Olivia de Havilland has been played on 3796 lists, including 330 lists in The 2014 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.One Bump or Two - choiceSBUMP2638
2.WE HAVE A PIPER DOWN! 3dryden2911636
3.I just saw him alivelindbergh537
4.La Muerte 2LaMuerte535
5.27 Club: List List1000_Ways533
6.Erika Anne Drank the Kool-AidBuffiedee532
7.Oldies but GoodiesTenPaces532
9.Cash from Cancer: How do you dispose of a corpse named Maria?Cash From Cancer530
10.Cash from Cancer: shut your TrappCash From Cancer528
11.Break a Leg and the RestGregDean527
12.Lights Out 1Joker527
13.TomB RaterTomB rater 666525
14.Angels of Death #3Jerry's Kids523
15.Fill In My Toe Tag ( That Tickles ! ! ! )Dick Rotten433
16.Joined the Choir Invisiblesplittertogo432
17.roll the diceme first432
19.Styrofoam Bologna 1Gina3030431
20.Sal-n-BettsSal & Barb430
22.The Final ReposeNick ‘n Beth429
23.!!!!ABBO 2!!!!ABBO428
24.Expiration Date 12/31/13Pokey22428
25.Fade to Black 3Fade to Black428
26.Herbs hellcatsdel bird428
28.At the TollboothFredo let's go fishing427
29.Everything's PoliticalJinxed426
30.Good to the last drop deaddisplayname007426
31.Dead Is As Dead DoesBison424
33.Dust to DollarsDRave13423
35.michael went down hill fastBird423
36.LA LISTE DE JOJO 2014Meo422
37.Shot In The DarkAltois422
38.Bought the East Hill Farmsplittertogo421
39.Cash from Cancer: Roberto MalignantCash From Cancer421
41.Die Easy 2: Die Easiershroom421
42.The last good-byeMinnow9001421
44.If Tomorrow Never ComesSal & Barb420
46.casey at the batBird418
47.Digger O Dell 8Digger O Dell 10418
48.I've Got a Secret: I'M DEAD!Bea Hind418
49.Of Corpse You're Dead 3Shoeguy418
50.Death March 31BCeltics417
51.Pennies on your eyesdoorma417
53.Cash From Cancer: Celebrity Rumours and Malignant TumorsCash From Cancer413
54.Sack-O-Stiffies Part DeuxVicLic2412
55.Fade to Black 2Fade to Black327
57.Rat Bastards 2Rat Bastard327
58.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail327
59.Is PeopleSoylentGreen326
60.tic tag toeroderner326
61.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit or Go To The LightFrankJac325
62.Worm Food HelperT-Rex325
63.Fade to Black VFade to Black324
64.Reap 'Em & Weep #2USER00557324
65.Toe Tagger MoreWallbanger324
66.Angels of Death #1Jerry's Kids323
67.Bye, CentenialPozzo323
68.Death Becomes Us 2People Meat323
69.Sine Die: Atropos To Do ListSine Die323
70.Sine Die: Parting GlassSine Die323
71.Dancing on WOHLERTS Graveonefunsob322
72.One Bump or Two - primeSBUMP2322
73.The Good, The Bad and the StiffCardiac Arrested322
75.Googuse I hope this worksgooguse321
76.I bereave in magicBird321
77.Ready for BedJinxed321
78.E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa 2MITINCUSA320
80.Hardanger is deadHardanger Dies Today320
82.The Compost HeapMarkMx320
83.Tits-Up Itits-up320
84.Boston BootleggersBigsunset1967319
85.Cheeses love me, this I know!tkdmel319
86.Doctor of Death 1the doctor of death319
87.Mom & Elizabethkristi319
89.Sam Simon will dieDeathGift319
90.Victory AND DeathShams319
91.Victory AND Death 4Shams319
92.WE HAVE A PIPER DOWN! 1dryden2911319
93.Die Easy With a Vengeanceshroom318
94.Digger O Dell 3Digger O Dell 10318
95.Live dead IIFrau schadenfreude318
97.Over 90FrogSoda318
98.Swmming with the Fishes - OneLegal-ly Dead318
99.Ten Funerals I 2014Jerrytopdown318
100.The Usual SuspectsTrinettRae318
101.Walk this wwayBud Santimyer318
102.A Wife Finds This Offensiveknkaustin317
103.CoffinRattler-The Favoredcoffinrattler317
104.DIE Zsa Zsa!T-Rex317
105.Don't put all your eggs in one basket? Kirk Kerkorian is my Scott CarpenterDeathGift317
106.Feed the TreeHoneybee317
107.Old Equals GoldPooky317
108.Stiff, bereft of life.. if you had't nailed him to the perch..splittertogo317
109.Styrofoam Bologna 2Gina3030317
110.Angels of Death #2Jerry's Kids316
111.Heywood Jablome XIIIUSER00119316
112.McMurdo 2014.1McMurdoMan316
113.Oldanddriedup 2014Little Chip316
114.You're Dead to Me CastroTitanPilot583316
