Ronnie Biggs has been played on 3414 lists, including 289 lists in The 2011 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Opie's murder by Slingshot - Winkin’s MomKudsKroakers847
2.Dirt NappersTaugh632
3.Cemetery Girls 1Cemetery Girls533
4.Baker Street BluesGhost of Stiffs Past530
5.Goodnight Mrs Callabash whereever you areDigger O Dell 10527
6.Somewhere, some lucky guy's having a heart attack.DGD527
7.Asystole 2Ben Dover525
9.yeah yeah buh bye 6yeah yeah buh bye521
10.-wd-alan smithee430
11.Fuck Me Running!USER02609430
12.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: OuttakesFTG429
13.Destroyers 9Destroyers428
14.EMFC Hide the Wife, Hide the KidsEMFCoffin428
15.Chasing the Dragon!dead presidents427
16.Help! Help! I'm being repressed!DGD427
17.March Of The MaggotsMarch Of The Maggots426
18.Sorry Twins FansRD02426
19.Team Formalin I: You'd Better Run Run!anarchess426
20.Cemetery Girls 6Cemetery Girls423
21.Heaven in '11The Coroner423
23.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 2Joker423
24.Pete Doherty just won't diemixorr423
25.Worse than the firstTheOriginalDub423
26.'Morty'; such a cute nameMort422
27.Cancer is Your FriendExit Stage Four422
28.Death Be Not Proud IITimur422
29.IAGO 2IAGO422
30.Now He's Harmlesslucky punk422
31.The Ghost of AJ BurnettBones McCoy422
32.The Last Stopunit13422
33.Andrewsup time for dinnerjoseph8080421
34.Asystole 6Ben Dover421
35.Plowing The Deephop1962421
36.wish it weren't truemost men are shallow420
37.One Can HopeUSER01206419
38.Run To The Lightlucky punk419
39.Doc & DJ--We've Made the Moneyboard!Doc & DJ418
40.yeah yeah buh bye 2yeah yeah buh bye418
41.andrewsup graveyardjoseph8080417
42.Coffin up stiffsmixorr417
43.MsWhatsit's 2010 Survivors ListMsWhatsit417
44.A Third List For My BuckRD02416
45.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 7EdRulz416
46.Doc & DJ--Numbers GameDoc & DJ416
47.The Amazing KreskinUSER02428416
49.Soon B Gonn 2Edhead22415
50.yeah yeah buh bye 3yeah yeah buh bye415
51.yeah yeah buh bye 8yeah yeah buh bye415
52.Loose Hips Sink Shipslucky punk414
53.Mary Gibbs a BitchJim412
54.Mcswindlers List 3hop1962325
56.A Grateful Deadhead 2011Judysomething324
57.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: CounterplotFTG322
58.Beat the ReaperThe Reaper321
59.DNR/DNI 3Nurseboy321
60.Smoking RuinTheOriginalDub321
61.What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?DGD321
62.Bones for Blake IMr. Blake320
63.Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something.DGD320
64.MJ Lives!MJ Lives320
65.MJ Lives! IIIMJ Lives320
66.Team Formalin II: You Won't Escape This Time, Biggsy!anarchess320
67.And Don't Call Me ShirleyDGD319
69.Lucky's list - Dear Abby, DROP DEAD!Pezintree319
70.ReaperMadness #3ReaperMadness319
71.Smoke n mirrorsTheOriginalDub319
73.Billy Billy Graham GrahamBird318
74.Death- Just A Little Off The TopJayRockers!318
75.DNR/DNI 2Nurseboy318
76.Guess Who Died? 2ZUSER01484318
77.Seriously, who the fuck is Bill Shamblin?DGD318
78.VADNELLY'S VOODOOSVadnelly Voodoos318
79.yeah yeah buh bye 7yeah yeah buh bye318
80.Andrewsup is back upjoseph8080317
81.Crossing The Embalm RiveJamoke317
83.La Muerte2LaMuerte317
84.Nothing Like Last Minute Terminal CancerBird317
85.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 9EdRulz316
86.Everything's Deader in TexasBluelena316
87.flatiners 1The game changer316
88.No Longer the Queen of Outer Spacelucky punk316
89.Pookie's Stiffs #1Pookie's Stiffs316
90.RIP Miss BlankenshipRD02316
91.Went to Toastie Heaven in '11RottenToast316
92.MJ Lives! IIMJ Lives315
