Johnny Oates has been played on 1493 lists, including 270 lists in The March '02 Lee Jr..

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.EB 01: There Once WasE-Brake426
3.DePressED 2USER02659424
4.POPE 14USER02763424
6.EB 05: Rarely KickE-Brake421
7.Necro Phil Meets the Unknown CelebrityUSER01371326
8.EB 04: Whose Picks WouldE-Brake325
9.EB 08: She Cried YetE-Brake325
10.Circling VultureUSER00780323
11.DCB 5: In the Event Roone Arledge DiesUSER01330323
12.EB 02: A Girl FromE-Brake323
13.EB 03: NantucketE-Brake322
14.EB 06: The BucketE-Brake322
15.DCB 3: In the Event John Gotti DiesUSER03813321
16.EB 07: She Tried AndE-Brake321
17.PUTNAM'S UTICA CLUB HANGOVERPutnam's Tomahawk Chop321
18.Serpentine, Shelley!USER02755321
19.Vicious Piranha® The Rites Of SpringUSER02830321
20.X-10 Camera Actually Alien Death Ray DeviceTomtsled321
21.Doc--...I Wish I Was Sipowicz.Doc & DJ320
22.POPE 10USER00108320
23.Vicious Piranha® Lester Leaps InUSER02830320
26.Justin Hale 2USER02686319
27.POPE 11USER02763319
28.The Chick Magnet In His '79 Camaro 2USER02686319
29.FTG: A Penny Over The Crawling EyeFTG318
30.FTG: Guns, Guns, Who's Got The Guns?FTG318
32.The Chick Magnet In His '79 Camaro 1USER02686318
33.Vicious Piranha® Life And How To End ItUSER03886318
34.Vicious Piranha® Sid SingsUSER02830318
35.Vicious Piranha® The Brady BunchUSER02834318
36.Bart and DJ - Not inspired enough to be cleverUSER03852317
37.Gay Hemorrhoids: a.k.a. Speed Bumps 2USER03873317
38.Planet ClementiaUSER01123317
39.The 'O' Positive Future Boner Donor 1USER03881317
40.Vicious Piranha® Summers At P.N.C.USER02830317
41.Necro Phil Lays J LowUSER01371316
43.T. Switala 07USER00025315
44.Vicious Piranha® High And DryUSER02830315
45.Cherry RobertsDePressED314
46.Venus LovemotionDePressED314
47.Hugo Banzer Is FamousUSER00008313
48.Uncle Marty 3: Who's Your Gotti?USER02819313
49.Nurseboy's Ron Reagan ListNurseboy312
50.Just plain DJ's Eight Hours for What We WillUSER02716311
51.POPE 08USER00108219
52.Twist of FateUSER02722219
53.DCB 1: In the Event Jack Buck DiesUSER01330218
54.Doc--Norm McDonald Over Adam CarollaDoc & DJ218
55.I'm Your Hugo Banzer, Dancing For MoneyUSER03863218
56.Mum's The TurdUSER00008218
57.POPE 09USER00108218
58.Time For Uncle TiltieUSER00008218
59.Tsuga - Alive and KickingUSER00039218
60.Wun Hung Lo 1USER02686218
61.Wun Hung Lo 2USER02686218
62.Wun Hung Lo 3USER02686218
63.Bart and DJ - Ixney on the ReathebeUSER01577217
64.DCB 2: In the Event Ted Williams DiesUSER01330217
65.Doc--Except You Honked the Fucking HornDoc & DJ217
66.Justin Hale 1USER02686217
67.Justin Hale 3USER02686217
68.POPE 01USER00108217
69.POPE 13USER02763217
70.POPE 15USER02763217
71.Redsox Fan Time will tell1BCeltics217
72.The Chick Magnet In His '79 Camaro 3USER02686217
73.Tsuga - SevenUSER00039217
74.Tsuga - So AliveUSER00039217
75.DNR/DNI 1Nurseboy216
76.Doc--When Did Diabetes Become Such a Killer?USER02665216
77.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Bugles in the AfternoonFTG216
78.Gay Hemorrhoids: a.k.a. Speed Bumps 1USER01531216
79.Gay Hemorrhoids: a.k.a. Speed Bumps 3USER03874216
80.Gotti Get Me Some Of ThatUSER00008216
81.Pepster 1USER01583216
82.The 'O' Positive Future Boner Donor 2USER03882216
83.The 'O' Positive Future Boner Donor 3USER02686216
84.Christopher Reeve 4USER00020215
86.Doc--A Clockwork Orange SucksDoc & DJ215
87.EB 09: First Place WasE-Brake215
88.EB 13: Hell It's Just A GameUSER02678215
89.Heavens DoorknockersUSER01127215
90.Mandy's Lulu Of A ListUSER00008215
91.The Real Patsy In The Jon Benet CaseUSER00008215
92.Tsuga - Enjoy the SilenceUSER02817215
