Fidel Castro has been played on 3598 lists, including 300 lists in The 2010 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.You're OUTwsprotte633
2.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part XIVhurryupndiealready536
3.Birdman - Just One More Sheet! I Swear!Bird534
4.Death Soup: From A(riel) to Z(elda)!MJ and Friends531
5.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part Ihurryupndiealready531
6.Baxley - Periodic Midget RobbersBaxley530
7.Bugs and BonesBugs and Bones528
8.Long live the deadDead Fred527
9.Skunkhair # 3skunkhair527
10.Death Soup: Stand, It's M'LiverMJ and Friends525
11.Cancer is your friendExit Stage Four523
12.Birdman-I'll miss AbeBird433
13.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part VIIIhurryupndiealready432
14.You Can't Take It With YouBridgcorp431
15.knock knock knockingbone rattler430
16.Everything's Deader in TexasBluelena429
17.The Game of LifeUSER02045429
18.Albino KenyanBird428
19.Ghost of Stiffs Past 3Ghost of Stiffs Past428
20.AAAAAAAA Really, really, really old listBucket Kickers427
21.DX Rob IIDX Rob427
22.Nothing Lasts ForeverBridgcorp427
23.NVN: Gadzooks Preston and Steve rockNo Viagra Needed427
24.Destroyers 5Destroyers426
25.MK MBalmedMBalmed426
26.Notorious R.I.PRadler426
27.Stiphan HawkingUSER05956426
29.Justin Hale 06USER01531425
30.-ty-alan smithee424
31.Skunkhair # 1skunkhair424
33.Exoendo Zuzubar ('09 Champs)exoendo zuzubar423
34.Ghoulash ReduxGhoulash423
35.flatliners 1The Shadow422
36.flatliners 3The Shadow421
38.I REALLY Suck At ThisBibsPal420
39.Mary Tyler Morgue 1Shoeguy420
40.dpj 2010 List TWOdpj0122419
41.Martha PearlDiane417
42.salnbetts2Sal & Barb417
43.nvrgvup -4NVRGVUP416
44.Trout's Dead Fish 1Trout415
45.Donne in! Death Be Not Proudsplittertogo413
46.Loki 3Loki413
47.Birdman - $3,000 Buys Alot Of Entries!Bird327
49.Dub's first listTheOriginalDub325
51.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow PencilJoanCrawfordsMakeupBag324
52.Rachel's List 2Rachel A324
53.Ten Old Men and a DictatorDiamond Geezer324
54.-np-alan smithee323
55.Funeral For A Friend 1USER00495323
56.MK MBalmed 2MBalmed323
57.NVN: Frostbite on my taintNo Viagra Needed323
58.Team Formalin: Say It With Dead Flowersanarchess323
60.The Harvesterbigbobinaz322
61.Chazz ReinholdOzCube321
62.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 5EdRulz321
63.CROSSING OVER (1)02495321
64.jpd 2010 LISTdpj0122321
65.Short Timers in B FlatTitanPilot321
66.Catch Coldhop1962320
67.Funeral For A Friend 3USER00495320
68.NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNa Hey Hey Hey Goodbye!Gryphon320
69.The Lynch MobTaugh320
70.Von Ryan's ExpressTaugh320
71.But Is It Art: The ImmortalsBut Is It Art?319
72.Doc & DJ--Numbers GameDoc & DJ319
73.Pinin' for the FjordsPining for the Fjords319
74.salnbetts3Sal & Barb319
75.Tits - Uptits-up319
76.Tsuga - Misting FidgetsTsuga319
78.Lights Out in the Boston HillsJoker318
79.The Amazing KreskinUSER02428318
81.DJ Badger says DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!DJ Badger317
82.flatliners 2The Shadow317
83.Radtex: Tumor Makes a Does-InRadtex317
84.What's that Smell?What's that smell?317
85.I can't win if they don't interTitanPilot316
86.yeah yeah buh bye 5yeah yeah buh bye316
87.home to jesus3bjaskols315
88.Let the Decade BeginDoubled484315
89.Time's UpUSER00562315
92.Bring It On You Old FuksDeath Bastard314
