Olivia de Havilland has been played on 3796 lists, including 223 lists in The 2013 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Lord Help the Mister Who Comes Between Me and My SisterGhost of Stiffs Past640
2.Cherub SpringThe Sting of Steve Irwin631
3.Birdman 17Bird537
5.Cash from Cancer: Going to a Pardee at the County MorgueCash From Cancer534
6.Death March 21BCeltics529
7.Heywood Jablome XIUSER00119525
8.Last Siop 3Last Stop525
10.Reap 'Em & Weep #2USER00557515
11.Dr. Who - Stuff and NonsenseDr. Who432
12.Feral Fodder 1BMT330430
13.La Muerte1LaMuerte430
14.Trout's Dead Fish IIITrout428
15.Tsuga - Dirt In the GroundTsuga428
16.Sbump'd off 2SBUMP2427
17.Dancing With The Dead In The Moonlightfireflyt425
18.Death By Pinocle List 3oregontrail424
19.Fidel & Some FriendsPastaPower424
20.ZZZzzzz Long Nap in the SkyUSER01718424
21.Nearly Departedboshh423
22.POTUS 18USER02464423
23.Cayman Gonecayman went422
24.Goddammit 3goddammit422
26.OldandriedupLittle Chip420
27.Dearly Departed 3hop1962419
28.Future Dirt NappersTeam Sleep419
29.Popular future dead peoplewet grave419
30.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2013calvey418
31.Dead Is As Dead DoesBison415
32.Drop Dead Already!PigPen325
33.Dust to DustDestroyers324
34.going with the odds.....bjaskols324
36.Dying is an Artbridgy322
38.Toe Tag #1Painted Toe Tag322
40.Bo Knows DeathBo Knows Death321
41.Cartman- The Stiffs.com OaksCARTMAN321
42.ReaperMadness #3 (1pk)ReaperMadness321
43.Autumn Harvest - Butter's BetsPezintree320
44.I am Sorry....There's Been No Phone Call From the Governor. Pull The Switch!!!Better Dead Than Red320
45.Caught DeadDonkey Sausage319
46.Chris Knauf 2013Chris Knauf319
47.Femme FatalsRanger275319
48.September MournRadler319
49.Death Table 3TitanPilot583318
50.Cemetery Girls 5Cemetery Girls317
51.Radtex: His and HearseRadtex317
52.Zsa Zsa's "Good" Legbridgy317
53.Bought the East Hill Farmsplittertogo316
54.Digger O Dell 97Digger O Dell 10316
55.Radtex: I Hearse You Been CoffinRadtex316
56.tic tag toeroderner316
57.A woman going places.knkaustin315
58.Break on through to the other sidemikey the man315
60.Going going GoneBigsunset1967315
61.older than the dirt we toss over themdisplayname007315
63.ReaperMadness #1ReaperMadness315
64.Ivy Cliff Memorial 2013 - Chodag21378314
65.Mama Needs a New Pair of ShoesRavenna314
66.A few more people I just thought ofmoribundus313
67.Abby's Pet CemeteryDave313
68.Hardanger Dies TomorrowHardanger Dies Today313
69.LA LISTE DE FRANK 2013Meo313
70.oh fuck itzombie lover313
71.Saw The Light #3SAW THE LIGHT313
72.Knockout Kingsbillyd44312
73.Thrown the C Everett KoopDonkey Sausage312
74.If Tomorrow Never ComesSal & Barb311
75.Fake ShempGhoulash39
76.Outta Here 3Nicky Hoi39
77.Dancing With Mr. DBetter Off Dead218
78.Goddammit 1goddammit218
79.Goddammit 2goddammit218
80.Put the FUN back into FUNeral!noseinbook218
81.You gon Dieflaco218
82.farmfresheleven 13Wayneauxmygod217
83.Ig's list of stiffs IThe Ig217
84.Zombie Food for the FutureAmy Sue217
86.Death Table 2TitanPilot583216
88.Macaulay and The Walking DeadDeathAlert216
89.Rat Bastards 2Rat Bastard216
91.C'MON AND DIEHeart Stopper215
92.Die'yer MakerasthedeadtuRNs215
94.TomB RatersTomB rater 666215
95.A Grateful Deadhead 2013 UnoJudysomething214
96.Babes of DeathReaperMadness214
97.Beer League 3Yellowbeard214
98.Fill In My Toe TagDick Rotten214
99.Here's Your WinnerAltois214
100.I'm a Dead Celebrity - Get Me Out of Here!bridgy214
101.Lady's FirstDick Rotten214
102.Nick's Awesome List for 2013Nick -- Dead or Alive214
103.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #3Shoeguy214
104.Poor Kittylindbergh214
105.Dirt NapsDeathAlert213
106.Even if you like them, they'll dieJinxed213
107.Killer Advocate IIIlaptoplg213
109.Morgue and MindyMorgue and Mindy213
110.Potts Kitchen and BaconMarkMx213
111.Skunkhair 2013Skunkhair 2013213
