Penny Marshall has been played on 1480 lists, including 241 lists in The 2013 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.From Stage Robber to Grave RobberEradicator738
2.When Your Gambling Cards On Love You PlayDePressED643
4.News Is Blue, The News Is BlueDePressED640
5.Birdman 1Bird639
6.For Spacious Skies: M.'s Uncommon JourneyGhost of Stiffs Past638
7.Disturbed Graveslilsqueakyone632
8.Tief Denker1Flying Asian Carp632
9.Birds Never Look Into The SunDePressED630
10.The Van Goes Down By The Riverlucky punk630
11.Heywood Jablome XUSER00119629
12.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Coroner CreekFTG538
13.Birdman 7Bird537
14.Feeling rather poorly 1RJD537
15.And Then There Were NoneDePressED536
16.Birdman - One Billy Graham has to goBird536
18.Stranger Blue Leave Us AloneDePressED536
19.Xtreme DeadpoolingDePressED536
21.The SickCharon's Obol535
22.Venus LovemotionDePressED535
23.Birdman 13Bird534
25.Van Quishedlucky punk534
28.Come On, I Wanna See Em In A Mausoleum 3EdRulz532
29.Sharpen the trochar, we're gonna be busy6Fry's Crematorium532
31.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: FingermanFTG531
32.yeah yeah buh bye 4yeah yeah buh bye530
33.Checking it twice 3RJD529
34.Come On, I Wanna See Em In A Mausoleum 6EdRulz529
35.Something to do with Corpses 3Shams529
36.yeah yeah buh bye 5yeah yeah buh bye529
37.Come On, I Wanna See Em In A Mausoleum 2EdRulz528
38.Feeling rather poorly 2RJD528
39.Death Be Not Proud IVTimur527
40.Feel the Burnlucky punk527
41.PennyVan Death RayGlamdring527
42.Run Run Faster Than My BulletThe Pancreatic Answer527
43.Come On I Wanna See Em In A MausoleumEdRulz526
44.Hosni's Penny Death VanGlamdring526
45.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Gunsmoke in TucsonFTG525
46.G Listseaiowe525
47.Heywood Jablome XIUSER00119525
48.Wilber Joins Mr. EdPokey22525
49.Professor Irwins Death PennyGlamdring522
51.Birdman - Ariel ViewBird432
52.Birdman - I'll be glas when i dont have to type Z S ABird432
53.Feeling rather poorly 3RJD432
55.Itoman Death Squad1BCeltics431
56.yeah yeah buh byeyeah yeah buh bye431
57.Come On, I Wanna See Em In A Mausoleum 4EdRulz430
58.Feral Fodder 1BMT330430
59.Jenny Was SweetDePressED430
60.MJ LivesMJ Lives430
61.yeah yeah buh bye 3yeah yeah buh bye430
62.Ten Past MidnightMr. Redrum429
63.When Is a Van a Hearse?lucky punk429
64.yeah yeah buh bye 2yeah yeah buh bye429
65.Death By Pinocle List 2oregontrail428
66.Trout's Dead Fish IIITrout428
67.Bag Of BonesMr. Redrum427
68.Doc & DJ--Ben Gazzara Will Haunt Us for YearsDoc & DJ427
70.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Vanishing AmericanFTG425
71.Justin Hale 02USER01531425
72.Justin Hale 03USER01531425
73.Lots o' old and sick bastards VBJCx78425
74.Tief Denker3Flying Asian Carp425
75.Danse MacabreMr. Redrum424
76.Death By Pinocle List 3oregontrail424
77.Justin Hale 01USER01531424
78.Are We Dead Yet?Eat sh!t and die!423
79.Martha PearlDiane421
80.More Leftoverswet grave421
81.Push Push In The Bushlucky punk421
82.Victory or Death! Both, Really...Shams421
83.Guess Who Died? 1ZUSER01484420
84.Is PeopleSoylentGreen420
85.Something to do with Corpses 4Shams420
86.Dearly Departed 3hop1962419
87.Something to do with Corpses 1Shams418
88.Easy MoneyEasy Money416
89.Come On, I Wanna See Em In A Mausoleum 5EdRulz327
90.Drop Dead Already!PigPen325
91.Feasting Maggots 7Feasting Maggots325
93.Team Formalin: Lying-in-Waitanarchess325
94.Pookie's Stiffs #3Pookie's Stiffs324
95.Something to do with Corpses 2Shams324
96.Charlie Don't Surf with Sharon TayCharlie Dont Surf323
97.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl323
98.grave matthew's bandwildrush323
99.Justin Hale 08USER01531323
100.The Dirt NappersTaugh323
101.Justin Hale 06USER01531322
102.Justin Hale 09USER01531322
103.yeah yeah buh bye 6yeah yeah buh bye322
104.All gomers die of somethinglindbergh321
105.Cartman- The OaksCARTMAN321
106.Double D 484-1Doubled484321
107.Tief Denker2Flying Asian Carp321
108.Trouts Dead FishTrout321
109.Van Punkburnlucky punk321
110.Something to do with Corpses 5Shams320
111.Gravediggers IIIThe Coroner319
112.Jackalope Ghost - Uncle Floyd's RevengeJackalope_Ghost319
113.Justin Hale 04USER01531319
114.Read My Blue Lipslucky punk319
115.September MournRadler319
116.The Lynch MobTaugh319
117.Village Stiffy 6village144319
