Fidel Castro has been played on 3598 lists, including 321 lists in The 2014 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.One Bump or Two - choiceSBUMP2638
2.Of Corpse You're Dead 6Shoeguy628
4.Angels of Death #3Jerry's Kids523
5.The Dirt NappersTaugh521
6.Joined the Choir Invisiblesplittertogo432
7.Styrofoam Bologna 1Gina3030431
8.Sal-n-BettsSal & Barb430
9.!!! ailingtitan360428
10.!!!!ABBO 2!!!!ABBO428
11.American Top 40-Bring back NixonThe game changer428
12.IAGO 3IAGO427
13.Wet Heave - 2Rus253426
14.CHAD - I Need $625,000; Anyone Offering?CHAD425
15.Victory AND Death 9Shams425
16.Dead Is As Dead DoesBison424
17.Doubled first namesmoribundus424
18.Heywood Jablome XIVUSER00119424
19.I Come to Bury CaesarPozzo424
20.The Clock is Tickingchriscott97424
21.BRUTESQUAD - OLDbrutesquad64422
22.Toe TaggerWallbanger422
23.Bought the East Hill Farmsplittertogo421
24.Of Corpse You're Dead 3Shoeguy418
25.NVN: Racing towards the top 40No Viagra Needed417
27.Heywood Jablome XVUSER00119416
28.Of Corpse You're Dead 4Shoeguy416
29.Of Corpse You're Dead 7Shoeguy416
30.Walking deaddisplayname007416
31.Black Santa 2014USER00562415
32.Is PeopleSoylentGreen326
33.tic tag toeroderner326
34.Zsa Zsa's PallbearersRastafarian Mormon326
36.Toe Tagger MoreWallbanger324
37.Angels of Death #1Jerry's Kids323
38.IAGO 2IAGO323
39.Sine Die: Atropos To Do ListSine Die323
40.The Good, the Bad, and the DeadThe Pancreatic Answer323
41.A Last Minute Call IIjwin55322
42.Chillydead 3chillybilly322
43.Dancing on WOHLERTS Graveonefunsob322
44.One Bump or Two - primeSBUMP2322
45.The Usual Suspects part 2TrinettRae322
46.connies boyme first321
47.Death Wish Part Icomputerstreber320
48.The Lynch MobTaugh320
49.This Is The End My Friendcleves place320
50.A Last Minute Call IIIjwin55319
51.CHAD - Yes Meghan Kelly, There Is A Black Santa ClausCHAD319
52.Sam Simon will dieDeathGift319
53.The Churning Urnstrojones319
54.Von Ryan's ExpressTaugh319
55.Die Easy With a Vengeanceshroom318
57.Leavin' the Scene in '14Scott in Philly318
59.Over 90FrogSoda318
60.Rhoda Killlucky punk318
61.Trout's Dead Fish IITrout318
62.Of Corpse You're Dead 5Shoeguy317
63.Rigor 3Rigor 1317
64.Stiff, bereft of life.. if you had't nailed him to the perch..splittertogo317
65.Styrofoam Bologna 2Gina3030317
66.Angels of Death #2Jerry's Kids316
67.Come on I Wanna see Em in a Mausoleum 4EdRulz316
68.Itoman Death Squad1BCeltics316
69.You're Dead to Me CastroTitanPilot583316
70.eli's comingBird315
71.List of the DamnedJoe Mazz315
72.Better you than meStooge314
73.Bucket KickersUtica Dave314
74.Tsuga - Die EngelTsuga314
75.What a friend we have in cheeses!tkdmel314
76.Are You People Ever Going To Croak?Nascar912313
77.Chicken at Tresky's 1Chicken at Tresky's313
78.MausoleakumUncle Stiffy313
79.Death Soup: Grim Reaper BypassMJ and Friends312
84.Witty Ironic List Name HereHauntedWebmaster312
85.BERRY D. LIVEUncle Stiffy311
86.Choken in the KitchenIndyHawk311
87.perks picks2perks picks311
88.Chillydead 2chillybilly310
89.Die Billy Graham, Dielittlejohn1954310
90.These stiffs won't be a Buddy for very longDeathGift310
91.Knock, Knock, Knocking on Death's DoorDead and Loving It39
92.PB: did NO researchpbear39
94.Bring It On: Bashar Me TimbersDEATH DEMON219
95.Death pool gamblers listDeath pool gambler219
97.America's Top 40 - Death EditionDGD218
98.Deathleague's DeathlistQuincy218
99.WE HAVE A PIPER DOWN! 2dryden2911218
100.Buck & MishBuck217
102.More really, really old peopleCosmo Underground217
103.One foot on the banana peel...Dr.Slime217
104.You're Dead to Me Castro TooTitanPilot583217
105.Canaries in a CoalmineCanaries in a coalmine216
106.cd5dh - Longer it don'tcerista216
