Bob Dole has been played on 2092 lists, including 275 lists in The 2021 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Death's Doorstep 3Steve P848
4.Another one bites the dustsplittertogo746
5.A list 2021Sunshine Up My Skirt745
6.Death's DoorstepSteve P744
7.MBalmed 1MBalmed743
8.Seeya 2021VaGentry742
9.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail742
10.A is for AfterlifeBodyFarmBound741
11.Last Call for the Establishmentptgkc741
12.Old folks onlycarseycritter741
13.Get Vertical 01NotComingDownForBreakfast739
14.Donne In!splittertogo738
15.No vaccine neededPoke the Bear737
16.Sirdrexl's StiffsSirDrexl735
17.Victory AND Death 2Shams645
18.2020 SurvivorsLights Out644
19.Get Vertical 03NotComingDownForBreakfast643
20.They All Die in the EndMichenley643
21.2021 AEDLING BIG BOARDAndrew Edling642
22.Can't Be Worse Than 2020shroom642
23.Petey's BonusNancyD641
24.The Ig's Daisy Pushing ListThe Ig641
25.The Ig's Daisy Pushing List 2The Ig640
27.Tears Like Rain...Rob.Bob639
28.Beelzebruh- Rush to judgementunit13638
29.Gonna Be Done in '21Scott in Philly638
30.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2021calvey638
31.Petey's EncoreNancyD638
32.Potts Kitchen BaconMarkMx638
34.They deadDead Person Specialist, E638
36.Bman2021 03TrumpSoon637
37.The Ig's Daisy Pushing List 3The Ig637
38.Black dog down down down 21Black Dog Down635
40.At Room TemperatureAt Room Temperature634
41.Last Legs '21columbus59634
42.Fettucine al Deado 7.0MarkMx633
43.Trump Getting Raped in PrisonFroggyB633
44.Bring out your dead 2.0MarkMx632
45.Doom From the Tombfromthetomb632
48.Brooks Road Deadtrashking629
49.Get In That Coffin!Danm49540
50.Assumed Room Temperaturechriscott97539
51.Death StarsEuro-trash538
52.Death's Doorstep 2Steve P538
53.Dodgering a BulletSBUMP2538
54.The List: 2021Lord Dickerson538
56.Golden Age of Deathbridgy537
57.Mr. Stiff's PicksMr. Stiffs537
58.Da Dum Dum DeadDead Person Specialist, E536
60.Reaper's RosesDead Flower Florist536
61.Who can make itPhoenixDown536
62.5 centenarians and 5 that are closeBunn's Bones To Be535
63.Anarchy never was a cornflake girlAnarchy and a biscuit535
64.Dead On Arrival 2The Coroner535
65.Death March1BCeltics535
66.Enough of you alreadyCcantu902535
67.Making Room 2021frenchchiller535
68.Reap 'Em and Weep #1USER00557535
69.Robbie And The RottensThedudescrew535
70.Top of the Heapthedeadmanshand535
71.60 Feet UnderDead and Loving It534
72.Don't I look like MyselfDon't I look like myself.534
73.Hallowed Grounds Ibjaskols534
75.Wake Up DeadMr Bungle534
76.Anarchy's Middle Name is RoxanneAnarchy and a biscuit533
77.Bigger Johnsonsmikeman7178533
78.Dodgers Not Named KoufaxSBUMP2533
79.Master DebatersStromThurmond69533
80.The Game of LifeUSER02045533
81.2020 2nd choice listBud Santimyer532
82.Covid 21bridgy532
83.Death Rattle: GOP Can Shove It!anarchess532
84.I want to speak to the managerJoker532
85.In the box, looking up to youIn the Box Looking Up532
86.Jackalope Ghost II - Your Poison HeartJackalope_Ghost532
87.Death by Pinocle 2oregontrail531
88.Grave ExpectationsDeath Always Wins531
90.Rocks and Headstones 2021Rocks and Headstones531
91.Excuse Me For Coffin: List O The Dead 3EMFCoffin530
92.Kick The Bucket ListKick The Bucket List530
