT'S not Ramona!Margo Channing213
283.Dead as a doorknobshroom213
284.Dead Headed StrangerBea Hind213
285.DXRob IDX Rob213
286.Get Rich or Die Tryin\'Drop-ins Welcome213
287.Horizontally YoursBarker J. Wagtail213
288.It's all over nowSmurfducky213
289.Jenny Was SweetDePressED213
291.The Political EndNVRGVUP213
293.Alexa, who is going to die?Flying Asian Carp212
294.Anarchy and a Biscuit #3Anarchy and a biscuit212
295.bonnie and clydeThe Shadow212
296.Cemetery Girls 5Cemetery Girls212
297.Grim Reaper 1TheGrimReaper212
298.Ig's list of stiffs 3The Ig212
300.Old Bucket Listptgkc212
301.Poor HarryVaGentry212
302.Satan's Waitin'Barker J. Wagtail212
303.We'll Meet AgainBea Hind212
304.A shot in the darkNVRGVUP211
305.A Thousand Grabs Of AssBea Hind211
306.All lights are out.The rebel.211
307.Collaborative listScornForSega211
308.Craokers #3More Beer211
309.Death Be Not Proud IXTimur211
311.La Muerte Hora de MorirLaMuerte211
312.Leave the gun. Take the cannolitrojones211
313.Poke The Bear 1Poke the Bear211
314.serious issuesThe Shadow211
315.The best of the old people, plus AxlAndy211
316.The Political GraveyardChris Goulart211
317.Victory AND Death 2Shams211
318.Chicken at Tresky's # 1Chicken at Tresky's210
319.Closer to death than birthThe Shadow29
320.Joined The Choir Invisiblesplittertogo29
321.Auf Wiedersehen, Hundinnenbridgy27
322.Going... Going... GonChris Goulart27
323.1ajlposh 2ajlposh26
325.The unfortunate Anismus over Wohlert's graveonefunsob25
327.Sack-o-Stiffies '18VicLic223
329.Croakers #2More Beer110
330.Do it and decrease the surplus populationTwisted Freak110
331.DXRob IIIDX Rob110
332.Feasting Maggots 3 The DamnedFeasting Maggots110
333.grey skieskissoff44110
334.I Am WaitingBea Hind110
335.I was godawful last yearurbscholar110
336.Ie Shima Death Squad1BCeltics110
337.Knock knock...reaper callingDead Person Specialist, E110
338.McCains and randomsRD02110
340.Sic Transit 3 Mostly by the Numberssictransit110
341.Survivors (for now)zenomax110
342.Teen Titans DieBigdaddy110
344.we'll seekissoff44110
345.Come on 007displayname00719
346.Daisy push-upsdisplayname00719
347.Kiss My Asszombie lover19
348.Ten Funerals 1Jerrytopdown19
349.Death by Pinocle 1oregontrail18
350.Death March 31BCeltics18
351.The Clock is Tickingchriscott9718
354.Don't fear the reaper 3Toe Tagged Luminary17
356.You be done3Dirtdiggindogs17
357.Death- Put a Little Love in Your HeartJayRockers!16
358.A list to die for...Betsy15
361.MATTOID - Spanking the PoodleThe Mattoid14
362.Undead for nowzenomax14
363.Back from the GraveMarvin Dorfler13
364.Rastalls - all the 90's with classRastalls13
365.LA LISTE DE JOJO 2018Meo12
366.MURPHY SELECT 2018Patrick W. Murphy12
367.Citrus Ruins EnamelEvil Lemons11
368.In the bagin the bag11


Guess the Stiff!

There once was a poet named Corso
who had a bad gland in his torso.
But, before cancer nailed him,
beat critics once hailed him
as, like, Kerouac, only more so.

(d) January 17th, 2001