John Wooden has been played on 899 lists, including 274 lists in The 2010 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Dust to DollarsDRave13744
2.Birdman - He Can't Cheat On You In HeavenBird640
3.Birdman - We Will Miss You Ernie! A Class Act.Bird640
5.Birdman - Why Else Would You Sell the Mansion?Bird638
6.Charlie Don't Surf with Elita LorescaCharlie Dont Surf638
7.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 6EdRulz636
8.Dr. Steve 1Dr. Steve635
9.Dr. Steve 3Dr. Steve634
10.Ghost of Stiffs Past 9Ghost of Stiffs Past634
11.Salnbetts1Sal & Barb634
12.Dr. Steve 4Dr. Steve633
13.Dr. Who - Bunch of Old FartsDr. Who633
14.JT: Just a Bunch of Old FolksTripper633
15.LA LISTE DE MEO - 2010Meo633
16.You're OUTwsprotte633
17.Pookie's Stiffs #1Pookie's Stiffs632
18.SirDrexl's StiffsSirDrexl631
19.Afraid of the Dark #3Minnesota Neil539
20.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part XIVhurryupndiealready536
21.No Viagra NeededNo Viagra Needed536
22.Birdman goes 9 for 10!Bird535
23.Birdman-Til Death Do You PartBird535
25.Birdman - Just One More Sheet! I Swear!Bird534
26.Death ValleyBones McCoy534
27.Doc & DJ--John O'Conner Memorial ListDoc & DJ534
28.Dr. Steve 6Dr. Steve533
29.Mary Worth Advises You to Commit SuicideRhody Trash533
30.Stiff in the MorningUSER05956533
31.Birdman - George Missed A World Series?Bird532
32.Dr. Steve 2Dr. Steve532
33.Justin Hale 07USER01531532
34.Pokey's Gambles 2010Pokey22532
35.Baxley - Live midget LIVE!!!Baxley531
36.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Enough to Win BerleFTG531
37.Going for the MoldDoozy531
38.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part Ihurryupndiealready531
39.Justin Hale 08USER01531531
40.Baxley - Periodic Midget RobbersBaxley530
41.Boz #1Boz530
42.Cash From Cancer: Stiff and WoodenCash From Cancer530
44.Long live the deadDead Fred527
45.MK Oldies But GoodiesMBalmed527
46.Skunkhair # 3skunkhair527
47.95 and Die ClubJohnRandy526
48.Destroyers 1Destroyers525
49.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: HellfireFTG525
50.Justin Hale 04USER01531525
51.Kid GhoulashGhoulash525
52.PUSHING UP DAISIES (1)02495525
53.O3 and NitroO3524
54.Cancer is your friendExit Stage Four523
55.FTG: Berle is a Gnat Fucking Tweezer DickFTG522
56.Under Sailing OrdersSAW THE LIGHT522
58.Lots o' old bastardsBJCx78434
59.Destroyers 4Destroyers432
60.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part VIIIhurryupndiealready432
61.Pokey's Zombies 2010Pokey22432
63.The Tampa Bay BuccaneersDePressED431
64.Absolut ZombiesJim430
65.Dr. Steve 5Dr. Steve430
66.Killer Advocatelaptoplg430
67.knock knock knockingbone rattler430
68.Pookie's Stiffs #2Pookie's Stiffs430
69.blown awaylittle terr429
70.DePressED6 - That Ball Is Loooooong GoneDePressED429
71.Doc & DJ--Where Decomposition HappensDoc & DJ429
72.Everything's Deader in TexasBluelena429
73.Justin Hale 10USER01531429
74.Opie's murder by slingshot - Blinkin’s MomKudsKroakers429
75.The Game of LifeUSER02045429
76.MK Sudden DeathMBalmed428
77.Take Me Out CoachRhody Trash428
78.Boris Cutyourcockoff 03USER01531427
79.FTG: Hackett is a Friars Liar TooFTG427
80.Here TodayBuck427
81.Justin Hale 03USER01531427
82.Pokey's Stiffies 2010Pokey22427
83.Death Valley IIBones McCoy426
