Ernie Harwell has been played on 491 lists, including 252 lists in The 2010 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Birdman - He Can't Cheat On You In HeavenBird640
2.Birdman - We Will Miss You Ernie! A Class Act.Bird640
3.Birdman - Why Else Would You Sell the Mansion?Bird638
4.Dr. Steve 1Dr. Steve635
5.Dr. Steve 3Dr. Steve634
6.Ghost of Stiffs Past 9Ghost of Stiffs Past634
7.Dr. Steve 4Dr. Steve633
8.You're OUTwsprotte633
9.DePressED3 - Chana Leibowitz Never LiesDePressED631
10.Destroyers 9Destroyers538
11.Ghost of Stiffs Past 2Ghost of Stiffs Past538
12.Ghost of Stiffs Past 8Ghost of Stiffs Past537
13.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part XIVhurryupndiealready536
14.No Viagra NeededNo Viagra Needed536
15.Birdman - I Pray For Death EverydayBird535
16.Birdman goes 9 for 10!Bird535
17.Birdman-good luck with that experimental treatment!Bird535
18.Birdman-Til Death Do You PartBird535
19.Birdman - Big Effing DioBird534
20.Birdman - Just One More Sheet! I Swear!Bird534
21.Birdman - Working On The Angel ReunionBird534
22.Death Soup: Gene Gene the Dying MachineMJ and Friends534
23.Doc & DJ--John O'Conner Memorial ListDoc & DJ534
24.Ghost of Stiffs Past 6Ghost of Stiffs Past534
25.Kolchak: The Night Stalker 3Kolchak the Night Stalker534
26.Birdman - Internation Velvet In Her CoffinBird533
27.Doc & DJ--...I Wish I Was Sipowicz.Doc & DJ533
28.Dr. Steve 6Dr. Steve533
29.Ghost of Stiffs Past 4Ghost of Stiffs Past533
30.And Then There Were NoneDePressED532
31.Birdman - George Missed A World Series?Bird532
32.Dr. Steve 2Dr. Steve532
33.Justin Hale 07USER01531532
34.Death Soup: From A(riel) to Z(elda)!MJ and Friends531
35.Destroyers 3Destroyers531
36.Doc & DJ--Everything. Everyone. Everywhere. Ends.Doc & DJ531
37.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Enough to Win BerleFTG531
38.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part Ihurryupndiealready531
39.Justin Hale 08USER01531531
40.Manimal MemorialCDReed531
41.Yes I know I'm going to Hell in a Purple BasketDePressED531
42.Cash From Cancer: Stiff and WoodenCash From Cancer530
43.Kolchak: The Night Stalker 2Kolchak the Night Stalker529
45.Cartman- Putting the X in MMXCARTMAN528
46.Plowing The Deephop1962528
47.DGD - LustDGD526
48.Swingin' For The Fencesbridgy526
50.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: HellfireFTG525
51.Justin Hale 04USER01531525
53.Guess Who Died?ZUSER01484524
54.Destroyers 8Destroyers522
55.FTG: Berle is a Gnat Fucking Tweezer DickFTG522
56.I'm a Dead Celebrity - Get Me Out of Here!bridgy522
57.Under Sailing OrdersSAW THE LIGHT522
58.Frankie 3DePressED434
59.Ghost of Stiffs PastGhost of Stiffs Past434
60.Birdman - Some Coach Will DieBird433
61.Birdman-I'll miss AbeBird433
62.Ghost of Stiffs Past 7Ghost of Stiffs Past433
63.DePressED2 - Go Into The LightDePressED432
64.Destroyers 4Destroyers432
65.Doc & DJ--That's a Bingo!Doc & DJ432
66.Ghost of Stiffs Past 5Ghost of Stiffs Past432
67.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part VIIIhurryupndiealready432
68.At least I'll be in Another World while you're pissin' on my CasketDePressED431
69.EMFC This Byrd Has FlownEMFCoffin431
70.Marked For TermiNeyTionTermiNeyTor431
71.NVN: Hot pockets and BaloneyNo Viagra Needed431
72.The Tampa Bay BuccaneersDePressED431
73.Venus LovemotionDePressED431
74.You Can't Take It With YouBridgcorp431
75.Absolut ZombiesJim430
76.Doc & DJ--Giving Away Rings at the HolocaustDoc & DJ430
77.Doc & DJ--Put It in Your Pantry with Your CupcakesDoc & DJ430