107.CHAD - Silver Nickels & Golden DimesCHAD216
108.Concrete ShoesConcrete Shoes216
109.Drop like flies, pleaseDeathGift216
110.It's a wonderful life if you're not deadfireflyt216
112.Death By Pinocle 2014 #3oregontrail215
113.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost215
115.Rat Bastards 3Rat Bastard215
116.Sharpen the trochar 3Fry's Crematorium215
117.Doctor of Death 2the doctor of death214
118.List 3Donkey Sausage214
119.Well nobody died, did they? 3Archangel214
120.all gomers die of somethinglindbergh213
121.Big G's List of Dirt NappersDead Fred213
122.Come on I Wanna see Em in a Mausoleum 6EdRulz213
123.Death Be Not Proud VTimur213
124.Friends since high schoolUSER02574213
125.LIVE DEAD IIIFrau schadenfreude213
126.Nobody Puts Nancy in Cornerlonedryad213
127.Of Corpse You're Dead 9Shoeguy213
128.The EradicatorEradicator213
129.Cayman See Yacayman went212
130.Dearly Departedhop1962212
131.Death- You Dropped A Bomb On MeJayRockers!212
133.Digger O Dell 5Digger O Dell 10212
134.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit or What's That Smell?FrankJac212
135.Donne In!splittertogo212
136.Krem's Hit ListKrem99212
137.Vestamenta TresVestament212
138.Y'all Get Dead Now, Ya Hear?nroger919212
140.Bye Bee-lee!RottenToast211
141.Dictator saladJohnHines211
142.Digger O Dell 9Digger O Dell 10211
143.Good to godel bird211
144.JMD - Bloated PoliticsMr Wonderful211
145.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2014calvey211
146.No Chance In Hell 2toomanycards211
147.Skunkhair 2014 #1Skunkhair 2013211
148.CRY ME A RIVER 2fossilhead210
149.FreakDr Drunk210
150.Leftovers from 2013moribundus210
151.Oh well the list was "free"moribundus210
152.Pundertaker: Boys' Night OutThe Pundertaker210
153.RASTALLS REAPS 2014 1Rastalls210
155.3rd Year in a row-> 10th place = Free ListDGD29
156.Cemetery Girls 4Cemetery Girls29
157.Dirt DiggersIndyHawk29
158.Down and DirtyDRave1329
159.list 2Donkey Sausage29
160.Oldies but Goodies - hits of the EightiesTenPaces29
162.Six Feet of Dirtinfj99929
163.WTF. One more list.DGD29
164.Celebrity Zombie Apocolypsemsastria28
165.deadly debutanteDeadly Debutante28
166.Ivy Cliff 2014 - Bhodag2137828
167.Quietly DecomposingPushing Up Diasies28
168.Auntie111Ms. Antrope27
169.Hello, This Is Rhoda, I'm DormantNumber1User27
170.Skunkhair 2014 #3Skunkhair 201327
171.Cayman Wentcayman went26
172.Death Soup: There She Goes, Miss America!MJ and Friends26
173.DJ Badger Says DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!DJ Badger26
175.Already Goneashifman25
176.MrJeff2000's Vessel of Distressmrjeff200025
177.Old, cold, and full of moldDebizzydead?25
178.philly hit listtoddieboy24
179.Alice Doesn't Live AnymorePoodle110
180.c ya wouldnt wanna be yacristalblu110
181.Carpe Dead 'emdoorma110
182.Carpenter's dead your turn GlennTwilight is Near110
183.Chicken at Tresky's 2Chicken at Tresky's110
184.deathbitch unbrideledPIANOGIRL110
185.Dick_Trickles--Time to go Fideldigginsjp110
186.Feral Fodder 2BMT330110
187.Feral Foder 3BMT330110
188.I'll see you in hell- so meet me at the water fountainAndy110
189.Shameless plagiarism of last year's favouritesringbark110
190.Soul HuntersHunterbeer110
191.The Long Restscm99110
193.Coffin up BloodKirby19
194.Fettucine al DeadoMarkMx19
197.My 2014 ListLord Dickerson19
198.Sine Die: Stars and StripesSine Die19
199.Trout's Dead Fish IIITrout19
200.!!!!! ALBRECHT SAYS DIE ALREADY 2Albrecht18
201.another oneJason P.18
202.Chillydead 1chillybilly18
203.DJ Badger: My Wife Lanna Says DIE!DJ Badger18
204.Drink WestDrinkWest18
205.End of the line...into the box.Stooge18
206.IMA GONERUncle Stiffy18
207.Lights Out 3Joker18
208.Of Corpse You're Dead 2Shoeguy18
