Nancy Reagan has been played on 2485 lists, including 240 lists in The 2016 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
2.Sine Die: Stars and PolsSine Die626
3.Celebrity lives DONT matterSickle Cell - #2 cause of533
4.Sorely missedmoribundus531
5.Susie's One Deadbeat OffSusie Sicko528
6.Well nobody died did they? 1Archangel527
7.Cheswick44 Top TenCheswick525
8.News Is Blue, The News Is BlueDePressED523
9.Susie's Dead RingersSusie Sicko523
11.I taunted Zsa Zsa's daughter, then she diedUSER02524520
12.Aren't they gone yet?RcktManIL430
13.Susie's Dead WeightSusie Sicko430
14.Dirt NappersTaugh429
15.asses to ashesdoorma428
17.they gone 3fouriikc428
18.Dropping Like FliesThe Coroner427
19.knock knock your deadFootwedge427
20.Zsa Zsa, come on already!Zsa Zsa's Toe Tag427
21.deathbitch Rides againhPIANOGIRL425
22.Call on Mealan smithee424
24.You made the list!AdamTheO423
25.Bag it and tag it DuckyBig Guy422
27.Everyone Dies in the EndMichenley422
28.Zsa Zsa, you've pissed me off!Fred’s422
30.And now, the end is nearBuck421
31.Putting the Fun in Funeralbrianp88421
32.Fredo Let's go FishingFredo let's go fishing420
33.Herm BoolieHerm Boolie420
34.Old Free Bucketptgkc420
35.time outdisplayname007420
36.Toe Tagger TooWallbanger420
37.Who ya gonna call?JESUSCHRISTALMIGHTY420
38.Death Rattle II: Out with the old, I say!anarchess419
39.Famous Fossils 1Hugh G. Wrekshun419
40.Worm Farmer's Ultimate Worm FoodWorm Farmer419
41.IAGO 1IAGO416
42.LA LISTE DE FRANK 2016Meo416
43.Dutch's TreatBea Hind415
44.Are You People Ever Gonna CroakNascar912414
46.bye-bye 03 (lots o' Charlie)TenPaces326
47.Our Ten Funerals 1Jerrytopdown324
48.Croakers,#1More Beer323
49.Deader than a doornailcarseycritter323
50.Death By Pinochle List 3 2016oregontrail323
51.Making This Boneyard Great AgainFMCDH323
52.Cheswick44 Top Ten 2Cheswick322
53.Dust to dustchick813322
54.Fatal ArrangementJanisdoll322
55.Lemmy Died; who cares #2More Beer322
56.Ruck 2016USER00186322
57.Cheswick44 Top Ten 3Cheswick321
58.DEathbitch Rides againPIANOGIRL321
60.Femmes Fatals -16Ranger275321
61.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost321
62.Lots o' old and sick bastards VIIIBJCx78321
63.Coffin CornerDRave13320
64.Death Wish 2016DeathWish320
65.Heywood Jablome XXIUSER00119320
66.MrJeff2000's Fossils of Fate '16mrjeff2000320
67.Pretty Please??BairBones320
68.Saggy boobs and dragging balls!uselessexistence320
70.Vadnelly VoodoosVadnelly Voodoos320
71.2015's Runners-upJohnHines319
72.Deadly DebutanteDeadly Debutante319
73.Die already Zsa ZsaDoctor Arcane319
74.Droppin' Like FliesThe Coroner319
76.Grimey reaper 2grimyreaper319
77.Is PeopleSoylentGreen319
78.Skunkhair 2016 #1Skunkhair 2013319
79.Aknauf D List 2016aknauf318
80.George's Corpses #1BodyFarmBound318
81.Kiss My Dead AssDead Person Specialist, E318
83.One way ticketBonusPants318
84.pisco 13theappointment318
86.Zsa Zsa -- Really, it's time...Deckhawk318
87.Ashes to Asheschick813317
88.Death.. Time To Get Them!!!People Meat317
89.If Zsa Zsa doesn't kick it I'm gonna be pissedcarseycritter317
90.Old BallsBrown Widow317
91.Rat Bastards 1Rat Bastard317
92.Soul HuntersHunterbeer317
93.Better Luck This Yearptgkc316
94.Breakfast Club ListBreakfast Club316
95.Crimes and Misdemeanorslucky punk316
96.Dead Know It SocietyDead and Loving It316
98.Jim' Leftovers 2Bunn's Bones To Be316
99.Joined The Choir Invisiblesplittertogo316
101.Show them the light!Rastafarian Mormon316
102.Zsa Zsa's Fabreze BathZsa Zsa's Toe Tag316
103.Christie's Dead Poolchriscott97315
104.Ferry Road FlyerTrout315
105.Hall of famersThe Shadow315
106.Not Looking GoodBengals311315
107.The Deadly Vagina MonologuesEvil Lemons315
108.#DeadLivesMatterBrown Widow314
109.Bring out yer deadMr Happy314
110.bye-bye 02TenPaces314
112.CHAD - One For The SeesawCHAD314
113.Daddy Likes Chocolate CherriesMonkfish314
114.DJ Badger: So long, MOM!DJ Badger314
115.How's Her Health?...She's OLD, THAT'S HER HEALTH!Embalmination8314
116.Sand Mountain Bucket ListWallbanger314
117.Say Hi to Elvis #2 2016Spudboy314
118.Blake's Bones 1Mr. Blake313
119.Cemetery Girls 5Cemetery Girls313
120.Corpses everywhere and not a drop to drinkmikegldn313
122.SirDrexl's StiffsSirDrexl313