115.Assault with a Deadly List!Dead Person Specialist, E315
116.Dogs Can Look Up 2Last Stop315
117.goddammit 3goddammit315
118.List of the DamnedJoe Mazz315
119.A Grateful Deadhead 2014Judysomething314
120.Are We Dead Yet 002goodwin73314
121.Better you than meStooge314
122.Cemetery Girls 5Cemetery Girls314
123.Go Fuck Yourself!GoFuckYourself314
124.Long Distance DedicationElster000314
125.Olivia oilBird314
126.The Grass Is Always Greenergrassisalwaysgreener314
127.What a friend we have in cheeses!tkdmel314
128.Celebrity Zombie Apocolypse Part Deuxmsastria313
129.Dirt NappersWikiLiki312
130.Get The Shovel1BCeltics312
131.Long Live the New FleshYellowbeard312
133.Not Dead Yet IVTimur312
134.Choken in the KitchenIndyHawk311
135.Lights, camera, DEATH!!!!Big Guy310
136.A fool and his moneyVaGentry39
137.Knock, Knock, Knocking on Death's DoorDead and Loving It39
138.PB: did NO researchpbear39
139.Bring It On: Bashar Me TimbersDEATH DEMON219
140.Jenny Was SweetDePressED219
141.Live deadFrau schadenfreude219
142.Deathleague's DeathlistQuincy218
143.WE HAVE A PIPER DOWN! 2dryden2911218
144.Cartman- The Stiffs.com OaksCARTMAN217
145.Die Easyshroom217
146.Don't come around here no more.The rebel.217
147.From My Cold Dead HandsFMCDH217
149.More really, really old peopleCosmo Underground217
150.NR I Am Made Of Money Listnorthern reaper217
151.WHIRLAWAY! IIGoFuckYourself217
152.And The Horse You Rode In OnDEEJ216
153.Canaries in a CoalmineCanaries in a coalmine216
154.cd5dh - Longer it don'tcerista216
156.Concrete ShoesConcrete Shoes216
157.Drop like flies, pleaseDeathGift216
158.Future Worm FoodTeam Sleep216
159.Joan Crawford Eyebrow Pencil 3 - Girl's Night OutJoanCrawfordsMakeupBag216
160.Mam Cin2TeamTrautz216
161.American Top 40-Is there a Margaritaville in heaven?The game changer215
162.Death By Pinocle 2014 #3oregontrail215
163.DePressED 10DePressED215
164.Die DieTwilight is Near215
165.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost215
166.Live Free Or DieRobin215
167.NR A Work of Artnorthern reaper215
169.Worm FoodiesDave215
170.Blakes Bones: LadiesMr. Blake214
171.Ding, Dong, Dead!Check, Please!214
172.Dogs Can Look Up 1Last Stop214
173.goddammit 1goddammit214
174.goddammit 2goddammit214
175.List 3Donkey Sausage214
176.My Neighbor Is An Assholezombie lover214
177.This is it!Digger O Dell 10214
178.Copydeath MMXIVUSER00562213
180.LIVE DEAD IIIFrau schadenfreude213
181.may or may not workBird213
182.NR A Wasted Listnorthern reaper213
183.Of Corpse You're Dead 9Shoeguy213
185.Still geezingSwine213
186.Xyla PhonyGhoulash213
187.90 Is The New DeadDr Drunk212
188.Cayman See Yacayman went212
189.Dearly Departedhop1962212
191.Donne In!splittertogo212
192.Krem's Hit ListKrem99212
193.No Theme, No Malice, Just Likely to Die This Yearhumanmeal212
194.Off The CuffAltois212
195.Y'all Get Dead Now, Ya Hear?nroger919212
196.Are We Dead Yet 003goodwin73211
197.Bye Bee-lee!RottenToast211
198.Chrisknauf 2014Chris Knauf211
199.Death Race 2014USER02395211
200.Dem BonesKendall211
201.Dictator saladJohnHines211
202.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2014calvey211
203.No Chance In Hell 2toomanycards211
205.Waiting at Heavens doorChuckie211
206.Die for dollarsThe rebel.210
207.I really don't think Valerie will die but just in caseDeathGift210
208.lg's 2014labgrrl210
210.Stop using all the oxygenChris Goulart210
211.You're dead to metheappointment210
212.Dust or Bust!Star Dust29
213.list 2Donkey Sausage29
214.Old mutha bleepersDeathGift29
215.Sid Picks Celebs #1dead presidents29
216.Six Feet of Dirtinfj99929
217.Valerie Harper LeeTwilight is Near29
218.Cash from Cancer: The Grim Reaper gets a new BuddyCash From Cancer28
219.Googuse Gacksgooguse27
220.JMD - Dirt Nap DecathlonMr Wonderful27
221.Offal TruthUSER0179727
222.Skunkhair 2014 #3Skunkhair 201327
223.Tell Your Don What Everyone Seems To KnowFrankie Pentangeli27
224.Too Lazy for Good ListnameRhody Trash27
225.Cayman Wentcayman went26