112.Who ARE These People?Jinxed213
113.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost212
114.Simon says......DIE!!!!!Big Guy212
115.Adios AmigosMarty211
116.BRING OUT YER DEAD 1pooblemoo211
117.Chuckles Bites The DustDave211
118.Death Becomes Themlilsqueakyone211
119.Doctor of Death--the Ladiesthe doctor of death211
120.harsh realityMarshrat211
121.Joined The Choir Invisiblesplittertogo211
122.Village Stiffy 4village144211
123.guaranteed repeat championdie u sob210
124.My Random StiffsT-Rex210
125.Penguin's Picks 1ThePenguin210
126.Burry'n Bill 2013CBurry'n Bill29
127.Ghoul Girl IIIGhoul Girl29
130.Pinochle On Your SnoutGhettoZombie29
131.Well nobody died did they? #2Archangel29
132.Zsa Zsa nomore 2hancoach1329
133.Death Troll IIDeath Troll28
134.Death- Leftovers Warmed OverJayRockers!28
136.mayan overtime 1USER0056228
137.The Answer Key!FroggyB28
138.Who doesn't want their red stufflindbergh28
140.FreakDr Drunk27
141.Next in Linejhaberli27
142.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #6Shoeguy27
143.See Ya, Wouldn't wanna be yaBigsunset196727
144.Here we go again..Clever Team Name26
145.Its all over but the dyingfossilhead26
147.Famous Fossils IHugh G. Wrekshun25
148.Kirk Douglas and the Late Dinah Shore(ah)bridgy25
149.Old SmellUSER0252425
150.Only Mostly Deadshroom24
151.GA. BULLDAWGS FANThe rebel.23
152.You're Dead to Me IINick ‘n Beth23
153.Deadline for Death 3Burn'em All110
155.Isn't he/she already dead?Hey, did you have. . . .110
156.Little terrlittle terr110
157.Not lookin' Good for HugoElster000110
158.Ruck 2013USER00186110
159.click here if you wanna blow mezombie lover19
160.Martha's listMartha19
161.No green bananasSwine19
162.Skunkhair 2013 (A better list)Skunkhair 201319
163.Bunns 2012 LeftoversBunn's Bones To Be18
164.Death Becomes UsPeople Meat18
165.My Ten Funerals Entertainers 2013Jerrytopdown18
166.Come On Down!!Ravenna17
169.Too Old to LastChris Goulart17
170.very old hollywoodme first17
171.We all gotta go sometime........Jeanne Rose17
172.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #5Shoeguy16
173.POTUS 16USER0246416
174.Put Out the FlameYule Log16
175.Shouldn't This Merchandise Be Off the Shelf?humanmeal16
176.Zsa Zsa and the GangDeathAlert16
177.BillssecondBill J15
179.Mom & Elizabethkristi15
181.Bucket Kickers 2013Bucket Kickers 201214
182.FlatlinersCardiac Arrested14
183.This is your Year!Evil Lemons14
185.Drop Dead 2Drop Dead13
186.Sinatra is Still DeadT-Rex13
187.Azabache 2013 (1)azabachenegro12
188.Bucket Kickers 3Bucket Kickers12
189.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit #8FrankJac12
190.I Pity Da Fool! (pick 1)Cosmo Underground12
191.No Chance In Hell 2toomanycards12
192.Old and Occasionally EntertainingMikey12
193.Oldies but GoodiesPHALEX12
194.Pay DirtBigsunset196712
195.This Group Might Do Okayhumanmeal12
196.Waiting at heavens doorChuckie12
197.chalk'm upthemayorpete11
198.Dusty Musty & Crustygentilej11
199.Fuckin' Old GeezersRev Jamie11
200.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 2Joker11
201.Six Feet Under IIChelsea Dagger11
202.Vagina MonologuesEvil Lemons11
203.Your 15 Minutes Are UpHauntedWebmaster11
204.60 Feet UnderDead and Loving It00
205.Another foot in the gravegonnabedead00
206.Assman's Stiff List 2013Assman00
207.Bi-polar Tombstone RollersEchefgbs00
208.Burry'n Bill 2013BBurry'n Bill00
209.Dawn of the Dead1Dying 4 Cash00
210.Dawn of the Dead3Dying 4 Cash00
211.dead people of the future llTodd Blankenship00
212.Dick Trickles_Die Already Zsa Zsadigginsjp00
213.Drink up me HeartiesPirataCodex00
214.Eww they're old!Jinxed00
216.Golden Oldiesthebrainsbackstage00
218.Older than dirtElster00000
219.One foot in!gonnabedead00
220.Petey's HotDog IIINancyD00
222.Shady Pines Nursing HomeEvil Lemons00
223.The Big SunsetBigsunset196700


Guess the Stiff!

Funny, he didn't look Swedish ....

(d) November 17th, 2002