Run Run Shaw has been played on 2043 lists, including 396 lists in The 2013 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Birdman - The Johnny Dare Morning ShowBird742
2.Birdman 15Bird742
4.Ghost's Best Chance for an Improbable RepeatGhost of Stiffs Past640
5.Birdman - Mandatory Helmut LawBird639
6.Birdman - the last oneBird639
7.Birdman 1Bird639
8.Birdman 2Bird639
9.Birdman 5Bird639
10.McSwindlers Listhop1962639
11.Adieu, Run, Run, Run, Adieu Run RunGhost of Stiffs Past637
12.Birdman - Everyone has a PriceBird637
13.Birdman - Fontaine of youthBird637
14.TJS: First TryTJS637
15.Birdman - Ebert give Annette two thumbs downBird636
16.The Van Goes Down By The Riverlucky punk630
17.Birdman 6Bird538
18.Birdman 7Bird537
19.Birdman 8Bird537
21.Feeling rather poorly 1RJD537
22.Oh Mickey you're so fineBird537
23.And Then There Were NoneDePressED536
24.Birdman - Dear Pope, why wont Zsa Zsa die?Bird536
27.Psychicdeath 3PsychicDeath536
28.Stranger Blue Leave Us AloneDePressED536
29.Birdman 4Bird535
30.Cartman- Fifty Shades of Grey PallorCARTMAN535
31.Checking it twice 2RJD535
33.Doc & DJ Memorial list sans Travis BarkerBird535
34.Birdman 13Bird534
35.Cash from Cancer: One Stiff at a TimeCash From Cancer534
36.Cash from Cancer: Pancreatic Cancer carries a PriceCash From Cancer534
38.Dwyer's Dirt NappersJim534
39.Johnny Carson Gets Another Chance To Pet Zsa Zsa's PussyRottenToast534
41.Zsa Zsa's a BoreSilentcalvin533
42.Charlie Don't Surf with Kyung LahCharlie Dont Surf532
44.Hold On Tight We'll Muddle Through One Day At A Time 1RottenToast531
45.Unnamed Red Shirted Star Trek GuysHe's Dead Jim531
46.Doc & DJ--Joe DiMaggio Memorial ListDoc & DJ530
47.Nurse! Help me! 1Paul1681530
48.Checking it twice 3RJD529
49.Dead on ArrivalDestroyers529
50.Death March 21BCeltics529
51.Ethnic Cleansinghop1962529
52.yeah yeah buh bye 5yeah yeah buh bye529
54.Feeling rather poorly 2RJD528
55.Feel the Burnlucky punk527
56.PennyVan Death RayGlamdring527
57.Run Run Faster Than My BulletThe Pancreatic Answer527
59.Former Leaders Foreign and DomesticRD02526
60.Hosni's Penny Death VanGlamdring526
61.ReaperMadness #2ReaperMadness524
62.IAGO 1IAGO523
64.Some Basketball, Some Football, Some BaseballGhost of Stiffs Past518
65.Reap 'Em & Weep #2USER00557515
66.Birdman 3Bird432
67.Birdman 9Bird432
68.Dearly Departed 2hop1962432
69.Feeling rather poorly 3RJD432
70.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: OuttakesFTG432
71.DGD - No Big Country for Old MenDGD431
72.Itoman Death Squad1BCeltics431
73.Psychicdeath 1PsychicDeath431
74.Team Formalin: That's Showbiz!anarchess431
75.yeah yeah buh byeyeah yeah buh bye431
76.Come On, I Wanna See Em In A Mausoleum 4EdRulz430
77.Jenny Was SweetDePressED430
78.La Muerte1LaMuerte430
79.Pardee in the HouseSilentcalvin430
80.Psychicdeath 2PsychicDeath430
81.yeah yeah buh bye 3yeah yeah buh bye430
82.Ten Past MidnightMr. Redrum429
83.Trout's Dead Fish IIITrout428
84.Bag Of BonesMr. Redrum427
85.Death Rattle: Coughing Up Dirtanarchess427
86.Death By Pinocle 2013 List 1oregontrail426
87.Ghoul Girl IIGhoul Girl426
88.Gravediggers IThe Coroner426
89.Sbump'd off 3SBUMP2426
90.Cancerous or GeezerousRhody Trash425
91.Justin Hale 02USER01531425
92.Justin Hale 03USER01531425
93.Lots o' old and sick bastards VBJCx78425
94.Play Those Harps, St. PeterBust Out The Harps, Peter425
95.Danse MacabreMr. Redrum424
96.Justin Hale 01USER01531424
97.Naha Assassins1BCeltics424
98.The President's Piano GunJohnHines424
99.Around the World in 10 Stiffsboshh423
100.Bowties Are Not Really That Coolrchand423
101.Chicken at Tresky's #1Chicken at Tresky's423
