Nancy Reagan has been played on 2485 lists, including 337 lists in The 2014 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Old as Dinosaur dungDeathGift631
2.Death is your giftDeathGift629
3.Of Corpse You're Dead 6Shoeguy628
4.hey mickey you're so fineBird624
5.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit or Give It Up Zsa ZsaFrankJac534
6.Lights Out 1Joker527
7.MeteorologySunshine Up My Skirt524
8.roll the diceme first432
9.Styrofoam Bologna 1Gina3030431
10.Death- 867-5309/JennyJayRockers!430
11.They Should've Went in 2013Rus253429
12.American Top 40-Bring back NixonThe game changer428
13.Everything's PoliticalJinxed426
14.Wet Heave - 2Rus253426
16.Faw Shaw Shaw, These peeps be dead by December 31st, 2014DeathGift424
17.Last StopLast Stop424
18.Birdman - Stab the Doc and shoot the DJBird423
19.Bob Dole, In a holeDeathGift423
21.Death March1BCeltics422
22.DePressED 12DePressED422 kitty kittyBird422
24.LA LISTE DE JOJO 2014Meo422
25.Naha Assassins1BCeltics422
26.Petunia picksdel bird422
27.Rat Bastards 1Rat Bastard422
28.We've got BushBird422
29.singing in the rainerBird421
30.The last good-byeMinnow9001421
32.Sick Unto DeathJinxed419
33.casey at the batBird418
34.I've Got a Secret: I'M DEAD!Bea Hind418
35.Simon Says We're Deadlucky punk418
36.yeah yeah buh bye 3yeah yeah buh bye418
37.NVN: Racing towards the top 40No Viagra Needed417
38.Doubt this will happen, but who knowsDeathGift416
40.Billy Graham will dieDeathGift414
41.Is PeopleSoylentGreen326
42.ZZZZZZZZZZZZ sleeps with my fishesGrime Reaper326
43.Erika Anne Fell Down the StairsBuffiedee323
44.IAGO 2IAGO323
46.Die Die, Run Run!USER00353322
47.Dirt Merchantstrojones322
48.Swmming with the Fishes - ThreeLegal-ly Dead322
49.back to the basicsbjaskols321
50.connies boyme first321
52.Lights outThe rebel.321
53.Ready for BedJinxed321
54.Ashen Gray Color CommentaryDGD320
55.Death Wish Part Icomputerstreber320
57.Simon says DieDeathGift320
58.The Compost HeapMarkMx320
59.This Is The End My Friendcleves place320
60.VG - Bukakke Karaokevomit_god320
61.You're Dead to Me Castro IIITitanPilot583320
62.Another one bites the dustlittle terr319
63.Cadillac JCadillacJ319
64.Doctor of Death 1the doctor of death319
65.If I Could Only Play One List...DGD319
66.The Churning Urnstrojones319
67.Von Ryan's ExpressTaugh319
68.Counting Bodies Like SheepDGambrinus318
70.Swmming with the Fishes - OneLegal-ly Dead318
71.These peeps look like scatDeathGift318
72.Walk this wwayBud Santimyer318
73.yeah buddy!Bird318
74.Last minute shitDeathGift317
75.Rhoda wayBird317
76.Show me the moneyThe Coroner317
77.Birdman - Simon Says Die NowBird316
78.Heywood Jablome XIIIUSER00119316
79.Really? Come on...give up!!BairBones316
80.2014 Hades Softball TeamStink Finger for Christ315
81.Assault with a Deadly List!Dead Person Specialist, E315
82.DJ Badger: So Long, MOM!DJ Badger315
83.Goodbye KirkDeathGift315
84.List of the DamnedJoe Mazz315
85.Cemetery Girls 5Cemetery Girls314
86.Finish It UpBetter Dig Two314
