Olivia de Havilland has been played on 3796 lists, including 263 lists in The 2016 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
2.Of Corpse You're Dead 4Shoeguy630
3.Sine Die: Stars and PolsSine Die626
4.Celebrity lives DONT matterSickle Cell - #2 cause of533
5.Of Corpse You're Dead 2Shoeguy528
6.Well nobody died did they? 1Archangel527
7.Death By Pinochle 1 2016oregontrail432
8.Susie's Dead WeightSusie Sicko430
9.Dropping Like FliesThe Coroner427
10.Craig and Alison's deadheadscchaynes426
11.Of Corpse You're Dead 3Shoeguy424
12.Toe TaggerWallbanger424
13.Two Whiteys!Justin9700424
14.Daisy A Day DearDePressED423
16.Bag it and tag it DuckyBig Guy422
17.Everyone Dies in the EndMichenley422
18.And now, the end is nearBuck421
19.Frankie 2DePressED420
20.Fredo Let's go FishingFredo let's go fishing420
21.Old Free Bucketptgkc420
22.time outdisplayname007420
23.Toe Tagger TooWallbanger420
24.Little Jivin' On A Saturday NightDePressED417
25.Opie's Murder by Slingshot-Blinkin's MomKudsKroakers413
26.1 fucking STIFF in 2 god damn years FMLFroggyB325
27.Making This Boneyard Great AgainFMCDH323
28.Older than Dirtmohrt322
29.Pack of Pickled PeppersPickle322
30.Ruck 2016USER00186322
31.Femmes Fatals -16Ranger275321
32.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost321
33.Lots o' old and sick bastards VIIIBJCx78321
34.Heywood Jablome XXIUSER00119320
35.MrJeff2000's Fossils of Fate '16mrjeff2000320
37.Pretty Please??BairBones320
38.2015's Runners-upJohnHines319
39.Bottoms Up!addier319
40.Bucket KickersUtica Dave319
41.Dead Is As Dead DoesBison319
42.Deadly DebutanteDeadly Debutante319
44.Is PeopleSoylentGreen319
45.George's Corpses #1BodyFarmBound318
46.I feel like this is the yearcarseycritter318
47.I'm too old for this shit!Justin9700318
48.Kiss My Dead AssDead Person Specialist, E318
49.Repblican Debate Late NightUSER00562318
51.To Die Forgdm318
52.Win one for the wallet!razorben318
53.Death.. Time To Get Them!!!People Meat317
54.Fettucine al DeadoMarkMx317
55.Orange You Glad I'm Dead?Bea Hind317
56.Pepe's JeffeLucifer's Marionette317
57.six feet underbjaskols317
58.Better Luck This Yearptgkc316
59.Crimes and Misdemeanorslucky punk316
61.Joes Dead DicksDirtyDESDAVE316
62.Mom and Elizabeth 2016kristi316
64.Nevermore enquirer list 2016nevermore316
65.Christie's Dead Poolchriscott97315
66.Damn Near Dead IIBada Bing315
67.Ferry Road FlyerTrout315
68.Fitzy's wish list IPhitz1315
69.Goodfellaslucky punk315
70.Hall of famersThe Shadow315
71.The Deadly Vagina MonologuesEvil Lemons315
72.bye-bye 02TenPaces314
73.IAGO 2IAGO314
75.Sand Mountain Bucket ListWallbanger314
76.Say Hi to Elvis #2 2016Spudboy314
77.Blake's Bones 1Mr. Blake313
78.Cemetery Girls 5Cemetery Girls313
79.Corpses everywhere and not a drop to drinkmikegldn313
80.George's Corpses #2BodyFarmBound313
82.SirDrexl's StiffsSirDrexl313
83.they are oldFrogSoda313
84.60 Feet UnderDead and Loving It312
85.Click here if you want to be my prison bitchzombie lover312
86.The Clock is Ticking 2chriscott97311
87.Potts Kitchen & BaconMarkMx310
88.TomB Raters 2015TomB rater 666310