93.Laers 2021 Dirt Napnrubsol530
95.Money, Politics, Talentthedeadmanshand529
96.Team Formalin: Screw 2020anarchess529
97.Bugs and BonesBugs and Bones528
98.Deej 1DEEJ528
99.Ann Craft listMaryjo80527
100.coffin cornerDRave13527
101.Grateful DeadDeader Than A Doornail527
103.OrderByAgeDescStiff Curry525
104.Sand Mountain Bucket ListWallbanger525
105.Cemetery Girls 4Vera523
106.Donald Be Dead NowDead Person Specialist, E522
107.Vadnelly VoodoosVadnelly Voodoos522
108.The People Formerly Known As AliveDr Drunk520
109.De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonumchoppersicballs434
110.Chicken at Tresky's # 1Chicken at Tresky's432
111.Chrissy\'s Stiff listChrissy432
113.Ten Little Dead Peoplebridgy432
114.A deadly 2021onyx2783431
115.IAGO 3IAGO431
116.Schadenfreude Is RealLaMuerte431
117.Too Sick, Too Old, Gotta Goptgkc431
118.Blissters 1rjb121162430
119.Excuse Me For Coffin: List O The Dead 1EMFCoffin430
120.Fredo Let's Go FishingFredo let's go fishing430
121.From The Depths of the Chesapeake Vol. 5BillFromDaShore429
122.God Dammit 3goddammit429
123.JoeRam2Adios Amigos429
124.JoeRam5Adios Amigos429
125.Live Free or DieRobin429
126.Old People 1SatiricalAlexandria429
127.Say Yes to the Death!berg1199429
128.Tic Tag Toeroderner429
129.You're Dead To MeThe Shadow429
130.Age is EVERYTHING in a number, you moronsLMac428
131.Dave\'s 2021 Deadpool DreamYour Dead Pool Highness428
132.Dodger Bleeds BlueSBUMP2428
133.Mr. Blake's PoliticiansMr. Blake428
134.Susie Sicko 2Susie Sicko428
135.Bone Marie's List #3Bones Marie427
136.Doctor of Death 1the doctor of death427
137.IAG0 1IAGO427
138.Not the Covidmaximumralph427
139.Sick Old PeopleLMac427
140.Sleddog againsleddog427
141.Anarchy visits Grandma on SundaysAnarchy and a biscuit426
142.Are We Dead Yet? 003goodwin73426
143.Big Sleep Anyone?BairBones426
144.Brooks Road Dead 2trashking426
145.Bugs and Bones 3Bugs and Bones426
146.Dustbin of HistoryMgordo65426
147.grimey reaper 1grimyreaper426
148.JoeRam3Adios Amigos426
149.Past the StandsHOOFBEATS426
150.2022 Is Not For Youashifman425
151.Die, goppers, dieWouldYouEva425
152.2021 JOJO'S LISTMeo424
153.Bought the East Hill Farmsplittertogo424
154.JoeRam6Adios Amigos424
155.Kick The Bucket List 3DKick The Bucket List424
156.Put me out of my miserytowelielife424
157.Rat Bastards 1Rat Bastard424
158.Team DeathWish 2021 (2)gfultz1424
159.Fate Worse Than Death...Again...Santa Fe Syndicate423
160.Nicoles 2021 List of People Who Will Live 4everspol85423
161.Sirius Thecat Did It AgainSirius Thecat did it423
162.Soul HuntersHunterbeer423
163.Stick's listStick423
164.IAGO 2IAGO422
165.Chilly Dead 2chillybilly421
166.Coffin BoogalooJamoke421
167.Dead Is As Dead DoesBison421
168.Put your mask on KarenJoker421
169.Our 10 FuneralsJerrytopdown420
170.screw you guys I'm going homeMale stripper420
171.The Royal BluesMardiRob420
172.Joined the Choir Invisiblesplittertogo419
173.Sirius Thecat Did It ThriceSirius Thecat did it418
174.Final ConsiderationsBarrCreeWenn417
175.Chicken at Tresky's # 2Chicken at Tresky's416
176.Lots o' old and sick bastards XIIIBJCx78415
177.Sirius Thecat Did ItSirius Thecat did it415
178.Get In The Box 2021darianwiccan327
179.Maloyo 2021-4Maloyo2317327