93.Bring It On: Biggs Has To GoDeath Bastard314
96.Death Soup: Gross UrningsMJ and Friends313
97.Tomtsled-10 New Tombstones 2Tomtsled313
98.yeah yeah buh bye 3yeah yeah buh bye313
99.JT: Last Year's Top Ten SurvivorsTripper312
100.PB: Only one list this year (alas)pbear312
101.Potts Kitchen BaconMarkMx312
103.Soon B. Gonn 1Edhead22312
105.Mary Tyler Morgue 3Shoeguy38
106.BigBuckenChicken3Last Stop37
107.Go ahead and buy green bananasBooBeau219
108.If you're on this list, you'll see 2011BooBeau219
109.Death Soup: Turn Me On Dead ManMJ and Friends218
111.Krem's ComebackKrem99218
112.Mattoid - The Free ListThe Mattoid218
113.Shorty7ft 1shorty7ft218
114.Steve Sees Dead PeopleBeer Ninja218
115.The Devils Favorites #1kiss my grits218
116.(don't) fear the reaper!USER01832217
119.IAGO 1IAGO217
121.My Ten Funerals* 2010Jerrytopdown217
122.Not Only but AlsoGryphon217
123.O3 and WaterO3217
124.poor kittylindbergh217
125.Suit 3 - Combo ListPezintree216
126.Team Reduxlola216
127.2010 & done 1USER00562215
128.Afraid of the Dark #2Minnesota Neil215
129.Bones of Contention 02Bones of Contention 1215
130.Charlie FoxtrotOldDocMcCoy215
131.Demented and sad, but socialMichenley215
132.Dirt Naps For Fun And Profit 2FrankJac215
133.Easy MoneyEasy Money215
135.Serve and Let DieBrucovitch215
136.vicky's vengeancevicky's vengeance215
137.19-0 Perfect New Orleans SaintsUSER02609214
138.H.R. PufnstiffUSER05956214
139.Here I come Againcoachgary214
140.IAGO 3IAGO214
141.A Prayer for CancerUSER02165213
142.Deadly Debutante IDeadly Debutante213
143.I like em well doneDirtdiggindogs213
144.Mattoid - Actors, PoliticiansThe Mattoid213
146.Quick Pikjminrod213
147.We're Driving the Bus to Hell, Again 3Rat Bastard213
148.Are they Dead Yet?Dead Fred212
149.Charlie Don't Surf with Sharon TayCharlie Dont Surf212
150.Cyst and Decease!Pozzo212
151.Don de DeadDeadly Debutante212
153.Tic Tag Toeroderner212
156.In the Ground IIIn the Box Looking Up211
157.Lots o' sick bastardsBJCx78211 day bang! you get hiveslindbergh211
159.Soul Hunters2Hunterbeer211
160.Taking a Stance No MoreGregDean211
161.That is all folksDigger O Dell211
162.cd5dh Aren't Any of You Ever Gonna Diecerista210
163.cd5dh Out, out damn spot!cerista210
164.Off with their headsbuh-bye now210
165.Quit Yer Bitchin' and Get StiffasthedeadtuRNs210
166.Rachel's List 6Rachel A210
167.Toes Up 4USER02025210
168.No Autopsy RequiredUSER0105429
169.Final creditsRoll final credits28
170.Nurse! Nurse! Help me! 2Paul168128
171.Stiffi GrafUSER0595628
172.White Punks on HopeUSER0075028
173.Bugs and Bones 2Bugs and Bones27
174.And Then There Were None 5Digger O Dell26
175.Bring Our Yer DeadBrandy's Limp Stiff26
177.My Dead Wishlistbagum26
178.your dead too meYou're Dead To Me!26
179.your dead too meYou're Dead To Me!26
180.JP's Death ListUSER0580725
181.LIst Three 2010 dpjdpj012225
182.Dead list walkingDead Person Specialist, E24
183.La Muerte1LaMuerte24
184.Putting The FUN in FUNeralAndIDontMind24
185.Bugs and Bones 3Bugs and Bones23
186.The big dead 10executionbyxmasslights23
187.80's Child Star Mormon Prayer ListRastafarian Mormon110
188.Becky's Listnursebecky110 legionbrutesquad64110
190.blacker legionbrutesquad64110
191.blackest legionbrutesquad64110
192.BUCKET LISTmixorr110
193.Dirty Rotting ScoundrelsStarwanderer110
194.DJ Badger: My wife Lanna says DIE!DJ Badger110
195.Ghoul Girl IVGhoul Girl110