84.Destroyers 5Destroyers426
85.Ethnic Cleansinghop1962426
86.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: OutTakesFTG426
87.Ghoulash IIGhoulash426
88.Justin Hale 05USER01531426
90.Cash From Cancer: I am Ruth's PancreasCash From Cancer425
91.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 4EdRulz425
92.Justin Hale 01USER01531425
93.Justin Hale 06USER01531425
94.And the Ones who deserved it, they'll never understand itDePressED424
95.Baxley - Run Zelda Run!!!Baxley424
96.Boris CutyourcockoffUSER01531424
97.Boris Cutyourcockoff 02USER01531424
98.Mary Tyler Morgue - Sleeps with the FishMary Tyler Morgue424
100.Skunkhair # 1skunkhair424
103.Cash From Cancer: Miep, Miep, six feet deepCash From Cancer423
104.Cemetery Girls 3Cemetery Girls423
105.DGD - WrathDGD423
106.Exoendo Zuzubar ('09 Champs)exoendo zuzubar423
107.GATER HATERThe rebel.423
108.One more reason I'm going to hellThink 2wice423
109.Stiff PocorobaUSER00506423
110.Like fine winemoribundus422
111.A Grateful DeadheadJudysomething421
112.flatliners 3The Shadow421
114.Dwyer's Zombie ListJim420
115.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl420
116.I REALLY Suck At ThisBibsPal420
117.dpj 2010 List TWOdpj0122419
118.Satan's Waitin'Barker J. Wagtail419
119.Jon 1Jon00060417
120.Martha PearlDiane417
121.A Leftover List That's Free I HopeRD02416
122.nvrgvup -4NVRGVUP416
123.Trout's Dead Fish 1Trout415
124.Donne in! Death Be Not Proudsplittertogo413
125.Loki 3Loki413
127.This is how rumors get started 2010USER02248327
130.Justin Hale 02USER01531325
131.Justin Hale 09USER01531325
132.National Casketball Hall of FameRadler325
133.You're Only As Dead As You FeelBiff Thanatos325
135.Are We Dead Yet04goodwin73324
136.Dead-by-the-SeaThe Gilberator324
137.old as dirtYou're Dead To Me!324
138.Are We Dead Yet02goodwin73323
139.Funeral For A Friend 1USER00495323
140.Herb's Hellcatswsprotte323
141.Team Formalin: Say It With Dead Flowersanarchess323
142.The Maude Squad!twinpete323
143.Trashking Dead Pooldubwest323
144.BigBuckenChicken1Last Stop322
145.FUTURE DEAD PEOPLE 2010 IDandy Dan322
147.O3 and FreonO3322
148.Troll&Al combotrollette322
149.Well nobody died did they? #2Archangel322
152.Chazz ReinholdOzCube321
153.CROSSING OVER (1)02495321
154.Death March 31BCeltics321
155.don't make an ash of yourselfUncle Stiffy321
156.Good Luck -- We're All Counting on Diealan smithee321
157.pauly shore just simply will not dieUSER02524321
158.Rocks & HeadstonesRocks and Headstones321
159.Do You Like Phil Collins?alan smithee320
160.Funeral For A Friend 3USER00495320
161.Joined the Choir Invisiblesplittertogo320
162.The Lynch MobTaugh320
163.Tomtsled-10 New Tombstones 1Tomtsled320
164.Von Ryan's ExpressTaugh320
165.Congratulations- you're all going to see 2011BooBeau319
166.Death Soup: Death Watch BeatlesMJ and Friends319
167.Del's Dead Oneswsprotte319
168.Doc & DJ--Numbers GameDoc & DJ319
169.mausoleakumUncle Stiffy319
170.salnbetts3Sal & Barb319
171.DX Rob IIIDX Rob318
172.O3 + HydrogenO3318
173.Way Over The Hill GangMr. Blake318
174.Worm Foodnursebecky318
175.Always Look on the Bright Side of Death1Angel of Death317
176.Barzini Is Dead. So Is TattalligiaFrankie Pentangeli317
177.flatliners 2The Shadow317