102.Deadline for Death 2Burn'em All423
103.Dwyer's Corpse CountersJim423
104.Gravediggers IIThe Coroner423
105.Passing Through Nature To EternityRus253423
106.Pookie's Stiffs #1Pookie's Stiffs423
107.Aaaaah, Zsa ZsaNice Sicko422
108.Doubled D 484-2Doubled484422
109.Mashiki Assassins1BCeltics422
110.Zsa zsa's final standchick813422
111.Cancer is the AnswerTumor_Makes_A_Does_In421
112.One Deadbeat Off 3Susie Sicko421
113.Victory or Death! Both, Really...Shams421
115.Rock N' Roll Me When I'm DeadTrav420
116.Something to do with Corpses 4Shams420
117.Baxley - I Hate This ListBaxley419
118.Dearly Departed 3hop1962419
119.SirDrexl's StiffsSirDrexl419
120.think2wicelax11570419 @DrewTheBlueUSER02609419
122.You,re outdel bird419
123.Down the Latrine in '13Scott in Philly418
125.My 2013 water fountainAndy418
126.Thank's For The Memories 2Digger O Dell 10418
127.CaSkeT CrAzY... Dead as dirt...CaSkeT CrAzY417
128.Dels dead cats 2del bird417
129.Death Soup: Frontal LobotomyMJ and Friends416
130.Easy MoneyEasy Money416
131.Capehaven PeepsRus253415
132.Dead Is As Dead DoesBison415
133.IAGO 3IAGO414
134.IAGO 2IAGO412
135.Little Drivin' On A Saturday NightDePressED327
136.Charlie Don't Surf with Mia LeeCharlie Dont Surf326
137.Grab a snickersSirMike10326
138.Big HerbKirby325
139.Death Rattle: Humming Alonganarchess325
140.Drop Dead Already!PigPen325
141.Run Run Shaw Can't Live This Long, Can He?Dolby, Clancy, Giap325
142.Team Formalin: Lying-in-Waitanarchess325
143.Dust to DustDestroyers324
144.Ig's list of stiffs IIIThe Ig324
145.Charlie Don't Surf with Sharon TayCharlie Dont Surf323
146.Justin Hale 08USER01531323
147.Live and Let DieRadler323
148.No Viagra NeededNo Viagra Needed323
150.The Dirt NappersTaugh323
151.Ethnic Cleansing 3hop1962322
152.Generalisimo Francisco Franco is Still DeadBo Knows Death322
153.Justin Hale 09USER01531322
154.No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!Bea Hind322
155.Tommytsled-Countdown To Civil WarTomtsled322
156.Trouts Dead FishTrout321
157.Van Punkburnlucky punk321
158.A Confederacy Of DecedentsIgnatius' Rubber Glove320
159.Cemetery Girls 3Cemetery Girls320
160.Lucky Punks don't floatJESUSCHRISTALMIGHTY320
161.Rock N' Roll Me When I'm Dead IITrav320
162.Something to do with Corpses 5Shams320
163.A bunch of Dick tatersshorty7ft319
164.Hey You Took My ListnameRhody Trash319
165.Jackalope Ghost - Uncle Floyd's RevengeJackalope_Ghost319
166.Justin Hale 04USER01531319
168.Read My Blue Lipslucky punk319
169.Sbump'd off 1SBUMP2319
170.The Lynch MobTaugh319
171.Von Ryan's ExpressTaugh319
173.Death Table 3TitanPilot583318
174.Rachel's Walking Dead 6Rachel A318
175.Something to do with Corpses 6Shams318
176.Cemetery Girls 5Cemetery Girls317
177.Death Always Seemed So Rashfromthetomb317
178.LOD - One Death At A Timeed head317
179.Oldy Von MoldyRhody Trash317
180.Radtex: His and HearseRadtex317
181.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail317
182.Death Soup: Death Watch BeatlesMJ and Friends316
183.Down and DirtyDRave13316
184.Horizontally YoursBarker J. Wagtail316
185.Loki 2Loki316
186.NVN: Eating Sushi off some naked chickNo Viagra Needed316
187.Six Feet Under, I'm a Very Skinny LadyDiamondToothGertie316
188.Smoker's CoughAJAVX316
189.The Clock is Tickingchriscott97316
190.Big G's Prospects For The Dirt Nap (Sleepers)Dead Fred315
192.Dust to DollarsDRave13315
193.homerunOda Mae Brown315
194.last hope springs uneternaldisplayname007315
195.No Chance In Hell 1toomanycards315
198.older than the dirt we toss over themdisplayname007315
200.Read my lips. No new breathing.Bea Hind315
