Fidel Castro has been played on 3598 lists, including 166 lists in The 2016 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
2.Of Corpse You're Dead 4Shoeguy630
3.Celebrity lives DONT matterSickle Cell - #2 cause of533
4.Sorely missedmoribundus531
5.Of Corpse You're Dead 2Shoeguy528
6.Well nobody died did they? 1Archangel527
7.Cheswick44 Top TenCheswick525
9.I taunted Zsa Zsa's daughter, then she diedUSER02524520
10.they gone 3fouriikc428
11.knock knock your deadFootwedge427
12.Craig and Alison's deadheadscchaynes426
13.Will they Die?Vroomfondel425
14.Call on Mealan smithee424
15.Greasy Grimy Gopher GutsNick ‘n Beth424
16.Toe TaggerWallbanger424
17.Two Whiteys!Justin9700424
18.You made the list!AdamTheO423
19.Death Rattle: Dem Bonesanarchess422
21.The Clock Is Tickingchriscott97422
22.And now, the end is nearBuck421
23.Team Formalin: Face Downanarchess421
24.2016 1mirandate420
25.Coffin Rattler - Ancientcoffinrattler420
26.Fake ShempGhoulash420
27.Herm BoolieHerm Boolie420
28.Toe Tagger TooWallbanger420
29.Who ya gonna call?JESUSCHRISTALMIGHTY420
30.Worm Farmer's Ultimate Worm FoodWorm Farmer419
31.Charlie Don't Surf with Leena NguyenCharlie Dont Surf418
32.Drop Dead 3Drop Dead417
33.IAGO 1IAGO416
34.LA LISTE DE FRANK 2016Meo416
35.Dutch's TreatBea Hind415
36.Are You People Ever Gonna CroakNascar912414
37.bye-bye 03 (lots o' Charlie)TenPaces326
38.1 fucking STIFF in 2 god damn years FMLFroggyB325
39.Our Ten Funerals 1Jerrytopdown324
40.Croakers,#1More Beer323
41.Death By Pinochle List 3 2016oregontrail323
42.Time to dieToe Tagged Luminary323
43.Doc & DJ--Kylo Ren and StimpyDoc & DJ322
44.It's Not Heaven and Not IowaFredo let's go fishing322
45.Lemmy Died; who cares #2More Beer322
47.Ruck 2016USER00186322
48.Chicken at Tresky's #1Chicken at Tresky's321
49.Death Soup: He's A Hall of Famer! FAMOUS!MJ and Friends321
50.Lots o' old and sick bastards VIIIBJCx78321
51.Stiff Breeze returns 3Captain Chaos 08321
52.The One I Put Some Thought IntoTrinettRae321
53.Come On I Wanna See Em In a Mausolieum 2EdRulz320
54.Leftovers from 2015moribundus320
56.Running the Corpse Machine in '16Scott in Philly320
57.That's all folks!Toe Tagged Luminary320
58.Vadnelly VoodoosVadnelly Voodoos320
59.2015's Runners-upJohnHines319
60.Bucket KickersUtica Dave319
61.Dead Is As Dead DoesBison319
62.Deadly DebutanteDeadly Debutante319
63.Is PeopleSoylentGreen319
64.Skunkhair 2016 #1Skunkhair 2013319
65.Aknauf D List 2016aknauf318
66.Bobby Brown's BathtubCDPNYC318
68.Repblican Debate Late NightUSER00562318
70.Trout's Dead FishTrout318
71.Win one for the wallet!razorben318
72.Ashes to Asheschick813317
73.Death Soup: Hail To The ChiefMJ and Friends317
74.Soul HuntersHunterbeer317
75.The Aunt Danielle Curse of NYE Death listRex317
76.all gomers die of somethinglindbergh316
77.Goodbye, Dolly!Pozzo316
78.Jim' Leftovers 2Bunn's Bones To Be316
79.Joined The Choir Invisiblesplittertogo316
80.Mom and Elizabeth 2016kristi316
81.OF Corpse You're Dead 8Shoeguy316
82.Politics are a BitchDr. Who316
83.Show them the light!Rastafarian Mormon316
84.Chicken at Tresky's # 3Chicken at Tresky's315