178.What's that Smell?What's that smell?317
179.2010 List # 3dpj0122316
180.I can't win if they don't interTitanPilot316
181.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost316
182.Circumstances Beyond Our controlttc4319315
183.Death-I Heart Miley Ray CyrusJayRockers!315
184.get famous or die tryingfireflyt315
185.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 3Joker315
186.O3 and XBoxO3315
187.Time's UpUSER00562315
188.Bring It On You Old FuksDeath Bastard314
191.Tomtsled-10 New Tombstones 2Tomtsled313
192.yeah yeah buh bye 3yeah yeah buh bye313
193.JT: Last Year's Top Ten SurvivorsTripper312
194.Mary Tyler Morgue's (Kick The) Bucket List 2Mary Tyler Morgue312
195.PB: Only one list this year (alas)pbear312
197.Soon B. Gonn 1Edhead22312
199.digger's revengeUncle Stiffy311
200.Mary Tyler Morgue 3Shoeguy38
201.Jeff's Listnursebecky219
202.The Grim Reapersthe doctor of death219
204.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part VIhurryupndiealready218
205.Shorty7ft 1shorty7ft218
206.Cancerous FossilsTaugh217
208.Funeral For A Friend 2USER00495217
209.It's Your Time-- And My Money!humanmeal217
210.My Ten Funerals* 2010Jerrytopdown217
211.No Bones About ItDigger O Dell217
213.Roger The Cabin BoyBLUISH TINGE216
214.Suit 3 - Combo ListPezintree216
215.You've Got to Keep DyingUSER02045216
216.Bones of Contention 02Bones of Contention 1215
217.Easy MoneyEasy Money215
218.Death Valley IIIBones McCoy214
219.Slab em 1shorty7ft214
220.Susie's DeadbeatsSusie Sicko214
222.Charlie Don't Surf with Leena NguyenCharlie Dont Surf213
223.I like em well doneDirtdiggindogs213
224.Its Only 10 Names-Is that so Hard?AngelasMother213
225.Toes Up 5USER02025213
226.Al's listtrollette212
227.Are they Dead Yet?Dead Fred212
228.Charlie Don't Surf with Sharon TayCharlie Dont Surf212
229.DGD - PrideDGD212
231.RWF's 2010 listUSER05941212
232.Tic Tag Toeroderner212
233.Das ReaperStink Finger for Christ211
234.Deathscore ThreeDeathscore211
235.Guess Who Died? 3ZUSER01484211
236.In the Ground IIIn the Box Looking Up211
237.Mourning GloryDiamondToothGertie211
238.Our Ten Funerals 2010Jerrytopdown211
239.ReaperMadness #3ReaperMadness211
240.Soul Hunters2Hunterbeer211
241.Burrin' Bill 2010Burry'n Bill210
242.Rogue MarineRogue Marine210
243.The Robertsdulcinea210
244.A Grateful Deadhead IJudysomething29
245.Jon 3Jon0006029
246.No Autopsy RequiredUSER0105429
247.Stiffi GrafUSER0595628
248.highway 101peter north27
249.Hope he fails tommorowchakakhanoz27
250.Trout's Dead Fish 2Trout27
251.FUTURE DEAD PEOPLE 2010 IIDandy Dan26
252.JP's Death ListUSER0580725
253.JT: Now I'm Just Pulling Names Outta My AssTripper25
254.Putting The FUN in FUNeralAndIDontMind24
255.The big dead 10executionbyxmasslights23 legionbrutesquad64110
257.blacker legionbrutesquad64110
258.blackest legionbrutesquad64110
259.FUTURE DEAD PEOPLE 2010 IIIDandy Dan110
260.Mary Tyler Morgue 2Shoeguy110
263.Pass on Alreadyshorty7ft19
264.Suit 2 - YCB's Shot in the DarkPezintree19
265.Rigor IIRigor18
266.The Breakfast DeadThe Gilberator17
267.Radtex: I Hearse You Been CoffinRadtex16
269.Dead Phuksspaceroach14
270.List #1Dancemom21413
272.Dirt Naps For Fun And Profit 1FrankJac12
273.Jon 2Jon0006012


Guess the Stiff!

Pow, right in the kisser.

(d) February 3rd, 1996