Muhammad Ali has been played on 1271 lists, including 189 lists in The 2015 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Joeylucky punk530
2.Doc & DJ--Lobster Boy/Dom Draper Fingerbang ContestDoc & DJ526
3.Doc & DJ--Prop Joe's Cadaverous MotherfuckersDoc & DJ431
4.CHAD - I'm Running Out Of List NamesCHAD428
5.Ten ForwardOldDocMcCoy424
6.Death Soup: Death Watch BeatlesMJ and Friends421
7.Martha PearlDiane411
8.CHAD - I Need $500,000, Anyone Offering?CHAD327
9.LA LISTE DE JOJO 2015Meo326
10.Playing a HarpBuck325
11.Simon says - too many shots to the headThe Shadow325
12.Charlie Don't Surf without Leena NguynCharlie Dont Surf322
13.Fool me five times, Zsa ZsaUSER02524322
14.I can say Chimichanga in seven languages.DGD322
15.Doc & DJ--2014 Was an Off Year for UsDoc & DJ321
16.McSwindlers Listhop1962321
17.yeah yeah buh bye 2yeah yeah buh bye321
19.In The DeathroomMr. Redrum320
20.Charlie Don't Surf without Mia LeeCharlie Dont Surf319
21.Death Soup: All Together Now!MJ and Friends318
22.Everyone Must Die!!!Sickle Cell - #2 cause of318
23.Death By Pinochle List 2oregontrail316
24.deathbitch rides againPIANOGIRL316
25.Dirtiest Nappymommyster315
26.Pennies on Your Eyesdoorma315
27.plant me now dig you laterPIANOGIRL315
29.Not feeling wellBada Bing314
30.Death By Pinochle List 3oregontrail313
31.Michael Jackson is Living in ParisMJ Lives313
32.Guess Who Died? 3ZUSER01484312
35.Pop Goes The Weasel- Part 3The Coroner219
36.Yeah yeah buh byeyeah yeah buh bye219
37.yeah yeah buh bye 4yeah yeah buh bye219
38.Tsuga - Dirt in the GroundTsuga218
39.Naha Assassins1BCeltics217
40.NoNames 3jim dibello217
41.Yeah, Toast!lilsqueakyone217
42.Fossil Farmhop1962216
43.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost216
44.La Muerte - Politically IncorrectLaMuerte216
45.Float like a butterfly die like a beeTwilight is Near215
46.Ivy Cliff Memorial - Bhodag21378215
47.Stand and deliver 2015Sgrayva215
48.Yankee-Yak, Don't Talk BackNumber1User215
49.Cupcakes and Champagnenlcfsemfc214
50.plant you now dig you laterPIANOGIRL214
52.Eight(y-Six) is EnoughPozzo213
53.I'm always a pallbearer never the corpse!DGD213
54.Pearly GatesDouble0213
55.This is how rumors get started 2015USER02248213
56.Wake N' Bakelilsqueakyone213
57.After All, We Are Not CommunistsFrankie Pentangeli212
58.Bad Things in 2015Bad_Things212
59.Michael Jackson is Living in CroatiaMJ Lives212
60.Reaper Madness #2ReaperMadness212
61.Death and Taxeshossdaddynick211
62.Time to Say GoodbyeCheck, Please!211
63.Top of the pile of pre-written obits at the paperTrinettRae211
64.Bunns Bones To Be 2Bunn's Bones To Be210
65.Of Corpse You're Dead 4Shoeguy210
66.Of Corpse You're Dead 3Shoeguy29
67.Cartman- Faceoff With BeliveauCARTMAN28
68.Jiang Se-menTwilight is Near28
69.Of Corpse You're Dead 6Shoeguy28
70.JoeG20151Joe G27
71.Of Corpse You're Dead 2Shoeguy27
72.That WAS Entertainment for MomFilmslave27
73.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost25
74.Cement StepsCement Steps110
75.Dave's Dead Pool 2015Your Dead Pool Highness110
76.Deadly DebutanteDeadly Debutante110
77.Ghostly GropingsJanisdoll110
80.Sack-O-Stiffies Part TroisVicLic2110
81.Sick BayOldDocMcCoy110
82.Simon Says GoodbyePokey22110
83.Z TeamMarkMx110
84.Cemetery Girls 5Cemetery Girls19
85.Come on I Wanna See 'em In a Mausoleum 5EdRulz19
86.Deadmaster - AmyBdeadmaster19
