Hosni Mubarak has been played on 1110 lists, including 270 lists in The 2013 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Birdman 18Bird744
2.Hugo and HosniSilentcalvin741
3.Birdman - You can't spell Eydie without DIEBird740
4.Martha's second listMartha733
5.Hold On Tight We'll Muddle Through One Day At A Time 2RottenToast645
6.Cartman- Jack Klugman Ruined XmasCARTMAN640
7.Birdman 12Bird638
8.Birdman - Big Al'sBird637
9.Birdman - Everyone has a PriceBird637
10.Fate Worse Than Death IISanta Fe Syndicate637
11.Cherub SpringThe Sting of Steve Irwin631
12.Birdman 6Bird538
13.If It Truly Was Pancreatic, Then I Didn't Play Hosni EnoughGhost of Stiffs Past538
14.Birdman - I will be DePressED if this doesn't winBird537
16.Feeling rather poorly 1RJD537
17.Star DustStar Dust537
18.DGD - One Death At A TimeDGD536
19.Checking it twice 2RJD535
20.Star Dust - Bonnie Franklin & Her FlowerbedStar Dust535
21.Superstar's Got A ColdDolby, Clancy, Giap535
22.DGD - The Dead, The Bad and the UglyDGD533
23.Zsa Zsa's a BoreSilentcalvin533
25.Unnamed Red Shirted Star Trek GuysHe's Dead Jim531
26.Feasting Maggots 6Feasting Maggots530
27.Death March 21BCeltics529
28.Pookie's Stiffs #2Pookie's Stiffs529
29.yeah yeah buh bye 5yeah yeah buh bye529
30.Bud Dwyer's BrainsBud Dwyer's Brains528
31.Feeling rather poorly 2RJD528
32.Death Be Not Proud IVTimur527
33.Feel the Burnlucky punk527
34.The Anti-Kreb's Cycle Listdie4metoday527
36.Former Leaders Foreign and DomesticRD02526
37.Hosni's Penny Death VanGlamdring526
38.G Listseaiowe525
39.This is how rumors get started 2013 - 1USER02248525
41.Checking it twice 1RJD519
42.Sharpen the trochar, we're gonna be busy3Fry's Crematorium518
43.DGD - Dead Commie PinkosDGD434
44.DGD - Hugo Six Feet UnderDGD434
45.Star Dust - Van Cliburn's DiminuendoStar Dust434
46.Change You Can Bereave In!Chicago Jake433
47.Birdman - The Winds of CorpseBird432
48.Death Soup: Most Played Name in Game History?MJ and Friends431
49.Star Dust - Nelson Meets the Other SideStar Dust431
50.Team Formalin: That's Showbiz!anarchess431
51.yeah yeah buh byeyeah yeah buh bye431
52.Charlie Don't Surf - The Leaders will fallCharlie Dont Surf430
53.Doc & DJ--Our August 2011 Jr. Sweep Won Us $80Doc & DJ430
54.Feasting Maggots 1Feasting Maggots430
55.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow Pencil 1JoanCrawfordsMakeupBag430
56.MJ LivesMJ Lives430
57.Pardee in the HouseSilentcalvin430
58.yeah yeah buh bye 3yeah yeah buh bye430
59.Assuming Room Temperaturepopejt428
60.Cartman- Raging Bull Down For the Ten CountCARTMAN428
61.Making the News One Last TimeGregDean428
62.Tsuga - Dirt In the GroundTsuga428
63.Death Rattle: Coughing Up Dirtanarchess427
64.Death By Pinocle 2013 List 1oregontrail426
65.Feasting Maggots 3Feasting Maggots426
67.Pining for the FjordsPining for the Fjords426
68.Dead Fred list of Soon to be DeadDead Fred425
69.The Good Die Young IIITimur425
70.Tsuga - Die EngelTsuga425
71.Cemetery Girls 2Cemetery Girls424
72.Chicken at Tresky's #2Chicken at Tresky's424
73.Death By Pinocle List 3oregontrail424
74.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit #1FrankJac424
75.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow Pencil 2JoanCrawfordsMakeupBag424
76.Are We Dead Yet?Eat sh!t and die!423
77.Around the World in 10 Stiffsboshh423
78.CHAD: 3 Strikes You're Out or At Least DEADCHAD423
79.Chicken at Tresky's #1Chicken at Tresky's423
80.Nearly Departedboshh423
81.Passing Through Nature To EternityRus253423