89.Go ahead and drink the kool aidzombie lover39
90.Poor Kittylindbergh38
91.They Gotta Die SometimeDave38
92.Bought The East Hill Farmsplittertogo37
94.Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and DieMKD1226219
95.Xtreme DeadpoolingDePressED219
96.Charlie Don't Surf with Sharon TayCharlie Dont Surf218
97.CONCRETE SHOESConcrete Shoes218
98.You're alive...WHY?????GhettoZombie218
100.Death- Wild ThingJayRockers!217
101.Dust to DollarsDRave13217
102.Easy Come Easy Goanother 1 bites the dust217
103.Hollywood & Pennsylvania AveBack to the Dead Life217
104.Pushing up Daisies 2016nrubsol217
105.Rastall Reaping 2016 IIIRastalls217
106.Turn Me On, Dead ManUSER01515217
107.A bunch of old assholesTwilight is Near216
108.Aids FistYour Mom216
109.Dead on SurvivalThe Gilberator216
110.Entertainers and Personalitiesthedeadmanshand216
112.Michael Jackson Lives in AustraliaMJ Lives216
113.Prince Sirki's HolidayPrince Sirki216
114.2016 Invational Dead Pool (Winning this time).onyx2783215
115.Cartman- The Stiffs.com OaksCARTMAN215
118.Feasting Maggots 2 The GeezersFeasting Maggots215
120.NO SHAMEUSER00809215
121.They're dead, JimMr Bungle215
122.Will Chillequestzim7215
123.life suckstowelielife214
125.Phillys Dead FishPhillys Fish214
127.The Regulator ListWarren G214
128.DANCING on WOHLERTS grave.....onefunsob213
129.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit #1FrankJac213
130.Just Die AlreadyDirtyDESDAVE213
131.Lights Out Joker 1Joker213
132.No Chance In Hell 3toomanycards213
133.Sine Die: Atropos To Do ListSine Die213
134.The Fountain of Youth 2016Lord Dickerson213
135.They OldFrogSoda213
136.Trout's Dead BitchesTrout213
137.WAS 2016 - DVHUSER02593213
138.Xyla PhoneyGhoulash213
139.youre really dead to metheappointment213
140.30 years ago this was funnierMarkMx212
141.Carpe Dead'emdoorma212
142.Cartman- Winging ItCARTMAN212
143.Female FreundsYoungFreund212
144.George's Corpses #3BodyFarmBound212
145.Jim's New ListBunn's Bones To Be212
147.Looking Kinda' BlueDead Person Specialist, E212
149.vertical smilesFootwedge212
150.Victory AND Death 1Shams212
151.! Algor Mortis - Ladies Die Firstnightjy211
152.99 dead balloonsThe Shadow211
153.Belezebrah (Graham's Crackers edition)unit13211
154.Blood Bath & BeyondBloodbath & Beyond211
155.Come On I Wanna See Em In a MausolieumEdRulz211
156.Downs... For The CountBea Hind211
157.Groundhog Daylucky punk211
158.In Through the Out Doorptgkc211
159.Jill's Bad Karma Predictionsjchudson68211
160.Moraxian - The Game RoomMoraxian211
162.Que So Long, So LongPozzo211
163.Reap Em and Weep #1USER00557211
164.Stiff HuxtableJustin9700211
165.Thelma Rice had her legs waxedlindbergh211
166.Daisey Pusherssquidly766210
167.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl210
168.La Muerte Die Already, Dammit!LaMuerte210
169.Not a list you would like to be one.Maryjo80210
170.Stop alreadyNVRGVUP210
171.Betsy's bodies.. to be died later but still this yearBetsy29
172.Death Fest 2016CheckingOut29
174.HAPPY DEATH DAYThe rebel.29
176.This is so wrong!Nipper29
177.~Teflon Dead Chewin' Tobaccy~Embalmination829
178.Digger ODell 2Digger O Dell 1028
