Herman Wouk has been played on 2101 lists, including 209 lists in The 2014 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Fade to Black VIFade to Black636
2.Famous Fossils IIHugh G. Wrekshun536
3.A Bunch of Old FartsDr. Who533
5.Oldies but GoodiesTenPaces532
6.Satan's Waitin'Barker J. Wagtail532
7.winds of warBird528
8.Lights Out 1Joker527
9.Don't use the Heimlich on my stiffsDeathGift525
10.CoffinRattler-The Ancientcoffinrattler524
11.Drop Dead 1Drop Dead524
12.MeteorologySunshine Up My Skirt524
13.whole lamotta shaking going onBird522
14.Fill In My Toe Tag ( That Tickles ! ! ! )Dick Rotten433
15.Joined the Choir Invisiblesplittertogo432
16.Beat the Reaper IIIThe Reaper431
17.IAGO 1IAGO431
19.Lateful deaddisplayname007430
20.Beat the ReaperThe Reaper429
21.Brooklyn AmericansBigsunset1967429
22.The Final ReposeNick ‘n Beth429
23.Cemetery Girls 3Cemetery Girls428
24.Expiration Date 12/31/13Pokey22428
26.Centenarians: Gotta Love 'emRoquefort427
27.IAGO 3IAGO427
28.You Can Run But You Can't HideRottenToast427
29.Everything's PoliticalJinxed426
30.Fade to Black IVFade to Black426
31.Wet Heave - 2Rus253426
32.Potts Kitchen & BaconMarkMx425
33.Bob Dole, In a holeDeathGift423
34.BRUTESQUAD - OLDbrutesquad64422
35.Fade to BlackFade to Black422
36.Naha Assassins1BCeltics422
37.Bought the East Hill Farmsplittertogo421
38.Cash from Cancer: Roberto MalignantCash From Cancer421
39.The last good-byeMinnow9001421
41.Find Out What He's Got Under His FingernailsFrankie Pentangeli420
42.If Tomorrow Never ComesSal & Barb420
43.Cash from Cancer: Life is Beautiful, Death is ProfitableCash From Cancer419
44.Birdman - Sick of Typing Zsa ZsaBird418
45.Hungarian Ghoul-lash for 2000, Alex...DGD418
46.HERE'S JOHNNY!!!T-Rex417
47.Walking deaddisplayname007416
49.There Is No EliteDePressED414
50.27 Club: Read My Lips...1000_Ways413
51.Fade to Black 2Fade to Black327
53.Rat Bastards 2Rat Bastard327
54.tic tag toeroderner326
55.That WAS Entertainment 2014cFilmslave325
56.Worm Food HelperT-Rex325
57.Fade to Black VFade to Black324
58.Reap 'Em & Weep #2USER00557324
59.Toe Tagger MoreWallbanger324
60.IAGO 2IAGO323
61.Sharpen the trochar,, it's gonna be busyFry's Crematorium323
62.Die Die, Run Run!USER00353322
63.connies boyme first321
64.Googuse has a Possegooguse321
65.Ready for BedJinxed321
68.God, Take two and call me in the morningMama Chobe320
69.Hardanger is deadHardanger Dies Today320
71.This Is The End My Friendcleves place320
72.Boston BootleggersBigsunset1967319
73.Death By Pinocle 2014 # 1oregontrail319
75.something to bereave inBird319
76.Victory AND Death 4Shams319
77.DePressED 09DePressED318
78.Did She Pass?lucky punk318
79.Die Easy With a Vengeanceshroom318
81.Live dead IIFrau schadenfreude318
83.Over 90FrogSoda318
84.Ten Funerals I 2014Jerrytopdown318
85.Venus LovemotionDePressED318
86.Zsa Zsa Must Go...Deckhawk318
87.A Wife Finds This Offensiveknkaustin317
88.Death Soup: Turn Me On, Dead ManMJ and Friends317
89.DIE Zsa Zsa!T-Rex317
90.From Stage Robber to Grave RobberEradicator317
91.Stiff, bereft of life.. if you had't nailed him to the perch..splittertogo317
92.Death Soup: Death Watch BeatlesMJ and Friends316
93.Heywood Jablome XIIIUSER00119316
94.McMurdo 2014.1McMurdoMan316
97.Thin iceDead Eye Jack315
98.Are We Dead Yet 002goodwin73314
99.Better you than meStooge314
100.What a friend we have in cheeses!tkdmel314
101.Chicken at Tresky's 1Chicken at Tresky's313
102.MausoleakumUncle Stiffy313
103.Long Live the New FleshYellowbeard312
104.Past the StandsHOOFBEATS312
105.2014 is the year that ZSA ZSA bites itbridgy311
106.27 Club: Bob and George or Angel Harpers1000_Ways311
107.Die Billy Graham, Dielittlejohn1954310
109.Sharpen the trochar, 2Fry's Crematorium310
110.A fool and his moneyVaGentry39
111.List for sake of a listDeathGift219
112.Live deadFrau schadenfreude219
