Fidel Castro has been played on 3598 lists, including 307 lists in The 2012 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.We need a mandatory Helmut lawBird742
2.TWGTDA - Three's a CrowdJMC10000731
3.Insert Clever List Name HereGregDean638
5.Return of the Dead GuysGregDean539
6.Generalisimo Francisco Franco is Still DeadBo Knows Death536
7.-Dewey-alan smithee535
8.Lynch MobTaugh534
9.DJ Badger: My wife Lanna says DIE!DJ Badger533
10.Birdman - time for the English Fly Catcher to goBird532
11.DNR/DNI 1Nurseboy530
12.Boomshadow - I Also Post as Newbielucky punk529
13.DNR/DNI 3Nurseboy529
14.You're plot awaits you!Fry's Crematorium529
15.Cadillac JCadillacJ524
16.DNR/DNI 2Nurseboy524
17.i cant pronounce it eitherBird433
18.Birdman - or stab the Doc and shoot the DJBird432
20.Death Soup: The Usual SuspectsMJ and Friends430
21.2 for the showTheOriginalDub429
22.Death Soup: Gross UrningsMJ and Friends429
23.Doin' it our wayBird429
24.home to jesusbjaskols429
25.IAGO 1IAGO429
26.My lists are the elixer for eternal lifeBird428
27.Rat Bastards 3Rat Bastard428
28.pauly shore will outlive us allUSER02524426
29.youre outwsprotte426
30.McSwindlers List 2hop1962425
31.MJ Lives! IIMJ Lives425
32.Still GeezinSwine425
35.Pining for the FjordsPining for the Fjords424
36.Chicken at Tresky's #1Chicken at Tresky's423
37.Come On I Wanna See Them In a Mausoleum 7EdRulz422
38.Justin Hale 06USER01531422
39.Future fossilsfossilhead421
40.BURRY'N BILL 2012Burry'n Bill420
41.Roll Them Bones 253cheeseburger417
42.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #2Shoeguy416
43.Big G's Die soon listDead Fred415
44.Check, Please!Check, Please!327
45.Ding Dong DeadCheck, Please!327
46.If the world ends in 2012 at least I'll go 10/10Bird327
47.The Jaws of DeathBird327
48.Whole Lamotta shakin' going on.Bird327
49.Cryptly's Bereave It Or NotDeathRace325
50.Stand and deliver 2012Sgrayva325
51.why am i still here?bjaskols325
52.DJ Badger says DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!DJ Badger324
53.Soon B. Gonn 2Edhead22324
54.A Jolly Dead FellowFluvenson323
55.Death Stars 2012PigPen323
56.Poor kittylindbergh323
57.POTUS 13USER02464323
58.yeah yeah buh bye 5yeah yeah buh bye323
59.Ashes to AshesNelle322
60.Canaries in a Coalmine TooCanaries in a coalmine322
61.Death Soup: Death of a Disco DancerMJ and Friends322
63.MsWhatsit's 2011 Survivors ListMsWhatsit322
64.Two snaps up!!USER00562322
65.2012 the endUSER00562321
66.CHAD - 10 Easy PiecesCHAD321
67.Corpse a DiemDave321
68.Half Past DeadDashaAndBethers321
69.Lockwood Loonies - Pez's PicksPezintree321
70.On Our Way Out SoonerMicky the Eyes321
71.Rock N' Roll Me When I'm DeadTrav321
72.What the Hell, Why Not!MsWhatsit321
73.!!!!! ALBRECHT SAYS DIE ALREADY 2Albrecht320
74.Blake's Bones IIIMr. Blake320
75.Come On I Wanna See Them In a MausoleumEdRulz320
76.Dear Abby, Are you dead yet?Pokey22320
77.Die Easyshroom320
78.11 The Hard WayAbartel319
79.dieing to get on heredisplayname007319
80.CHAD - The Vagina Is A Self Cleaning OvenCHAD318
81.Cindy's poolcmdale318
82.Prince Sirki's PicksPrince Sirki318
83.Rock me on your DaisSarky318
84.Stiffies He He Hedeathdealer318
85.Well Nobody Died Did They? #1Archangel318
86.Andy's 2012 list!!!Andrew Edling317
87.Chicago's Voter RegistrationBeer Ninja317
88.Demented and sad, but still socialMichenley317
89.Die Already will yacristalblu317
90.Ham SandwichBigFishAZ317
91.NoNames 2jim dibello317
92.On Our Way OutMicky the Eyes317
93.What the Hell? Just Die FidelEdRulz317
94.Life & DeathBuck316
95.ReaperMadness #3ReaperMadness316
96.Worm BuffetJerry's Kids316
97.YCB's #2USER05897316
