Beverly Cleary has been played on 1385 lists, including 215 lists in The 2020 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Death Plus One- Casket 100Radler846
2.I'm Bidding on a TableJoanCrawfordsMakeupBag844
3.Doc & DJ--...I Wish I Was Sipowicz.Doc & DJ741
4.Please Don't Die, really.thedeadmanshand739
5.Answer: The Daily Doublecarseycritter738
6.John D. Smiley 2nd Listjohndsmiley738
7.Weekend At Bob Dolesbridgy733
8.Kirk will live forevercarseycritter644
11.MQ's Morbid ListPhoenixDown641
12.Robbie and the RottensThedudescrew641
13.Til Death Due Us PartSal & Barb641
14.8 centenarians and 2 that are closeBunn's Bones To Be640
15.Deathrider 2020deathrider640
16.Doctor of Death 1the doctor of death640
17.The boundaries which divide life from death are at best shadowy and vague.uselessexistence640
18.Don't Fear the Reaper/I Hope I Die Before I Get OldMOJO639
19.Wohlert's rotting remainsonefunsob639
20.Death Becomes YouThe Force is Deathening638
21.Reap 'Em and Weep #1USER00557638
22.Tears Like Rain...Rob.Bob638
23.Expiration Date 12.31.19Pokey22637
24.Ranker Leftoverszombiebait637
25.Aunt Danielle\'s Roaring 20\'s killer listRex636
26.Die for us.The rebel.636
27.My liver can't handle Trump much longer!Joker636
28.New Decade, new stiffs!onyx2783636
29.Death By Pinocle 1oregontrail635
31.Cheryls Daisy PushersEuro-trash634
32.Lfd listratmandu1634
33.Tales From The Cryptbridgy634
34.Dave\'s Dead Pool Dream #2Your Dead Pool Highness633
35.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost633
36.The Regulator ListWarren G633
37.Anarchy is a Title 9 SportAnarchy and a biscuit632
38.Are You Coming or Not?JoanCrawfordsMakeupBag631
39.Enough of you alreadyCcantu902540
40.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl539
41.If Tomorrow Never ComesSal & Barb539
42.MBalmed 2020MBalmed539
43.Rat Bastards 2Rat Bastard539
44.Bugs and BonesBugs and Bones538
45.The Immortal 2020Lights Out538
46.Aardvark1Hugh G. Wrekshun537
47.Bloodbath & BeyondBloodbath & Beyond537
49.Sirdrexl's StiffsSirDrexl537
50.Covfefe or cadaver?MarkMx536
51.Death RowCcantu902536
52.Doc & DJ--House Painting Is CheatingDoc & DJ536
53.From The Depths of the Chesapeake Vol. 4BillFromDaShore536
54.Olivia, it's time to gocarseycritter536
56.The List: 2020Lord Dickerson536
57.Are We Dead Yet?DEADMOM1960535
58.Get In The Box 2020darianwiccan535
59.Anarchy tastes like phoAnarchy and a biscuit534
61.Chilly Dead 1chillybilly534
62.Death comes for us alltowelielife534
63.Death March 21BCeltics534
65.Deej's 2020 Dead PeopleDEEJ534
66.That WAS Entertainment 2020Filmslave534
67.Bon SoirUSER01054533
68.Death March1BCeltics533
69.Do It Tomb Me One More TimeLefacebella533
70.Little Jiving On A Saturday NightDePressED533
71.Coffin BoogalooJamoke532
72.Doom From the Tombfromthetomb532
73.Flock of Geezers 2020kenthegreat532
74.Life is a warm short momentReaper Crew532
75.Chelsea MourningBea Hind531
76.Siesta Slackers RIPAAA Coffin Repair531
78.DePressED 05DePressED530
79.Spoiler Alert: Everyone Dies in the EndMichenley530
80.DGD Rides AgainDGD529
81.Doornail's Dead 2020TheDoornail529
83.Skunkhair 2020 #2Skunkhair 2013529
84.Skunkhair 2020 #3Skunkhair 2013529
85.Victory AND Death 2Shams529
86.Dark Bidding on the InternetJoanCrawfordsMakeupBag528
87.Death March 31BCeltics528
88.Oh Noes!!!!mommyster528
89.Star light, star bright, first star to croak tonight.Big Guy528
90.2020's clearly goneUSER00562527 dead?Dead Person Specialist, E527
92.John D. Smiley 1st Listjohndsmiley527
93.Mr Stiff's PicksMr. Stiffs527
94.Very Old Codgers, Sorry Commish!anarchess527
95.IAGO 2IAGO526
96.Killer TomatoesIndyHawk526
97.Dead in the WaterBwildered525
98.DePressED 10DePressED525
99.The B TeamThe Shadow525
100.Death Rattle Get OFF my lawn!!anarchess524
101.The Centenarian DecadeSilentcalvin523
102.You're Dead To MeThe Shadow522
103.Bring out yer deadMr Happy434
105.Older Than DirtNVRGVUP434
106.Petey Sez Bub-INancyD434
