Run Run Shaw has been played on 2043 lists, including 268 lists in The 2012 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.An Atwater Entry That Has the Potential to WinGhost of Stiffs Past849
2.No Such Thing as a Sure ThingSilentcalvin844
4.Venus LovemotionDePressED744
6.Doc & DJ--Have You Got Diploma from Flower Class?Doc & DJ643
7.Birdman 158Bird641
9.Doc & DJ--Prop Joe's Cadaverous MotherfuckersDoc & DJ641
10.Oh no Joe!Bird640
11.Stranger Blue Leaves Us AloneDePressED640
12.The Dirt NappersTaugh639
13.Baxley - Gots the Heebie-Beejies?Baxley637
14.Xtreme DeadpoolingDePressED637
15.Itoman Death Squad1BCeltics632
16.Baxley - At Last, a Home Run!Baxley540
17.Doc & DJ--Esophagus Is the New PancreasDoc & DJ540
18.Return of the Dead GuysGregDean539
19.What's your ETA, Etta?DGD537
20.Bag of BonesMr. Redrum536
21.Baxley - Run, Run Away!!Baxley535
22.Charlie Don't Surf with Leena NguyenCharlie Dont Surf535
24.yeah yeah buh bye 4yeah yeah buh bye535
25.Birdman 1Bird533
26.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Bugles in the AfternoonFTG533
28.Baxley - Randolph's RevengeBaxley532
29.Cemetery Girls 2Cemetery Girls532
30.Dwyer's Death SquadJim531
31.Death March1BCeltics530
32.Boomshadow - I Also Post as Newbielucky punk529
33.Cash from Cancer: Yitzhak Shamir, you still here?Cash From Cancer529
34.Rev. Jedi highlander - Loves Turning Leftlucky punk529
35.Ig's Dead List IThe Ig528
36.No Viagra NeededNo Viagra Needed528
37.Satan's Waitin'Barker J. Wagtail528
39.cryptkicker 1Cryptkickers Inc.524
41.Adieu, Run Run Run, Adieu, Run RunGhost of Stiffs Past519
42.Tenth place - free list.DGD434
43.Happy Ramadan, Charlie Brown!DGD433
44.Team Formalin: Got ya on the Run, Run Run!anarchess433
45.Baxley - Iron LadybootsBaxley432
46.Birdman - or stab the Doc and shoot the DJBird432
47.Bending time are we?Bird431
48.Death Rattle & Roll....At last...Twilight is Near431
49.Pookie's Stiffs #1Pookie's Stiffs431
50.Von Ryan's ExpressTaugh431
51.-Louie-alan smithee430
53.yeah yeah buh bye 2yeah yeah buh bye430
54.A Corpse, A Corpse, My Kingdom For A CorpseBLUISH TINGE429
56.Egg SaladDr.Slime429
58.Stone ColdDashaAndBethers429
59.Absolut PinheadsJim428
60.Cash from Cancer: Carter the Unstoppable Glioblastoma machineCash From Cancer428
61.dingy momome first427
62.MK - MBalmed2MBalmed426
63.Older than Cheeta :DDGD426
64.Loki 1Loki425
65.Nipples 4 CripplesJim425
66.Destroyers 6Destroyers424
67.Joe Paterno Knew.Bones McCoy424
68.Pining for the FjordsPining for the Fjords424
69.Plowing The Deep 2hop1962424
70.A Fine List 2012jwin55423
71.Chicken at Tresky's #1Chicken at Tresky's423
72.RottenToast Wins At LastRottenToast423
73.Ig's Dead List IIIThe Ig422
74.Chicken at Tresky's #2Chicken at Tresky's421
75.Ignatius' Rubber GloveIgnatius' Rubber Glove421
76.!!! elderlytitan360420
77.Death Race 2012USER02395420
78.Styrofoam Bologna 3Gina3030419
79.Dead Bagsrojoepeters418
81.Ten Toes UpKeath Graham411
82.Jackalope Ghost - Paterno's Misremembered ListJackalope_Ghost327
83.Jobs woulda been better than health care.DGD327
84.M I C... hope not to see you real soon!Bird327
85.Naha Assassins1BCeltics327
86.Unfor-TEN-ately, Your Number is UpTumor_Makes_A_Does_In327
87.DGD - I Hate My Familylucky punk326
88.Cash from Cancer: Billy Graham, you are damnedCash From Cancer325