88.MausoleakumUncle Stiffy313
89.Pookie's Stiffs #5Pookie's Stiffs313
90.Death Soup: Grim Reaper BypassMJ and Friends312
91.Get The Shovel1BCeltics312
92.Grim Assclowns 2USER01637312
94.Long Live the New FleshYellowbeard312
95.Oldies but Goodies - hits of the NinetiesTenPaces312
96.Skunkhair 2014 #2Skunkhair 2013312
97.Styrofoam Bologna 3Gina3030312
98.Witty Ironic List Name HereHauntedWebmaster312
99.BERRY D. LIVEUncle Stiffy311
100.Of Corpse You're Dead 10Shoeguy311
101.Pile of Stinks 3 2014mommyster311
102.4 Past MidnightMr. Redrum310
103.Holy Dead Celebrities BatmanThe Pancreatic Answer310
105.These stiffs won't be a Buddy for very longDeathGift310
106.Knock, Knock, Knocking on Death's DoorDead and Loving It39
107.Coffin CornerDRave1336
108.Pookie's Stiffs #2Pookie's Stiffs36
109.Bring It On: Bashar Me TimbersDEATH DEMON219
110.Jenny Was SweetDePressED219
111.Thanks Again, Pistol Pete!humanmeal219
112.Hope I'm wrongK6lly218
114.Cartman- The OaksCARTMAN217
117.NR I Am Made Of Money Listnorthern reaper217
118.The Regulator ListWarren G217
119.Two Ghoulsdoorma217
120.You're Dead to Me Castro TooTitanPilot583217
121.cd5dh - Longer it don'tcerista216
122.It's a wonderful life if you're not deadfireflyt216
123.Joan Crawford Eyebrow Pencil 3 - Girl's Night OutJoanCrawfordsMakeupBag216
124.Kino Der Toten 2Toe Tagged Luminary216
126.RoadkillDr Drunk216
127.BringOutYerDeadMr Happy215
128.Death By Pinocle 2014 #2oregontrail215
129.DePressED 02DePressED215
130.Jagrnuts Death SquadJagrnut215
132.Peaceful, Cold Feelingjeffvn215
134.Blakes Bones: LadiesMr. Blake214
135.Dogs Can Look Up 1Last Stop214
136.List 3Donkey Sausage214
137.My Neighbor Is An Assholezombie lover214
138.This is it!Digger O Dell 10214
139.Wapner's onDr. Who214
140.CHAD - Ohhhhhh, The Humanity!CHAD213
141.CHAD - Why Wait, Die NowCHAD213
142.Copydeath MMXIVUSER00562213
143.Friends since high schoolUSER02574213
144.He knows why!Flynty213
145.LIVE DEAD IIIFrau schadenfreude213
146.Nobody Puts Nancy in Cornerlonedryad213
147.RASTALLS REAPED 2014 IIIRastalls213
148.!!! infirmtitan360212
149.Andy's 2014 BIG LISTAndrew Edling212
150.Don't forget to Walsh your handssDeathGift212 dynastyBird212
152.Zsa Zsa, c'mon already.Fred’s212
153.Are We Dead Yet 003goodwin73211
154.Death, She WroteSilentcalvin211
155.Deathwish 2014DeathWish211
156.Dem BonesKendall211
157.grimyreaper 1grimyreaper211
158.Holden All The CardsK Dog211
160.Skunkhair 2014 #1Skunkhair 2013211
161.Tony Sopranos Harp1Ted Williams on Ice211
162.CRY ME A RIVER 2fossilhead210
163.I really don't think Valerie will die but just in caseDeathGift210
164.Leftovers from 2013moribundus210
165.rotting corpsestowelielife210
167.3rd Year in a row-> 10th place = Free ListDGD29
169.Danse MacabreMr. Redrum29
170.DRT (Dead Right There)Toe-Tag29
171.Dust or Bust!Star Dust29
172.Graham SlamwichStar Dust29
173.In The DeathroomMr. Redrum29
175.Sid Picks Celebs #1dead presidents29
176.Bury the keys and bellsDeathGift28
177.Celebrity Zombie Apocolypsemsastria28
