Kim Jong-il has been played on 453 lists, including 177 lists in The 2011 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.There Is No LeadDePressED731
2.Dirt NappersTaugh632
3.Ivy Cliff Memorial 2011-Chodag21378632
4.Girls Kick Butt 2oregontrail535
5.Despite All My Rage, I am still just a Rat in a CageDGD534
6.Soul HuntersHunterbeer533
7.Amigos de los MuertosKaokomonkey532
8.-ty-alan smithee531
9.Your mother was a hamster & your father smelt of elderberries.DGD530
10.You'll Put Your Eye Out, Kid!DGD529
11.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 3Joker527
12.Mary Tyler Morgue's Kick The Bucket ListMary Tyler Morgue527
13.Feasting Maggots 1Feasting Maggots523
14.yeah yeah buh bye 6yeah yeah buh bye521
15.Death Soup: Perfection!MJ and Friends520
16.Girls Kick Butt 3oregontrail430
17.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: OuttakesFTG429
19.YCB's list - What could happen to an Old FashionPezintree428
20.March Of The MaggotsMarch Of The Maggots426
21.Oregon, My OregonGhost of Stiffs Past426
22.Sorry Twins FansRD02426
23.Ethnic Cleansing 3hop1962424
24.Feasting Maggots 5Feasting Maggots424
25.Its about timeGlove Liberty424
26.And now, for my next impression, Jessie Owens!DGD423
27.Feasting Maggots 6Feasting Maggots423
28.Heaven in '11The Coroner423
29.Justin Hale 07USER01531423
30.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 2Joker423
31.Rat Bastards 1Rat Bastard423
32.Trying to prove '05 & '06 weren't flukes... and failing.DGD423
33.Cancer is Your FriendExit Stage Four422
34.Feasting Maggots 2Feasting Maggots422
35.Feasting Maggots 3Feasting Maggots422
36.Feasting Maggots 4Feasting Maggots422
37.Andrew Knaufaknauf421
38.chemo-brain's lindy losers 2chemobrain420
39.Die. I need the money.fromthetomb420
40.Ghoul Girl IIGhoul Girl420
41.grave matthew's bandwildrush420
42.Kaokomonkey's Voodoo PalaceKaokomonkey420
43.Please_Save_My_IgThe Ig420
44.wish it weren't truemost men are shallow420
45.NVN: Wilford Brimley in a tutuNo Viagra Needed418
46.A Third List For My BuckRD02416
47.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 7EdRulz416
48.In The DeathroomMr. Redrum416
49.Oh_No_My_Ig_Is_GoneThe Ig416
50.Justin Hale 03USER01531415
51.yeah yeah buh bye 8yeah yeah buh bye415
52.Fade to Black IVFade to Black324
53.It's About Time5TH HORESMAN324
54.DNA (Definitely Not Alive)splittertogo323
55.Dirt Naps For Dollars 3FrankJac322
56.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: CounterplotFTG322
57.Beat the ReaperThe Reaper321
58.Diet of WormsFood for Worms321
59.DNR/DNI 3Nurseboy321
60.Just Kickin' It!JLM211wx (Just Kickin It!321
61.Marked For TermiNeyTion 2011TermiNeyTor321
63.MJ Lives!MJ Lives320
64.MJ Lives! IIIMJ Lives320
65.Odd FellowsPHALEX320
66.Team Formalin II: You Won't Escape This Time, Biggsy!anarchess320
67.Lucky's list - Dear Abby, DROP DEAD!Pezintree319
68.Smoke n mirrorsTheOriginalDub319
69.DNR/DNI 2Nurseboy318
70.GGB RETDigger O Dell 10318
71.Rigor IIRigor318
72.Seriously, who the fuck is Bill Shamblin?DGD318
73.AARP Happens 3shorty7ft317
75.Death Rattle: Bright, Shiny Deathmasksanarchess317
76.Doc & DJ--I Must Be In The Front RowDoc & DJ317
77.Last Minute Thoughts of the 2011 ArmageddonRastafarian Mormon317
78.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 1Joker317
79.Always look on the bright side of deathAngel of Death316
80.Everything's Deader in TexasBluelena316
81.Ima GonerUncle Stiffy316
82.Went to Toastie Heaven in '11RottenToast316