113.Hope I'm wrongK6lly218
114.WE HAVE A PIPER DOWN! 2dryden2911218
115.When Life Gives You Old People, Throw a FuneralEvil Lemons218
116.Don't come around here no more.The rebel.217
117.Old people gotta die sometime 2The Ig217
118.Canaries in a CoalmineCanaries in a coalmine216
119.CHAD - Silver Nickels & Golden DimesCHAD216
120.It's a wonderful life if you're not deadfireflyt216
121.Die DieTwilight is Near215
122.Kino Der Toten 1Toe Tagged Luminary215
123.Worm FoodiesDave215
124.its another trappBird214
125.This is how rumors get started 2014 - 1USER02248214
126.Cash from Cancer: Buddy Ryan O'NealCash From Cancer213
127.Death Be Not Proud VTimur213
128.Helen of Troy AikmanDiamondToothGertie213
129.may or may not workBird213
130.!!! infirmtitan360212
131.Beat the Reaper IIThe Reaper212
132.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit or What's That Smell?FrankJac212
133.Donne In!splittertogo212
135.No Theme, No Malice, Just Likely to Die This Yearhumanmeal212
136.Pile of Stinks 2014mommyster212
137.Digger O Dell 9Digger O Dell 10211
138.Float like you're mummified...DGD211
139.Good to godel bird211
140.grimyreaper 1grimyreaper211
141.Oh well the list was "free"moribundus210
142.Pundertaker: Boys' Night OutThe Pundertaker210
143.Dirt DiggersIndyHawk29
144.list 2Donkey Sausage29
145.Old mutha bleepersDeathGift29
146.Cash from Cancer: I'm your private cancerCash From Cancer28
147.SirDrexl's StiffsSirDrexl28
148.Googuse Gacksgooguse27
150.Petey's Hot Dog XNancyD27
151.Really, really old peopleCosmo Underground26
152.philly hit listtoddieboy24
153.Carpenter's dead your turn GlennTwilight is Near110
154.Come on I Wanna see Em in a Mausoleum 2EdRulz110
155.Dick_Trickles--Time to go Fideldigginsjp110
156.LA LISTE DE MEO 2014Meo110
157.The Grim Reaper's "To Do List"March Of The Maggots110
159.Cartman- The LeftoversCARTMAN19
160.CHAD - The Penis ChroniclesCHAD19
161.Fettucine al DeadoMarkMx19
162.Go to the lightThe rebel.19
163.grimyreaper 3grimyreaper19
164.Nietzsche's Pietzsche's IIFredNietzsche19
165.Plan #4557 How to pay off Student Loan DebtEvil Lemons19
166.The Return of the Cooter Croakerstom690419
167.Trout's Dead Fish IIITrout19
168.Bring It On: Here Kitty Kitty KittyDEATH DEMON18
169.Cemetery Girls 2Cemetery Girls18
170.Circle of DeathRcktManIL18
171.Die Over Easyshroom18
172.Old ones gotta go sometime!The Ig18
173.This is the year 2JMann88018
174.Bob Barker Come On Downtrashking17
175.Cash from Cancer: How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough?Cash From Cancer17
176.Cemetery Girls 6Cemetery Girls17
177.La Muerte 1LaMuerte16
178.McMurdo 2014.4McMurdoMan16
179.Of Corpse You're Dead 1Shoeguy16
181.Cash from Cancer: pushin' up Rhododendrons with RhodaCash From Cancer15
182.Ethnic Cleansing 2hop196215
183.Pile of Stinks 2 2014mommyster15
184.Rigor 1Rigor 115
185.Bag and tag please.Big Guy14
186.Cash from Cancer: Music Box CancerCash From Cancer14
187.Die Me To The MoonPoodle14
188.Old people gotta go sometime 3The Ig14
189.Win one for the wallet!razorben14
190.DNR/DNI 3Nurseboy13
191.Of Corpse You're Dead 8Shoeguy13
192.oops forgot a fewbjaskols13
193.To the Multiverse and Beyond!urbscholar13
194.List 6Donkey Sausage12
195.Rip 2014Carolb12
196.Azabache 2014azabachenegro11
197.Betsy's Bodies 1Betsy11
198.House Of Soon To Be With The Lordhop196211
199.Insert Clever List Name HereGregDean11
200.Pookie's Stiffs #4Pookie's Stiffs11
201.Toe Tagger TooWallbanger11
202.Did Anyone Else Immediately Think of Sonny Bono?Number1User00
203.Dirt Bag Three 2014Blondemarvel00
204.DNR/DNI 1Nurseboy00
205.down and out 22Comeonallready00
206.Jason List 3Bengals31100
207.Kino Der Toten 3Toe Tagged Luminary00
208.Miracle Grow Secret IngredientEvil Lemons00
209.The Dead Answer KeyFroggyB00


Guess the Stiff!

Fuckin' smartypants.

(d) May 20th, 2002