Margaret Thatcher has been played on 1264 lists, including 238 lists in The 2012 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.DGD - Both Parties SuckDGD746
2.Doc & DJ--John O'Conner Memorial ListDoc & DJ645
3.Doc & DJ--Have You Got Diploma from Flower Class?Doc & DJ643
4.Insert Clever List Name HereGregDean638
5.They Should Have Known DeaderGregDean636
6.Doc & DJ--You Win, Dick Clark...We Stopped Playing YouDoc & DJ540
7.Doc & DJ--If Barker Ever Hits We Have a Great StoryDoc & DJ537
8.What's your ETA, Etta?DGD537
9.Cemetery Girls 5Cemetery Girls536
10.Baxley - Run, Run Away!!Baxley535
11.I like traffic lights...DGD535
13.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail535
14.yeah yeah buh bye 4yeah yeah buh bye535
15.-Huey-alan smithee534
16.It was the salmon mousse.DGD534
17.You Must Be a Dimwitted Dolt to Pick EyDIE GormeGhost of Stiffs Past534
18.Somebody put Zsa Zsa out of her miseryDGD533
19.1 2 3 zsa zsa zsa, die die die zsa zsa zsaBird532
20.Cognitive DissonanceDGD531
21.Pit and the pendulumLaurencedemedici531
22.A Fate Worse Than DeathSanta Fe Syndicate530
23.DNR/DNI 3Nurseboy529
24.You're plot awaits you!Fry's Crematorium529
25.Charlie Don't Surf with Sharon TayCharlie Dont Surf526
26.Ethnic Cleansinghop1962526
28.Cadillac JCadillacJ524
29.DNR/DNI 2Nurseboy524
30.Coming Back in 2012!MsWhatsit434
31.Tenth place - free list.DGD434
32.The dude abides.DGD434
33.Feasting Maggots 2Feasting Maggots433
34.Happy Ramadan, Charlie Brown!DGD433
35.i cant pronounce it eitherBird433
36.The (No Longer) Walking DeadBasil433
37.Baxley - Iron LadybootsBaxley432
38.MJ Lives! IIIMJ Lives432
39.Bending time are we?Bird431
40.die zsa zsa dieUSER02524431
41.Birdman 2Bird430
42.Jumping the Big AlBird430
43.Radtex : I Hearse You Been CoffinRadtex430
44.Tumor Makes a Does-InTumor_Makes_A_Does_In430
45.birdman 447Bird429
46.Doin' it our wayBird429
47.Hugo, man of 1000 facesBird429
48.Light at the End of the TunnelCheck, Please!429
50.Petticoat JunctionBird429
51.Sir RichardBird429
52.Death Always WinsDeath Always Wins428
53.JON 2Jon00060428
54.Guess Who Died? 3ZUSER01484426
55.Worm FoodDashaAndBethers426
56.Death By Pinocle 2012 List 1oregontrail425
57.home to jesus3bjaskols424
58.Come On I Wanna See Them In a Mausoleum 7EdRulz422
59.This is how rumors get started 2012 - 1USER02248421
60.Death Race 2012USER02395420
61.Yitzhak no moCosmo Underground418
62.Big G's Die soon listDead Fred415
63.Bird - the guy was a senator and can't spell Bird rightBird327
64.Birdman - praying for a write in approvalBird327
65.Birdman 3Bird327
66.Cancer is the AnswerTumor_Makes_A_Does_In327
67.M I C... hope not to see you real soon!Bird327
68.You can't spell Eydie without DIEBird327
69.EMFC: Fuck the Mayans! We're Going EarlyEMFCoffin326
70.Radtex : His and HearseRadtex326
71.GravediggersThe Coroner325
72.Run Forrest RunRottenToast325
73.why am i still here?bjaskols325
74.Counting Bodies Like SheepDGambrinus324
75.Doctor Of Death 3the doctor of death324
76.made my move too soon 3USER00562324
77.Soon B. Gonn 2Edhead22324
78.Teeterers - just a nudge awaySarkon324
79.A Jolly Dead FellowFluvenson323
80.DXRob IDX Rob323
81.Come On I Wanna See Them In a Mausoleum 4EdRulz322
82.EMFC: Schlemiel, Schlimazel, the End of an Embalming NozzleEMFCoffin322
84.Welcome come on inComeonallready322
85.Are We Dead Yet 001goodwin73321
86.Death-We Are Who We AreJayRockers!321
87.Blake's Bones IIIMr. Blake320
88.Bring out Your Dead!Dead Fred320
89.Dancing With Mr. DBetter Off Dead320
90.It's not fair. All the p**** and half the money.DGD320
91.Sick BayOldDocMcCoy320
92.The Game of LifeUSER02045320
93.Charlie Don't Surf with Lilly ThaiCharlie Dont Surf319
94.Trout's Dead FishTrout319
95.Cindy's poolcmdale318
96.Prince Sirki's PicksPrince Sirki318
97.Put Out the FlameYule Log318
98.Stiffies He He Hedeathdealer318
99.Andy's 2012 list!!!Andrew Edling317
100.Are We Dead Yet 003goodwin73317
101.Die Already will yacristalblu317
102.Ham SandwichBigFishAZ317
103.Two Zsas for the Price of OneScott in Philly317
104.We have a piper down 2dryden2911317
105.6.66 feet underChelsea Dagger316
106.No Obits NeededYule Log316
107.YCB's #2USER05897316
108.horcrux haterzboshh315
109.If he dies, he diesTireBiter315
110.So long, nice knowing you!VaGentry315
111.The stiff in phoenix sleeps with pussys 3USER02204315
112.Tsuga - PhantasmagoriaTsuga315
113.Death Never Takes a Holiday INipper314