85.Damn Near Dead IIBada Bing315
86.Ferry Road FlyerTrout315
87.Hall of famersThe Shadow315
88.Lucifer's GrottoLucifer's Marionette315
89.Moraxian - 90's MusicMoraxian315
90.Not Looking GoodBengals311315
91.Rat Bastards 3Rat Bastard315
92.bye-bye 02TenPaces314
93.CHAD - One For The SeesawCHAD314
94.DJ Badger: So long, MOM!DJ Badger314
95.IAGO 2IAGO314
96.Sand Mountain Bucket ListWallbanger314
97.September MournRadler314
98.Corpses everywhere and not a drop to drinkmikegldn313
99.Digger O'Dell 1Digger O Dell 10313
100.Tsuga - Saddest SongTsuga313
101.60 Feet UnderDead and Loving It312
102.That Really Was A Hattori Hanzo Sword.tkdmel312
103.Politics and Mansonthedeadmanshand311
104.Go ahead and drink the kool aidzombie lover39
105.Poor Kittylindbergh38
106.Bought The East Hill Farmsplittertogo37
107.Death Pool Gamblers 2016cDeath pool gambler219
108.Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and DieMKD1226219
109.Either this man is dead or my watch has stoppedToe Tagged Luminary219
110.The End 2016Carolb218
111.Better Off DeadBrown Widow217
112.Down and Dirty Dirt NapSufferosis217
113.Pushing up Daisies 2016nrubsol217
114.Say Hi to Elvis #1 2016Spudboy217
115.Aids FistYour Mom216
117.Of Corpse You're Dead 0Shoeguy216
118.Prince Sirki's HolidayPrince Sirki216
119.Chilly Dead 3chillybilly215
120.Dying to know you..!Clever Team Name215
121.Jackalope Ghost - Johnny Ramone's Wish ListJackalope_Ghost215
122.swissfist in your faceswiss fist215
123.We need some room on the planet old people...Rastafarian Mormon215
124.Phillys Dead FishPhillys Fish214
125.Happinesslucky punk213
126.Sine Die: Atropos To Do ListSine Die213
127.Death- FunkytownJayRockers!212
128.Hell No, DollyBea Hind212
130.Stiff Breeze returns 2Captain Chaos 08212
131.vertical smilesFootwedge212
132.Von Ryans ExpressTaugh212
133.Belezebrah (Graham's Crackers edition)unit13211
134.Blake's Bones 3Mr. Blake211
135.Chilly Dead 1chillybilly211
136.Dead people for dead presidentsXCheckmate211
137.In Through the Out Doorptgkc211
138.La Muerte Drop Dead!LaMuerte211
139.Reap Em and weep #3USER00557211
140.Stop alreadyNVRGVUP210
142.Prince Sirki's Holiday3Prince Sirki29
143.~Teflon Dead Chewin' Tobaccy~Embalmination829
144.!!! ALBRECHT SAYS DIE 2Albrecht28
145.Cemetery Girls 4Cemetery Girls28
146.Don't Pee On My Leg and Call It RainBea Hind28
147.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail28
148.bye-bye 01 (Mary helped)TenPaces27
149.Feasting Maggots 1Feasting Maggots27
150.JoeG20161Joe G27
151.MBalmed - Told You I Was SickMBalmed27
152.CHAD - With 5 You Get EggrollCHAD26
153.Going, Going, ......Big Guy26
154.CHAD - SixCHAD25
155.Davy Jones Bucket Listguywithtoaster25
156.Craig and Alison's deadbeatscchaynes110
157.IHYD - Foreign - 2016Ranger275110
158.Time To Die In 2016Larry4444110
159.! Algor Mortis to Livor Mortis - Politiciansnightjy19
160.Bone Marche! Monty's Deals & Al G's Steals!bonevoyage19
163.Fatal AffairJanisdoll16
164.Rastall Reaped 2016 IRastalls14
165.Chilly Dead 2chillybilly13
166.No Chance In Hell 2toomanycards13


Guess the Stiff!

Stiff as a board.

(d) October 13th, 1999