179.Lady's First (Watch Your Step By That Hole)Dick Rotten28
180.Martha's listMartha28
181.Shitter's Full!tkdmel28
182.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail28
183.bye-bye 01 (Mary helped)TenPaces27
184.Fill In My Toe TagDick Rotten27
186.Teen Library CorpseCheckingOut27
188.Beyond Over The HillTrinettRae26
189.Ghoul Girl IIIGhoul Girl26
190.Luck B A Stiffy Tonightmommyster26
191.Our Ten Funerals 2Jerrytopdown26
192.Au Revoir, Shoshanna!tkdmel25
193.Cash from Cancer: a Coney Island of the CorpseCash From Cancer25
194.Heywood Jablome XIXUSER0011925
195.A Fate Worse Than Death_MMXVISanta Fe Syndicate24
196.A Death Pool Gambler 2016bDeath pool gambler110
197.Dick_Trickles Lives!!digginsjp110
198.Die Listshroom110
199.Diggin' Up Bones AgainJagrnut110
201.It's not the cancer that will kill himurbscholar110
203.killer advocate 2-15 prezlaptoplg110
204.MBalmed - Oldies But GoodiesMBalmed110
205.Pennies on your Eyesdoorma110
206.Take Dick Cheney with Youdoorma110
207.2016 2: The Revenge (of mortality)mirandate19
208.Bone Oui! It's a Z! Violins for Prinze Fredbonevoyage19
209.Counting Bodies Like SheepDGambrinus19
210.Daves Dead DicksDirtyDESDAVE19
211.Go Go GoNVRGVUP19
212.Herb's Lucky 10del bird19
213.Notorious R.I.P.Radler19
214.Sweetie's ChoiceDingus919
215.Take Her Upstairs. Get Her A DoctorFrankie Pentangeli19
216.WAH 2016 - #1USER0259319
217.Welcome to the party, palrchand19
218.Zsa Zsa, Meet Run RunNick ‘n Beth19
220.Bone Chic! Pierre C. & Gloria V.bonevoyage18
221.Inherit the Windlucky punk18
222.Obamacare death listLpb18
223.Some really old peoplemoribundus18
224.And so I face the final curtainBuck17
226.rlpx 2016azabachenegro17
227.goddammit 1goddammit16
228.I really hope no one goes on this list!Chris Goulart16
229.Rat Bastards 2Rat Bastard16
230.Drop Dead 1Drop Dead15
231.Erika Anne Has A ChainsawBuffiedee15
232.Is it time for a dirt nap 2016?exilion15
233.Krem's Most Wanted (To Die)Krem9915
234.Cash from Cancer: The White Bones of VeraCash From Cancer14
235.DEAD BEETSHeart Stopper14
236.Dead From The Waist DownUSER0151514
237.Republican Slippy-Fist AKA Watergate AheadEmbalmination814
238.Sal-n-BettsSal & Barb14
239.Two Days Older Than Dirt !!DEEJ14
240.2015's OldestJohnHines13
241.breath deep the gathering gloomReaper Crew13
242.Chilly Dead 2chillybilly13
243.Donne In!splittertogo13
244.Dr of Death 1the doctor of death13
245.Expiration Date 12.31.15Pokey2213
246.LA LISTE DE MEO 2016Meo13
247.Live Free Or DieRobin13
248.Stacking the Deck ChairsHugh G. Wrekshun13
249.Tic Tag Toeroderner13
250.A Bunch of Old FartsDr. Who12
251.One Last TimeUSER0035312
252.Stones Girl for 2016Stones Girl12
253.This time for sure Zsa ZsaElster00012
254.At the TollboothFredo let's go fishing11
255.Let's Just GO, Already!humanmeal11
256.We have a winnerAltois11
257.Baltimore Sunpapers suckBigdaddy00
258.CHAD - Jim Jim Jimmy, Jim Jim Jimmy, Jim Jim Jimmy!CHAD00
260.Not Dead Yet VITimur00
262.That WAS Entertainent 2016aFilmslave00
263.we already went to heavendisplayname00700


Guess the Stiff!

Smile! You're dead!

(d) September 5th, 1999