Roberta McCain has been played on 1783 lists, including 303 lists in The 2019 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Of Corpse You`re Dead 5Shoeguy631
2.John D. Smiley 2019 1st Listjohndsmiley627
3.Venus LovemotionDePressED534
6.You Already Had Your FunChris Goulart519
7.Cemetery Girls 1Cemetery Girls518
8.Ghoul GirlGhoul Girl518
9.We'll Meet AgainBea Hind429
10.Beth knows old peopleRastafarian Mormon428
11.DxRob IIIDX Rob426
12.Anarchy and Biscuits with JamAnarchy and a biscuit425
13.Come on, God, do your workFroggyB425
14.Bluff City Dead!trashking424
15.La Liste de Meo 2019Meo424
16.Dear Mr. Henshaw: I'M DEAD!Bea Hind423
17.IAGO 1IAGO423
18.IAGO 2IAGO423
19.2019 Wasn't Your Yearshroom422
20.Anarchy never was a cornflake girlAnarchy and a biscuit422
22.Chindon, That's enoughptgkc421
23.Happy Hour is OverJoker421
24.Nearly The Same List Since 2008Sarkon421
25.Doc & DJ--...I Wish I Was Sipowicz.Doc & DJ420
26.Coffin Rattler - Ancientscoffinrattler419
27.Death March1BCeltics418
28.I don't hear enough RIPpingrazorben418
30.Anarchy's spirit animal is Kate BushAnarchy and a biscuit417
31.Death By Pinocle 1oregontrail416
32.Tango UniformMarkMx416
33.Closer to Death than BirthThe Shadow415
34.Deadly DebutanteDeadly Debutante415
35.PEOPLE MEATPeople Meat413
36.Spoiler Alert: Everyone DiesMichenley413
37.Sic Transitsictransit327
38.Charlie Don't Surf with Lily ThaiCharlie Dont Surf324
39.Somthin' smells SquatchyEuro-trash324
40.Anarchy double with a collusion backAnarchy and a biscuit323
41.DePressED 07DePressED323
42.Donald be deadDead Person Specialist, E323
43.Does One's Own Funeral Count Towards One's Total Hours on TV?alan smithee322
44.MCS Dirt NappersNJMCW322
45.Wohlert's rotting remainsonefunsob322
47.Death becomes them.The rebel.321
49.A Nod's as Good as a Wink to a Dead Guyhenryflowr320
50.Anarchy picks her favoritesAnarchy and a biscuit320
51.Bairly AliveBairlyAlive320
52.Get'm Out Of HereVaGentry320
53.Lots o' old and sick bastards XIBJCx78320
54.Are We Dead Yet 001goodwin73319
55.Cartman- Sox Beat YanksCARTMAN319
56.Death Becomes YouThe Force is Deathening319
57.Down with the Queen!Deckhawk319
58.MATTOID -AffenpuncherThe Mattoid319
59.Tastes Just Like ChickenCBS319
60.Walking Dead 2019Zombie Mom319
62.Anarchy tastes like a donutAnarchy and a biscuit318
64.I Am WaitingBea Hind318
65.Petey Sings At Your FuneralNancyD318
66.Death Be Not Proud XTimur317
67.Everybody's a jerk. You, me, this jerk.PIxiaq317
68.Falling StarsNick ‘n Beth317
69.grimey reaper 1grimyreaper317
70.IAGO 3IAGO317
71.Remember to Compost Your EldersEvil Lemons317
72.Sic. Transit 2sictransit317
73.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail317
74.Time enough at lastTwilight is Near317
75.a century is enoughGrim Rapper316
76.Bonnie and ClydeThe Shadow316
77.Centenary to the Cemetarynickyricardo316
78.Doctor of Death The Endthe doctor of death316
80.Harambe was murderedchick813316
82.I Don't Want His Mother To See Him This WayFrankie Pentangeli316
85.MrJeff's Selections of Sanctimonymrjeff2000316
86.Old is the new OLD - Get GoingChris Goulart316
87.Petey's Free ListNancyD316
88.Remember To Compost Your Elders 5Evil Lemons316
89.Victory AND Death 1Shams316
91.aardvark1Hugh G. Wrekshun315
92.Anarchy Suits Me Fine TYVMAnarchy and a biscuit315
93.Bush's Baked BonesRadtex315
94.Happy Hour is CanceledJoker315
96.Just give it up alreadyTiderInsider315
97.Sack-o-Stiffies '19VicLic2315
98.Sleep is for the dead...MissAndyWarhol315
99.Thank God That's Over With 1USER00119315
100.7 Centenarians and 3 that are closeBunn's Bones To Be314
