Irwin Corey has been played on 1405 lists, including 248 lists in The 2017 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Smokey and the ReaperPozzo537
2.Death March 31BCeltics531
3.Cemetery Girls 2Cemetery Girls528
4.The Game of LifeUSER02045431
5.!ajlposh 3ajlposh429
6.The Ultimate Bombpasquinade428
9.Dead Serious!Dead Person Specialist, E424
10.DEathbitch Rides againPIANOGIRL424
11.Sic Transit 1sictransit424
12.Stiffpicker 3Stiffpicker424
13.Bea Reaved 2Zsa Zsa's Toe Tag423
14.And then the boomers diedAndy422
15.The Clock is Tickingchriscott97422
16.Death Pool Gambler 17-3Death pool gambler421
20.Victory AND Death 1Shams420
21.Bairly AliveBairlyAlive419
22.Welcome to the party, palrchand419
23.Dead ReckoningDead Person Specialist, E417
24.All Lights are out!The rebel.416
25.Bea Reaved 1Zsa Zsa's Toe Tag415
26.Petey Makes A ComebackNancyD415
27.Death Be Not Proud VIIITimur327
28.Time's Up, Better Luck This Yearptgkc327
29.Bea Reaved 3Zsa Zsa's Toe Tag326
30.ExoZuzubar Make Dying Great Againexoendo zuzubar326
31.Going, going, GONEReaper Crew326
32.Tomb RatersTomB rater 666326
34.deathbitch unbrideledPIANOGIRL324
35.Time, People!humanmeal324
36.Feasting Maggots 2 The GeezersFeasting Maggots323
37.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 1Joker323
38.Pay Dirt IIIFrau schadenfreude323
39.They Gone 3fouriikc323
41.Fettucine al DeadoMarkMx322
42.Jenn's ListScornForSega322
43.Otis' Cirrhosis from Morrison Sisters' StillKudsKroakers322
44.Say Hi to Elvis 3 - 2017Spudboy322
46.MrJeff2000's Locker of the Doomedmrjeff2000321
47.Of Corpse You`re Dead #4Shoeguy321
50.Blood Bath & BeyondBloodbath & Beyond320
51.Fill In My Toe TagDick Rotten320
52.Make it Rain 2017x2anastasia beaver-hausen320
53.Only the Good Die YoungRobin320
54.Princess DiRobin320
55.gotta go 01TenPaces319
56.Kitty5Digger O Dell 10319
58.Obamacare death listLpb319
59.Pretty please, with a gravestone on top?!BairBones319
60.Rastalls - REALLY oldRastalls319
61.They Gone 1fouriikc319
62.Birdman - Doc and DJ's worst nightmare!Bird318
63.Collaborative ListScornForSega318
64.Death By Pinochle 3oregontrail318
65.Heaven Help UsSal & Barb318
67.Birdman - Why does Doc get top billing?Bird317
68.Expiration Date 12.31.16Pokey22317
69.Kiss My Dead AssDead Person Specialist, E317
70.Vesty's ListVestament317
71.A Grateful DeadheadJudysomething316
72.All Aboard freebieFred’s316
73.Look, I'm Not Asking a Lot Herehumanmeal316
74.NVN: how DID you want me to stain the new floor ?No Viagra Needed316
75.Birdman - an old guy named fats?Bird315
76.Old and unrestlessuselessexistence315
77.Xyla PhoneyGhoulash315
78.Birdman - Doc and DJ 7 day 3 Bagger miracle memorialBird314
79.Coffin CornerDRave13314
80.Happy Death DayThe rebel.314
81.No more Zsa zsadisplayname007314
82.The Long Dirt NapNick_italiano314
83.Are They Still Alive 1?SBUMP2313
84.CryptomaniacWorm Farmer313
85.Death Race 2017USER02395313
86.Habeas CorpsesBradWalt313
87.Jeff S 3jws7968313
88.Linda D. Smileyjohndsmiley313
89.Dead From The Waist DownUSER01515312
90.Don't Fear The ReaperMOJO312
91.Ie Shima Death Squad1BCeltics312
92.Lets die laughing-1Dead_Men_Tell_No_Tales312
93.Swims with FishesFootwedge312
94.WAH - DVH (2017)USER02593312
95.Aunt Bea fucked up the pickles againzombie lover311
96.Destroyers 3Destroyers311
97.Donne In 2017splittertogo311
98.Just Fucking Die AlreadyJustDie311
99.We are so BONKEDBONKED311
100.Birdman - look who's back, back again.Bird310
101.DucksPanama Luke310
103.NJM Green MileNJMCW39
104.Good Ol' BoysYoungFreund38
105.At room temperatureBuck36
106.Old PeopleMissAnnThrope36
107.Daisey Pusherssquidly766219
108.Drop DeadDrop Dead219
109.Shazam IKudsKroakers219
110.Trumpedlucky punk219
111.!!! Elderlytitan360218
112.Climb the Golden StaircaseBuck218
113.Victory AND Death 3Shams218
114.Your outdisplayname007218
115.A Bunch of Old FartsDr. Who217
116.Dear Mr. Henshaw: I'M DEAD!Bea Hind217
117.Death Plus One- Casket 100Radler217
118.Destroyers 2Destroyers217
119.Don't Pee On My Leg and Call It RainBea Hind217
120.Dr. of Death 1the doctor of death217
121.Habitat for Necromancygidget217
122.I Am WaitingBea Hind217
123.I Know NOTHING... I Breathe NOTHING!Bea Hind217
124.IAGO 3IAGO217
125.La liste de JOJO 2017Meo217
127.Professor don't let me downgiapro217