87.Death Soup: Make My Funk the P-FunkMJ and Friends19
88.DJ Badger: My Wife Lanna says DIE!DJ Badger19
89.Lean and Mean in 2015More Beer19
90.Not Fit To Carry Nietzsche's Jock Strap IIFredNietzsche19
91.NVN: Tallywacker is a funny wordNo Viagra Needed19
92.Rigor IRigor 119
93.Trautz Bulls-EyesTeamTrautz19
94.Fettucine al DeadoMarkMx18
95.House Of Soon To Be With The Lordhop196218
96.Pots Kitchen and BaconMarkMx18
97.Counting Bodies Like SheepDGambrinus17
98.Dead Keen in 2015More Beer17
100.Ivy Cliff Memorial - Ahodag2137817
101.Reaper Madness #1ReaperMadness17
102.Are you people ever gonna croak?Nascar91216
103.DIE, FUCKERS, DIE!sillysqrrl16
104.Dirt Nap 2015nrubsol16
106.A very mean 2015More Beer15
107.Bachman Turner OverkillOicho Throw15
108.Jack's Listsleeplv201315
109.Older than DirtNVRGVUP15
110.Everyone Dies in the EndMichenley14
111.I just saw him alivelindbergh14
112.Of Corpse You're Dead 5Shoeguy14
114.Stiffies 2015heathrow1314
115.This is the year, Zsa ZsaCosmo Underground14
116.Zsa Zsa MUST GO!Deckhawk14
118.Down and DirtyDRave1313
119.Going UndergroundDirtyLarry13
120.Your dead to meMaryjo8013
121.2015 Dirt Bag 2Blondemarvel12
122.Erika Anne:'Rollin the die...Buffiedee12
123.Reap Em and Weep #1USER0055711
124.Tits UpCosmo Underground11
125.Zsa Zsa better fuckin dieElster00011
126.!!! infirmtitan36000
127.!Albrecht Says Die2!Albrecht00
129.Brain DeadCheck, Please!00
130.BringOutYerDeadMr Happy00
131.BringOutYerDead1Mr Happy00
132.BringOutYerDead2Mr Happy00
133.C ya wouldn't wanna be yacristalblu00
134.Carpe Dead 'emdoorma00
135.Charlotte Rae Gang Banghemlock please00
137.Chicago Jake 2: Girlfriend In A ComaChicago Jake00
138.CoffinRattler-The Decrepitcoffinrattler00
140.Damn, y'all in rough shape!SnailFury00
141.Deadmaster - RichiePdeadmaster00
142.Deadmaster - RobCdeadmaster00
143.DJ Badger: SO LONG, MOM!DJ Badger00
144.DNR/DNI 1Nurseboy00
145.Don't shoot them on sex nightzombie lover00
146.DRT (Dead Right There) #1Jerry's Kids00
147.Everyone DiesDie Now00
148.Fade to BlackFade to Black00
149.Fade to Black 3Fade to Black00
150.Greasy Grimy Gopher GutsNick ‘n Beth00
151.Her Picks Not Minechadjeffsdad00
152.Hugh is my heroPhillys Fish00
153.IAGO 1IAGO00
154.Invest in Cyrogenicschadjeffsdad00
155.Ivy Cliff Memorial - Chodag2137800
156.Jiggaboos and JiggawhatsLindsay Lohan's Liver00
157.John's " dead but don't know it" listR U dead yet00
159.Kick The Bucket List 3DKick The Bucket List00
160.Kick The Bucket List: The SequelKick The Bucket List00
161.Knock, Knock, Knocking on Death's DoorDead and Loving It00
162.Lots A' BushPastaPower00
163.McMurdo2015.3McMurdoMan00 park ranger 2memorialparkranger00
165.Meteorology IISunshine Up My Skirt00
166.Mini-Mum's Gruesome ChumsOicho Throw00
167.Morgue and MindyMorgue and Mindy00
169.Old ArtsBud Santimyer00
170.Orcas Island Death PoolWhat?! Me worry?!00
171.Peggy's PerishablesUSER0246100
172.Petey's Hot Dog VINancyD00
173.Really old timersNVRGVUP00
174.Rigor IIRigor 100
177.Sen1Mr Sen00
180.Styrofoam Bologna #1Gina303000
181.tastes like chickenJamoke00
182.Terminal ListRook00
183.Thank you, EuthanasiaEuthanasia00
184.The EndCarolb00
185.They're askin' for itDieDan!00
187.Well Nobody Died Did They? IArchangel00're dead to metheappointment00
189.You're Outdel bird00


Guess the Stiff!

Night night, monkey lady.

(d) December 9th, 1996