Prince Philip has been played on 2486 lists, including 236 lists in The 2017 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
4.DEathbitch Rides againPIANOGIRL424
5.Bag of really old bonesBugs and Bones421
6.Reap 'Em and Weep #3USER00557421
7.Robin 'da GraveBwildered419
8.In Through the Out Doorptgkc325
9.Otis' Cirrhosis from Jubal Foster's StillKudsKroakers323
10.Wapner's OnDr. Who323
11.Jenn's ListScornForSega322
12.Say Hi to Elvis 3 - 2017Spudboy322
13.MATTOID - All my good ones are dead...The Mattoid321
14.Pay DIRT IIFrau schadenfreude321
15.Harambe in our heartschick813320
16.Let the dead bury the deadfireflyt319
17.Pretty please, with a gravestone on top?!BairBones319
18.Rastalls - REALLY oldRastalls319
19.They Gone 1fouriikc319
20.Heaven Help UsSal & Barb318
22.Shazam IIKudsKroakers318
23.Birdman - Why does Doc get top billing?Bird317
24.Saw The Light 1SAW THE LIGHT316
25.steve-o's stiffs 2Steve P316
26.Death March 21BCeltics315
27.Old and unrestlessuselessexistence315
28.Dr. of Death 2the doctor of death314
29.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2017calvey314
30.No more Zsa zsadisplayname007314
31.The Corleone Family Wants to Buy You OutFrankie Pentangeli314
32.Death Race 2017USER02395313
33.Le Royal with CheeseMardiRob313
34.What's That Smell?FrankJac313
35.La Muerte La MierdaLaMuerte312
36.Lets die laughing-1Dead_Men_Tell_No_Tales312
37.Swims with FishesFootwedge312
38.Aunt Bea fucked up the pickles againzombie lover311
39.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost39
40.Good Ol' BoysYoungFreund38
41.Daisey Pusherssquidly766219
42.Climb the Golden StaircaseBuck218
43.How long has it been since Queen Elizabeth gave Prince Philip a good blowjob?Twilight is Near218
44.La liste de JOJO 2017Meo217
45.Life is Very Long When You're LonelyUSER02524217
47.Charlie Don't Surf with Alina LiCharlie Dont Surf216
48.Erika Anne Jumped Off A CliffBuffiedee216
49.No, Mr. Bond, I Expect You to Diegidget216
50.Tombstone ChampionsDirt Nap Roll Call216
52.Too Old To Diedannykel215
53.2017 will be my year!onyx2783214
54.dead afClever Team Name214
55.Hush, Hush... (It's Time to Go)Bea Hind214
56.Morgue and MindyMorgue and Mindy214
57.No Heart Feelingsdwr3ck214
58.Sal-N-BettsSal & Barb214
59.Soul HuntersHunterbeer214
60.Death Wish 2017DeathWish213
61.Do you smell that?Altois213
62.I Want Six Points!Sufferosis213
63.Resident Chump 2Hugh G. Wrekshun213
64.Skankhunt42 IIUSER00119213
65.Style PointsAndyPants213
66.Beast mode KobbemenMaryjo80212
67.Chicken at Tresky's # 3Chicken at Tresky's212
68.steve-o's stiffsSteve P212
69.Bugs and bonesBugs and Bones211
70.Dead Know It SocietyDead and Loving It211
71.Digger O Dell 3Digger O Dell 10211
72.Looking Kinda' BlueDead Person Specialist, E211
73.MausoleakumUncle Stiffy211
74.Philly's Dead FishPhillys Fish211
75.Rat Bastards 2Rat Bastard211
76.Somehow Survived 2016TrinettRae211
77.The Dying DeplorablesThe Coroner211
78.They Gotta Go Sometimezoot88211
79.Toe Tagger Too 2017Wallbanger211
80.Who's left after 2016?chick813211
81.AU24K-Solid Gold DeadUSER02040210
82.Glynis and Vera- Names that don't inspire youth and vitalityTwilight is Near210
83.Live Free or DieRobin210
84.Going, going, GONE 2Reaper Crew29
85.Highway to HellBig Guy29
86.Takin' a Chance on Death IIIbluesbro198229
87.2017 Rockslittle terr28
88.deadpool1im not dead yet28
89.Fountains of Death 1Fountains of Death28
90.Lets die laughing-3Dead_Men_Tell_No_Tales28
91.New Years Party PicksSFisher28
92.Takin' a Chance on Death IIbluesbro198228
93.2017 stiff listkissfan10027
94.Cyn-I Dont Wanna Be Like YaTeamTrautz27
95.Death Fest '17CheckingOut27
96.Hamburger TimeBuffalo Bell Biv DeVoe27
97.Just a HunchBunn's Bones To Be27
98.Of Corpse You`re DeadShoeguy27
99.Ten Funerals 1Jerrytopdown27
102.PB: Playing it Safepbear26
103.Sic Transit 2 (The Wisdom of Crowds of Zombies)sictransit26
104.a listtowelielife25
105.Not Dead Yet VIITimur25
106.Politics! Let's Make a Deal!thedeadmanshand23
107.Worm Cuisine in '17Scott in Philly23
108.Damn Near Dead IIBada Bing110
110.Feasting Maggots 1The Wrecked CrewFeasting Maggots110
111.Headstone Cowboychunkemintheclay110
112.Ig Man's dead guysThe Ig110
113.Old age is a bad strategy.Santa Fe Syndicate110
114.Sand Mountain Bucket List 2017Wallbanger110