98.BringOutYerDeadAgainMr Happy315
99.Death in the AfternoonKiller315
101.Would of, Could of, Should of!Queenvingle315
102.3 to get readyTheOriginalDub314
103.Franz ListTrajan313
104.Greg's Listgsippel313
105.Killer Advocate Part Deuxlaptoplg313
107.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #3Shoeguy39
108.You're All Royally ScrewedDeckhawk39
109.Really, it's timeUnfunnybunny36
110.Bad KarmaKgent219
111.Come On I Wanna See Them In a Mausoleum 8EdRulz219
112.Ethnic Cleansing 2hop1962219
113.Hungarian GhoulashLady Die219
114.Justin Hale 01USER01531219
115.Justin Hale 09USER01531219
116.Justin Hale 10USER01531219
117.Pennies On Your Eyesdoorma219
118.Say Hi to my Goldfish when you get there!doorma219
119.The Dead Travel FastHasenji219 - Hoc initium funestivomit_god219
121.All gomers die of somethinglindbergh218
122.Cancer Committe MemberTitanPilot583218
123.Die Mommie Die (apologies to Charles)splittertogo218
124.Gravediggers IIIThe Coroner218
126.Putting the Fun in FuneralHe's Dead Jim218
128.Dancing on WOHLERTS graveonefunsob217
129.Digging Up DirtSilentcalvin217
130.Extreme Deadpooling List #1SFisher217
131.the shit listdarth caedus217
132.Canaries in a CoalmineCanaries in a coalmine216
133.Dear Jesus, please kill all ten on our list. AmenDeathAlert216
134.Lifeguard at the Pool of the DeadBagger216
135.Stone cold pack of weirdosPIxiaq216
136.Aiming for Asystole 2012Aiming For Asystole215
137.Chilly Dead 3chillybilly215
138.Die Verne Gagne DieTitanPilot583215
139.GuessWhosComingForAnal 2: Anal BoogalooTheSpiglers215
140.Jebus Clubs YouHugh G. Wrekshun215
142.On Our Way Out QuickMicky the Eyes215
143.Rachel's Salem Haunting 1Rachel A215
144.Rachel's Salem Haunting 5Rachel A215
145.ReaperMadness #2ReaperMadness215
146.Taking a Stance No MoreGregDean215
147.This will win by 2090 guaranteed!!DirtyDeeds215
148.Worm Buffet IIIJerry's Kids215
149.1 for the moneyTheOriginalDub214
150.As A DoornailCaveynCHI214
151.Deadly DebutantDeadly Debutante214
152.Formerly Lee WarmererFormer Lee Warmer214
153.NoNames 1jim dibello214
154.Old people who are going to die soon...Clever Team Name214
156.cd5dh - Friends applaud, the comedy is overcerista213
157.deathbitch rides againPIANOGIRL213
158.Die please, thank youBucket Kickers213
159.NoNames 3jim dibello213
160.Rigor IRigor213
161.Robin Gibb's probably dead.oihersons213
162.Soul HuntersHunterbeer213
163.Wake Me for the RapturePozzo213
165.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #4Shoeguy212
167.Bought the East Hill Farmsplittertogo211
168.ExeuntOmnes12onthehouseExeunt Omnes211
169.Five Feet UnderRexhanover211
170.hurry up and diebuh-bye now211
171.Kevin's listkevin211
172.We have a piper down 3dryden2911211
173.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part IVhurryupndiealready210
175.merry christmas 2012Nitro210
176.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #5Shoeguy210
177.Time for a dirt nap 3chick813210
178.Copy kat killersNhirish Joe29
179.Dictators, dicks and people named DickSarkon29
180.Elizabeth/Mom 1st Listkristi29
181.JSizzle's 2K12 Death ListJSizzle29
182.Minerva, Mayhem and MortalityBooBeau29
183.Rigor IIRigor29
184.Doornails IIronnocoman28
185.Lewis Eleven (3)brucelew28
187.BieberBurn'em All27
188.Home to Jesus - leaders editionbjaskols27
190.Whayne 2012 - DVHUSER0259327
191.Worm Buffet 2Jerry's Kids27
192.Death Eater Set MenuOzCube26
193.Grim Assclowns 1USER0163726
194.Ima GonerUncle Stiffy26
195.MATTOID - Africa Wins, every timeThe Mattoid26
196.Afraid of the dark? #2Minnesota Neil24
198.2012 as they know itUSER00562110
199.Baxley - Frucking Stats 2Baxley110
200.BringOutYerDeadMr Happy110