178.Quietly DecomposingPushing Up Diasies28
180.Offal TruthUSER0179727
181.Simon Says....Adios!Pokey2227
182.Skunkhair 2014 #3Skunkhair 201327
183.Dead Fred's list of almost Dead!Dead Fred26
184.Mort, please?Mort26
185.Schindler's 2011-2013 Listnlcfsemfc26
186.Your-ass-is-sick ParkDGD26
187.Already Goneashifman25
188.Dead End StreetRuns with Scissors25
189.Dead RepublicansDeathGift25
190.2014 Deal Pool listvalberts196324
191.Last Call Y'allVaGentry24
192.Sarky - BrieSarky24
193.Alice Doesn't Live AnymorePoodle110
194.c ya wouldnt wanna be yacristalblu110
195.Canaries in a Coalmine 2Canaries in a coalmine110
197.Get Diggin' 2014BuffaloBartman110
198.I'll see you in hell- so meet me at the water fountainAndy110
199.NR My Third List or Soulsnorthern reaper110
200.Shameless plagiarism of last year's favouritesringbark110
201.Soul HuntersHunterbeer110
202.Swmming with the Fishes - TwoLegal-ly Dead110
203.The Grim Reaper's "To Do List"March Of The Maggots110
205.!ajlposh 2ajlposh19
206.BringOutYerDead pleaseMr Happy19
207.BringOutYerDead pretty pleaseMr Happy19
208.Cheeses love the little children!tkdmel19
209.Dutch's TreatBea Hind19
210.Fettucine al DeadoMarkMx19
211.grimyreaper 3grimyreaper19
212.If There Were A God, He'd Want You To DieFredNietzsche19
213.Lady's First, Watch Your Step By That HoleDick Rotten19
214.leaders edition 2014bjaskols19
215.NR A List of Foolsnorthern reaper19
216.NR See Ya' Later Ladies Pt. 3northern reaper19
217.RD: What has one leg and STILL won't die?RD0219
218.Scandal rachel 3Rachel A19
219.!!!!! ALBRECHT SAYS DIE ALREADY 3Albrecht18
220.another oneJason P.18
221.Circle of DeathRcktManIL18
222.Don't Dick around, Drop your Cain, and say goodbye to the feller next to youDeathGift18
223.End of the line...into the box.Stooge18
224.IMA GONERUncle Stiffy18
225.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost18
226.Of Corpse You're Dead 2Shoeguy18
227.Old ones gotta go sometime!The Ig18
229.Pooble's Mausoleum Poolpooblemoo18
230.The first real step to canonization...DGD18
231.This is the year 2JMann88018
232.Too Soon?alan smithee18
233.Are you gonna die already?Chris Goulart17
234.Big Blue BlowfliesBodyFarmBound17
235.CHAD - Ok, Nine Is Enough, Not 8!CHAD17
236.Chuckles Bites the DustY_Angel_W17
238.Famous Fossils IHugh G. Wrekshun17
239.Its a Britney Spears year!uselessexistence17
240.Let's Do This!Euthanasia17
241.No More Ms. Alive GalMardiRob17
242.poor kittylindbergh17
245.WAH #3 - DVHUSER0259317
246.Big M's List of people that should die soonDead Fred16
247.Digger O Dell 2Digger O Dell 1016
248.dying aint easyHeart Stopper16
249.Silence of the CelebritiesSilenceOf TheCelebrities16
250.SSTCDP 2014Sandy St John16
251.The Nail In the...well, you know.Altois16
253.Lots o' old and sick bastards VIBJCx7815
254.No Chance In Hell 3toomanycards15
255.Not the dead you're looking for '14Alan S.15
256.Rigor 1Rigor 115
257.Well nobody died, did they? 2Archangel15
258.'Til Death Do Us Part Allah Willing 1*Allah Willing14