196.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part VIIhurryupndiealready110
197.Mary Tyler Morgue 2Shoeguy110
198.Mattoid - Bring out yer DeadThe Mattoid110
199.NVN: and the worms ate into his brainNo Viagra Needed110
200.Rachel's List 3Rachel A110
201.Rigor IIIRigor110
204.Time To Expire In 2010Larry4444110
205.yeah yeah buh bye 4yeah yeah buh bye110
206.Dark Pasquinade #3pasquinade19
207.Suit 2 - YCB's Shot in the DarkPezintree19
208.The Winning List10/10 in 202119
209.Cryptkickers 1JohnRandy18
210.Dark Pasquinade #2pasquinade18
212.Die already Vigoda.TitanPilot18
213.George StiffanopoulosUSER0595618
214.I've Got a HunchMr. Blake18
215.Kiss This List GoodbyeJamoke18
216.Rigor IIRigor18
217.The World Would Be A Better PlaceThe Gilberator18
218.Well nobody died did they? #1Archangel18
221.Dark Pasquinade #1pasquinade17
222.Nurse! Nurse! Help me! 1Paul168117
223.Another Jolly Dead FellowFluvenson16
224.Cryptkickers 2JohnRandy16
225.Death becomes all Ten of You!splittertogo16
227.Spudboy 2010Spudboy16
228.Whayne 2USER0259316
229.All My Friends Are DeadDiamondToothGertie15
230.BIG E - MMXUSER0136715
232.Grim ProfiteerNice Sicko15
233.home to jesus2bjaskols15
234.Rigor IRigor15
235.See ya later, alligatorcheneynuts15
236.Turner4nowJack turner15
237.Bring out yer deadMr Happy14
238.Buck & MishBuck14
239.Dead Phuksspaceroach14
240.Do Us PartNosy Rosie14
241.Justin's List-O-Death for 2010Justin14
242.Lizzy 2010 #1Lizzy14
243.Pining for the FjordsDave14
244.Steeltown Maniac's Death Pool ListSteeltown Maniac14
246.Hey Hey My MyBlack Dog13
247.Killer Advocate IIlaptoplg13
248.List #1Dancemom21413
249.Mr Sen 3Mr Sen13
250.Poodle's PicksPoodle13
251.Stiffy LubeJamoke13
252.Whayne 3USER0259313
253.Anyone want a cold stiff one in phoenix? 2USER0220412
255.Deathscore OneDeathscore12
256.Fly by nightCaSkeT CrAzY12
257.No Country For Old MenBiff Thanatos12
258.Sooozbe List #2Susieb12
259.Win one for the wallet!razorben12
261.Death Cab for Really UglyUSER0233111
262.Grassy KnollFallsguy11
263.Mary Tyler Morgue's (Kick The) Bucket ListMary Tyler Morgue11
265.!!! ALBRECHT SAYS DIE 2Albrecht00
267.100% Deadchakakhanoz00
268.3rd times a charmCaSkeT CrAzY00
269.Bad KarmaKgent00
270.Big Banana Peel 2010buh-bye now00
271.Brains All Over Your Nice Ivy League SuitFrankie Pentangeli00
272.Buh Bye BabiesRawkwell00
273.cd5dh Jedi's the Snarky Onecerista00
274.Crock of Pelosi 2010 Hit List 2Crock of Pelosi00
275.Dead as DoornailsUSER0238500
276.Death By Pinocle2oregontrail00
277.Death Cab for World LeadersUSER0233100
278.Death March 41BCeltics00
279.Desert Specialty Riggingsilver3300
280.Dr. Terror's House of HorrorsDiamondToothGertie00
281.Duh duh duh deadpanDead Person Specialist, E00
282.Exploding Brain Matter IIIGhoul Girl00
283.Get to the chopperwho's going for a swim00
284.Going To Take a (Final) Nap 2FireMutt3500
285.Hoople OneUSER0549600
286.J. P. Madnesswsprotte00
287.Lady Die Says You've Overstayed Your WelcomeLady Die00
288.List #3Chris Goulart00
289.Morgan's MorgueJustDie00
291.No more BMS5Digger O Dell00
292.Oldies but goodiesMistsOfSpring00
293.Our blackened listJeff G00
295.Reap 'Em & Weep #3USER0055700
296.Russ List 2rustoleum50600
297.Screwthebcs 2Screwthebcs00
298.Shane's Famous Dead Pool 2010USER0565900


Guess the Stiff!

Grab a beer and drop your pants,
Foster does the cancer dance,
Good-bye, Bozo!

(d) May 10th, 2000