118.Von Ryan's ExpressTaugh319
119.!!! ailingtitan360318
120.Something to do with Corpses 6Shams318
121.CHAD: The Vagina Is A Self Cleaning OvenCHAD317
122.Death Table 1TitanPilot583317
123.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail317
124.The United States Supreme Corpsesaintbaloney317
125.Well nobody died did they? #1Archangel317
126.Down and DirtyDRave13316
127.Horizontally YoursBarker J. Wagtail316
128.Rachel's Walking Dead 3Rachel A316
130.A woman going places.knkaustin315
131.Zsa Zsa Slaps Grim ReaperPokey22315
132.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost314
133.ScarlettDon't I look like myself.314
134.You Never Know IIwhirlygirly314
136.Satan's Waitin'Barker J. Wagtail313
137.NR See ya' ladies PT. 2northern reaper312
138.Thelma Rice had her legs waxedlindbergh312
139.Dying to meet you.Clever Team Name311
140.World LeddersTheyComeInThrees311
142.Barryalan smithee219
143.Justin Hale 07USER01531219
145.bird is deadPIANOGIRL218
146.DX Rob IDX Rob218
147.Justin Hale 05USER01531218
149.Shapen the trochar, we're gonna be busy5Fry's Crematorium218
150.CHAD: No, You Have To Die This YearCHAD217
151.Cliburn and the Graham Brotherslucky punk217
152.Death Table 2TitanPilot583216
153.Macaulay and The Walking DeadDeathAlert216
154.Rat Bastards 2Rat Bastard216
155.Yer Not Lookin' Too GoodCheck, Please!216
157.Die'yer MakerasthedeadtuRNs215
158.One death at a timeThe Shadow215
159.Babes of DeathReaperMadness214
160.Code DeadasthedeadtuRNs214
164.NR A list of idiotsnorthern reaper214
166.Deadline for Death 1Burn'em All213
167.list them they will die #2Wills212
168.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost212
169.Rachel's Walking Dead 2Rachel A212
170.Ashes to AshesDestroyers211
171.Death Becomes Themlilsqueakyone211
172.Donne In!splittertogo211
173.Joined The Choir Invisiblesplittertogo211
174.Last Stop 2Last Stop211
175.Penny's From HeavenPokey22211
176.Happy Days in HeavenPokey22210
177.Concrete Shoes 4Concrete Shoes29
178.Death Never Takes a Holiday 2Nipper29
179.Mort: This time Wilson, this time...Mort29
180.Yadier Molina is a good situational hitter.LMac29
181.Death Troll IIDeath Troll28
184.Mayan MistakeWallbanger27
185.North Tacoma Creeperscheeseburger27
186.The "Last" Minute Ijwin5527
187.Trout's Dead Fish IITrout27
188.Exit Stage FourExit Stage Four26
189.It puts the lotion on its skinBuffalo Bell Biv DeVoe26
190.When you come to a fork in the road........dieThe Shadow26
191.Exploding Brain MATTer 2USER0584825
192.YCB's Number 1USER0589725
193.Y'all Get Dead Now, Ya Hear?nroger91924
194.Bring It on Zsa Zsa Bites ItDEATH DEMON110
197.Sharpen the trochar, we're gonna be busy2Fry's Crematorium110
198.Walking Dead 2013Seeinskellies110
199.Close the CasketDestroyers19
200.Coughing to a CoffinDestroyers19
202.Habeas CorpsesBradWalt19
203.The Billies GrahamTheyComeInThrees19
204.ThisisaMorbidActivity - ILikeItLotscarseycritter19
206.J Sizzle's 2013 Bucket ListJSizzle18
207.Lite My PyreDr. Doom18
208.You Never Know Iwhirlygirly18
209.Chilly Dead 3chillybilly17
211.WE GOT BUSH!!Pokey2217
212.All Star Leftoverswet grave16
214.The Free One Would Finish HighestTheyComeInThrees16
215.........and in the end.The Shadow15
216.Death Never Takes a Holiday 3Nipper15
218.Do The Deathwish ThingDeathwish Drang15
221.extra 1USER0056213
222.The "Last" Minute IIjwin5513
224.I Pity Da Fool! (pick 1)Cosmo Underground12
226.You Never Know IIIwhirlygirly12
227.deathbitch rides againPIANOGIRL11
228.bag of bricksMarshrat00
229.Chicken at Tresky's #3Chicken at Tresky's00
230.dead people of the future lllTodd Blankenship00
231.Digger O Dell 19Digger O Dell 1000
233.Go Ahead and DIE Already!Chris Goulart00
235.mayan overtime 3USER0056200
236.Not Wishing Any One BadlyCharon's Obol00
237.So Many People - Not Enough OxygenChris Goulart00
238.The "Last" Minute IIIjwin5500
239.The Mayans were wrong...Chris Goulart00
240.Tits upCosmo Underground00
241.When You're Dying of Thirst, You'll Drink From a MudholeDiamondToothGertie00


Guess the Stiff!

He was one of those guys who played a million bit parts on a zillion crappy TV shows, but his real claim to fame was as the dog catcher in the movie that stands as the all-time greatest source for Dead Pool candidates: Won Ton Ton, The Dog Who Saved Hollywood. Rent it tonight, and make a few lists.

(d) August 16th, 1998