93.Yeah yeah buh byeyeah yeah buh bye315
94.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleumEdRulz314
95.Malignant Tomberlilsqueakyone314
96.Oops, Wrong DouglasBird314
97.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 2EdRulz313
98.Slim Whitman's CrotchUSER02535313
99.Toe TagsBury This313
100.yeah yeah buh bye 5yeah yeah buh bye313
101.yeah yeah buh bye 9yeah yeah buh bye313
102.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 6EdRulz312
103.Death Never Takes a HolidayNipper312
104.Destroyers 8Destroyers312
105.Hosebaglucky punk312
106.Nancy Pelosi Sucks TwoCrock of Pelosi312
107.The Ghost of Bob SheppardBones McCoy312
108.Birdman 8Bird311
109.Birdman 9Bird311
110.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 3EdRulz311
111.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 4EdRulz311
112.DNR/DNI 1Nurseboy311
113.PB: Hope to get 5 this yearpbear311
114.Trout's Dead FishTrout311
115.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 5EdRulz310
116.Dwyer's Zombie PatrolJim310
117.Grassy Knoll Dead!trashking310
118.Ethnic Cleansing 2hop196239
119.MsWhatsit's Time's Up ListMsWhatsit39
120.dingyme first38
121.Doc & DJ--Bob Hope All-StarsDoc & DJ37
122.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: BrimstoneFTG36
123.vg_Bukkake Karaokevomit_god36
124.Death By Pinocle 2011 List2oregontrail218
125.Sarky - A sporting chanceSarky218
126.Are We Dead Yet 2?goodwin73216
127.Doc & DJ--I'm sorry I spat on your dog. I have no recollection of that.Doc & DJ216
129.Susie's DeadbeatsSusie Sicko216
132.Destroyers 2Destroyers215
133.Good Mourning!!splittertogo215
134.I mainly design slaughterhouses..splittertogo215
135.Lots o' sick bastards IIIBJCx78215
137.Baxley - Old FavouritesBaxley213
138.Charlie Don't Surf with Elita LorescaCharlie Dont Surf213
139.dingy momome first213
140.Ethnic Cleansing 4hop1962213
141.Gone Up to Heaven in '11Scott in Philly213
142.He's Hosedlucky punk213
144.Nurse! Nurse! Help me! 2011Paul1681213
145.All I want for Christmas is Ronnie Biggs to Diebridgy212
146.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 8EdRulz212
147.cryptkicker 2Cryptkickers Inc.212
148.Ghoulash IIGhoulash212
149.ReaperMadness #2ReaperMadness212
150.the big crojoepeters212
151.A&J Combinedthing211211
152.Birdman 12Bird211
153.JMD - 10 People Getting Laid this YearMr Wonderful211
154.MsWhatsit's Three to Get Ready ListMsWhatsit211
155.Rogue's Dead GuyMarkMx211
156.The Wizard of West LAFroggyB211
157.The Wizard of West LA 2FroggyB211
158.Baxley - Blender of DeathBaxley210
159.Birdman 13Bird210
160.Death Rattle and Roll Fats DominoTwilight is Near210
161.Double Dose of Douglas DeathUSER02535210
164.JCudds 3JCudds210
165.NJM Green MileNJMCW210
166.Plowing The Deep 2hop1962210
167.Pokey's StinkersPokey22210
169.Another Death Pool ListBird29
170.Birdman 7Bird29
171.Ethnic Cleansinghop196229
173.On three: 1-2-3, DIE!meanguy29
174.Plowing The Deep 3hop196229
176.Birdman 15Bird28
177.cryptkicker 1Cryptkickers Inc.28
178.Daisy Pusherssquidly76628
179.Goodbye DickBird28
180.H O S P I C E take care B Y EBird28
181.I HOPE It's Her YearBird28
182.Mcswindlers Listhop196228
183.No Harmon a last minute listBird28
184.Ran Out Of List NamesBird28
185.Birdman 4Bird27
186.Dirtnaps R UsSweet Release27
187.flatiners 2The game changer27
188.Pookie's Stiffs #2Pookie's Stiffs27
189.Rise to the DeadBird27
190.SirDrexl's StiffsSirDrexl27
191.Trout's Dead Fish 3Trout27
193.MK - MBbalmedMBalmed26
194.Pookie's Stiffs #3Pookie's Stiffs26
195.Bring out your Dead 2jim dibello25
196.Bye Bye RobertaBird25