259.Bag and tag please.Big Guy14
260.Bring It On: Dole em outDEATH DEMON14
261.playing the oddsbjaskols14
262.Reap 'Em & Weep #1USER0055714
263.Charlie Don't Surf with Luci LiuCharlie Dont Surf13
264.Death Be Comes UsPeople Meat13
265.Digger O Dell 1Digger O Dell 1013
266.DNR/DNI 3Nurseboy13
267.Of Corpse You're Dead 8Shoeguy13
269.Sack of StonesMarshrat13
270.Saw The Light #3SAW THE LIGHT13
271.Show me the money IIThe Coroner13
272.Spoiler Alert: Everyone Dies in the EndMichenley13
273.This is how political rumors get started 2014USER0224813
274.To the Multiverse and Beyond!urbscholar13
275.Digger O Dell 10Digger O Dell 1012
276.EMFC Lime'n SimonEMFCoffin12
277.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl12
278.Gonna Miss ThemFrogSoda12
279.Long Live:Alan S.12
280.My Girlfriend Hates Me 1!!! i need help12
281.Not Much Power Left in That Hour AnymoreNumber1User12
282.Otis' Cirrhosis - Jubal Foster's StillKudsKroakers12
283.Saw The Light #2SAW THE LIGHT12
284.Ten Funerals III 2014Jerrytopdown12
285.Azabache 2014azabachenegro11
286.Click Here If You wanna Blow mezombie lover11
287.DNR/DNI 2Nurseboy11
289.Last Call Y'all2VaGentry11
291.Pushin' DaisiesToe-Tag11
292.See You Wouldn't Want to be You - 2014DC Celebrity Necrologist11
293.Show me the money IIIThe Coroner11
294.Tell Fredo To Bring The Big CarFrankie Pentangeli11
295.10 sickly folks and a serial killerRestless Mouse00
296.2014 kissfans listkissfan10000
297.Aches and ChampagneTheyComeInThrees00
299.Betsy's RepublicansBetsy00
300.Bring on the deathsJp1200
301.CA clubdie4metoday00
303.dead reckoningbonevoyage00
304.Dick Van DeathPoodle00
305.DNR/DNI 1Nurseboy00
306.DX Rob IDX Rob00
307.EMFC The Croaked Have Me StokedEMFCoffin00
308.EMFC The Underground NetworkEMFCoffin00
309.Falling StarsNick ‘n Beth00
310.Future Dead PeopleClever Team Name00
311.Go into the light 2Maryjo8000
313.Herm BoolieHerm Boolie00
314.I Can't Believe My Sister Beat Me to Deathlucky punk00
315.It's not heaven and it ain't iowaFredo let's go fishing00
316.joeg20143Joe G00
317.Just Bury Them Alreadyunusualpsycho00
318.Life is a warm shot moment, Death is a long cold restReaper Crew00
319.Loss of PowerCheck, Please!00
320.Martin's Maybe'swsprotte00
321.My Girlfriend Hates Me 3!!! i need help00
322.No Chance In Helltoomanycards00
323.Old lionsSwine00
325.Pushing up DaisiesAuise9900
326.Reaper SchmeaperToe-Tag00
327.Ricky Bobby's PartyRicky Bobby00
328.Saw The Light #1SAW THE LIGHT00
329.That WAS Entertainment 2014Filmslave00
330.The Cat's Last MeowDeathGift00
331.The cock ring of dead pool lists. I'll take the crown now.NecktieJesse00
332.Trautz LongshotsTeamTrautz00
333.Video Killed All of These StarsMachzel0800
334.We Finally Got Bush!!!Pokey2200
335.Well nobody died, did they? 1Archangel00
336.Who the Dickens is Kallen me??DeathGift00
337.Zsa Zsa gets a break this time.Maryjo8000


Guess the Stiff!

Ever notice that fat and funny often seem to go hand in hand? Unfortunately, so do fat and dead.

(d) December 18th, 1997