Strom Thurmond has been played on 2740 lists, including 130 lists in The September '01 Lee Jr..

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Hoodlum EmpireFTG212
2.ToeTag - Catch Your DeathUSER0134129
3.PVT RYAN 3USER0358828
4.DePressED 4USER02839110
5.Jonathan 1Jon00060110
6.Jonathan 2USER02714110
7.Why Wasn't It Ringo?USER02839110
9.Dealey PlazaUSER0269119
10.DXRob 3USER0267619
11.EB03: Dedicated to the Other EBUSER0016519
12.EB09: Quando, Quando, QuandoUSER0016519
13.Heel Clicking NazisUSER0269119
14.M.I. a Bitch?..Once in a WhileUSER0280719
15.Mafia Actuary 1USER0137519
16.Mafia Actuary 2USER0137519
17.Mafia Actuary 5USER0137519
18.Mafia Actuary 6USER0137519
19.Mafia Actuary 7USER0273019
20.Need the dosh so dieUSER0088119
21.NVN - Thank you, Al MichaelsUSER0275219
22.Pepster 3USER0005519
23.Pepster 4USER0005519
24.Putting the FUN in FUNeralUSER0364019
25.Vicious Piranha? - A Hit Is A HitUSER0282719
26.Vicious Piranha? - I Must Be The GreatestUSER0282719
27.Vicious Piranha? - Illness And FatigueUSER0282719
28.Vicious Piranha? - The Death Of A PresidentUSER0282719
29.Vicious Piranha? - The Quiet OneUSER0282719
30.Vicious Piranha? - Untamed HawkUSER0126019
31.Mafia Actuary 3USER0137518
32.T. Switala 3USER0280118
33.T. Switala 4USER0002518
34.ToeTag - U R BreathlessUSER0357618
35.Buff Daddy 1USER0131517
37.Christopher Reeve - Bob Mattick goes streakingUSER0273617
39.Mafia Actuary 9USER0273017
40.PVT RYAN 200000217
41.Stiffed Part 7USER0269117
42.T. Switala 1USER0002517
43.Warren ReportUSER0269117
45.Dead Cat Bounce 6USER0363616
46.Jonathan 3USER0271416
47.No Viagra NeededNo Viagra Needed16
48.BIG EUSER0136715
49.Dead Cat Bounce 3USER0265315
51.'String Cheese' The Pope & Bob Hope on the RopesUSER0139414
52.Bart and DJ - Oh Billy!Doc & DJ14
53.Doc--His Apartment Looked Like ShitUSER0361014
56.When the Saints Go Marching Out USER0131414
57.Big gay Al UK teamtrollette13
58.Chad - Katherine Harris' CuntUSER0359513
60.Two maggots were fighting in dead ErnestUSER0361413
61.Ericb111USER0140012 William Zabka's CareerDoc & DJ11
63.Too Damn Old To Be AliveUSER0364111
64.Tsuga- This is the Big One, Elizabeth!USER0003911
65.5 FT 11 IN UNDERUSER0134800
66.a Y incision to die forStarwanderer00
67.Bart and DJ - A Generic List NameDoc & DJ00
68.Blue Screen of DeathMBalmed00
70.Bucket Kicker 1USER0133300
71.Bucket Kicker 4USER0264000
72.Bucket Kicker 5USER0264000
73.Bucket Kicker 6USER0264000
75.Chad - Dick Cheney's Pacemaker PlusUSER0359400
76.Chad - Gary Condit's SonUSER0359000
77.Chad - George W Bush's CockUSER0111500
78.Chad - The 'Zero Factor'USER0111500
79.Chad - The New Name For Politics & Corruption, FloUSER0111500
80.Chad - What Laura Bush Screams During Sex w/GeorgeUSER0111500
81.Chad - What The Mistress Scream While Having Sex wUSER0111500
83.Christopher Reeve - Bootsy Salone's mouthful of peUSER0273600
84.Christopher Reeve - Joanne Moose's eyelidsUSER0273600
85.Christopher Reeve - Joe Manning gets gongedUSER0273600
86.Christopher Reeve - Where is Brad Fitch?USER0273600
87.Darcy D.USER0135700
88.Deadie LauderdaleUSER0139600
90.Dr. Who - Older Than DirtUSER0014600
92.EB04: Dead, White & BlueUSER0016500
93.EB06: The Political GraveyardUSER0016500
94.EB07: The Official Hate ListUSER0016500
95.EB13: My dog Miep Gies'd on the carpetUSER0362600
96.EB15: Seriously, I'm running out of picksUSER0362800
97.Father MackenzieUSER0136300
99.God wants you NOWUSER0136600
100.Hard 6Frankie Pentangeli00
101.HEETERGAL 1USER0099600
102.Hope Springs Eternal 1USER0138200
103.Hope Springs Eternal 2USER0138200
104.Hope You DieUSER0044400
105.Howard BealeUSER0136300
106.It Really Is ImpossibleUSER0358500
107.JimUrn While U Learn00
108.Just Plain DJ - September is the cruelest monthUSER0364300
109.Lucky LariUSER0014100
110.Luscious MangoUSER0134900
111.mostly sick, mostly superannuated, mostly damn forUSER0034800
112.mourning has brokenStarwanderer00
113.MrJeff2000's Tomb of Terrormrjeff200000
114.Necro Phil Feeds Ten VulturesUSER0137100
115.Necro Phil Unmasks Mr DeadUSER0137100
117.Obit 3USER0275300
119.PookieJones 1USER0136100
120.POPE 3USER0276400
121.SALMICK 2TheMick100
122.Soon B. GonnEdhead2200
123.Terrible 2'sUSER0262000
124.The 92+ ClubUSER0134000
125.The EndUSER0269100
126.Tsuga- And who can forget classics like ...USER0359900
127.Tsuga- Duets of Satchmo and Gonzo USER0003900
128.Tsuga- Two Pickets to TitsburgUSER0003900
129.You're Dead MeatUSER0139100
130.zack_Expiration Date: 2/28/2002USER0118900


Guess the Stiff!

He's REALLY blue now.

(d) December 8th, 2008