114.Same time next year?bjaskols313
115.CyrusBurn'em All312
117.tic tag toeroderner312
118.Our Ten Funerals 2012Jerrytopdown311
119.Are We Dead Yet 002goodwin73219
120.Dearly Departedhop1962219
121.Mourning GloryBLUISH TINGE219
122.The Dead Travel FastHasenji219
123.Gravediggers IIIThe Coroner218
125.Dancing on WOHLERTS graveonefunsob217
126.Death BenefitsBuck217
127.Death Never Takes a Holiday IINipper217
128.Digging Up DirtSilentcalvin217
129.Extreme Deadpooling List #1SFisher217
131.Shovel-Ready Projectsaugirj217
132.The Big GoodbyeAUTOGRAPHHOUND1217
134.Lifeguard at the Pool of the DeadBagger216
135.Killer Advocatelaptoplg215
136.Lucky Punk - The Left is Always Rightlucky punk215
138.Taking a Stance No MoreGregDean215
139.This will win by 2090 guaranteed!!DirtyDeeds215
140.2012 of the worldUSER00562214
141.Deadly DebutantDeadly Debutante214
142.Kid GhoulashGhoulash214
143.We have just been informed that you are DEAD.Sarkon214
144.Aiming for Asystole too 2012Aiming For Asystole213
145.CHAD - Here We Go AgainCHAD213
146.NoNames 3jim dibello213
148.Soul HuntersHunterbeer213
150.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit 1 or What's That Smell?FrankJac212
151.Feral Fodder #2BMT330212
152.Lucky's Dead 10USER05897212
154.Saw The Light #1SAW THE LIGHT212
155.Trout's Dead Fish IIITrout212
157.Five Feet UnderRexhanover211
158.Golden Ticketkeep_croakin211
160.Northern..and I have money for this???northern reaper211
161.Xena's 7 Feet Down Underxena211
162.Zsa Zsa will out live us allMaryjo80211
164.Chris Knauf Dead ListChris Knauf210
165.Death Be Proud for Once No Matter What Everyone Sayskierkegaard216210
166.Pokey's Plinko PlayersPokey22210
167.Dictators, dicks and people named DickSarkon29
168.Northern......A list made by a drunknorthern reaper29
169.Saw The Light #3SAW THE LIGHT29
170.Lewis Eleven (3)brucelew28
171.111 ajlposhajlposh27
172.Deathwish 2012DeathWish27
173.Home to Jesus - leaders editionbjaskols27
174.Swimmer in the Dead PoolBunzer27
175.Loki 3Loki25
176.2012 as they know itUSER00562110
177.Baxley - Frucking Stats 2Baxley110
179.ExeuntOmnes12Exeunt Omnes110
181.Joined the Choir Invisiblesplittertogo110
182.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2012calvey110
183.Ladies OnlyRJD110
184.Mort, ftwMort110
186.We have a piper down 1dryden2911110
187.Well nobody died did they? #2Archangel110
188.Casket Christiebitsybug19
189.Northern...See Ya' Later Ladies Pt. 3northern reaper19
190.Room temp here we comesureiscoldinhere19
191.Diggin' Deeper by the DozenClever Team Name18
192.Feed the worms, MOFO!GhettoZombie18
194.Not an Original List Name3carseycritter18
195.Fuck you, you fucking fucker...CaSkeT CrAzY17
196.qaqwex - chancing itqaqwex17
197.BringOutYerDeadSomeMoreMr Happy16
198.Just Kickin' It!JLM211wx (Just Kickin It!15
199.Buncha Dead Folks!RcktManIL14
200.CHAD - 6 Sides Is A HexagonCHAD14
202.End of the Liners 2012Tombstone Jen13
203.Time for your dirt napBig Guy13
206.Northern...Another Mixed Listnorthern reaper12
207.Team Worm Chowworm chow12
208.The United States Supreme Corpsesaintbaloney12
209.YCB's Dead 10USER0589712
210.2012 Dead PoolFuegoDiego11
211.Last Ditch effortjminrod11
212.Mostly Politicians 253cheeseburger11
213.No Chance In Hell 3toomanycards11
214.Saw The Light #2SAW THE LIGHT11
215.(Kick the) Bucket ListFallsguy00
216.Beat it, stupid!USER0260900
217.Celebrity Zombie Apocalypse Part Deuxmsastria00
218.Deez NutzDeeNutz00
220.Eternally Yours. NOT.Nick ‘n Beth00
221.Feral Fodder #3BMT33000
222.flatliners mostly femaleThe Shadow00
223.Googuse's Evil Fuckersgooguse00
224.just causeTodd Blankenship00
225.Just die already!ashifman00
226.Marked for Death By MarxieMarxie Von Trapp00
227.No Talent Ass ClownMeganG2100
228.Northern.......See Ya' later ladies Pt. 2northern reaper00
229.Northern....What a waste of money (heehee)northern reaper00
230.Northern..They need to go.northern reaper00
231.qaqwex - please,please,pleaseqaqwex00
233.Sack of StonesMarshrat00
234.Schindler's 2011 Listnlcfsemfc00
235.The stiff in phoenix sleeps with pussys 2USER0220400
236.Three strikes, you're out!Fred’s00
237.You get what you pay forUnfunnybunny00
238.ZZZZZZZZ (Bottom of the alphabetic sort?)But Is It Art?00


Guess the Stiff!

Having completed his search for meaning in life, he's now on the hunt for meaning in death. Good luck, Doc.

(d) September 2nd, 1997