197.Death Soup: Turn Me On, Dead ManMJ and Friends25
198.R-E-S-P-E-C-T to the D-E-A-Dbridgy25
199.Swimming VolkswagenUSER0074825
200.Pokey's PoopersPokey2224
201.Well nobody died, did they? #1Archangel24
202.Fettucine al Dead-OMarkMx23
203.Are We Dead Yet 3?goodwin73110
204.Dirt Naps For Dollars 1FrankJac110
205.Donne In ! Death Be Not Proud Isplittertogo110
206.EMFC You're a Mean One, Mr. DeathEMFCoffin110
207.Too dead for you babyDead Person Specialist, E110
208.yeah yeah buh bye 4yeah yeah buh bye110
209.Asystole 4Ben Dover19
210.Coffin UpOicho Throw19
211.Deadly Debutante IIDeadly Debutante19
212.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl19
213.Grim Profiteer TooNice Sicko19
214.Stacking The DeckHugh G. Wrekshun19
215.A Rotting SmellHe's Dead Jim18
216.EMAW #3trav12418
218.bird don't livePIANOGIRL17
219.Doc & DJ--I think we've run out of Six Feet Under referencesDoc & DJ17
220.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: BarqueroFTG17
221.JCudds 1JCudds17
222.Rigor IRigor17
223.Tsuga - Celebrating 10 Years of Mediocre Dead PoolingTsuga17
224.A Deathpool ListBird16
225.Abe's not on this oneBird16
226.Birdman 1Bird16
227.Birdman 10Bird16
228.Birdman 11Bird16
229.Birdman 6Bird16
230.Death Becomes Themzabac1016
231.Death Rattle and Roll Aziz hands from a poleTwilight is Near16
232.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: HellfireFTG16
233.JMD - Shelve before '12Mr Wonderful16
234.Let The Bodies Hit The FloorBird16
235.Loki IILoki16
237.She puts the Fun in FunicelloBird16
238.Styrofoam BolognaGina303016
239.Your Mom Stole My WalletUSER0253516
241.Absolut Unit B ZombiesJim15
242.Dick Clark Better fuckin dieElster00015
243.Dwyer's Dead PoolJim15
244.Going to Take a (Final) Nap 3FireMutt3515
245.Lizzy 3 2011Lizzy15
246.Rigor IIIRigor15
247.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail15
248.Cemetery Girls 3Cemetery Girls14
249.Double Dose of Douglas. Double Dose.Bird14
250.EMAW #2trav12414
251.Silence of the LambsPushing Up Diasies14
252.Winds of DeathBird14
253.Celebrity Dead-Factorbridgy13
254.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: WarpathFTG13
255.Zsa Zsa - This is Your Yearbridgy13
256.Birdman - can't spell eydie without DIEBird12
258.Pokey's PicksPokey2212
259.Rocky FellerBird12
260.Single Dose of DouglasBird12
261.The Hopefullsdeathdealer12
262.Cartman- Rent Too Damn HighCARTMAN11
263.Cool Irish Dude 3Cool Irish Dude11
264.Death March1BCeltics11
265.Grim ProfiteerNice Sicko11
266.Rogue marineRogue Marine11 - Girth Beats Length By a Landslidevomit_god11
268.vg_Fred Phelps caught wanking it to Two Gorillas, One Cupvomit_god11
269.You're OUTwsprotte11
270.AARP Happens 2shorty7ft00
271.Always look on the bright side of death IIAngel of Death00
272.Birdman - Chitty Chitty Bang DeadBird00
273.Birdman 14Bird00
274.Birdman 3Bird00
275.Birdman 5Bird00
276.Bring out your Dead 1jim dibello00
277.Bring out your Dead 3jim dibello00
278.Cartman- Taking My Talents To South BeachCARTMAN00
279.chemobrain's lindy losers reduxchemobrain00
280.DB DeathListBrummett00
281.Easy Money 2011Easy Money00
284.Greed is GoodBird00
285.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow PencilJoanCrawfordsMakeupBag00
286.Martha PearlDiane00
287.Something smells dead you guys.. I'm not kidding.CaSkeT CrAzY00
288.tic tag toeroderner00
289.XP DeathlistBrummett00


Guess the Stiff!

You know, usually, a guy involved in sports this long has something interesting that has happened to him at some point in his long life. Not this guy. Baseball. That's it.

(d) June 4th, 2023