107.MrJeff2000's New Decade of Deteriorationmrjeff2000432
108.Death Rattle and RollCheckingOut431
109.Enough of you already 2Ccantu902431
110.Sal-n-BettsSal & Barb431
111.DEAD 2020FLACO300430
113.Susie Sicko 3Susie Sicko430
114.Are We Dead Yetgoodwin73429
115.Fettucine al DeadoMarkMx429
116.This is my listmeanguy429
117.IAGO 3IAGO428
118.Old Cold Bold DeadRastafarian Mormon428
119.You're Outta Hereslider1964428
120.90 Is The New DeadDr Drunk427
121.Badger K: My wife Lanna says DIEDJ Badger427
122.Death by TelevisionJanisdoll427
123.Mr. Blake's Fairer SexMr. Blake427
125.Of Corpse your Dead 1Shoeguy427
126.Ruck 2020USER00186427
128.Buck & MichelleBuck426
129.Cheryls sleepersEuro-trash426
130.Live and Let DieRickSaturday426
132.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail426
133.Yeah, That's A Shame 1BodyFarmBound426
134.Bob Barker, Come On Down!!!Andrew Edling425
135.Dean Of The Dead 2020DeanOfTheDead425
136.Ghoul Girl IIGhoul Girl425
137.No Sideline HeatersGaelFC425
138.Petey Keeps Tryin'NancyD425
139.THIS is JeopardyMargo Channing425
141.DC DoomMeg128424
143.Anarchy's spirit animal is Kate BushAnarchy and a biscuit422
144.CHICKEN AT TRESKY'S # 1Chicken at Tresky's422
145.Live Free or DieRobin421
146.Ghoul Girl IIIGhoul Girl420
149.Zsigmond FolliesGhoulash415
150.I never thought it would end this way, gunned down by Santa Claus.PIxiaq327
152.I Got A Place to Stay in Vegas, Baby!FroggyB326
153.Farts of the ArtsRoquefort325
154.grimey reaper 1grimyreaper325
155.Just Die AlreadyDr Drunk325
156.Jalepeno Mouthtkdmel324
157.My liver can't handle Trump much longer!!!Joker324
158.Damn Near Dead IIBada Bing323
159.Doctor of Death 2the doctor of death323
160.PolKat 1PolKat323
161.Well nobody died, did they? #2Archangel323
162.Deadbeats Not Related To MeEllexxxx322
163.Spelled D.E.A.D. 2020Dead Person Specialist, E322
164.The Walking DeadJerri Blank322
167.CHICKEN AT TRESKY'S # 2Chicken at Tresky's319
168.CHICKEN AT TRESKY'S #3Chicken at Tresky's319
169.Flock of Geezers 2020 Deuxkenthegreat319
170.Going to hell if they go to hell.gcotts319
171.grimey reaper 3grimyreaper319
172.Oh noes!mommyster319
173.Tell Fredo to Drive the Big CarFrankie Pentangeli319
174.At The TollboothFredo let's go fishing318
175.Anarchy never was a cornflake girlAnarchy and a biscuit317
176.Daisey Pusherssquidly766317
177.Dead AheadBwildered317
178.Goota Go - T3TeamTrautz317
179.Oh Noes!!!mommyster316
181.Breast mode KobbemanMaryjo80314
182.La Muerte Pay the FerrymanLaMuerte314
183.Saw The Light #1SAW THE LIGHT314
184.Silver Medalist in the Underground LugeMcPutt314
185.The Wallaye KillerThedudescrew314
186.Team Formalin Just Raking The Forestanarchess313
187.The Good Die Young XTimur312
188.Lady LuckYoungFreund219
189.Ten funerals 2Jerrytopdown217
190.Toodles...Ded Yet??217
191.Beelzebruh- Another decade of deathunit13215
193.Dead RightBwildered213
194.One dog goes one way and one goes the otherPrincess Tessa213
197.The Dead Speak!Two Worlds212
198.You mean they aren't dead?blaum1211
199.all out of hindsight jokesmirandate210
200.I Was MisinformedFredo let's go fishing29
201.Old People 1SatiricalAlexandria29
202.Anarchy Takes Much PracticesAnarchy and a biscuit28
203.What Is That Smell?Fred’s28
204.Knock, Knock Knocking on Death's DoorDead and Loving It27
205.Vadnelly VoodoosVadnelly Voodoos25
206.OK BOOMERrazorben23
207.Dying to Get Into 2020ICDeadPPl110
208.Danger, Danger, Will RobinsonMargo Channing19
209.JOJO'S LIST 2020Meo19
210.Kill 'Em All, Let Xenu Sort 'Em OutDr Drunk16
212.MATTOID - The LongshotsThe Mattoid14
213.Old NewsFound Down14
214.Buh Bye 20 03TenPaces13
215.Death Pool Gambler 3Death pool gambler00


Guess the Stiff!

He spent the first half of his life doing drugs, riding motorcycles, and bodybuilding. He spent the second part writing books about the brain and getting movies made about him. We would have stuck with the first part.

(d) August 30th, 2015