78.Dr. Steve 5Dr. Steve430
79.knock knock knockingbone rattler430
80.DePressED6 - That Ball Is Loooooong GoneDePressED429
81.Doc & DJ--Dick Clark is Now Worse than Willie Mays with the MetsDoc & DJ429
82.Doc & DJ--Where Decomposition HappensDoc & DJ429
83.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Johnny Eagle EyeFTG429
84.Justin Hale 10USER01531429
85.The Game of LifeUSER02045429
86.Albino KenyanBird428
87.DePressED12 - Finally DoneDePressED428
88.Ghost of Stiffs Past 3Ghost of Stiffs Past428
89.MK Sudden DeathMBalmed428
91.Boris Cutyourcockoff 03USER01531427
92.Destroyers 6Destroyers427
93.DX Rob IIDX Rob427
94.FTG: Hackett is a Friars Liar TooFTG427
95.Here TodayBuck427
96.Justin Hale 03USER01531427
97.Kolchak: The Night Stalker 4Kolchak the Night Stalker427
98.Lady Caroline MuffmuncherDePressED427
99.Little Dancin' On A Saturday NightDePressED427
100.News Is Blue, The News Is BlueDePressED427
101.Nothing Lasts ForeverBridgcorp427
102.NVN: Gadzooks Preston and Steve rockNo Viagra Needed427
103.DePressED7 - My Whole World Turns Misty BlueDePressED426
104.DGD - EnvyDGD426
105.Ethnic Cleansinghop1962426
106.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: OutTakesFTG426
107.Justin Hale 05USER01531426
108.MK MBalmedMBalmed426
110.Birdman - Dear Abby, Why Can't I Win?Bird425
111.Cash From Cancer: I am Ruth's PancreasCash From Cancer425
112.DePressED1 - And You're STILL Hangin' AroundDePressED425
113.DePressED9 - Your Bouquet Is HereDePressED425
114.dregsme first425
115.Justin Hale 01USER01531425
116.Justin Hale 06USER01531425
117.Ten Dead IndiansBridgcorp425
118.the doctor of death 1the doctor of death425
119.And the Ones who deserved it, they'll never understand itDePressED424
120.Boris CutyourcockoffUSER01531424
121.Boris Cutyourcockoff 02USER01531424
122.DePressED10 - I Didn't Come To Work, I Came To PlayDePressED424
123.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Space Age Plastic SonFTG424
124.Got To Move To The Trick Of The BeatDePressED424
125.DGD - SlothDGD423
126.DGD - WrathDGD423
127.Exoendo Zuzubar ('09 Champs)exoendo zuzubar423
128.Frankie 2DePressED423
129.GATER HATERThe rebel.423
130.Stiff PocorobaUSER00506423
131.Xtreme DeadpoolingDePressED423
132.Daisy A Day DearDePressED422
133.DePressED5 - Schlemiel, SchlemazelDePressED422
134.There Is No LeadDePressED422
136.DePressED4 - They Think We're Gonna Cut Their Throats Or Somethin'DePressED420
137.Destroyers 7Destroyers420
138.Dwyer's Zombie ListJim420
139.If You Pick Them - They Will Diebridgy420
140.NVN: Arod's still an assholeNo Viagra Needed419
141.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part IIIhurryupndiealready417
142.A Leftover List That's Free I HopeRD02416
143.Birdman - $3,000 Buys Alot Of Entries!Bird327
144.Birdman - I Always Liked Eva Better AnywayBird327
145.Doc & DJ--In Memory of Ellie FredricksenDoc & DJ327
146.EMFC We Won the World Series and All I Got Was a CoffinEMFCoffin327
147.This is how rumors get started 2010USER02248327
148.Tsuga - A Snowball in HellTsuga327
149.Doc & DJ--Smells Like a Steak and Seats 35Doc & DJ326
151.Justin Hale 02USER01531325
152.Justin Hale 09USER01531325
154.Cash From Cancer: Wouk's WakeCash From Cancer324
155.Death Soup: Will Get Fooled Again!MJ and Friends324
156.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow PencilJoanCrawfordsMakeupBag324
157.Tomtsled-10 New Tombstones 3Tomtsled324
158.connies boyme first323
159.Frankie 1DePressED323
160.Kolchak: The Night Stalker 6Kolchak the Night Stalker323