226.Cupcakes & Champagne 2014nlcfsemfc26
227.still tryingbjaskols26
228.Your-ass-is-sick ParkDGD26
229.2014 Deal Pool listvalberts196324
230.Cash from Cancer: The Twilight of the Billy GrahamsCash From Cancer24
231.philly hit listtoddieboy24
232.It's Kirk and Zsa Zsa's yearDr. Who23
233.Carpenter's dead your turn GlennTwilight is Near110
234.deathbitch unbrideledPIANOGIRL110
235.Dick_Trickles--Time to go Fideldigginsjp110
236.Feral Fodder 1BMT330110
237.Loki 2Loki110
238.NR My Third List or Soulsnorthern reaper110
239.Oldies but Goodies & BaddiesRoquefort110
240.Swmming with the Fishes - TwoLegal-ly Dead110
241.The Long Restscm99110
242.Vestamenta UnoVestament110
243.Black AIDS FistYour Mom19
244.Dancing With Mr. DBetter Off Dead19
245.Emma's Die Lemma - Dilemma!!Emma Dilemma19
246.I like dead peopleMkahros19
247.Lady's First, Watch Your Step By That HoleDick Rotten19
248.NR See Ya' Later Ladies Pt. 3northern reaper19
249.NR See Ya' Ladies Pt. 2northern reaper19
250.Plan #4557 How to pay off Student Loan DebtEvil Lemons19
251.RD: What has one leg and STILL won't die?RD0219
252.The Return of the Cooter Croakerstom690419
253.Trout's Dead Fish IIITrout19
254.another oneJason P.18
255.Circle of DeathRcktManIL18
256.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost18
257.Matt and Bo combined excellenceMdombros18
258.MATTOID - One of these yearsThe Mattoid18
259.NR See Ya' Later, Ladies 1northern reaper18
261.shaw nuffBird18
262.Sorry. There's Been No Call from the Governor...Pull the Switch!!Better Dead Than Red18
263.Tsuga - Dirt in the GroundTsuga18
264.Big Blue BlowfliesBodyFarmBound17
265.Bob Barker Come On Downtrashking17
266.Cash from Cancer: How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough?Cash From Cancer17
267.Chuckles Bites the DustY_Angel_W17
268.Drop Dead 2Drop Dead17
269.Famous Fossils IHugh G. Wrekshun17
270.JB's Bones To BeBunn's Bones To Be17
271.LOD: Ronnie Biggs' Posseed head17
272.No More Ms. Alive GalMardiRob17
273.poor kittylindbergh17
274.Pundertaker: License to IllThe Pundertaker17
276.kiss my asszombie lover16
277.McMurdo 2014.4McMurdoMan16
278.Of Corpse You're Dead 1Shoeguy16
279.Grim Assclowns 1USER0163715
280.Lots o' old and sick bastards VIBJCx7815
281.Well nobody died, did they? 2Archangel15
282.Who da corpse?mikegldn15
283.Cash from Cancer: Music Box CancerCash From Cancer14
284.DX Rob IIIDX Rob14
285.Killer Advocatelaptoplg14
286.Win one for the wallet!razorben14
287.Death Be Comes UsPeople Meat13
289.NR Drinking Againnorthern reaper13
290.Of Corpse You're Dead 8Shoeguy13
292.Sack of StonesMarshrat13
293.Saw The Light #3SAW THE LIGHT13
294.Show me the money IIThe Coroner13
295.Spoiler Alert: Everyone Dies in the EndMichenley13
296.To the Multiverse and Beyond!urbscholar13
297.All aboard for the afterlife!Stooge12
298.CRY ME A RIVERfossilhead12
300.List 6Donkey Sausage12
301.List UnoAlduzfl12
302.Azabache 2014azabachenegro11
304.House Of Soon To Be With The Lordhop196211
306.See You Wouldn't Want to be You - 2014DC Celebrity Necrologist11
307.Show me the money IIIThe Coroner11
308.Toe Tagger TooWallbanger11
309.back from the deaddie u sob00
311.billsthirdBill J00
312.Bo's bestMdombros00
313.Buzzard WatchPHALEX00
314.Death Wish Part IIcomputerstreber00
315.Did Anyone Else Immediately Think of Sonny Bono?Number1User00
316.Die you f*cking PeopleChris Goulart00
317.I Can't Believe My Sister Beat Me to Deathlucky punk00
318.Kino Der Toten 3Toe Tagged Luminary00
319.LCD's picksLcatherine00
320.Moldy WomenAmy Sue00
321.Notorious R.I.P.Radler00
322.Ricky Bobby's PartyRicky Bobby00
323.Scandal 2014 rachelRachel A00
325.Stones Girl for 2014Stones Girl00
326.The Dead Answer KeyFroggyB00
327.This'll happen.RcktManIL00
328.Tony's DeadMaster Nubbins00
329.Trautz' Choir InvisibleTeamTrautz00


Guess the Stiff!

An amazingly resilient woman, she survived not only the sinking of the Andrea Doria, but also four dates with a Bonzo-era Ronald Reagan.

(d) September 9th, 1999