116.That WAS Entertainment 2017 BFilmslave110
118.Everyone Dies in the End of 2017Michenley19
119.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl19
120.LB - 3lisa-b19
122.Skankhunt42 IIIUSER0011919
123.Winning 2Woz19
124.A bunch of old people and Bret MichaelsNatiLight18
125.Celebrity Zombie Apocalypse - Part Deuxmsastria18
126.Chilly Dead 2chillybilly18
127.Ghoul Girl IIIGhoul Girl18
128.Gone Finally, Are you?Tom in VA18
129.I Really Dig These GuysDick Rotten18
130.reap what you sowsoul201418
132.SoLongFarewellAufwiedersehnGoodnightThe Shadow18
133.90 year old vipsIncognito17
134.Is there a game in 2018?Don Keeballs17
135.Joe & Dave's MaggotsDirtyDESDAVE17
137.quietly cheering Deathwatchthis17
139.Red White and Dead 2017sokrazed117
140.The Flesh Failures 2shroom17
141.Today is a Good Day to Diegidget17
143.Killer Advocate 2016-17laptoplg16
144.Oh No You DittenOh No You Ditten16
146.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail16
147.The Dying FieldsMikeDog16
148.Well nobody died did they? 2Archangel16
149.Winning 3Woz16
150.Wouk this way!! Mu-ga-be!!!Twilight is Near16
152.Ballerini di MorteFred’s15
153.Bought the East Hill Farm 2017splittertogo15
154.Cape Cadaver 2017cape cadaver15
155.Craig and Alison's Deadheadscchaynes15
156.Horizontally YoursBarker J. Wagtail15
157.John D Smiley 2017 1st Listjohndsmiley15
158.Mommy I want to take a Dirt Napthestiffmeister15
159.The DL runners upJohnHines15
160.Royally StiffPozzo14
161.Team Formalin Face Downanarchess14
162.THE WORM BUFFETNick ‘n Beth14
163.Whatupwithdat #1Wahmmer #114
164.Betsy's list is to die for...Betsy13
165.Blake's Bones: MiscMr. Blake13
166.Dave's Deadpool Dream 2017Your Dead Pool Highness13
167.DNC Voter RollsTennessee Jed13
168.DX ROB IDX Rob13
169.gotta go 02TenPaces13
170.Is PeopleSoylentGreen13
171.pisco 13theappointment13
172.Rachel's Creepy Crawlys 2Rachel A13
173.Takin' a Chance on Death Ibluesbro198213
174.Celebrity Lives MatterSickle Cell - #2 cause of12
175.Cemetery Girls 6Cemetery Girls12
176.Dying to Be Your PallbearerWorm Farmer12
177.Mortician's PoliticiansJanisdoll12
178.One more time with feeling.Crys12
179.Slightly Less Lame Try #2shewolf12
180.The Regulator ListWarren G12're dead to metheappointment12
182.2016 Leftovers 1USER0056211
184.Drop Dead DicksDirtyDESDAVE11
186.Dying Like Hot CakesFootwedge11
188.100 reasons to dieThe Force is Deathening00
189.2016 Leftovers 3USER0056200
191.AKNAUF DLIST 2017aknauf00
192.Alternate HopeSatiricalAlexandria00
193.Andy Kaufman is still alive!trashking00
194.Betsy's bodies.. to be died later but still this yearBetsy00
195.Canadian ToastCanadian Toast00
196.Caymam lived loved laughedcayman went00
197.Cheswick44 Lucky Stiffs1Cheswick00
198.Cheswick44 Top Ten Stiffs 2Cheswick00
199.Cheswick44 Top Ten Stiffs 3Cheswick00
200.Compared to Death, Life is ShortLast Call at Jonestown00
201.deathandtaxesDeath Row00
202.Dem Bones Dem Bonesmommyster00
203.Digger Dexdexlee00
204.Dirty Sancheztimmyo7300
205.Doubtful, but tryingEuthanasia00
206.El Bobbo List 1el bobbo00
207.Even More GonersMeanMom7400
208.Explode into Darknessgreatnimrod00
209.God is dead, long live the queenAdorn Ale00
210.Heads of Statemirandate00
211.Hey, look over theredisplayname00700
212.I HATE AUTHORITY!!!Sheik's List00
213.I'm sorry, I hope none of you really dieAndyPants00
214.Ig Man's dead guys 3The Ig00
215.It Trolls for TheeDeath Troll00
217.Love me some old timersBEGatton00
218.Meetch's PicksMeetch00
219.Michael Jackson Lives in CroatiaMJ Lives00
220.Not Looking GoodBengals31100
221.Notorious R.I.P.Radler00
222.Out of TimeHey, did you have. . . .00
223.Painted Toe TagsPainted Toe Tag00
224.R Lee 2017azabachenegro00
225.See you in Girl Hell. I'll be in Boy Hell - much nicer.PIxiaq00
226.Sine Die: Death Becomes ThemSine Die00
228.Sly and the Cemetery Stonelonedryad00
229.Son of black aids fistBoner Stabone00
230.Talk, Talk, Die, Diehumanmeal00
231.Team Formalin II Who'll Be the Next in Line?anarchess00
232.This List Gets Better Every YearLights Out00
233.Time's Up, Buddyk8cat00
234.Who Knows? Maybe 2017 Will Be Gnarly Like 2016fluxus00
236.You be done 3Dirtdiggindogs00


Guess the Stiff!

Star-gazing was his life, until he got behind the wheel of a car. Shoulda kept his eyes on the road, the schmuck.

(d) July 18th, 1997