Pope Benedict XVI has been played on 982 lists, including 118 lists in The 2022 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Dasiey Pushers IIsquidly766520
2.Extreme Unctionmaximumralph427
3.The Good Die Young XIITimur427
4.2020, too too too toomommyster426
6.Bugs and Bones 2Bugs and Bones423
7.Rat Bastard 1Rat Bastard421
8.Ghoul GirlGhoul Girl418
10.Victory AND Death 1Shams323
11.Going underground for a whileIn the Box Looking Up321
12.JoeRam2Adios Amigos321
13.Chindon, That's Enoughptgkc320
14.IAG0 1IAGO319
15.MBalmed 2MBalmed319
16.Withered ApplesMardiRob319
17.Boneyard 2022abone318
18.coffin cornerDRave13318
20.If 2020-2021 didn't kill them, 2022 surely willuselessexistence316
21.DogFish Killer 1995Thedudescrew315
22.Ivy Cliff Ahodag21378315
23.Not as EntertainingThe Force is Deathening315
24.The Big AdiosMarkMx315
25.Sirdrexl's StiffsSirDrexl314
26.Taking Dead Aimtrail of blood314
27.The Regulator ListWarren G314
28.Times Up 1NotComingDownForBreakfast314
29.The Geist Blacklistgeist or ghost313
30.The People Formerly Known As AliveDr Drunk313
31.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail312
32.Death's Doorstep 3Steve P311
34.Lifeless in SeattleJoker310
35.2020, toomommyster39
36.Sorry #2Bud Santimyer39
37.Ray Brower RIPchoppersicballs38
39.Keeping Betty White AliveColFitz68218
40.Chicken at Tresky's #1Chicken at Tresky's217
41.Toolpimp2The tool pimp217
42.IAGO 3IAGO215
43.Death SurferHauntedWebmaster214
44.Well nobody died, did they? #1Archangel214
45.All the Presidents, Deadgidget213
47.Ivy Cliff Bhodag21378213
49.#11 is ur momScornForSega212
50.Bone Marie's List #1Bones Marie212
51.Bairly AliveBairlyAlive211
52.Death By Pinochle 2oregontrail211
53.Gotham NYCaknauf211
54.Master DebatersStromThurmond69211
55.MrJeff2000's Tomb of Numbskullsmrjeff2000211
57.Say Yes to the Death! 2berg1199211
58.The Price is WrongBig Bald Jon211
59.WAH2022 - WAH2USER02593211
60.Cemetery Girls 4Vera210
61.JMD - Toe Tag TenMr Wonderful210
62.JoeRam4Adios Amigos210
63.Kid GhoulashGhoulash210
64.MamaCyns List1TeamTrautz210
65.The Sod SquadTheOriginalDub210
66.Petey Tries AgainNancyD29
68.Leftovers TWOBunn's Bones To Be28
69.2022 Hearseonyx278327
70.Petey Lives!NancyD27
73.Coffinrattler - Maybecoffinrattler25
74.Mr Stiffs PicksMr. Stiffs25
75.Two Dead Sandies for 22Bagger25
76.Petey RIPNancyD24
77.Cemetery Girls 5Vera110
78.Soul Hunters 2022Hunterbeer110
79.Goin' straight to Hades!!!ztreto19
81.JoeRam1Adios Amigos19
82.Lets Go!Thinking19
83.Tick tockDoug Graves19
84.All The Young Dudesel bobbo18
85.Oops wrong hole againJleetz18
86.Schadenfreude Is My NameLaMuerte18
87.Another one bites the dustsplittertogo17
88.Damn Near Dead IIBada Bing17
89.Last Dance, Last Chancehumanmeal17
91.1 hit wonderMale stripper16
92.22 skidoosnakedya16
93.Death March 31BCeltics16
94.Death Pool Gambler 2Death pool gambler16
95.Fettucine al DeadoMarkMx16
96.Trump gets GANG RAPED in prison 2022FroggyB16
97.2022 Kick-the-Bucket Listdeltawhiskeyhotel15
98.At Room TemperatureAt Room Temperature15
99.i have fallen and i can't get it upMale stripper15
100.The List - 2022Lord Dickerson15
101.Betty White Better Fuckin DieElster00014
102.Death's Doorstep 1Steve P14
104.Bush's Baked BonesStop Shaking the Ladder13
105.Death Race 2022 - 8Chris Goulart13
106.Dying to Win 2022jhaberli13
107.What's this button do?choppersicballs13
108.Donne In!splittertogo12
109.GAS3Big Guy11
110.Victory AND Death 3Shams11
111.At The TollboothFredo let's go fishing00
112.Blissters 1rjb12116200
113.Blissters 2rjb12116200
114.Death Race 2022 - 6Chris Goulart00
115.Death Wish 2022DeathWish00
116.Joined the Choir Invisiblesplittertogo00
118.RoadkillDr Drunk00


Guess the Stiff!

Closet Karen Carpenter fan, right to the end.

(d) July 1st, 1996