209.Old ones gotta go sometime!The Ig18
210.Pooble's Mausoleum Poolpooblemoo18
211.Sorry. There's Been No Call from the Governor...Pull the Switch!!Better Dead Than Red18
212.This is the year 2JMann88018
213.Big Blue BlowfliesBodyFarmBound17
214.Bob Barker Come On Downtrashking17
216.Dustin Diamond Memorial GardensGravitron17
217.poor kittylindbergh17
219.WAH #3 - DVHUSER0259317
220.Death Soup: Gross UrningsMJ and Friends16
221.Greg's List 2014gsippel16
222.I cheatedFrogSoda16
223.kiss my asszombie lover16
224.Of Corpse You're Dead 1Shoeguy16
225.10 drops of death and I winJp1215
226.Guess Who Died? 3ZUSER0148415
227.La Muerte Politically IncorrectLaMuerte15
228.Live and Let DieRadler15
229.Lots o' old and sick bastards VIBJCx7815
231.Not the dead you're looking for '14Alan S.15
232.Pile of Stinks 2 2014mommyster15
233.Smitty's Stiffiesamandansmith15
234.Who da corpse?mikegldn15
235.Bag and tag please.Big Guy14
236.David OverstreetOverstreet14
237.Dirt Nap 2014nrubsol14
238.i mortiannavan14
239.Ivy Cliff 2014 - Chodag2137814
240.joeg20141Joe G14
241.Killer Advocatelaptoplg14
242.Old people gotta go sometime 3The Ig14
244.Win one for the wallet!razorben14
245.You're Outwsprotte14
246.Cayman Gonecayman went13
247.DNR/DNI 3Nurseboy13
248.Drop Dead 3Drop Dead13
250.Of Corpse You're Dead 8Shoeguy13
252.Sack of StonesMarshrat13
253.Spoiler Alert: Everyone Dies in the EndMichenley13
254.This is how political rumors get started 2014USER0224813
255.All aboard for the afterlife!Stooge12
256.CRY ME A RIVERfossilhead12
257.Gonna Miss ThemFrogSoda12
259.Rip 2014Carolb12
260.Ten Funerals III 2014Jerrytopdown12
261.Betsy's Bodies 1Betsy11
262.BIIA - IIBut Is It Art?11
263.Chill CharactersSarcophagus Sam11
264.DNR/DNI 2Nurseboy11
266.Abra Cadaverborn2run5900
267.back from the deaddie u sob00
269.Blake's Bones: MixedMr. Blake00
270.Buzzard WatchPHALEX00
271.CA clubdie4metoday00
273.CG's ListCGray00
274.Chicago Jake: If I had a tumor, I'd name it Marla.Chicago Jake00
275.Cold & EmotionlessPastaPower00
276.Craker Js 2014CRACKER J00
277.Crash and BurnTwilight is Near00
278.Dave's Dead Pool 2014Your Dead Pool Highness00
279.Death Row All StarsDeath Row00
281.Dick Van DeathPoodle00
282.Dictators and DicksSwine00
283.Dirt Bag Three 2014Blondemarvel00
284.DNR/DNI 1Nurseboy00
285.DX Rob IDX Rob00
286.Future Dead PeopleClever Team Name00
287.Get up Stand up 2014Sgrayva00
288.Herm BoolieHerm Boolie00
289.Ken's Kicked it ListDead On00
290.Kings and QueensRastafarian Mormon00
291.Kleptocrat Scumboomshadow00
292.Letting the Hubby Pick SomeEuthanasia00
293.Life is a warm shot moment, Death is a long cold restReaper Crew00
294.Loss of PowerCheck, Please!00
295.Miracle Grow Secret IngredientEvil Lemons00
296.No Chance In Helltoomanycards00
297.Old BallsBrown Widow00
298.Porricelli ListMichaelgp00
299.Pushing up DaisiesAuise9900
300.Say hi to Elvis for meSpudboy00
301.Scandal rachel 4Rachel A00
302.Scandal rachel 5Rachel A00
304.Sen1Mr Sen00
305.Sen2Mr Sen00
306.Someone and The Somethingsgg4632100
308.That WAS Entertainment 2014Filmslave00
309.The Best is yet to end!Pooky00
310.The Dead Answer KeyFroggyB00
311.The Only Good Politician is a Dead PoliticianAmy Sue00
312.Time To Die In 2014Larry444400
313.Traded to the AngelsLady Die00
314.Trying this againEuthanasia00
315.TurnersStiffys2014Jack turner00
316.Two Mannings One CupTwo Mannings One Cup00
317.WAH #1USER0259300
318.We Can All Dream, Right?unusualpsycho00
319.You Can Do It, Fidel! I Believe In You! 2014 Is Your Year!Two Worlds00
320.You mean Ozzy isn't dead yet?Mojothedeaddog00


Guess the Stiff!

And a very pleasant good evening to you, wherever you may be.

(d) August 2nd, 2022