93.Vicious Piranha® Freddy Fender Must DieUSER03887215
94.Always Split AcesUSER02738214
95.And Then There Were NoneDePressED214
96.Billy, Oh Billy JackUSER00008214
98.Dr. Paul Shipherd's New Fail-SafeUSER00652214
99.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: A Real American HeroFTG214
100.M.I. Rich? At Times.USER00008214
101.Mafia Actuary 06: Ballgame OverUSER02727214
102.Mafia Actuary 11: Requiem in PaceUSER02726214
103.Mafia Actuary 14: Where do I mail the FC bribe?USER02726214
104.Pepster 4USER01583214
105.POPE 05USER00108214
106.POPE 06USER00108214
107.POPE 12USER02763214
108.Redsox Fan Don't cremate them in GA.1BCeltics214
109.Tonya SlickbootyDePressED214
110.Vicious Piranha® A Hit Is A HitUSER02830214
111.Vicious Piranha® Flushing The John'sUSER03885214
112.BUFF DADDY - Dahmer says it Tastes Like ChickenUSER03867213
113.DePressED 1DePressED213
114.DePressED 3DePressED213
115.Divad RelpmekUSER00750213
116.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: McCulloch TruckingFTG213
117.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Wild Blue YonderUSER03889213
118.Frankie 2DePressED213
119.Potted Plant 1USER03816213
121.Southern Fried StiffsUSER02722213
122.The CHOSENUSER00750213
123.Vicious Piranha® Beam Me Up, ScottyUSER02830213
124.Vicious Piranha® My Aim Is TrueUSER02830213
125.Vicious Piranha® Untamed HawkUSER01260213
126.DePressED 8USER03819212
129.DNR/DNI 2Nurseboy212
130.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: FootstepsFTG212
131.I Dunno Angie What Do You Wanna DoUSER02807212
132.Mafia Actuary 03: Jim, the grave is THIS wayUSER02727212
133.Mafia Actuary 04: The Provision gets tested USER02727212
134.Mafia Actuary 16: Yasser, That's my babyUSER02726212
135.Oh Johnny I Love Shelf PaperUSER00750212
136.Really Ready To Piss On Reagan's GraveUSER03472212
137.Vicious Piranha® Do Not ResescitateUSER02834212
138.Vicious Piranha® George Needs A Sitar PlayerUSER00965212
139.Vicious Piranha® I Am Just A PatsyUSER02823212
140.Vicious Piranha® The Back Of The BusUSER02830212
141.Vicious Piranha® The Dutch OvenUSER02830212
142.Christopher Reeve 3USER03844211
143.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Mountain Phil's Last ShotFTG211
144.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Take Out Enough to WinFTG211
145.Mafia Actuary 01: Cream of the Croaking CropUSER01375211
146.Nurseboy 1Nurseboy211
147.Nurseboy 2Nurseboy211
149.Road To RooneUSER00008211
150.T. Switala 12USER03810211
151.Vicious Piranha® My Last RequestUSER02830211
152.Zuckers is mmm mmm Good!USER03814211
153.DePressED 5USER02660210
154.Mafia Actuary 07: Britney's greatgrandmum-in-lawUSER02726210
155.T. Switala 03USER02799210
156.T. Switala 08USER00025210
157.Tsuga - Ashes to AshesUSER00039210
158.Uncle Marty 2: Ot Ock AladUSER02819210
159.Vicious Piranha® KnuckleballUSER02830210
160.BUFF DADDY - Blinded by the LightUSER0131529
161.Christopher Reeve 2USER0002029
162.Frankie 1USER0381829
163.Skool Bird's DadUSER0099929
164.Christopher Reeve 1USER0002027
165.DePressED 6DePressED26
166.All That JazzUSER00008110
167.Bart and DJ - The Ray Brent Marsh Fantasy Tool SheDoc & DJ110
168.Carter For PresidentUSER00008110
169.Cartman-Teddy Bats CleanupUSER01013110
170.Cartman-Ten People I've Never MetUSER01013110
171.Christopher Reeve 5USER00020110
172.Day After Goose Fly SouthUSER03864110
178.Doc--That Guinea Better Die SoonDoc & DJ110
179.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Loose Pussy? Not to meUSER03822110
180.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Minsky's RaidedUSER03827110
181.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Wake of the Red BitchFTG110