89.Cash from Cancer: Kid Carter, dead martyrCash From Cancer325
90.No one can hear your falsetto in HellSarky325
91.Pookie's Stiffs #3Pookie's Stiffs325
92.Run Forrest RunRottenToast325
93.Counting Bodies Like SheepDGambrinus324
94.ReaperMadness #1ReaperMadness324
95.ATL. FALCONS FANThe rebel.323
96.Blake's Bones IMr. Blake323
97.DXRob IDX Rob323
98.yeah yeah buh bye 5yeah yeah buh bye323
99.Cash from Cancer: Run Run, you are done!Cash From Cancer322
100.Come On I Wanna See Them In a Mausoleum 4EdRulz322
101.Come On I Wanna See Them In a Mausoleum 6EdRulz322
102.Free and Worth Every Penny MarshallRhody Trash322
103.Girls Kick Butt 2oregontrail322
104.MsWhatsit's 2011 Survivors ListMsWhatsit322
105.Death Be Not Proud IIITimur321
106.Death By Pinocle 2012 List 3oregontrail321
107.Easy MoneyEasy Money321
108.Mary Worth Takes Over for KevorkianRhody Trash321
109.Styrofoam Bologna 1Gina3030321
110.What the Hell, Why Not!MsWhatsit321
111.Gone Like Cianci's ToupeeRhody Trash320
112.Rachel's Salem Haunting 6Rachel A320
113.TWGTDA - Part DeuxJMC10000320
114.You Etta, You Etta, You Bet!Sarky320
115.Down and DirtyDRave13319
116.JGL53 - I Am Not Bat Shit Crazylucky punk319
118.Trout's Dead FishTrout319
120.Nobody's Fool (Least of All Yours)RJD318
121.Tomtsled-I've Shot People I Like For LessTomtsled318
123.Gizmo Says Bye BillyRottenToast317
124.I Done Them WrongDiamondToothGertie317
125.JCudds 1JCudds317
126.Two Zsas for the Price of OneScott in Philly317
128.Life & DeathBuck316
129.ReaperMadness #3ReaperMadness316
131.Tell Your Boss I Ain't No Band LeaderFrankie Pentangeli316
133.Age Before DutyRJD315
134.Death in the AfternoonKiller315
135.There Can Be Only 1ThatDudeAR315
136.3 to get readyTheOriginalDub314
137.All My GeezersHugh G. Wrekshun314
138.cryptkicker 3Cryptkickers Inc.314
139.grave matthew's bandwildrush314
140.Dannykel's Deadpool Comes In Threesdannykel313
141.Greg's Listgsippel313
142.Rat Bastards 2Rat Bastard313
144.see the light, hurrydisplayname007313
145.CyrusBurn'em All312
146.Lewis Elevenbrucelew312
147.The Lascaux Cave Paintings: Younger Than Run Run ShawDiamondToothGertie312
148.27 Club: Run, Kirk, Run!1000_Ways311
149.Dr. Who - No Country for Old MenDr. Who311
150.Fill In My Toe TagDick Rotten311
151.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #3Shoeguy39
153.Come On I Wanna See Them In a Mausoleum 2EdRulz219
154.Dearly Departedhop1962219
155.Destroyers 2Destroyers219
156.Destroyers 9Destroyers219
157.Ethnic Cleansing 2hop1962219
158.Pennies On Your Eyesdoorma219
159.Pine OvercoatDashaAndBethers219
160.Sleeping With the FishiesDashaAndBethers219
161.Two dead Jakes- LaMotta and RobertsTwilight is Near219 - Bukkake Karaokevomit_god219 - Fucko brushes his teeth with Vagisilvomit_god219
164.What is that smell?rchand219
165.your next!me first219
166.Cancer Committe MemberTitanPilot583218
167.Justin Hale 08USER01531218
168.Putting the Fun in FuneralHe's Dead Jim218
170.Sunshine Up My SkirtSunshine Up My Skirt218
171.Death Never Takes a Holiday IINipper217
172.Destroyers 1Destroyers217
174.Hoosier Daddy 2littlejohn1954216
175.Stone cold pack of weirdosPIxiaq216
176.Cartman- Year of the Toe Taggin DragonCARTMAN215
177.Chilly Dead 3chillybilly215
178.Girls Kick Butt 3oregontrail215
179.Gravediggers IIThe Coroner215