201.ReaperMadness #1ReaperMadness315
202.Third Times a Charm...and FreeTrinettRae315
203.!!! ancienttitan360314
205.Enola Staightdoorma314
206.NVN: Titty sandwich with a side of assNo Viagra Needed314
208.ScarlettDon't I look like myself.314
209.themayorpetes can't miss funerals of 2013themayorpete314
210.You Never Know IIwhirlygirly314
212.A few more people I just thought ofmoribundus313
213.Death Never Takes a Holiday 1Nipper313
214.Hardanger Dies TomorrowHardanger Dies Today313
215.oh fuck itzombie lover313
216.Satan's Waitin'Barker J. Wagtail313
217.Styrofoam Bologna 1Gina3030313
218.Death March 31BCeltics312
219.I am going to helllax11570312
220.Thrown the C Everett KoopDonkey Sausage312
222.Charlie Don't Surf with Luci LiuCharlie Dont Surf311
223.Death March1BCeltics311
224.If Tomorrow Never ComesSal & Barb311
225.Memphis Dead 2013trashking311
226.World LeddersTheyComeInThrees311
228.This might win me the big one.Donkey Sausage39
229.Ig's list of stiffs IIThe Ig38
230.Geezers GaloreJoker36
231.Death is the Final CancellationRastafarian Mormon219
232.Heywood Jablome XIIUSER00119219
233.Justin Hale 07USER01531219
234.Not Dead Yet IIITimur219
235.Riding the Pine - 2013Ranger275219
236.Dancing With Mr. DBetter Off Dead218
237.Dels dead catsdel bird218
238.Cliburn and the Graham Brotherslucky punk217
239.Counting Bodies Like SheepDGambrinus217
240.Det Sjunde InsegletThe Grime Reaper217
241.I Got A StiffyI Got A Stiffy217
242.Ig's list of stiffs IThe Ig217
243.My Chest HurtsMy chest Hurts217
244.My wife finds this offensiveknkaustin217
246.Who Says Evil Never Dies (Political Death-Pool)Chris Goulart217
247.Death Table 2TitanPilot583216
248.Extreme Deathpooling List #1SFisher216
250.Rat Bastards 2Rat Bastard216
251.The OldCharon's Obol216
252.Baxley - This List SucksBaxley215
253.cemetary gatesgatekeeperofvalhalla215
254.Extreme Deathpooling List #2SFisher215
255.NVN: Stupid never takes a vacationNo Viagra Needed215
256.Zsa Zsa, Run Run and Associatesmoribundus215
257.2013 Top Soil #2Blondemarvel214
258.A Grateful Deadhead 2013 UnoJudysomething214
259.Code DeadasthedeadtuRNs214
260.Fill In My Toe TagDick Rotten214
262.Toast CelebritiesCanucklehead214
263.z zis zor zookieGrime Reaper214
264.Carpe dead emdoorma213
265.Dirt NapsDeathAlert213
266.Egg SaladDr.Slime213
267.It's over, go home!Crystal Balls213
268.LA LISTE DE MEO 2013Meo213
269.list them they will die #1Wills213
271.Skunkhair 2013Skunkhair 2013213
272.Rachel's Walking Dead 2Rachel A212
273.The Back of Johnny Ola's HandFrankie Pentangeli212
274.Zsa's zsa's last standchick813212
275.Ashes to AshesDestroyers211
276.Chilly Dead 2chillybilly211
277.Sal-n-BettsSal & Barb211
278.Village Stiffy 4village144211
279.Are We Dead Yet? 001goodwin73210
280.Blake's Bones IIIMr. Blake210
281.Doctor of Death--the Menthe doctor of death210
282.Dr. Who - A Bunch of Old FartsDr. Who210
285.turn me on, dead man!USER01515210
288.Death Never Takes a Holiday 2Nipper29
289.Going down down downRastafarian Mormon29
290.Leftovers from Last yearmoribundus29
292.MATTOID - Back again, STILL no moneyThe Mattoid29
293.Mort: This time Wilson, this time...Mort29
294.NVN: Never trust a fat vegetarianNo Viagra Needed29
295.Well nobody died did they? #2Archangel29
296.Zsa Zsa nomore 2hancoach1329
300.NoNames 1jim dibello28
301.Tattaglia is a pimpTwilight is Near28
302.Expiration Date 12/31/12Pokey2227
303.Late for SupperInexplah27
304.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #6Shoeguy27
305.The "Last" Minute Ijwin5527
306.Trout's Dead Fish IITrout27