101.Are We Dead Yet 003goodwin73314
102.Buzzard Bait BanquetBodyFarmBound314
103.Coffin Party 2Jamoke314
104.Expiration Dates 12.31.18Pokey22314
105.Here Today Gone TomorrowBig Guy314
106.Of Corpse You`re Dead 2Shoeguy314
107.old folks go hometmbronk314
108.Politics Will Be The Death of Youthedeadmanshand314
109.Rat Bastards 2Rat Bastard314
110.VG - Who spiked the punch with enbalming fluid?vomit_god314
111.72 Virgins - Praise Allah!bridgy313
112.DxRob IIDX Rob313
113.Ie Shima Death Squad1BCeltics313
114.If Tomorrow Never ComesSal & Barb313
115.Mr. Stiffs PicksMr. Stiffs313
116.Older Than DirtNVRGVUP313
118.Perfect GameSBUMP2313
120.That WAS Entertainment 2019aFilmslave313
121.Belezebrah- A champion at deathunit13312
122.Die or Lose Tryingbridgy312
123.Its like they just won't die. Seriously.uselessexistence312
124.Making Roomfrenchchiller312
125.Too Many Stitches in TimeDadsAngry312
126.Buh Bye 19 01TenPaces311
127.Cemetery Girls 4Cemetery Girls311
128.Charlie Don't Surf with DePressEDCharlie Dont Surf311
129.Death By Pinocle 3oregontrail311
130.Xyla PhoneyGhoulash311
131.All lights out.The rebel.310
132.Death By Pinocle 2oregontrail310
134.Real Serene in '19Scott in Philly310
135.Sucks to be OldElster000310
136.Oh, Death...thedeadmanshand39
137.Tie Die TimeJohnGoose39
138.Death By Pinocle 4oregontrail37
139.Anarchy spins right roundAnarchy and a biscuit217
140.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2019calvey217
141.Otis' Cirrhosis - Morrison Sisters' StillKudsKroakers217
142.Cancer is the AnswerTumor_Makes_A_Does_In216
143.Charlie Don't Surf with Alina LiCharlie Dont Surf216
144.Dead Don't DanceDead Person Specialist, E216
145.grimey reaper 2grimyreaper216
147.Beast mode KobbemanMaryjo80215
148.Charlie Don't Surf with Mika TanCharlie Dont Surf215
149.Don't Fear the Reaper 100 +or-MOJO215
150.Perfect Game 3SBUMP2215
151.Anarchy celebrates 100Anarchy and a biscuit214
152.Anarchy Sleeps 'Til NoonAnarchy and a biscuit214
153.Blissters 1rjb121162214
155.Death Plus One- Casket 100Radler214
156.Goner 3Reaper Crew214
157.JON 2Jon00060214
158.Martha PearlDiane214
159.Of Corpse You`re Dead 6Shoeguy214
160.On The Edgenickyricardo214
161.Petey Spits on Your GraveNancyD214
162.Sirdrexl's StiffsSirDrexl214
163.VG - Ebola-ing for Dollarsvomit_god214
165.2 BROKE GIRLS AND A COFFINZombie Dirt Rider213
166.Buck & MichelleBuck213
167.Buh Bye 19 03TenPaces213
168.Hurry up will ya! 2Toe Tagged Luminary213
169.Rastalls 2019 REALLY OLDRastalls213
172.Their Cold Dead Fingers...Dead Person Specialist, E213
173.Toodlum......Is That You???Bison213
174.Bob Bliss is stooooopidEuro-trash212
175.dicks out for harambechick813212
176.JON 3Jon00060212
177.Just one This YearRD02212
178.Perfect Game 2SBUMP2212
179.Satan's Waitin'Barker J. Wagtail212
180.Tears Like Rain...Rob.Bob212
181.Of Corpse You`re Dead 1Shoeguy211
182.Reap 'Em and Weep #1USER00557211
183.Victory AND Death 3Shams211
184.Bugs and BonesBugs and Bones210
185.Deep state 2Sunshine Up My Skirt210
186.Grave MistakesSIRROB99210
187.Mr. Blake Loves the LadiesMr. Blake210
188.Beating the Odds. Or not. #2Kram29
189.Bleeding Dodger BluePokey2229
190.Damn Near Dead IIBada Bing29
191.Dirt Nap DelightsRJ Thurmont29
192.Il Buono, il Brutto, il Cattivo 2019AngelEyesGBU29
193.Life Elevated #1Cheswick29
194.morgue than readywildrush29
195.Old Bastards ReduxSanta Fe Syndicate29
196.Older than UtleyHuckleberry29
197.Rocks and HeadstonesRocks and Headstones29
198.The Goat's Listdisgruntled goat29
200.Til Death Due Us PartSal & Barb29
201.Dont Make An Ash Of YourselfUncle Stiffy28