128.Satan's Waitin'Barker J. Wagtail217
129.We'll Meet AgainBea Hind217
130.Erika Anne Jumped Off A CliffBuffiedee216
131.Old Guys RuleDGambrinus216
133.Skankhunt42 IUSER00119216
134.Ten Funerals 3Jerrytopdown216
135.! striblist1kenthegreat215
136.Birdman - only Doc and DJ would play Travis BarkerBird215
138.Glitter ListSunshine Up My Skirt215
139.IAGO 1IAGO215
141.Little Jivin\' On A Saturday NightDePressED215
142.Martha's listMartha215
143.Nine Centurions and a preacherBunn's Bones To Be215
145.Death- PanamaJayRockers!214
146.Hush, Hush... (It's Time to Go)Bea Hind214
147.IAGO 2IAGO214
148.If Cleveland Can Win A Ring I Can Win This GameDinorider16214
149.Like a Tombstone CowboyAltois214
150.Morgue and MindyMorgue and Mindy214
151.Reaper cleasne 2017TeamW214
152.Sal-N-BettsSal & Barb214
153.Where's My Trophy?FMCDH214
154.Charlie Don't Surf with Mika TanCharlie Dont Surf213
155.Damn Near DeadBada Bing213
156.Doc & DJ--We Liked Hugh Hefner Before He Was CoolDoc & DJ213
157.GeezThe Shadow213
158.Resident Chump 2Hugh G. Wrekshun213
159.Skankhunt42 IIUSER00119213
160.Stairway to HeavenBig Guy213
161.The Final StretchEmbalmination8213
162.Centenarians(And almost Centenarians)thedeadmanshand212
163.Chicken at Tresky's # 1Chicken at Tresky's212
164.Chicken at Tresky's # 3Chicken at Tresky's212
165.Habeas Corpses 2BradWalt212
166.Hospice Phone Home #1BodyFarmBound212
168.That WAS Entertainment 2017 AFilmslave212
169.This is a deceased parrot...splittertogo212
170.Blake's Bones: Old TimersMr. Blake211
171.Bugs and bonesBugs and Bones211
172.Chicken at Tresky's # 2Chicken at Tresky's211
173.Dead AheadAAA Coffin Repair211
176.Hey Betty White, It's 2017Elster000211
177.Little dead riding hoodmikegldn211
178.Looking Kinda' BlueDead Person Specialist, E211
179.Rat Bastards 2Rat Bastard211
180.Really Freaking Old!Dead Person Specialist, E211
181.The Flesh Failuresshroom211
182.You be done.Dirtdiggindogs211
183.and Bingo was her name-oTheOriginalDub210
184.AU24K-Solid Gold DeadUSER02040210
186.Grimey reaper 1grimyreaper210
187.Stranger Blue Leave Us AloneDePressED210
188.The Long Dirt Nap....AdamTheO210
189.This is still so wrongNipper210
191.Coffin Rattler - Ancientcoffinrattler29
192.Death March1BCeltics29
193.Rocks and HeadstonesRocks and Headstones29
194.They Gone 2fouriikc29
195.Toe Tagger 2017Wallbanger29
196.deadpool1im not dead yet28
197.Destroyers 1Destroyers28
198.goddammit 1goddammit28
199.I Couldn't Help MyselfTomtsled28
200.If Tomorrow Never ComesSal & Barb28
201.Jan's Dance of DeathDeathwish Drang28
202.Lets die laughing-3Dead_Men_Tell_No_Tales28
203.Michael Jackson Lives in IsraelMJ Lives28
204.Skunkhair 2017 #1Skunkhair 201328
206.Mad Dogsdeathrider26
207.Of Corpse You`re Dead #7Shoeguy26
208.PB: Playing it Safepbear26
209.Sic Transit 2 (The Wisdom of Crowds of Zombies)sictransit26
210.Are They Still Alive 2?SBUMP225
211.Digital DeathSandifur25
212.gotta go 03TenPaces25
213.Last year's runners upJohnHines25
215.2017 Must Be Better.ColFitz6823
217.Gracie on the runDigger O Dell 10110
219.Resident Chump 1Hugh G. Wrekshun110
220.Victory AND Death 2Shams110
221.It's not heaven and it's not IowaFredo let's go fishing19
222.National Pasquinade Dot Compasquinade19
223.Of Corpse You`re Dead #3Shoeguy19
224.Reap 'Em and Weep #1USER0055719
225.Skankhunt42 IIIUSER0011919
226.Death- Chains of LoveJayRockers!18
227.Gone Finally, Are you?Tom in VA18
228.Hermie BoolieHerm Boolie18
230.The Queen Has FALLEN!Deckhawk18
231.Grimey reaper 3grimyreaper17
232.Is there a game in 2018?Don Keeballs17
233.Move Aside Greatest Generation!Embalmination817
235.Red White and Dead 2017sokrazed117
236.The Dead-End Kidzzzz 1Back to the Dead Life17
237.The Dead-End Kidzzzz 2Back to the Dead Life17
238.Today is a Good Day to Diegidget17
240.You Look Terrible. I Want You To EatFrankie Pentangeli16
241.Bought the East Hill Farm 2017splittertogo15
242.Grimey reaper 2grimyreaper14
244.This was Harder than I Thoughtammalu13
245.60 Feet UnderDead and Loving It12
246.Allbody going home, nowFred’s12
247.Of Corpse You`re Dead #2Shoeguy12
248.Dying Like Hot CakesFootwedge11


Guess the Stiff!

He was the only person who played at Woodstock and got paid. Cheap bastard.

(d) December 11th, 2012