161.MK MBalmed 2MBalmed323
162.NVN: Frostbite on my taintNo Viagra Needed323
163.The Maude Squad!twinpete323
164.ATLANTA FALCONS FANThe rebel.322
165.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Quiet GunFTG322
167.Offal TruthUSER01797322
168.Ten Bloody MarysRD02322
171.Another Year, Another Golden GirlRD02321
172.Dwyer's Death SquadJim321
173.Kolchak: The Night Stalker 1Kolchak the Night Stalker321
174.Kolchak: the Night Stalker 5Kolchak the Night Stalker321
175.Rocks & HeadstonesRocks and Headstones321
177.Cash From Cancer: Miep Gies? Miep Dies!Cash From Cancer320
178.Catch Coldhop1962320
179.EMFC Hopper Comes a CropperEMFCoffin320
180.NVN: Sorry I like the old select o maticNo Viagra Needed320
181.Screwthebcs 3Screwthebcs320
182.The Lynch MobTaugh320
183.Tomtsled-10 New Tombstones 1Tomtsled320
184.Von Ryan's ExpressTaugh320
185.Cartman-Gee That's a Swell Urn Mrs CleaverCARTMAN319
186.DePressED11 - Bill Shamblin, Newport Independent SchoolsDePressED319
187.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part Vhurryupndiealready319
188.Ten How's Your FathersRD02319
189.Tsuga - Misting FidgetsTsuga319
190.DePressED8 - Forbidden PlanetDePressED318
191.Worm Foodnursebecky318
193.What's that Smell?What's that smell?317
194.yeah yeah buh bye 2yeah yeah buh bye317
195.Feasting Maggots 1Feasting Maggots316
196.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost316
197.yeah yeah buh byeyeah yeah buh bye316
198.yeah yeah buh bye 5yeah yeah buh bye316
199.Feasting Maggots 3Feasting Maggots315
200.get famous or die tryingfireflyt315
201.Jackalope Ghost - The Cat Came BackJackalope_Ghost315
202.Bring It On You Old FuksDeath Bastard314
203.Chicago Jake - It's Not a Tumor!!Chicago Jake314
204.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost314
205.Death Soup: Gross UrningsMJ and Friends313
206.FTG: Under the Sands of Iwo JimaFTG313
207.Tomtsled-10 New Tombstones 2Tomtsled313
208.yeah yeah buh bye 3yeah yeah buh bye313
210.Cash From Cancer: Jobs wil be lostCash From Cancer219
211.coffin cornerDRave13219
212.god told me some first219
213.Jeff's Listnursebecky219
214.MrJeff\'s Death of the Partymrjeff2000219
215.The Old LamplighterUSER02045219
216.DGD - greedDGD218
217.ExeuntOmnesExeunt Omnes218
219.Tsuga - Dark Star CrashesTsuga218
220.Cancerous FossilsTaugh217
222.yeah yeah buh bye 6yeah yeah buh bye217
223.GA. BULLDAWG FANThe rebel.216
224.NVN: does this smell funny to you ?No Viagra Needed216
227.The Dirt NappersTaugh216
228.You've Got to Keep DyingUSER02045216
230.Soon B. Gonn 2Edhead22215
231.EMFC Spartacus Loses His ShortsEMFCoffin214
232.Soon to be BonesBunn's Bones To Be213
233.Start DiggingUSER01832213
235.DGD - PrideDGD212
236.The 4 Marx Brothers are STILL DeadGrouchoHarpoChicoDeado212
237.Bones of Contentions 01Bones of Contention 1211
238.Guess Who Died? 3ZUSER01484211
239.That is all folksDigger O Dell211
240.Becky's Listnursebecky110
241.Beer HogsUSER02535110
242.dingy momome first110
243.Feasting Maggots 2Feasting Maggots110
244.Guess Who Died? 2ZUSER01484110
245.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part VIIhurryupndiealready110
246.NVN: and the worms ate into his brainNo Viagra Needed110
247.NVN: said wrecked emNo Viagra Needed110
250.yeah yeah buh bye 4yeah yeah buh bye110


Guess the Stiff!

The ashes of this champion of the Florida Everglades will be scattered over her beloved wetlands. She'll then become one of the few people for whom the epithet "pond scum" accurately applies.

(d) May 14th, 1998