82.This is how political rumors get started 2013USER02248423
83.Leaders Edition 2013bjaskols422
84.Feasting Maggots 9Feasting Maggots421
85.More Leftoverswet grave421
86.Tommytsled-I'm Shipping Up To PawtucketTomtsled421
87.Victory or Death! Both, Really...Shams421
89.Deadly Debutante 2Deadly Debutante420
90.Guess Who Died? 1ZUSER01484420
91.Guess Who Died? 2ZUSER01484420
92.Is PeopleSoylentGreen420
93.Stiff as a board!Chancedog420
94.Taking a Stance No MoreGregDean420
95.SirDrexl's StiffsSirDrexl419
96.twitter.com @DrewTheBlueUSER02609419
98.My 2013 water fountainAndy418
99.Something to do with Corpses 1Shams418
101.Easy MoneyEasy Money416
102.Capehaven PeepsRus253415
103.Helter Skelter, Indeed! Now It's Worse Than ChaoticGhost of Stiffs Past410
104.DGD - Tenth place = free listDGD327
105.Marked For TermiNeyTion 2013TermiNeyTor327
106.Feasting Maggots 2Feasting Maggots326
107.Big HerbKirby325
108.Death Rattle: Humming Alonganarchess325
109.Feasting Maggots 7Feasting Maggots325
112.Team Formalin: Lying-in-Waitanarchess325
113.Tumor Makes a Does-In / Two More Makes a DozenTumor_Makes_A_Does_In325
114.Pookie's Stiffs #3Pookie's Stiffs324
115.Something to do with Corpses 2Shams324
116.No Viagra NeededNo Viagra Needed323
117.The Dirt NappersTaugh323
118.Tsuga - Saddest SongTsuga323
120.Feasting Maggots 4Feasting Maggots322
121.Feasting Maggots 5Feasting Maggots322
122.NVN: You're nevel alone if you're schizoNo Viagra Needed322
123.Sine DieSine Die322
124.Tommytsled-Countdown To Civil WarTomtsled322
125.When WILL we ever get a Woman President?RD02322
126.All That Lives Must DieRus253321
127.Loss of PowerCheck, Please!321
128.Sarcophagus Sam's Silent StableSarcophagus Sam321
129.2013 Hades Softball TeamStink Finger for Christ320
130.Cemetery Girls 3Cemetery Girls320
132.Look How They Massacred My BoyFrankie Pentangeli320
133.These Folks Can Start Planning 2014.bigmfnal31320
134.2013 Over the CliffUSER02397319
135.Hey You Took My ListnameRhody Trash319
137.two ghoulsdoorma319
138.Artie Lange's Big, Fat, Hairy, Turd-Clogged A$$h0leUSER02609318
139.CHAD: Itch Nine Un De BerlinerCHAD318
140.One Deadbeat Off 1Susie Sicko318
141.Otis' Cirrhosis - Morrison Sisters' StillKudsKroakers318
143.CHAD: The Vagina Is A Self Cleaning OvenCHAD317
144.Concrete ShoesConcrete Shoes317
145.The King Is Dead-Long Live the Dead KingHauntedWebmaster317
146.The United States Supreme Corpsesaintbaloney317
147.Toast PoliticiansCanucklehead317
148.Tommytsled-A Dead Owl Doesn't Give A HootTomtsled317
149.Well nobody died did they? #1Archangel317
150.Death Soup: Death Watch BeatlesMJ and Friends316
151.NVN: Eating Sushi off some naked chickNo Viagra Needed316
153.Big G's Prospects For The Dirt Nap (Sleepers)Dead Fred315
154.Break on through to the other sidemikey the man315
156.Guess Who Died? 3ZUSER01484315
157.No Chance In Hell 1toomanycards315
158.Read my lips. No new breathing.Bea Hind315
159.Sarky - Fucko da clown, face downSarky315
160.too much to caredie u sob315
161.All stiffed up and nowhere to go in phoenix 1USER02204314
162.Enola Staightdoorma314
164.NVN: Titty sandwich with a side of assNo Viagra Needed314
165.Here for the RemovalKiller Swedes313
166.MJ Lives IIMJ Lives313
167.oh fuck itzombie lover313
168.Satan's Waitin'Barker J. Wagtail313
169.What has one leg and just won't die?RD02313
170.Memphis Dead 2013trashking311
171.World LeddersTheyComeInThrees311
172.Drop Dead 1Drop Dead310
173.Fake ShempGhoulash39
174.ThisisaMorbidActivity - ILikeItILoveItcarseycritter37