202.Bugs and Bones 3Bugs and Bones27
203.Dave's Dead Pool Dream 2019 Part 2Your Dead Pool Highness27
205.You’re Not On The List - Be Happy!Shannon Fisher27
206.100 Years To LiveCheckingOut26
207.Body Bags and Toe Tags Itrojones26
208.Doc & DJ--White Castle Fries Only Come In One SizeDoc & DJ26
209.DxRob IDX Rob26
210.Is PeopleSoylentGreen26
211.Lets All Sing Like the Buzzards Sing - Ack Ack Ack Ack AckJudysomething26
212.Sal-n-BettsSal & Barb26
213.Thank God That's Over With 3USER0011926
214.A Touch of Tourette's 1ACP25
215.Cartman- Sox Beat AstrosCARTMAN25
217.60 Feet UnderDead and Loving It110
218.Otis' Cirrhosis - Jubal Foster's StillKudsKroakers110
219.111 ajlposhajlposh19
220.A good year to dieDixie_Crystal19
221.Blissters 3rjb12116219
222.Bugs and Bones 2Bugs and Bones19
223.Cemetery Girls 1Cemetery Girls19
224.Donne in 2019splittertogo19
225.joined the choir invisible 2019splittertogo19
226.the year of the stiffstowelielife19
227.Time to check outSmurfducky19
228.Dead Pets SocietyJuicyAss1518
229.Death on BPTRJ Thurmont18
230.grimey reaper 3grimyreaper18
231.JON 1Jon0006018
232.Susie Sicko 2Susie Sicko18
233.The Board Goes BackBea Hind18
234.The Usual SuspectsUSER0056218
238.Year Old Leftoverspowerranger18
239.Beating the Odds. Or not.Kram17
240.Body Bags and Toe Tags VItrojones17
241.DIE FOR US.The rebel.17
242.Good times, Gone times.Tiffany17
243.No Viagra NeededNo Viagra Needed17
244.Serious IllnessThe Shadow17
245.The End #2Once upon a time...17
246.A Roll of the Diebridgy16
247.Better here than PhiladelphiaDead Eye Jack16
248.Going to Hell AlreadyHellbound Anyway16
249.Heaven's GateUSER0136816
250.Horizontally YoursBarker J. Wagtail16
251.Life Elevated #2Cheswick16
252.U can't take it with UUnsub6916
253.Underground Heroes 3Dirt Nap Roll Call16
254.Charlie Don't Surf with Charmaine StarCharlie Dont Surf15
255.R Lee 2019azabachenegro15
256.Bebop til you dropGrim Rapper14
257.Death March 21BCeltics14
258.Hamburger TimeBuffalo Bell Biv DeVoe14
259.John D. Smiley 2019 3rd Listjohndsmiley14
260.McMurdo2019.1McMurdoMan14 stars and politiciansAndy14
262.She Gone!Nick_italiano14
263.Sweet Liberal Tearskingshootr14
264.Thank you. Bye.Thank you. Bye.14
265.The Big Dirt SamwichTheBus14
266.Doc & DJ--You Smell Like Cat PissDoc & DJ13
267.Good Night Ladies, Hope to See You GoBairBones13
268.Long live Harambechick81313
270.Say Yes to the Deathskipgimp13
271.The Inglorious Basterds 2019Andrew Edling13
272.The List: 2019Lord Dickerson13
273.Anarchy Says Jared is a PunkAnarchy and a biscuit12
274.Coffin Rattler - Maybecoffinrattler12
275.EMFC: Burning Down Cheryls She ShedEMFCoffin12
276.Fingerless 2018bfingerless12
277.My Wife Wants Your LifeRJ Thurmont12
278.Pushing Daisiesaudioboss12
279.Underground Heroes 2Dirt Nap Roll Call12
280.Unk's Death ListDinorider1612
281.Are We Dead Yet 002goodwin7311
282.Death Race 2019USER0239511
284.Soy un perdidoMissAndyWarhol11
285.Splendidly Deadsplendiddead11
286.Susie Sicko 3Susie Sicko11
288.Cheeses love me, this I know!tkdmel00
289.Coffin Party 1Jamoke00
290.DirtnapsJay Cutlers Vagina00
291.Don't Fear the ReaperMOJO00
292.HEY HEY HEY, It's Pill Cosby!Pokey2200
293.Hurry up will ya! 1Toe Tagged Luminary00
294.Living the dreamThe Stranger00
295.Make America Dead Againzepped800
296.People are dying to get on this listmikegldn00
300.Sled dog 2sleddog00
301.Sleep is for the deadMissAndyWarhol00
302.VG - Bukkake Karaokevomit_god00
303.Year of the Living DeadBridgcorp00


Guess the Stiff!

Well, well, well. Looks like QE2 is on the market again, fellas.

(d) April 9th, 2021