201.Celebrity SniperTitanPilot583110
202.Circling the Drain 253cheeseburger110
203.Dave's Deadpool ListUtica Dave110
204.Donne In!splittertogo110
205.I bid you adieuCosmo Underground110
206.Joined the Choir Invisiblesplittertogo110
207.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2012calvey110
208.Mort, ftwMort110
209.Nurse! Help me! 2012Paul1681110
212.The Pine Box is CallingMore Beer110
213.There's a water fountain in hell (and that's where you'll find me)Andy110
216.BEHOLD! Dead people of the future!!genghis7119
217.Casket Christiebitsybug19
218.Chancy's Second List #2Chancedog19
219.Going, going,....Big Guy19
220.MrJeff's Crypt of Confusionmrjeff200019
221.Time for a dirt nap 2chick81319
222.Corpses of Fame 2: Electric Boogalooculwin18
223.Diggin' Deeper by the DozenClever Team Name18
224.Feed the worms, MOFO!GhettoZombie18
226.Lots 'o old and sick bastards IVBJCx7818
227.Sen 1Mr Sen18
228.Fuck you, you fucking fucker...CaSkeT CrAzY17
229.Greg's 2012 Dead Pool 1gfultz117
230.Lite My PyreDr. Doom17
231.Sen IIMr Sen17
232.Just Kickin' It!JLM211wx (Just Kickin It!15
233.RTATHREEHerm Boolie15
234.The Wizard of West LA 1FroggyB15
235.Wear White to a FuneralBeth996615
236.Win one for the wallet!razorben15
237.!!! ailingtitan36014
242.Always look on the bright side of death3Angel of Death13
243.Bang SplatNeilix10113
244.Doc & DJ--Numbers GameDoc & DJ13
245.Go into the Light 12NVRGVUP13
248.MausoleakumUncle Stiffy13
249.Time for a dirt napchick81313
250.Vadnelly VoodoosVadnelly Voodoos13
252.Buh-Bye 2FireMutt3512
256.The Dead Spreadosmoses12
257.This is how political rumors get started 2012USER0224812
258.Whayne 2012 - WAH2USER0259312
259.YCB's Dead 10USER0589712
260.2012 Big Dirt SandwichTheBus11
261.2012 Dead PoolFuegoDiego11
262.flatliners the usual suspectsThe Shadow11
263.God Please Take Tim Tebow Already ListUSER0533711
264.Last Ditch effortjminrod11
265.Mostly Politicians 253cheeseburger11
266.No Chance In Hell 3toomanycards11
267.Occupy DeathIndyHawk11
268.Sal-n-BettsSal & Barb11
269.Sen IIIMr Sen11
270.The Walking Dead 2012Seeinskellies11
271.A Total CrapshootDoctor Arcane00
272.Barry D LiveUncle Stiffy00
273.Beat it, stupid!USER0260900
274.Budley Do Right 2012Bud Santimyer00
275.Bugled to Jesutexasmick00
276.Cagehead 2012 CDPCagehead00
277.Chilly Dead 1chillybilly00
278.Chilly Dead 2chillybilly00
280.Deep Down, They're good people...CaSkeT CrAzY00
281.Dictators R UsRJD00
282.Digger O' Dell 16Digger O Dell 1000
284.Eternally Yours. NOT.Nick ‘n Beth00
285.Famous Almost Dead Bastardsim watching00
286.foreign exchangeNVRGVUP00
287.GagaBurn'em All00
288.Its My List And I'll Die If I Want ToLarry444400
289.Jimminy DeathlistRastafarian Mormon00
290.Just die already!ashifman00
291.Leftovers from last yearmoribundus00
292.Lewis Eleven (2)brucelew00
293.List O LosersCaSkeT CrAzY00
294.NJM Green MileNJMCW00
295.No Talent Ass ClownMeganG2100
296.Northern.....A mixed list of future vitally challengednorthern reaper00
297.Northern....What a waste of money (heehee)northern reaper00
298.Northern..They need to go.northern reaper00
299.OLD AND MOLDYbrutesquad6400
300.Paging Mr. Girection,Is there a Hugh Girection here?zombie lover00
301.Rigor IIIRigor00
302.Rollin' on the bet they will just crap out...kewlness00
303.September MournRadler00
304.shinigami risuFormer Lee Warmer00
305.Silence of the LambsPushing Up Diasies00
306.Star list 2012 ChancedogChancedog00
307.The stiff in phoenix sleeps with pussys 2USER0220400


Guess the Stiff!

She graduated with honors from high school, went to church every Sunday, and had an absolutely amazing rack.

(d) February 15th, 2023