123.they are oldFrogSoda313
124.Tsuga - Saddest SongTsuga313
125.Click here if you want to be my prison bitchzombie lover312
126.Luck B A Stiffy Tonight: Third Time's a Charmmommyster311
127.Politics and Mansonthedeadmanshand311
128.The Clock is Ticking 2chriscott97311
129.Death Race 2016USER0239539
130.Poor Kittylindbergh38
131.They Gotta Die SometimeDave38
132.Bought The East Hill Farmsplittertogo37
133.IAGO 3IAGO37
134.....And It's Deep Too!!!!Bison219
135.Death Pool Gamblers 2016cDeath pool gambler219
136.CONCRETE SHOESConcrete Shoes218
137.Bairly AliveBairlyAlive217
138.Death- Wild ThingJayRockers!217
139.Rastall Reaping 2016 IIIRastalls217
140.You win again, gravityPIxiaq217
141.A bunch of old assholesTwilight is Near216
142.Beast Mode KobbemanMaryjo80216
143.FLAT LINEHeart Stopper216
144.Michael Jackson Lives in AustraliaMJ Lives216
145.2016 Invational Dead Pool (Winning this time).onyx2783215
146.2016 Nixon Birthday invitesAndy215
147.B Grade BereavementsDemise Moore215
148.Cartman- The OaksCARTMAN215
151.Dr of Death 2the doctor of death215
152.Jackalope Ghost - Johnny Ramone's Wish ListJackalope_Ghost215
153.Lemmy is dead; who care#2More Beer215
155.NO SHAMEUSER00809215
156.They're dead, JimMr Bungle215
157.Up Up and AwayNick ‘n Beth215
158.killer advocate 2015 preslaptoplg214 suckstowelielife214
161.The Political GraveyardChris Goulart214
162.The Regulator ListWarren G214
163.DANCING on WOHLERTS grave.....onefunsob213
164.Dissonant Musingcemeterygates213
165.Do you really give a fuck?zombie lover213
166.No Chance In Hell 3toomanycards213
167.The Grass Is Always Greenergrassisalwaysgreener213
168.Trout's Dead BitchesTrout213
169.Xyla PhoneyGhoulash213
170.yeah yeah buh bye 3yeah yeah buh bye213
171.Death- FunkytownJayRockers!212
172.Fitzy's wish list IIPhitz1212
173.Hell No, DollyBea Hind212
175.Regrets, I've had a fewBuck212
177.Well nobody died did they? 2Archangel212
178.Young FreundYoungFreund212
179.! Algor Mortis - Ladies Die Firstnightjy211
180.80's Expiration DatesRastafarian Mormon211
181.Blood Bath & BeyondBloodbath & Beyond211
182.Can't hide foreverUSER00562211
183.Downs... For The CountBea Hind211
184.Freddie Gray's AnatomyDeath Row211
185.Hearse HeresayRichardHertz211
186.La Muerte Drop Dead!LaMuerte211
188.Reap Em and Weep #1USER00557211
189.Slippery When Deadcorq211
190.Stiff HuxtableJustin9700211
191.Wapner's OnDr. Who211
192.Birds Never Look Into The SunDePressED210
193.JoeG20163Joe G210
194.Lemmy is Dead, Who cares...More Beer210
195.Lucifer's KitchenLucifer's Marionette210
196.NR Fuck'em all List 4northern reaper210
197.NR Fuck'em all List 6northern reaper210
198.Betsy's bodies.. to be died later but still this yearBetsy29
199.Bodybags and Toe Tags IIItrojones29
200.Death Fest 2016CheckingOut29
201.Death-a-ramaCorpse Counter29
203.DJ Badger says DIE DIE DIE DIE DIEDJ Badger29
204.goddammit 2goddammit29
207.NR Fuck'em all List 62.5northern reaper29
208.Stem cellTwilight is Near29
209.The Force SleepsUSER0056229
210.~Teflon Dead Chewin' Tobaccy~Embalmination829
211.Death- Bang The Drum All DayJayRockers!28
212.Lady's First (Watch Your Step By That Hole)Dick Rotten28
214.Martha's listMartha28
215.Beyond Over The HillTrinettRae26
216.Ghoul Girl IIIGhoul Girl26
217.!!! ALBRECHT SAYS DIE 3Albrecht25
218.Heywood Jablome XIXUSER0011925
219.Ghoul Girl IIGhoul Girl110
220.WAH 2016 - #2USER02593110
221.A sure thingLobo19
222.leaders edition 2016bjaskols19
223.Take Her Upstairs. Get Her A DoctorFrankie Pentangeli19
224.Betsy's mostly republican listBetsy18
225.Bring out yer dead again pleaseMr Happy18
226.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit #5FrankJac18
228.Dream Teamtkdmel17
229.God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen and WomenTwisted Freak17
230.Lights Out Joker 3Joker17
231.rlpx 2016azabachenegro17
233.CHAD - 7 and a HalfCHAD15
234.Betsy's be died later..Betsy13
235.breath deep the gathering gloomReaper Crew13
236.Digger ODell 3Digger O Dell 1012
237.yeah yeah buh byeyeah yeah buh bye12
238.CHAD - Two The Hard WayCHAD11
239.Insatiablelucky punk11
240.Lady Caroline MuffmuncherDePressED11


Guess the Stiff!

Not anymore, he don't.

(d) August 1st, 2007