175.Della, get Paul Drake on the phone...Bea Hind219
176.headed up IComeonallready219
177.No Chance In Hell 3toomanycards219
178.Bring It OnDEATH DEMON218
179.Dancing With Mr. DBetter Off Dead218
180.Death- World Leader RoundupJayRockers!218
181.Justin Hale 05USER01531218
182.Shapen the trochar, we're gonna be busy5Fry's Crematorium218
184.CHAD: No, You Have To Die This YearCHAD217
185.Cupcakes & Champagne 2012nlcfsemfc217
186.My wife finds this offensiveknkaustin217
187.Sharpen the trochar, we're gonna be busy4Fry's Crematorium217
188.Who Says Evil Never Dies (Political Death-Pool)Chris Goulart217
189.Zombie Food for the FutureAmy Sue217
191.Star Dust's Birthday ListStar Dust215
192.Coffin Up BloodKirby214
195.All stiffed up and nowhere to go in phoenix 2USER02204213
196.Carpe dead emdoorma213
197.Cemetery Girls 1Cemetery Girls213
198.LA LISTE DE MEO 2013Meo213
200.Sarky - Dead Dick TatersSarky213
201.list them they will die #2Wills212
202.UnforTENately, Your Number is UpTumor_Makes_A_Does_In212
203.Blake's Bones IMr. Blake211
204.Funeral for a FriendDestroyers211
205.Are We Dead Yet? 001goodwin73210
207.Sharpen the trochar, we're gonna be busy1Fry's Crematorium210
208.Burry'n Bill 2013CBurry'n Bill29
210.Concrete Shoes 4Concrete Shoes29
211.Mort: This time Wilson, this time...Mort29
212.Concrete Shoes 3Concrete Shoes28
213.Death- Leftovers Warmed OverJayRockers!28
214.mayan overtime 1USER0056228
216.Tattaglia is a pimpTwilight is Near28
217.MY 2013 LISTLord Dickerson27
218.North Tacoma Creeperscheeseburger27
219.Trout's Dead Fish IITrout27
220.Exit Stage FourExit Stage Four26
221.Joe Theismann's ProstateBagger26
222.The Babe Calls Them: Shaw, Macnee, Mubarak, Walsh, Khameini. In That Order.Dolby, Clancy, Giap26
224.Stuffin' Sallybillyd4425
226.Only Mostly Deadshroom24
227.Assorted dicks and dictatorsSwine110
228.Cartman- They Outlived TwinkiesCARTMAN110
229.Chicago's Voter RegistrationBeer Ninja110
230.Deadline for Death 3Burn'em All110
231.IHYD-2013 ForeignRanger275110
232.La Muerte Politically IncorrectLaMuerte110
234.Sharpen the trochar, we're gonna be busy2Fry's Crematorium110
235.Too late for goodbyesPHALEX110
236.click here if you wanna blow mezombie lover19
237.Concrete Shoes 2Concrete Shoes19
238.not the dead you're looking forAlan S.19
239.The Only Good Politician is a Dead PoliticianAmy Sue19
240.Lite My PyreDr. Doom18
241.The All-Star ListHugh G. Wrekshun18
242.They're in da holeVaGentry17
243.2013 Daisy PushersRWorkman16
244.The Free One Would Finish HighestTheyComeInThrees16
245.BillssecondBill J15
246.Zsa Zsa nomore 3hancoach1315
247.Only Mostly Dead 2shroom14
248.Seen Me You Hosni Down By The School Yardzombie lover14
250.bucket kickerscultleaderjessica12
251.Old and Occasionally EntertainingMikey12
252.Poodle Poodle LabradoddlePoodle12
253.An Old Rangers Shopping ListCanadian Alldeads11
254.Cemetery Girls 4Cemetery Girls11
255.MisadventureConcrete Shoes11
256.North Tacoma Creepers IIcheeseburger11
257.Sen 1Mr Sen11
258.Sleddog11 1sleddog11
259.!!! unwelltitan36000
260.Burry'n Bill 2013BBurry'n Bill00
261.Greg's 2013 Dead pool list 3gfultz100
263.Live High, Die LowFredNietzsche00
265.Now I Lay You Down to SleepTheLeeJrwinna!00
267.roll the bones IIcheeseburger00
268.Sen 3Mr Sen00
269.The Sands of TimeThe Pancreatic Answer00
270.Time To Die In 2013Larry444400


Guess the Stiff!

A relatively obscure baseball player who should have been more famous, if only for inventing the high-five.

(d) May 30th, 1995