307.Zsa zsa's last stand 2chick81327
308.Brutesquad - OLDbrutesquad6426
309.Exit Stage FourExit Stage Four26
310.It puts the lotion on its skinBuffalo Bell Biv DeVoe26
311.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #2Shoeguy26
312.six feet underYou kill em, we chill em26
313.The Babe Calls Them: Shaw, Macnee, Mubarak, Walsh, Khameini. In That Order.Dolby, Clancy, Giap26
314.When you come to a fork in the road........dieThe Shadow26
315.Dead people of the futureTodd Blankenship25
316.Famous Fossils IHugh G. Wrekshun25
317.Old SmellUSER0252425
318.the price is rightYou kill em, we chill em25
319.YCB's Number 1USER0589725
321.Only Mostly Deadshroom24
322.ThisisaMorbidActivity - ILikecarseycritter24
323.Y'all Get Dead Now, Ya Hear?nroger91924
324.GA. BULLDAWGS FANThe rebel.23
325.Parades Go Bythebrainsbackstage23
326.Bring It on Zsa Zsa Bites ItDEATH DEMON110
327.Dead Men Walking?Destroyers110
328.Rachel's Walking Dead 5Rachel A110 here if you wanna blow mezombie lover19
330.Concrete Shoes 2Concrete Shoes19
331.Habeas CorpsesBradWalt19
332.RJ ThurmontRJ Thurmont19
333.Skunkhair 2013 (A better list)Skunkhair 201319
334.Styrofoam Bologna 3Gina303019
335.The Billies GrahamTheyComeInThrees19
336.ThisisaMorbidActivity - ILikeItLotscarseycritter19
337.Big Dirt SandwichTheBus18
339.I Hope They Go - SJRJ Thurmont18
340.Insert Clever List Name HereGregDean18
341.Just get it over with Zsa ZsaCosmo Underground18
342.MrJeff2000's Vial of Vitriolmrjeff200018
343.The Regulator ListWarren G18
344.You're Dead to Me INick ‘n Beth18
345.Chilly Dead 3chillybilly17
346.For the love of Paulmommyster17
349.Styrofoam Bologna 2Gina303017
350.All Star Leftoverswet grave16
351.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit #3FrankJac16
352.Googuse's Best Betsgooguse16
353.Number one with a bullet. Or knife, club, grenade....Big Guy16
354.Shouldn't This Merchandise Be Off the Shelf?humanmeal16
355.Shuffling Off The Mortal CoilEradicator16
356.The Free One Would Finish HighestTheyComeInThrees16
357.........and in the end.The Shadow15
358.Death Never Takes a Holiday 3Nipper15
359.Do The Deathwish ThingDeathwish Drang15
360.I hope this goes better than last year.Doctor Arcane15
361.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 1Joker15
362.Mom & Elizabethkristi15
363.Potty Humordead presidents15
364.Return of the Dead GuysGregDean15
365.Dirtnappin' 2013RJ Thurmont14
367.Only Mostly Dead 2shroom14
371.Cremation NationDestroyers13
372.gregory sippelgsippel13
373.Bucket Kickers 3Bucket Kickers12
374.Bucket Kickers 4Bucket Kickers12
376.Oh well, the list was "free"moribundus12
377.Take me home Country RoadsCrystal Balls12
378.This Group Might Do Okayhumanmeal12
379.You Never Know IIIwhirlygirly12
380.another ten bite the dustthemayorpete11
381.Bucket Kickers 1Bucket Kickers11
382.chalk'm upthemayorpete11
383.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 2Joker11
384.Rastalls Reapers 2013 IRastalls11
385.Don't Let the Door....Crystal Balls00
386.Get On With It!boomshadow00
387.Greg's 2013 Dead pool list 3gfultz100
388.Joe Bacon's 2013 Dirt NappersChancellor D'Exchecker00
390.mayan overtime 2USER0056200
391.mayan overtime 3USER0056200
392.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #4Shoeguy00
393.Stop the Healing!Yule Log00
394.The "Last" Minute IIIjwin5500
395.When You're Dying of Thirst, You'll Drink From a MudholeDiamondToothGertie00
396.Zsa Zsa NoMorehancoach1300


Guess the Stiff!

In a strange funeral ceremony, his body was taken out of town by a Mayflower moving van in the middle of the night.

(d) January 14th, 1997