180.The Regulator ListWarren G326
181.Big Johnsonsmikeman7178325
184.JoeRam1Adios Amigos324
185.Master of DeathS Geist324
186.ToodlesDed Yet??324
187.Anarchy with Biscuits & JamAnarchy and a biscuit323
188.Betty White Better Fuckin DieElster000323
189.Dead is goodLpb323
190.Deathlist 2021zombiebait323
191.Toe Tagger TooWallbanger323
192.A Little on the Sick SideEuro-trash322
193.Aaaaand UR DedDEADMOM1960322
194.I'll take will be like you for 200 Alex.RD02322
195.JoeRam4Adios Amigos322
197.90 Is The New DeadDr Drunk321
198.Bye BobMgordo65321
199.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost321
202.All the Presidents Deadgidget320
203.Dasiey Pusherssquidly766320
204.Death Wish 2021DeathWish320
205.Big D's Deathslostriver319
206.Bye, Brenda Walsh! Cancer sucks.mikey the man319
207.Circling the DrainFound Down319
208.Coffin Rattler - The Hopefulcoffinrattler319
209.Expiration GuaranteedJamoke319 and dad listtheappointment319
211.Nenn mich nicht mildredMale stripper319
212.Notorious RIPRadler319
213.Saw The Light 1SAW THE LIGHT319
214.Saw the Light 2SAW THE LIGHT319
215.Waltz Into DarknessDiamondToothGertie319
217.Killer TomatoesIndyHawk318
218.Slow and the Dead - T2TeamTrautz318
219.Just old 1NVRGVUP317
220.Bone's Boneyard 2021abone316
222.Honey I\'m HomeHoney I’m home316
223.Saints Preserve Us!Paul of St. Augustine316
224.Diggin up dirt 2021 part 2firewife4life315
225.Just old 3NVRGVUP315
226.Morgue and MindyMorgue and Mindy315
227.Saw the Light 3SAW THE LIGHT315
228.!!!!!Albrecht Says DieAlbrecht314
229.Aardvark2Hugh G. Wrekshun314
230.Dying to win this yearmikegldn314
231.Pushing Daisies BLJ Part 2bottonlinej314
232.Where is Zsa-Zsa?Fred’s314
233.DEAR GOD I HOPE 2021 IS BETTERTwo Worlds313
234.Julia Child's Dinner Party ListPanama Luke313
235.2021 potpourriUSER00562312
236.Die for usThe rebel.219
237.finish what covid startedAndy219
238.Not Feeling WellBada Bing219
239.......And It's Deep Too!!!Bison218
240.Death Pool Gambler 5Death pool gambler217
241.Oops wrong holeJleetz217
242.The Other Listlostriver217
243.Ferlin All RightBig Bald Jon216
244.Let me let you let me goPrincess Tessa215
245.Prince Sirki1Prince Sirki215
246.Serenity NowVariousMethodsOfEscape215
248.Drop Deadblaum1214
249.grimey reaper 2grimyreaper214
250.Ranker Leftoverszombiebait214
251.And a three....Big Guy213
252.Pushing Daisies BLJ Part 3bottonlinej213
254.Pushing Daisies BLJbottonlinej212
255.I'm not sick, it's just a little COFF....INAltois211
257.Minne Toten Liste Uber Alles!Better Dead Than Red211
258.Pints LeftoversBonusPants211
259.Radioactive Owlsmikeman7178211
260.the dead popes societyMale stripper210
261.Dead to RightsPrncsJuli29
262.Ivy Cliff Bhodag2137829
263.Tom\'s Listtherron228
264.Beth Knows Dead PeopleRastafarian Mormon110
265.Bob Bob You're DeadCheckingOut110
266.It's Up to Me NowHowlingmadd110
267.The free oneChrissy110
268.Keep it bobbin alongChris Goulart19
269.Rob or BobFrogSoda19
270.Warpigs Waddling WippetSeneeb19
271.What About Bobhitbyabus19
272.Bag O' BricksMarshrat16
274.More DeadbeatsEllexxxx13
275.Well nobody died, did they? #2Archangel11


Guess the Stiff!

Believe it or not, in 1985 he was 20 years younger than all the other actors in Cocoon.

(d) August 1st, 2020