182.How's It Goin' Eisenhower?USER00008110
183.In The Event Bob Hope DiesUSER00008110
184.Late SlotUSER02755110
185.Laughlin Out LoudUSER02755110
186.Letter Opener of Death 2ed head110
187.Mafia Actuary 02: Farewell, Teflon MuteUSER03880110
188.Mafia Actuary 10: Lester/Hayes interception!USER02726110
189.Otis, You Want A Treat?USER00008110
190.Pam's GrandUSER00008110
191.Pepster 5USER01583110
192.Pepster 6USER01583110
193.Pepster 7USER00965110
194.Please Pass Away PaponUSER00008110
195.POPE 03USER00108110
196.POPE 07USER00108110
197.Pound For Pound, An Impressive ListUSER03838110
198.Re-Education CommitteeUSER03884110
199.Sonny Drysdale's GraduationFTG110
201.T. Switala 09USER03812110
202.T. Switala 10USER01591110
203.T. Switala 11USER01591110
204.Teddy EndgameUSER02780110
205.The Abominable Snowman of the HimalayasFTG110
206.The Elusive 10-For-10 PerfectoUSER00008110
207.Those Who Are Tardy Do Not Get Fruit CupUSER00750110
208.Wheel of FortuneUSER02722110
209.Who The Hell Is Larry Kramer?USER00008110
210.World's Deadest HumansUSER02722110
211.You Can Call Me BettyUSER03835110
212.You Need A Johnson To Win In This LeagueUSER00008110
213.A Strange Man Defecated On My SisterUSER0075019
214.Barbie SpreadumDePressED19
215.DePressED 7DePressED19
216.Frank de Kova's Ghost: Wise Old Hekawi SayingFTG19
217.Hugo Banzer Is Not FamousUSER0000819
218.Lester And Johnny Were LoversUSER0383319
219.Lester Flatt? No, Lester Maddox.USER0000819
220.Letter Opener of Death 1ed head19
221.Lords of the FliesUSER0067319
222.Mafia Actuary 09: In case the masses are rightUSER0272619
223.Mafia Actuary 12: Say Hi to Lindsey NelsonUSER0272619
224.Mafia Actuary 15: I hate Illinois NazisUSER0272619
225.NVN: Obits waiting to happenUSER0274719
226.NVN: Stiffs in the atticNo Viagra Needed19
228.Redsox Fan Eternal SleepUSER0384919
229.Sarah SmileUSER0000819
230.Savannah StarUSER0381519
231.T. Switala 04USER0002519
232.T. Switala 05USER0002519
233.T. Switala 06USER0280019
234.Vicious Piranha® A Couple Dead CrackersUSER0283019
235.Vicious Piranha® Is Bashful Lee H's Pops?USER0283019
236.Vicious Piranha® Seashells And BalloonsUSER0283019
237.Vicious Piranha® Train In VainUSER0283019
238.Wounds My Heart With A Monotonous LanguorUSER0075019
239.DePressED 9DePressED18
240.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Chemo SabeFTG18
241.Lady Caroline MuffmuncherDePressED18
242.Mafia Actuary 05: I taught Pudge all he knowsUSER0272718
243.Mafia Actuary 08: Billy Jack, meet Billy WilderUSER0272718
244.Mafia Actuary 13: Dudley no MooreUSER0272618
245.NVN: your hearse is waitingNo Viagra Needed18
246.Redsox Fan 12th and final list1BCeltics18
247.T. Switala 02USER0159118
248.Uncle Marty 1: Throwing My Money AwayUSER0139218
249.A Genius Is A Guy Like Norman EinsteinUSER0280717
250.Bart and DJ - np - The StrokesUSER0157717
251.Cartman-People Die In Alphabetical OrderUSER0383417
252.Coatlicue-Do you remember Yama?USER0151317
253.Madam SpankalotDePressED17
254.Potted Plant 2DePressED17
255.DePressED 4DePressED16
256.Go See God- Last of the .400 hitters!USER0077916
257.Go See God- Two Thumbs DownUSER0077916
258.In Texas You Can Only Own 5 DildosUSER0075016
259.Beaver CleavageUSER0385915
260.BUFF DADDY Push the Little Daisies and Make 'em CUSER0131515
261.Chad - 7 J's All In A RowUSER0264415
262.Bottom of the NinthUSER0274913
263.The Tampa Bay BuccaneersDePressED11
264.Dr. Who - Rigor MortisUSER0014600
266.I Have Nipples Greg Could You Milk MeUSER0386500
267.Redsox Fan 41BCeltics00
268.Redsox Fan 61BCeltics00


Guess the Stiff!

Who loves ya, corpsey?

(d) January 22nd, 1994