180.Lucky Punk - The Left is Always Rightlucky punk215
182.On Our Way Out QuickMicky the Eyes215
183.1 for the moneyTheOriginalDub214
184.Chicken at Tresky's #3Chicken at Tresky's214
185.Dust to DollarsDRave13214
186.Paul's Pyre 2012USER02425214
187.We have just been informed that you are DEAD.Sarkon214
188.cd5dh - Friends applaud, the comedy is overcerista213
189.At Last!Bones McCoy212
190.Burton Mercer makes an arrest from heaven!dubwest212
191.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit 1 or What's That Smell?FrankJac212
192.Life's a GambleBuck212
194.Now That's What I Call Musicfray212
195.Trout's Dead Fish IIITrout212
196.A Grateful Deadhead's 2012Judysomething211
197.cd5dh - death is the cure of all diseasescerista211
198.Death By Pinocle 2012 List 2oregontrail211
199.Death March 31BCeltics211
200.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part Vhurryupndiealready211
201.Kidz Bopfray211
202.La Muerte2LaMuerte211
203.PB: This is My Yearpbear211
204.Zsa Zsa will out live us allMaryjo80211
205.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #5Shoeguy210
206.Pokey's Plinko PlayersPokey22210
207.Time for a dirt nap 3chick813210
208.Copy kat killersNhirish Joe29
209.One Way Ticket HomeKeath Graham29
210.bugs and bones old fartsBugs and Bones28
211.Det Sjunde InsegletThe Grime Reaper28
212.Swimmer in the Dead PoolBunzer27
213.Death Eater Set MenuOzCube26
216.Celebrity SniperTitanPilot583110
217.Dave's Deadpool ListUtica Dave110
218.Destroyers 7Destroyers110
219.Early to Rise, Early to DieBones McCoy110
220.I bid you adieuCosmo Underground110
221.If Tomorrow Never ComesSal & Barb110
223.Nurse! Help me! 2012Paul1681110
228.Joe Bacon's 2012 Dirt Nappers #2Chancellor D'Exchecker19
229.MrJeff's Crypt of Confusionmrjeff200019
230.Room temp here we comesureiscoldinhere19
231.Time for a dirt nap 2chick81319
232.Tomtsled-Gunslinger Come BackTomtsled19
233.Fuck you, you fucking fucker...CaSkeT CrAzY17
234.Help Us SteveSal & Barb17
235.MATTOID - How many times won't you die?The Mattoid17
236.hoosier daddylittlejohn195416
237.Expiration Date: 12/31/11Pokey2215
238.The Wizard of West LA 1FroggyB15
240.Doc & DJ--Bob Hope All-Stars (Die Already!)Doc & DJ14
241.LA LISTE DE MEO 2012Meo14
242.Last call for Death....captaindabby14
243.Doc & DJ--Numbers GameDoc & DJ13
244.Go into the Light 12NVRGVUP13
246.MATTOID - Come on, die already...The Mattoid13
247.Sarah and Eric's DeathpoolEric_Sarah 201213
248.The Ghost of Natalie WoodMaryjo8013
249.Time for your dirt napBig Guy13
251.2012 Big Dirt SandwichTheBus11
252.Digger O'Dell 15Digger O Dell 1011
253.Sal-n-BettsSal & Barb11
254.1+1+1+.....nevermindGrime Reaper00
255.Beat it, stupid!USER0260900
256.Better Call Saul!USER0260900
257.Chilly Dead 2chillybilly00
258.Dannykel's Deadpool, Shallow Enddannykel00
259.flatliners mostly femaleThe Shadow00
260.GagaBurn'em All00
261.Last chancetbone00
262.Leftovers from last yearmoribundus00
263.Lewis Eleven (2)brucelew00
264.List O LosersCaSkeT CrAzY00
265.OLD AND MOLDYbrutesquad6400
266.September MournRadler00
267.sick and sickerdisplayname00700
268.Soon B. Gonn 3Edhead2200


Guess the Stiff!

You know, usually, a guy involved in sports this long has something interesting that has happened to him at some point in his long life. Not this guy. Baseball. That's it.

(d) June 4th, 2023