83.Kings, Queens and in-betweens!dead presidents315
84.MJ Lives! IIMJ Lives315
85.Yeah yeah buh byeyeah yeah buh bye315
87.Going for a (Final) NapFireMutt35314
89.WHAYNE 2011 LIST 1USER02593313
90.WOW ListDrunky Dead List313
91.all work and low pay is going to hell after thisAllworkandlowpay312
92.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2011calvey312
93.DNR/DNI 1Nurseboy311
94.Lilsqueaky's Non-Squeakerslilsqueakyone311
95.Suit's list - Zsa Zsa NoMorePezintree311
96.Cool Irish Dude 4Cool Irish Dude310
97.dingyme first38
98.Oprah's VaginaStink Finger for Christ38
99.Ready Steady DeadyThe Gilberator36
101.Corpses of Fame 4 - The Final Chapterculwin219
102.Better Off DeadHugh G. Wrekshun217
103.chemobrain's lindy losers leftoverschemobrain217
105.Are We Dead Yet 2?goodwin73216
106.Good Mourning!!splittertogo215
107.I mainly design slaughterhouses..splittertogo215
108.Loki IIILoki215
109.Lots o' sick bastards IIIBJCx78215
110.NJM - D Bags We HateNJMCW215
113.Death Soup: Stand, It's M'LiverMJ and Friends213
114.FreakDr Drunk213
115.Killer Advocate Part Deuxlaptoplg213
117.tits upalex vincent213
118.2011: A Dead OdysseyDickClark's sexy baritone212
119.cryptkicker 2Cryptkickers Inc.212
120.part of bjcmdale212
121.September MournRadler212
122.The Baker’s Dozen A Dead Pool Speculation for 2011 From The Minds Of CatMan & The CatCave PosseCatMan212
123.Fade to Black IIFade to Black211
124.Oh, That's sad...wait, who?The Gilberator211
125.And Now Your DeadKooterVP210
126.Drop Dead GorgeousDrop Dead Gorgeous210
128.JCudds 3JCudds210
129.MsWhatsit's Four to Go ListMsWhatsit210
130.2011, will they go to heaven?peopleselbow29
131.80's Icons Who Should Be Dead by NowRastafarian Mormon29
132.Birdman 7Bird29
133.home to jesusbjaskols29
134.Lite My PyreDr. Doom29
135.On Death's Doorstepbjaskols29
136.please DIE!!cristalblu29
137.Are We Dead Yet?goodwin7328
138.cryptkicker 1Cryptkickers Inc.28
139.Hoping Kim Jong is ILLBird28
140.Out with the old...Politikil28
141.Birdman 4Bird27
142.The RavenLaurencedemedici27
144.No Viagra NeededNo Viagra Needed26
145.Pookie's Stiffs #3Pookie's Stiffs26
146.Bye Bye RobertaBird25
147.Goulart Death List 3Chris Goulart24
148.Help_My_IgThe Ig24
150.Corpses of Fame V - The Clone Warsculwin110
151.Shits and GigglesUSER02609110
152.Shooting Fatealiveandkicking110
153.Some nice and not so nice peoplesureiscoldinhere110
154.Chicken at Tresky's #2Chicken at Tresky's19
155.Fade to BlackFade to Black19
156.Tsuga - Dark Star CrashesTsuga19
157.Fade to Black 3Fade to Black18
158.Steve's Comedy Store Listsrazz2318
159.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: BarqueroFTG17
161.Death Becomes Themzabac1016
162.Death to DickDeckhawk16
163.JMD - Shelve before '12Mr Wonderful16
164.Angel of Death ListJennifervs15
165.One foot in the grave, other in my wife's analDeathAlert15
166.The Answer is FishTrumpSoon15
167.bad KarmaKgent14
168.Digger's Doomsdaydexlee14
169.Johnny Dare Morning Show #1Bird14
170.My First DeadpoolUtica Dave14
171.Potts, Kitchen, & BaconMarkMx14
172.Nancy Pelosi Sucks OneCrock of Pelosi13
173.Colleen's Crystal BallColFitz6812
174.Ranger275's All Political PoolRanger27512
175.Really going to hell (And most of the people on this list will be there)Allworkandlowpay12
176.La Muerte Politically IncorrectLaMuerte11
177.My Spicy HelmetGuessWhosComingForAnal11


Guess the Stiff!

Ol' Shit-for-brains is going to be the last one left, isn't he?

(d) August 8th, 2001